80 for Brady (2023) Poster


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Sweet Fluff to blow some time.
destiny_west17 March 2023
I was in one of those moods where I wanted to watch something, but I really didn't want to put must effort into what I was watching. I had seen 80 for Brady advertised, I love Sally Field, so I thought I would give it a go. I was not disappointed.

It is about 4 elderly women obsessed with American Football and Brady, who then decide to go to the Super Bowl. (Based loosely on a true story) I am not a huge fan of Jane Fonda) she is tolerable in this story, she always plays the same character in these films.

It was a fun, easy way to spend 90 minutes. There was a few laughs a long the way, it was enjoyable.
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There are only four reasons to watch this movie....
gee-1511 February 2023
And they are as follows: Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno and Sally Field. (Okay, if you like football, there will be a fifth: Tom Brady). This movie has the barest of plots (four ladies realize their dream to see the SuperBowl and their favorite player, Tom Brady). Some of the events that play out make no sense. (For example, when they dance their way into the SuperBowl. I'll be the first to say they dance better than I do but the crowd acts like they've just seen Cirque de Soleil not four old broads doing the frug.). But these four pros take thinly written characters and make them stand out. Sally Field is probably the funniest as the retired math professor who loves spouting statistics. Jane Fonda, who looks incredible, is sympathetic as the aging sexpot who really just wants to have a comfortable romance. Rita Moreno is great as a grieving widow with a penchant for gambling. And Lily Tomlin, as the de facto leader of the quartet, leaves the snark behind to play an ordinary woman with health issues that just wants to have one last fun trip with her friends. Check your brain at the door, accept that this is silly sentimental nonsense half the time and remember that this could be the last time we see any one of these great actresses.
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Unabashedly sweet
benjaminskylerhill3 February 2023
From the trailers, I was expecting this to be a very obnoxious, clunky movie. I'm happily surprised to have been mostly wrong about that.

Yes, it is often melodramatic. Yes, it has a plot as thin as rice paper. Yes, it's directed and edited in a way that looks like a cheap made-for-tv movie.

But I didn't care. Because what handily saves this movie is the chemistry between its four aged-yet-still-talented actresses. They embody their characters distinctly and charmingly, and from the first few scenes I was thoroughly convinced of the authenticity of their friendship.

Their dynamic carries this lighthearted experience and makes it an engaging, and often legitimately hilarious, one.
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Just Watch the Trailer
bbrebozo7 February 2023
If you've seen the trailer, don't bother seeing the movie. All the best moments in the movie are strung together in the trailer.

The four stars are great -- how could they not be? -- but the plot is just a series of loosely connected and poorly set-up situations that the various actresses stumble into. The repeated appearances of two amazingly unfunny disc jockeys slowed things down considerably.

If he puts his mind to it, Tom Brady can do anything, so I'm sure he'll be a great actor in about 10 or 20 years, if that's what he wants to dedicate himself to. But giving him an emotional soliloquy at the end of this movie, that would have been challenging even to an experienced actor, was beyond Brady's current acting limitations.

Very improbable plot, which I suppose I should have expected, except that they've repeatedly emphasized that this movie is "based on a true story." Yeah, maybe like the Wizard of Oz is based on my recent flight from Cleveland to San Antonio.

I'd welcome another movie by these four extremely talented and engaging actresses. But one that very talented writers, producers and directors have given some thought to.

Oh, and if you absolutely insist on going to see this movie, don't watch the trailer. It's worse when you've already seen the best jokes.
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I liked it
preppy-314 February 2023
Four elderly women (Rita Moreno, Jane Fonda, Sally Field, Lily Tomlin) who LOVE Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. They get four tickets to the Super Bowl and attend. The movie (based on a true story) follows their misadventures while attending.

