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niceeee one
epistimistavrou6 March 2023
"Black Panther" follows some typical superhero plot points, but it does make a few changes along the way. Perhaps the biggest is in how the villain is represented. He doesn't really play a big part until close to an hour into the film. Until then, we are entertained by a more minor villain named Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis). There are several stabs at humor (not unusual for a Marvel flick), and thankfully the jokes are very good-natured and funny.

Speaking of the villain, he's one of the most interesting villains Marvel's put together. He's given interesting reasons behind taking over Wakanda. Michael B. Jordan gives an energetic performance that adds a layer or two more than what you might expect a villain to have. As for Boseman, he aptly provides the heart and soul of the strong but gentle-hearted character. Lupita N'yongo gives a memorable performance as the kind Nakia. Movie fans and "Lord of the Rings"/"Hobbit" fans, may be excited to see Martin Freeman (reprising from "Civil War") and Serkis together again in an interesting scene. There are a lot of characters to keep up with, however. This makes veteran actors such as Angela Bassett and Forest Whitaker have less screentime than people might have hoped for.

Ludwig Gorannson's score cleverly mixes African beats with some orchestral pieces. The production design and costume design carry bits and pieces of originality and uniqueness. The visual effects, like most superhero movies, are impressive, but sometimes over-the-top. The action sequences are exciting, but the camera work is a bit shaky in places.

As for the usual Marvel elements, Stan Lee's cameo doesn't disappoint. And the second post-credits scene is worth waiting for.
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Good movie but completely overrated
jkmarin-0343127 January 2019
Although this is a really good movie, it has amazing costumes, they really got the essence of a African cultures, the cast, in general, did a good job, it still had some problems, including, special effects, character development, wasting such an actor as forest Whitaker and a really common narrative superheroe story. In general, this movie is fine, as I have stated earlier, but the truth is that the professional critics have judge this movie for the wrong reasons, they have let their political interests overshadow their ability to rate a movie the way it's supposed to be.

In conclusion, this movie is completely overrated, also, definitely not the best movie of the year, not even in the top ten, not even the best movie of superheroes of this year and even though the academy nominated it for best picture it is still overrated. If you want to watch a really good superheroe movie and a really good movie in general I suggest The Dark Knight not Black panther.
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Confused by the hate
aclaurence10 June 2018
I'd heard this movie was good and finally got around to watching it. When it was done I looked on IMDB and saw hundreds of 1 and 2 star reviews that I can only fathom were written by people who would hate anything with an almost entirely black cast that focused on a fictional or real African culture, or dislike seeing empowered women characters. Was it my favorite in the MCU? No. Are there people who give it 10 stars just because of the all black cast? Maybe. But 1 Star? Please. That's just Alt-Right spamming. It's a good contribution to the overarching MCU storyline. Worth watching.
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Doesn't quite reign king
TheLittleSongbird5 March 2018
Wanted to see 'Black Panther' for a while, one of my most anticipated films of this early half of 2018 and as somebody who likes to loves most of Marvel's films. The idea was interesting as was what the film was hyped up to be, the trailer looked great and the high ratings and critical acclaim promised even more.

My thoughts were that 'Black Panther' was a decent and intriguing film with a lot of very well done to great elements, but it didn't blow me away and left me disappointed after the hype. As indicated, far from hated it, didn't love it. Actually saw 'Black Panther' on opening weekend in a sold out showing (it was touch and go as to whether a ticket could be gotten), but had to properly form my thoughts for a while and was nervous seeing the very divisive IMDb reaction and the condescension on both sides (mostly negative), which has slightly died down since to feel less nervous.

Starting with the good/great things, 'Black Panther' is mostly impressive visually. The special effects were variable, but there were some spectacular ones, while it's beautifully and stylishly shot, slickly edited and sumptuously costumed. It's the extraordinary production design that was most note-worthy. Loved the use of technology, which was really cool. The music has the right amount of haunting intensity, energy, dignity and pathos, so a fine score on its own but not always utilised right in the film, a few ill-fitting moments mood-wise.

Much of the action is exciting, though there could have been more, and there is a good deal of thought-provoking script-writing with some nicely injected humour. One is immersed in the world of Wakanda, which is a fascinating world in thematic terms. The story does grip once it gets going and doesn't feel as confused and jumpy, with timeline and location changes needing to be clearer, like it did to begin with and a lot of it even when turning our everyday struggles on their heads is surprisingly relevant.

