Rammbock: Berlin Undead (2010) Poster

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Maybe he should have mailed her keys.
Someguysomwhere27 February 2011
A man (Michael) goes to Berlin to try and reconcile with his girlfriend (Gabi) under the guise of "returning her keys". When he gets to her house he finds that she's not there and that zombies are ruling the neighborhood. In other words, they're all over the f!!cking place. With the help of a young man (Harper) he is forced to barricade himself in her apartment. In fact everyone in the apartment complex that overlooks a courtyard is trapped; they're only able to communicate with each other by shouting across the courtyard. How the outbreak of zombification started is not known. A special report that conveniently begins as soon as Harper turns on a TV set, highlights terrorism as one of the public and news media speculations (a "German September 11th"). To this, the authorities respond with "ridiculous". So the people in the movie don't really know and neither do we the viewer. But who cares? This is typical of many zombie movies. The important thing is that this is one of the better made ones.

The zombies in this movie are aggressive, ravenous, and know how to hustle for a bite and taste of human flesh. I think it's beginning to dawn on horror movie producers that one could still have some kind of life with the slow zombies since the only way they could catch a healthy man, woman, or child is by surprise. With these new strain of zombies you're pretty much shut down in your house and really horrified. I mean, no work, no school, no social life. Anyway, some of the challenges these trapped people face is to find a way to close the gate to the courtyard below and to navigate the apartment complex to get away from zombies and bring assistance to each other. We all love situations in movies where people are trapped or confined in some place and have to use their courage and ingenuity to survive ---if they're done well. And it's done well here; very entertaining. Don't miss! Love, Boloxxxi.
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Rammbock: Above average zombie effort
Platypuschow11 March 2018
Rammbock otherwise known as Berlin Dead and Siege Of The Dead is a German zombie movie which tells the very generic story of the beginning of a zombie outbreak but does it competently enough to be passable.

It follows two strangers who are forced to barricade themselves inside a block of flats and try to survive. Basically your usual tropes so don't expect anything original here.

It plays the realistic angle and reminded me of the 28 Days Later (2002) movies despite these actually being zombies.

It looks okay, the characters are passable but it's so unoriginal it made my balls rattle. It really is paint by numbers stuff so if you like generic zombie films this may very well be what you're looking for.

Sadly after countless zombie epics including the more recent Train To Busan (2016) and Wyrmwood (2014) I do find myself expecting more.

The Good:

Realistic approach

Generally passable stuff

The Bad:

No originality at all

Lead bounces from annoying to pathetic

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Bent fork heads don't make the best projectiles

Fork desecration is a womans primary concern during a zombie apocalypse
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Pretty good...
filmlover-207-72467014 February 2015
For a rather short film (just over an hour) with a rather low budget it's not too shabby. The "dead" act like the infected from 28 days later, rather than zombies and are repelled with bright light but do love the taste of flesh! The action takes place in and around an apartment block and a courtyard so don't be mislead by the cover. I liked the film but found the main character to be a complete pain. The guy is a complete plank and its hard to sympathise with him though the other main characters (or should I say, character) were fine. In the middle of the apocalypse, he is completely smitten with his girlfriend and worries about her whereabouts which is plausible but he still comes across as rather stupid and pathetic. However this is a nice change from the hard as nails lead you expect in this type of film. Some people should be warned that the film is in German which posed no problems for me as I don't mind subtitles but folk do seem to moan a lot about having to read subtitles these days...
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A gem
Elain-ee22 October 2011
I actually am reviewing this film just to push its rating up because I think that the current rating might put people off who would otherwise really enjoy this film.

Berlin Undead is a 28 days later style horror flick with realistic (rather than Hollywood-style) characters and a believable storyline. The low-budget doesn't affect the quality at all, except where the special effects are concerned... thankfully, the director seems to have been aware of this weakness as he has limited their use.

Watch it late at night and I'm pretty sure you'll get creeped out and/or have trouble sleeping afterwards... which is what horror is all about!
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a love story between....zombies
trashgang28 September 2011
This is one of those flicks I was trying to get in my hands. It is officially out and should be easy to find but when I ordered it it was always delayed but finally I was able to get it from the UK. It's an independent and it shows but not on the effects. It only shows on the amount of actors and on the way the script was written. There are a few CGI shots but it's only the apocalypse of Berlin and it worked out fine. The zombies itself are okay in the way they act and are created. But overall it's more a love story than a real zombie flick. Nevertheless, the zombies do appear at regular base just when you think that it's going to be boring. There is a bit of red stuff and only in the beginning there is a bite in the neck where it's a little bit gory. Further on the gore is left out. Still by clocking in at 61 minutes it's surely on to have in your zombie collection. A really nice effort by the director and his crew.
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A semi-satisfying zombie snack
scootmandutoo10 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
At only a smidgen under an hour, it is hard to truly sink your teeth into Rammbock. However, this zombie morsel from Germany still serves up some tasty treats.