Now it is funny and the four leads were just great...but it just wasn't that funny. I did laugh a few times and I applaud that there was no crude humor in this but it was so mild that it got frustrating. However it was great to see four wonderful actresses at work. Also it was great to see Harry Hamlin and some of the New England Patriots in small roles. So I do recommend it but it's so mild.
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asmittyinca15 June 2023
A friend said she thought this movie was hilarious, so I wanted to give it a try. I was hoping for an entertaining, quick movie. Quick.... YES thank goodness, but entertaining...not so much. I love these four women a lot, but this is just embarrassing. Jane Fonda in particular, (who I normally really like) is dressed and made up like she's in her 30's and it looks ridiculous. She is a beautiful woman, and doesn't need the wigs/makeup/clothes that were selected for her. All of that aside, it's just a really boring movie. I want my hour and 40 minutes back. I wish I had better to say, as I really like these women.
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What I Expected and More
simnel-341554 February 2023
I went into this movie expecting one thing, and got exactly what I wanted. A fun quick flick that's wholesome and quite funny. The four leading ladies all give great performances and play so well with the goofy tone of the film. It seems to know what it is and never takes itself to seriously. At times it felt like it was relying a bit to much on it's cameos, and in some cases there wasn't enough. I needed more Gronk! Tom Brady also seemed to prove himself as an okay actor. While I don't see a great acting career in his future, he does a lot better than many other athletes playing themselves on screen.

Overall the movie is just a good time. It's a bit cheesy, has a low budget feel, and doesn't give a whole lot of new things to the table, but is funny and still a good movie that deserves any love it gets.
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One of the cringiest movies I've ever witnessed
mancini199710 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cant believe this movie was made, went in with low expectations and came out with it being worse than I expected. The script was terrible and everything the actors did was cringey. The humor was completely dry and the actors put nothing into their roles, all the old ladies were basically just talking not even acting. Stupid "funny" scenes that were cringey like how does anyone feel an edible 20 seconds after eating it? Please stop. When they had to "dance" to get through security was killing me. There is an ending scene where the main old girl started talking to Tom Brady during the game giving her life story so he could win a play? Bro I was cringing so hard I had to close my ears and eyes for the duration of the movie because the cringe was so unbelievable.
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ts-000016 July 2023
I avoided this.. Now think to myself,why? In part not a huge football fan but that aside ended up really enjoying this,more than originally thought.

Was cast good & acting plus,cinematography decent.

Oh sure had clichés & all that,but did make you feel emotion.

I'm glad it wasn't over the top with moments,like watching one of them die or something.. The jerseys and everything was fun,which added to the whole vibe.

Although this was inspired on a true story,wonder how much was truth or Hollywood.

Is this worth seeing? Yes! Feel both women & mem can enjoy it. Sure not something might watch,again.(or)maybe will. :)
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80 for Brady, not bad
pdswagner-678309 July 2023
I didn't even want to watch this movie, but included in Prime. I don't know why the ratings are so poor. The movie is not a great movie, but cute! As a younger boomer, I grew up watching these ladies, especially Sally Field. It's so nice to see them alive and kicking! It's important to represent an older population in movies. I'm not a football fan, not even a fan of Tom Brady...and I live in New England! But I do love the ladies in the movie expressing a love of the game and Brady! Their enthusiasm is contagious! They have a common interest as friends. They might not have a lot of time left. How could you not root for them! Great cast of actors!
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Cute Movie, but Boring At Times
njamesgentry5 February 2023
While I absolutely love the cast, I'm not a sports fan; the characters only watch and discuss football, so I zoned out a few times. Sally Field was the standout in this film! She's smart, quirky and has very funny dialogue. It's a cute movie, but would've been better as a Netflix comedy. It does have some emotional depth as well; Lily Tomlin delivers a wonderful speech about how she came to admire Tom Brady, which will make you tear up. It's not just about sports, it's about friendships and how far you'll go for the people you love. Plus watching these incredible actors together will put a smile on your face!
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I don't know why this doesn't have higher ratings but damn 80 for Brady is so good!
UniqueParticle3 February 2023
I was the only young person in the audience earlier today, I'm 30 and still loved this so much! Despite any cheesiness if at all this movie is hilarious through most of it, heartwarming and very entertaining. I love how Sally Field is the only of the 4 leads that is 76 she's magnificent and so are the others Lilly Tomlin is among the best; all the old folks in the film have had outstanding careers over the years it's impressive they are have a lot of energy at their ages. No matter what people think of 80 for Brady it is pure fun entertainment for anyone and deserves at least above average ratings. Pretty much every scene is fun even when there's fails it is worth watching.
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Fun, even if you aren't a football fan
marg-789-1716612 December 2023
A fun, feel good movie and we aren't even football fans. All four of the leading ladies bring their special talent to their roles. However, Sally Fields and Rita Marino really shine. There are some amusing guest appearances as well. If you grew up watching these ladies in old movies as I did, it think you will find it especially charming to see that age doesn't have to mean you become boring. And for Rita Marino to be so active and lovely at 92 is an inspiration. I know nothing about football but still found the story to throroughly enjoyable especially when I found out it was based on a true story.
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Just watched '80 for Brady' and it's an absolute mess.
zanesavage22 February 2023
First of all, let me just say that "80 for Brady" is a load of garbage. It's a movie about four old ladies who go on a road trip to watch their hero Tom Brady play in the Super Bowl. The plot is predictable and lacks any kind of depth or complexity. The characters are one-dimensional and uninteresting, and the acting is mediocre at best.