Personally thought that much of the acting was good, with a very charismatic lead performance from Chadwick Boseman, Michael B. Jordan bringing a self-loathing conflicted edge and swagger to Killmonger and Andy Serkis relishing his role with aplomb. The women are just as good, with a dignified Lupita Nyong'o, regal, no-nonsense and feisty Danai Gurira and particularly a funny and endearing Letitia Wright. While his role is small, Daniel Kaluuya is great fun in it. Direction is above competent, if not innovative, and really appreciated the film making Killmonger more than the standard Marvel villain, here one with questionable personal motives but one where one can see his point of view and empathise. Although his actions are inconsistent and don't always make sense and he could have been more threatening, generally he is one of the better Marvel villains and the most developed character in a film too full of stock ones (the titular character being the other exception).

'Black Panther' has faults however. Most of the characters are stock and clichéd, while some of the first half is too talky, the film is a little slow-going and confused to start with and some of the political elements are laid on too thick. Adding to the general feel that, even with the splashes of humour, the film takes itself too seriously and with the amount of predictability it has doesn't do enough new with a novel concept.

There are exceptions to the cast. Forrest Whittaker is wasted as a non-developed character with too short screen time, on top of the scene being rushed his final scene has no impact as a result. Martin Freeman is too fish out of water as well.

Although some of the effects are spectacular, others are very ropy. Especially in the final action scene between Black Panther and Killmonger which resembled a very early days/years video game. That scene also felt rushed, sometimes vaguely choreographed and anti-climactic, though the whole climax felt over-stuffed and too busy.

Overall, decent and interesting but was expecting more. Personally don't think it's the best Marvel film, while a long way from bad let alone terrible, for me it's one of the weaker ones. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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RIP Mr. Boseman
zmir81329 August 2020
The King has now rested. Don't know how I will relay this news to my kids. Especially my daughter, she loved Black Panther so much. Great talented cast. On a comic book level, this movie was very worthy. That's what we wanted especially when it comes to Marvel. Chadwick Boseman will always be King T'Challa. Will be hard to replace him. Wakanda forever!
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Sadly Over-hyped
collen-xathi18 February 2018
Black Panther has got people throbbing, some saying it gave rise to Africa in the MCU. Critic's seem to all love it... reviews have been rave, even before the movie actually opened in Theaters.

I found it funny, touching, strong as well as weak at some points... I do have to say that it has been over-hyped. It's not as good as Age of Ultron, and many of MCU releases. It didn't have a true villain we grew hatred for, Killmonger was just some angry kid to be honest.

The women, do pick it up though, I'd hang a few but all of them did this movie good. Their roles infused well with the plot, and none of them disappointed me.

To be honest with everyone else, I'd pretty much say that (as a black person) we loved Black Panther for it's cast and setting... Culturally - Black Panther is one of the greatest film's ever made, but Critically - It doesn't really deserve the universal acclaim. 7/10
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Long Live the King
TheFirstExecutioner19 February 2018
Black Panther, directed by Ryan Coogler, tells the story of the new King T'Challa of Wakanda who must learn to handle the responsibilities of this title. Chadwick Boseman reprises his role as the Black Panther and goes up against his nemesis Killmonger, played by Michael B. Jordan.

Pros: Coogler has already proven himself to be an excellent director after movies like Fruitvale Station and Creed (both starring Jordan), but he showcases his full talents in Black Panther when given a huge budget to work with. The movie looks beautiful with bright lush colors. The soundtrack and musical score are also very good. At its heart, the movie's message is very profound and relevant to real world politics.

As expected, Boseman is awesome as T'Challa. His character goes through so much and his development throughout is handled perfectly. The best scenes of this movie are when he has to look within himself to find answers when the people he always trusted let him down. The cast in general has very good chemistry. T'Challa's relationship with his sister Shuri (Letiitia Wright) is very funny and it's easy to buy them as siblings. His relationship with his love Nakia (Lupita Nyong'o) is even better. It would be criminal not to mention Danai Gurira and what she gives this movie from an action standpoint. Michael B. Jordan as Erik Killmonger is without a doubt the best villain the MCU has presented so far. His motivations are so clear and his ideology directly challenges T'Challa's. He is physically and psychologically the perfect adversary for Black Panther.