The film is obviously made on a shoe-string budget, but still manages to convey a sense of claustrophobia and dread. This is primarily due to the apartment complex setting, where neighbors around a closed-in courtyard are connected.

What makes this film a little bit different is its focus on themes of love and loss and...oddly enough...how losing the love of your life may not be so bad, if an opportunity comes along when said life is through.

Adding to zombie lore in this film is their loathing of getting their close-up. Flash cameras drive the undead away. Also, in this incarnation, popping a sedative can delay the transformation.

Considering how quickly the epidemic arises, it's amazing that authorities were able to get out that last vital bit of information before all live communications stopped. However, it is also crucial to the way this story plays out.

The acting is also a bit sedated at times...well, actually, everybody is way too placid. However, the actors certainly are competent.

As for the abrupt ending. it does end quickly, but with flashes of the possibility that a sequel may be in the works....or maybe just a transition to a feature-length film when more money gets raised!
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Surprising zombie movie from Germany
paul_haakonsen26 November 2010
A German zombie movie, well why not...

A short summary; Michael comes to Berlin to seek his ex-girlfriend Gabi, and comes head to head with an outbreak that turns people into zombies. There, short and to the point, the movie just unfurls after that, just sit back and watch the show...

Actually, the movie "Rammbock", was rather good. Of course, you have to look past it being in German and all. I am saying that because I, personally, don't think German is a nice sounding language. But the language didn't really prove much of a nuisance to the movie.

The story told in "Rammbock" was appealing and good. It was straight forward and moved on at a brisk pace right from the very beginning. And Marvin Kren, the director, actually managed to put together a fairly decent zombie movie here, and proving it can be done with limited funds as well. And the fact that the movie basically just takes place in a small apartment complex, adds some sense of claustrophobia to the movie. And it worked well.

The lead actor, Michael Fuith, playing Michael, actually was quite good in this role. I can't say that I have seen any of his work before, or that I had even heard of him before this movie. Guess it is fairly obvious that German movies is not that I watch the most of.

One thing that I didn't like about the movie, was the agile zombies that were running around. I am more of a Romero-type zombie fan, wanting zombies to be slow moving and rigid in their movements, after all something called Rigor Mortis will set in once you die, so you shouldn't be all flexible and able to run around. But for those who like movies such as "28 Days Later" and "28 Weeks Later", you will definitely like the zombies in this movie. (Both "28 Days" and "28 Weeks" later are awesome movies, by the way.) Also, the ending was a bit too sassy. You saw it coming a mile away and it was quite cheesy. But hey, in overall, the movie was compelling and thrilling. So this ending can be ignored for the greater picture.

For a non-Hollywood movie, "Rammbock" actually is a good notch on the zombie genre. If it definitely worth checking out for zombie fans, regardless of you liking Romero-zombies or the agile zombies. And while you are at it, check out the French zombie movie "The Horde" (La Horde), it is worth the time as well.
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Worst Z flick I've ever seen
popdtop16 November 2014
My God! Sorry... German flick... Mein Gott! Let me preface this by stating I love zombie movies, and have been watching them since the 70's, so I've seen my share of them. Except for - of course - Warm Bodies, this is the first time I ever rooted for the zombies. By 20 minutes in, I was begging the Z's to put this film out of it's misery and pleeeeeease kill off the wholly unlikeable main character. It was purely morbid curiosity that kept me around for the end of this stinker. I did not check the spoiler alert box, so I will not give specifics, but I will say the ending left me shaking my head and asking, "Seriously? Are you kidding me?" Watch this movie only if you have two hours of your life you wouldn't rather spend, I don't know... painting the hall closet? getting a root canal?
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Didn't expect it to be that good!
atinder9 May 2013
This is so know as Siege Of The Dead (2010) is a low budget infected movie from Germany.

I did not expect much from this at all but turn out to be surprising good.

Michael as come to see his girlfriend in Berlin but then he finds out that people have been infected by this unknown virus.

This is only 59 minutes long, just under an hour, this movie was really fast paced and some really good decent tense moment as well.

The infected were really welled acted and liked the whole foaming thing from there mouth.

This movie wasn't really thag gory at all, the bite moment that looked nasty but nothing other zombies/infected movies.

I really liked the idea of flashes from the camera, that was nice turn for the infected, Which had fresh feel to these kinda of movies.

There was a few surprising moments, that I didn't see coming at all,

I really liked that scene. Great acting from the whole but I not sure what to make of the infected hugging Scenes,

I am giving this movie 8 out of 10
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nogodnomasters28 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The movie defaults to German. I had to set up the English language. I also did the English subtitles which didn't match the spoken language. Apparently two different people did the translating without consultation.

Michael arrives in Berlin to see his gf or ex-gf Gabi. In her apartment he finds an infected Toj Johnson type fellow who attacks. He manages to save himself along with a young man named Harper. They are in contact with other people locked in their apartments via shouting out the windows, which is not good because it attracts Olympic sprinting zombies. From the radio broadcast we find out that this is a rabies style virus and adrenaline causes the virus to go to the brain and make one a zombie. If bit, stay calm and take a sedative. (I can see NORML launching a campaign now.) The movie is about their survival and what one will do to survive.