The only saving grace of this movie is its star-studded cast, which includes Lily Tomlin, Jane Fonda, Rita Moreno, and Sally Field. However, even their talent can't save this train wreck of a movie.

The cinematography is unremarkable, and the direction lacks any kind of flair or creativity. The film's attempts at humor fall flat, and the so-called emotional moments are contrived and forced.

In conclusion, "80 for Brady" is a complete waste of time. If you're looking for a heartwarming movie about friendship and aging, look elsewhere. I give this movie a 3 out of 10 and recommend you stay far away from it.
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Nice and monotonous...
RosanaBotafogo25 February 2024
A circle of friends set a lifelong goal of watching the Super Bowl and meeting NFL star Tom Brady. A quartet of elderly best friends decide to live life to the fullest by taking a wild trip to Super Bowl LI to see their hero Tom Brady play.

Based on the true story of 5 friends who are passionate about American football and who get together to watch it... Your town is a little exaggeratedly comical, almost forced, but with some good stretches and fun, some tiring moments, sister, watching my life, however exaggerated... They could have been more realistic with the original idea, with the biography, maybe it would be less fun but probably more exciting or just as exciting... Nice and monotonous...
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Happily Surprised
ThereelscoopwithKK7 December 2023
When you put this movie on you can't expect to be getting some Tarentino style cinematic experience. It's not that and nor does it try to be. The only things that you can really grade it on are whether the jokes are decent and not overly obnoxious and whether there is somewhat of a story to follow.

In these two areas I would say it achieves its goal. It takes advantage of a good cast for these roles. They all feed off of the other quite well. As silly as it may be you start to root for the women to achieve their goal. Sure they stereotype the older female football fan a bit, but it's all in good fun. Not a perfect comparison but has a bit of The Hangover but with older people feel to it. Compared to most comedy films put out these days it at least made me laugh as I was rooting on the women. The ending isn't the greatest, but nor did it need to overextend its stay.

Overall, far more entertaining than I expected. Certainly a win for a free movie on the local public transit train.
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cfduffy8 February 2023
I haven't been to a movie theater since pre-pandemic. I was looking forward to seeing this movie. From start to finish it was hard to watch. I cringed at the overacting and lack of rapport between actors. The best actor in the movie was probably Tom Brady with Guy Fiore coming in a close second. (Neither of them actors) The movie did have a nice premise and I was rooting for it to get better. It never happened. Being a lifelong Patriots fan, as well as a Tom Brady fan, it's hard to believe that Tom Brady, (as the producer) actually watched this movie from start to finish and let it be put out to the general public with his name attached to it. Honestly, I can't think of a movie I have ever seen in my life that comes remotely close to being this bad.