Cons: The pacing of the movie is a bit odd. It moves pretty quickly until everything comes to a head at the very end. More time should have been spent in between to flesh out the side characters and let the emotions sink in. In addition, the action scenes are not among Marvel's best. The last battle between Panther and Killmonger in particular is pretty disappointing in all honesty. The CGI felt unfinished and they could have been cut together better.

Overall, Black Panther is a triumph for the MCU and its societal connotations. This is, in my opinion, the best origin movie that Marvel has made because of its amazing hero, great cast of role characters, and truly menacing villain.

Black Panther gets an A.
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An average and typical Marvel film
vdmakwana17 February 2018
97% Rotten Tomatoes. Really? Critics have gone mad or been paid a descent amount of money.

It has no special story, and the plot is totally predictable. Colors and visuals are the only gorgeous parts of this film. I felt cheated after how amazingly Black Panther was shown in Civil War.

It has been released in 3D but there are merely a few shots that felt good in 3D.

Overall acting is okay; no actor leaves their mark on your mind. And as always, this Marvel movie too suffers with the villain deficiency syndrome.

6 out of 10 from me, that's it.
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Great addition to the MCU.
universe170118 February 2018
A great addition to the MCU. Great acting, beautiful visuals and some intense action. First impressive thing I noticed was its rich attention to detail in world building and its characters. My only criticism, I would have like to have seen more of the Killmonger character, as I feel they didn't go far enough with him. Over-all, this is a fun and enjoyable movie with action, comedy, drama. There are some complex social political overtones mixed in, but it never feels heavy handed, and I feel that the over-all message is positive for humanity as a whole. If this type of movie isn't your cup of tea, fair enough, but if you are on the fence about watching due to pre-conceived notions about its content and message, I would recommend you give it a try, and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
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Not as interest
Floated25 April 2019
Having seen the overwhelming critic reviews and overall success and accolades that this film has received, the hype for this Black Panther film was at a height that rarely many superhero films (even films of any genre)have amassed.

This film is visually stunning, with great direction, and overall acting. Likable rooting characters but in general, there was a lack of interest. The story line felt as if we have seen before. The plot isn't quite as refreshing or unique as originally thought, and at times was somewhat boring.

We can see as to how and why many people have considered this film to be overrated and not nearly as great as its critics are founding over. Perhaps this is one of those films where we need to have interest in the culture and overall character landmark to fully feel connected. In the end, one was left disappointed.
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A very creative take on the Superhero genre.
gss220 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, it has its own political orientation. Yes, you have seen parts of this movie before. Yes, there is a whole lot of CGI in this film. If you like Superhero movies (and I'm underwhelmed by most of them), you'll probably like Black Panther.

The cast is first rate and pulls it off. I liked the leader of the Gorilla tribe and his devotional praise of Hanuman, even if that particular mythological figure is more Indian than African. It was still a clever touch, and hopefully some schoolkid somewhere does his proverbial homework and looks that name up.

The visuals are generally good if not a little derivative of movies like Thor, The Avengers, or maybe even Star Wars: Episode One at the end. There's a lot of Wonderwoman, Batman, and even some Casino Royale thrown into the script. there's maybe even a passive resemblance to Elysium in some of this movie's themes. I feel like I've seen massive underground mines/dwellings in a lot of films over the years. However, the more movies you see, the more you see them in other movies. Eventually age catches up with all of us, and our taste in films sadly is not spared the blunting of memory to dilute the sensuous new. Alas, this movie is definitely made for children and teens.

Yes, the film is not perfect. Klaue dies way to early, much like another recent Andy Serkis character which will not be named here. I wish that the MCU would start using more practical effects in lieu of the expansive CGI that permeates these films. Christopher Nolan and Ridley Scott need to give these Feige and company a few pointers. I could have done without some of the Urban Street art that permeates the imagery of the film, especially in the lab and Wakandan street scenes. It just seemed out of place here to me but, overall, the artistic conception of this film is pretty solid.

In the end, it's a comic book movie and you'll ether like it or you won't. I liked it
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I like Black Panther, but I didn't like this movie.
srawrats17 February 2018
I really had high expectations going in, maybe too high, but at some point I thought the Black Panther was in the Fast and the Furious and then some typical heist movie. OK, I'm being harsh and I didn't hate it, just didn't like it, kinda blah. And all the talk about Marvels first black superhero, but as far as movies go lets not forget Blade. I have seen Blade a few times, and I think I like it better, a little bloody, but I liked Snipes in that role, he nailed it. You know what, maybe I'm just suddenly tired of these current Hollywood blockbusters.
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I liked it at first.
janmanuel221 October 2018
I am between a 5 and a 6 on this. It was vastly overrated by the professional reviewers. I am sure their reviews were politically motivated. I loved the cast but I agree that characters were superficial and not defined as they should have been. I also feel more humor was needed in the movie. This can't compare to other Marvel movies. It's a one shot deal for us. We don't need to hear any more preaching.
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Meh, highly overrated - not even close to "the best" Marvel movie
Top_Dawg_Critic14 February 2018
The cinematography of this film was just OK with some obvious bad CGI, and one would come to expect something better from a Marvel superhero film (as shown by the budget). The directing was fairly decent.

The story was ok, but nothing overly exciting. Way too much spotlight on the Black Panther conflict here. I feel the story would have been better told had there been another villain.

The acting also seemed either way too overboard for some of the characters, while others under-performed.

Nevertheless, enjoyable, but certainly not even close to "the best" Marvel movie. It's only a 6/10 from me.
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A little confusing
miacoop7 January 2021
I watch this twice and I've always found a bit confusing and interesting. I'll try to watch it again and grasp it. The fact that Chadwick Bozeman was fighting cancer whilst filming this just shows what a great actor he is. He should really get an award and I really want to like this movie just because of what he did..
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Wishful thinking / Broken ratings / Longread
kuarinofu19 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First, this movie has a lot of pointless scenes that achieve nothing, the museum scene with pointless covert operation ending up in killing everyone anyway, that's so not Silent Assassin. The 007 Bond casino scene was just there to establish the most worthless character in movie history - Everett K. Ross.

After the capture of Klaue (surprisingly surviving a horrible car crash), we get another pointless scene where Killmonger and his girlfriend re-capture Klaue just to kill him again for no reason. Killmonger never actually needed Klaue in the first place, so killing him was as pointless as freeing him out. Killmonger also kills his GF for no particular reason yet again. He could've easily get to Wakanda anyway since he has the royal tattoo (they also gave those to vampire servants in Blade).

Then Killmonger and Black Panther participate in previously established variety of local Mak'Gora (election process I guess). Black Panther fails miserably and the new stronger king takes the throne, the end, right? No. They actually want you to root for the most useless and impotent king ever. Killmonger then says something stupid about colonization and oppression, and decides to use the Vibranium weapons (produced solely by a 16 y.o. girl mastermind) to conquer the world. So he's like pro-anti-colonization or something, you tell me. Yet he is betrayed by his people (Okoye literally says she will stay loyal to the king and in 5 minutes betrays the new king) and they all happily participate in a civil war slaughter until Killmonger gets killed. Also love how they intercepted their own ships with their own people, just murdering them.

There was also some sort of brother betrayal, but it was so shallow and lacking motivation that it isn't really worth discussing. The brother (I think) wanted to have some more action and so he betrayed the king just to lower his weapons and suffer a life sentence afterwards. After slaughtering his own people, everything gets back to normal. And the king who solves all problems with violence decides to share his tech and knowledge to help the world. But not like the whole world, mostly African-american people in the US. I'm sure it's going to be pretty easy, since all technology in this world is done by one genius girl.

Then we get the first post-credit scene when BP visits the UN assembly and says that he is ready to share the knowledge with all the nations. I'm pretty sure that we already have a lot of knowledge on slaughtering each other in wars and even civil wars, so his knowledge is not going to make a great difference.

Summing it up, we get a weak impotent king to hold his throne. He never cared about anyone besides himself really, the fact that he suggests to heal Killmonger who killed Zuri just for lulz shows that he doesn't care. He never cares about his own people since he never hesitated on killing them personally. Just a little advice, if you wan't to have a good king character, ask Llane Wrynn how to rule.

Killmonger was driven by revenge at first, then his motivation turned into some uncertain political position about oppression, but in the end it seems that he just loved his country (but not the people, it seems). The scene where BP suggests that Killmonger can be saved and healed completely destroys all the rivalry and the motivation of both.