To make matters worse, I live in Philadelphia and dragged my wife with me. I could feel her cold daggers looking at me throughout the whole movie. This one cost me a very expensive dinner. Save your money and take her to Chili's. Zero Stars.
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Cute but ultimately passable time waster
Galop_Inferno3 February 2023
Seen via advance screening on January 18, 2023. Tomlin is the film's rock, and Fonda, Moreno and Field are absolutely delightful. Fortunately, their natural chemistry keeps this weird and quite frankly unnecessary 65+ comedy afloat. One can figure that being a producer will fill Brady's pockets after the NFL, especially with vanity projects such as this to stroke his ego. Truthfully, it's better that than his quote-unquote acting, which a lack of would spare everyone. By the way, not every semi interesting true story needs a movie. Otherwise, there would be a lot more random nonsense out there.
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I kept falling asleep.
Top_Dawg_Critic24 April 2023
I had to stop watching just past the halfway mark, because this film was flat out boring. All the talent cast combined with every Brady touchdown throw can't save the flaccid, lazy, predictable and cliched writing. You'd think the writers could've at least added some great humor these ladies can easily spew out, but instead, it was all perceived geriatric humor that was supposed to fill in the Comedy portion of the genre. Even the directing felt amateurish, especially the cast direction, because the talented legendary ladies did not bring their A-game, but instead came across as inexperienced actors struggling with their character's roles - the reason I kept falling asleep. Brady's little screen-time felt more naturally acted than the legendary ladies. This may have worked with better filmmakers, but as is, it was unwatchable and a huge fumble by the home team.
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four ladies in a commercial
SnoopyStyle8 April 2023
Lou (Lily Tomlin), Trish (Jane Fonda), Maura (Rita Moreno), and Betty (Sally Field) are best friends who became fans of NFL quarterback Tom Brady since his big breakout. It's now 2017. The friends are desperate for Super Bowl tickets and there is a radio show contest.

I like the ladies leading this movie. I like that this is not the traditional old ladies eat, pray, love movie. It's a little outside the standard fare. It's also an NFL commercial. I hope these ladies got paid. They're the best part of the movie. This is mildly humorous, mostly due to the gals. Ron Funches has a fun side character. Nothing is that funny. This is mostly forgettable.
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80 for Brady" is a terrible movie
levidemorney12 March 2023
80 for Brady" is a terrible movie that fails to deliver on all fronts. The pacing is slow and tedious, making it a real challenge to sit through. The attempts at humor fall flat and are not funny in the slightest. The acting is incredibly poor, with wooden performances that make it impossible to connect with any of the characters.

The plot is trite and uninteresting, lacking any real depth or substance. It's hard to care about what happens to the characters when they're so poorly developed and unlikable. The cinematography is uninspired and adds nothing to the film.

Overall, "80 for Brady" is a complete waste of time and money. Avoid this movie at all costs and watch something else instead.
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A Heartwarming Tale of Devotion and Friendship
FilmFanatic20236 February 2023
A charming film directed by Kyle Marvin and inspired by the true story of four octogenarians who share a love for NFL quarterback Tom Brady. The movie features an all-star cast, including Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Sally Field, and Rita Moreno, who bring their combined two centuries of acting experience and awards to the screen. The film is produced by Tom Brady, who also appears in the movie as himself and adds a delightful touch to the film.

The movie follows Trish, Lou, Betty, and Maura, who decide to compete in a local radio contest for the chance to win four Super Bowl tickets to see their beloved Tom Brady in action. Each character is dealing with their own challenges, including heartbreak, cancer, grief, and the difficulties of aging, but they come together to embark on a wild adventure. The movie showcases the strong bond between these friends, who have been there for each other for 16 years, and highlights the idea that they have nothing left to lose and are more willing to take risks than those two generations younger.

The film is written by Emily Halpern and Sarah Haskins, who bring a fast-paced, fun-filled story to the screen. The ensemble scenes are highlights, with each actor shining in their solo moments. Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin continue to sparkle in their chemistry as friends, and Sally Field and Rita Moreno bring depth and humor to their characters. The film is a celebration of friendship and the idea that it's never too late to live life to the fullest.
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I don't like football, not wild about Brady, but I liked this movie!
info-9070112 April 2023
I didn't expect to like this silliness, but was tired of watching people killing each other. Okay, it is super lightweight, but that should have been obvious for the comedic cast.