Anyway, Killmonger and Klaue were the best characters in the movie. The story was nonsense, they achieved nothing , BP leaned nothing and is still a worthless king and a bad leader. Was nice to see Serkis having a lot of fun in this movie, I love that guy and I'd love to see more of him (guess he's tired of playing CGI puppets...Gollum...Gollum).

I also loved all the wishful thinking in this movie, which is mostly based on the comic I guess. Advanced native African people with space technology saving the world? Any educated person would suggest you checking South Africa after 1994. Supporting the immigrants in the US? Come on, guys...

The good stuff: even though there were just 3 sets of Wakanda I still kinda loved it, the music choice was good, showing all that traditionalism, the nature. Killmonger's scene with his father was gold, I wish we had more dramatic scenes (it was well acted and well executed overall). The sister was kinda cool sometimes, being a more modern character and rejecting the old ways. Even though she's a little too much Mary Sue.

Yet the main reason why I still decided to write this is the reviews. This has to stop. And I'm not talking solely about RT 97% which is just ridiculous. It's like people are afraid to judge something impartially cause of getting shamed for being racist or something.

Also, this movie started with fair 7.1 on IMDB later to be loaded with >30% of 10 ratings eventually ending up in 7.9 (as of now, I'm sure it will only go up). I'm not saying that IMDB has something to do with this, but this rating surely does not reflect the quality of the movie.

Conclusion: don't trust ratings (nor RT or IMDB). If you like it - like it, if you don't - no need to be afraid to say that you didn't like it.

You know you've seen a good movie when you exit the theater with something changed inside, an emotion, a thought - BP is not such a movie.
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pantickatarina20 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
With so many superhero stories, we all know the story: there is a good guy and some bad guys, but the good guy wins. But, this move is actually different enough to be interesting and exciting. It is colorful (spoiler: I love the costumes at the waterfall challenge scene). I like the distribution of male and female characters (very refreshing!). The scenery is a combination of fantastic and international. Acting is good. Good movie!
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BlahBlah Panther
wendelao23 February 2018

Understandable Ultra Hyped Movie. You will enjoy the fun, the action and the dialogues sometimes, but overall is a Cinematographic nonsense. The best characters of the movie don't get enough screen-time, the average ones, get some time, and the awe full ones, will be present most of it.

It's a parallel world from other Marvel movies, so don't expect any similarities. Including CGI. It's overused and sometimes really bad.

I did not engaged with 99% of the characters including BP, that's too sad. I came out of the movie theatre with a weird feeling.

Conclusion: It was like ending in bed with the hottest guy/girl in the club, just to discovered that your ex was way better. Confusing.
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Definitely worth the watch!
gilbertjordan-3766019 February 2018
Masterful job by Ryan Coogler and cinematographer Rachel Morrison as well as the entire cast. People complaining of politics in this film are suffering from delusions of their own making. Its a movie about a fictional king in a fictional country. True Marvel fans will know that you can't tell the story of BP without the origins and practices of Wakanda. Anyway, Michael B. Jordan (No relation) plays the realest villain since Magneto. (Another character whose anger comes from a real place) Enjoyed Jordan in Creed and liked the character. Which made it hard to accept him as a bad guy. However he quickly made me change my mind as the menacing Killmonger. In short see the movie for what it is, another Marvel hit, this time with a different spin that will bring a new base of fans to the Marvel dynasty.
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Most overrated marvel movie ever!
liamml-8355312 August 2021
Just meh. Nothing special just an ever age superhero movie which for some reason people praise way too much. No idea why.
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Worth the hype!
mrjtmason20 February 2018
I have to say, after all the hoopla (which I was growing tired of), Black Panther ranks for me as one of the best action movies of all time, 2nd only to Return of the Jedi (don't judge me), and even one of the best dramas. Was surprised by so much of this sort of "anti-hype" criticism. I believe some used to the typical super hero flick of Today, simply want pulse-pounding action every minute, with a few wise-cracks thrown in, and maybe half-decent lines delivered. This is different, and that old formula is so tired and played at this point in the MCU. This story, the special effects, the intrigue, and the action were all superb. However, what was truly phenomenal was the acting by such a massive cast. This just doesn't happen in action, let alone super hero flicks, even today. Those who refuse to see it for the racial reason or know people like that. Tell them it really is just that good beyond the racial make-up, then tell them a White hero actually figures prominently in the end, so don't fret... ;-)
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Good, but not that good...
paul_haakonsen9 June 2018
With all the hype surrounding this movie, I must admit that I had expected something extraordinary.

However the "Black Panther" movie was not all as outstanding as it was cranked up to be. Don't get me wrong here, because I am not saying the movie is bad. Far from it as it was still rather enjoyable. It just wasn't outstanding amidst the many Marvel movies that flood the movie market.

The storyline in "Black Panther" was adequate, albeit somewhat generic and predictable.

The acting in the movie was good and they really had gotten together a great ensemble of actors and actresses to perform in the movie. Personally, then I was most impressed with Andy Serkis, and it was quite nice to see him in person and not doing blue-suit performances.

The action was fast paced and well-choreographed, which definitely added to the overall enjoyment of the movie.

This being a Marvel superhero movie, of course you expect a grand visual presentation of CGI. And let me just say that the CGI in the movie were great, as they always are in these Marvel superhero movies.

All in all, an entertaining enough movie. Although not among the top of superhero movies for me.
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I wish I enjoyed it like so many did, it just bored me.
Sleepin_Dragon5 April 2018
I feel so bad giving this film a poor rating, because I feel it's important for many reasons, socially, culturally, so important to finally see a principally black cast lead the way in the year's biggest movie event.

Dazzling special effects, great acting, but aside from that I couldn't say much in favour of the film, if I'm being totally honest it bored me throughout, I yawned the whole way through, as everything in this movie has been literally done to death, it lacked pace, it lacked energy, it was hard to stay engaged.

I saw it based on the many wonderful and positive reviews, maybe I was having an off day, it just bored me to tears. It's interesting, but all of the critics seemed to rave about it.

I want to give huge credit to Chadwick Boseman though, he was great here, what a brave man, RIP.

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Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
FabledGentleman14 February 2018
Well, i got to hand it to Marvel, though not always delivering great films, they manage to always stay on the right side of mediocre. I love the quality of their films, they more or less always look great, and in their films we constantly see great performances and witness memorable moments. But some of their films have stories and plots that can become somewhat predictable and washed down.

This is unfortunately the case with Black Panther, it is a really gorgeous film, and it has some good performances, but nothing like we saw in for example Thor Ragnarok, where Cate Blanchett and Jeff Goldblum delivered really memorable performances and are great villains, or Kurt Russel in Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2. This movie lacks a memorable villain like these.

But it's not Jordan's fault, he plays the part really well, and might be the one that delivers the best performance in the entire film. But the character he plays simply isn't all that interesting or deep, and combined with a plot that is quite predictable, there simply isn't all that much excitement to go around. No nerve in the core of the story, almost everything you expect will happen, does indeed happen.

But of course, the movie has it's moments, there are many scenes that are hands down great. And some action sequences are really well orchestrated, for example a long one shot action scene inside a casino, which was quite good. And there are plenty of short scenes that brings the giggles and puts a small break in the action scenes.

The strongest part of the film is the visuals, it's quite obvious this movie cost a lot of money, though DC managed to spend 300.000.000$ on Justice League, and that movie looks horrible. Maybe Marvel just know how to spend their money more efficiently. But i wished they could have come up with a better story for Wakanda, though they did manage to establish the soul of T'Challa, we now know him, his moral standpoints and his capabilities, which is exactly why i recommend you to see this film.

Though not by any means a perfect movie, far from it, it's still a worthy entry into the marvel universe, but don't expect any surprises, this is a straight forward film, but it's an important stepping stone before the majestic Infinity War enters theaters in about 2 months, which is not only the most expensive film ever made, but also the movie with most A list stars ever made. And it's nice to know all the character's that will face Thanos.

TL;DR - Great visuals, weak story, predictable plot, not very exiting villain.

6/10 - Fair
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WAKANDA FOREVER !!!!!!!!!!!!
sykes_iain19 February 2018
This film is amazing watched in imax 3d. I watch most comic book movies this way for the last ten years,black panther is on another level for a standalone film the action affects story pacing brilliant never bored once. I wanted to watch it straight away again the only better marvel movie is the original avengers and logan but that isn't really marvel. Trust me don't listen to all the haters and watch this film I'm going to watch it again and I haven't done that with a film since the matrix enough said long live the KING.
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