Lily Tomlin has not done anything serious in years I suspect, but she does comedy well. It is just pure silliness, light and fun. It is a rah rah fan movie and nothing more. Light, inspired by real women and made more fun by that fact.

The actors were a lot of fun, including Harry Hamlin. Even Tom Brady is more likable, and I like him a little bit more than I did before. It was good to see all of them actually, do something light that kids can watch.

The story is trite and simple and I'm curious to know what the real women actually did and what is made up, but either way, it is just fun.
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Seems like a rehearsal, not the final cut
nikilynn-7308922 April 2023
I expected this to be silly, but fun & funny, a campy comedy for the older crowd that the younger crowd can watch & enjoy, too. Something with some feel-good moments, maybe a little sniffle or two and some really big laughs. It was none of that. It was filled with trite, unnatural dialogue & awkward cameos and sadly, some really disappointingly directed acting from some of the highest caliber actresses. Most of the movie felt more like a run-through or rehearsal, like they didn't know this was the final take. Just because it's a silly comedy, doesn't mean it should lack depth & substance. It's based on a true story, for goodness sake, yet none of these characters feel real, even the ones playing themselves.
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Make Room For The Old L-80s For Brady
Hey, Streamers! Just in time for *wink* "The Big Game" *wink* next week, a new sports movie rushes its way into theaters. While the newly-re-retired Tom Brady will not be making another appearance at *wink* "The Big Game" *wink*, he does loom large on *wink* The Big Screen *wink*. (See what I did there!?!?) Anyway, Tom's retired contemporaries are celebrating their obsession for him in 80 for Brady. Here's how these golden girls tackled it.

80 for Brady is inspired by a true story about four friends who got together weekly to watch their favorite quarterback dominate while he was on the New England Patriots. In the movie, it's 2017 and Lou (Lily Tomlin), Trish (Jane Fonda), Betty (Sally Field) and Maura (Rita Moreno) get together every week to watch football, specifically Tom Brady. As the Patriots win the AFC Championship that year, Lou decides that they should make the trip to *wink* "The Big Game" *wink* because neither they nor Tom are getting any younger. Despite the high cost, the friends concoct a scheme to make their "life-long" dream come true. Geriatric hijinks ensue.

Look, I was in the tank for this movie from the first trailer. Tomlin, Fonda, Field and Moreno are acting legends and many times they are the best parts of whatever movie or TV show they're in. All of them together was bound to be a homerun - I know, wrong sport. They do not disappoint. Each one gets a chance to shine with good comedic and tender moments. They all are bringing effervescence and fun. They are believable as friends, and they can spin gold, or at least silver, out of what could be subpar comedy. Outside of this core four, there are other notable appearances by Glynn Turman, Billy Porter and Bob Balaban, who make the most of small roles.

If it weren't for the ladies of Brady, this movie would have been a fumble - see, I got that one. The story is predictable. The motivation for going to the game is easily guessed. The mode of getting to the game is pretty obvious. We already know the outcome of the game, so that's no surprise. All of the plotting would be boring but for the stellar ensemble. Additionally, these jokes and situations can get corny, with a capital "C." Some of these set ups you can see coming from a mile away, which is why this movie needed 3 Oscar winners and a comedy legend to sell it. They absolutely sold the hijinks and zaniness of the situation. Moreover, luckily, nothing is too embarrassing or cringy, so generally even the corny stuff is funny. It all leads to a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

Aside: I will note that Tom Brady has a few acting moments that made be think, "Stick to your day job, sir."

Ultimately, 80 for Brady is a very cute and fun movie. It has an excellent ensemble of legendary actresses who are selling the good time. If you are a fan of these ladies, then you will have a great time from beginning to end, but really, the story is pretty basic and can be corny. This comedy is the epitome of a great time at a matinee with a bowl of popcorn, then shuffle over to your early bird dinner.
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