Michael is torn between the microcosm of finding his gf and saving her forks from harm and the macrocosm of the enormity of the situation. It examines the spectrum of human emotions and what we would do when faced with a full blown viral zombie infection.

This movie also needlessly deals with "where do we go to the bathroom" issue. Clearly this is the German mind at work, attempting to place realism in a zombie flick.

The ending was unexpected which is why I liked this movie. Kudos.

No f-bombs, no nudity, no sex. The blood was minimal.
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Waste of time.
d-christianson-124 September 2012
I enjoy many horror movies however, the zombie genre is far beyond overused. I applaud the efforts to bring a different twist however it ultimately fails because it is so uneven, and the characters do not react as someone in a survival situation. This is not 'blast'em and run' this is 'These zombies used to be our loved ones, don't hurt them', which is OK, however I doubt you'd embrace someone attempting to bite you or tear you limb from limb regardless of who they are. The zombie reactions are inconsistent, sometimes swarming to loud noises, sometimes to the slightest tap but not always, so which is it? The main protagonist is extremely wimpy and just plain weird and definitely not funny. I couldn't find any humor in this very short movie, but perhaps it was lost in translation. Recommend only to those attempting to see every zombie ever made, regardless of entertainment value.
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A flick worth watching!
ro-teixeira3 July 2011
You may see I have rated this movie an 9. Yes, a 9. Surely it doesn't reach the standards to become a new Night Of The Living Dead or 28 days later, but considering the low budget and the origin of this flick, well, boys have done very well.

It all starts as any romantic comedy movie, but suddenly when you start to move on your chair thinking "ok, in a few moments I will get introduced to mayhem" the director just trows it into you, like a uppercut in the jaw. Direct, brutal.

Fast paced zombies, small spaces and a dirty and decay environment. It sure worth watching, specially considering it's only one hour length.

Go rent it! You won't regret!
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Brains over Flash
starsurfer8326 October 2019
A survival tale set in close quarters with the members of a gated apartment complex coming to terms with a viral outbreak. Make no assumptions here about the genre; this is a character study.

If you're looking for your average zombified killfest, look elsewhere. However, if you are into watching a writer take a main character through the angst of worldly cares that soon pale to otherworldly ones, you'll enjoy this small movie.

One big plus is that there are no stupid for stupid sake moments in the movie, making this one of the rare zombie movies that values living brains over cheap thrills.
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Nice Try. Gets An E For Effort.
redrobin62-321-2073118 February 2016
One of the most annoying things to me about "Rammbock: Berlin Undead (Uncut)" was Michael, the lead in the film. He was an open-mouthed, whiny, self-centered loser who could care less there was a zombie apocalypse afoot just as long as he reunites with his girlfriend. If this movie was supposed to be a comedy then that fact was lost on me. It wasn't funny at all. The filmmakers made the Michael character so pathetic that you hoped the zombies would hurry up and eat him to put us out of our misery.

What do I give the film points for? Editing, camera work, makeup and the cute guy who plays Harper. He was worth the price of admission. Otherwise the movie was limp.

You know, there was a time when "Uncut" meant the film was too brutal and graphic for normal viewing. I don't know what happened here but it wasn't strong at all. I guess the "Uncut" was just a ploy to get movie renters interested. Nice try, but no. I had to stop and start this movie about three or four times just to get through it. It was bore, derivative, more of a sappy love story, and where was Berlin? This movie could've been called "Rammbock: Suburban St. Louis" for all we know because Berlin was never shown. What a rip.
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Low budget, but good zombie movie
siderite30 October 2011
I always thought that a low budget zombie movie should be a lot better than the big block busters. Maybe set in my home country of Romania, where guns are rarely allowed and even cops don't carry them much, the story would gain a lot of power and the ingenuity of the people would be brought into view.

Rammbock is exactly the kind of film I was thinking about: set in Berlin, the Eastern side I guess, with extraordinarily ordinary people getting caught by the zombie epidemic in a banal building block. Complex story, a few people, authentic reactions.

I am sure the makers of the movie realized that the true force of the movie is in the obvious of the lowbudgetness, and so they didn't even conform to the length standards of regular movies: it all lasts just an hour, more akin to an episode of something.

Bottom line: it is hard to identify with any of the people in the film, simply because they are so ordinary and like normal persons that we refuse to. I watched the movie with English dubbing, which I hated, but I couldn't find the German version. The zombie story was not developed in any way: we don't know how it happened, why or how to stop it. In the end, the true lead character is the story. I liked the film and I would recommend it to viewers of zombie movies.
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A love story
eolivar-996-74611123 July 2011
A German zombie movie? It reminded me of the Spanish "REC". Good acting, though the actors are fairly unknown for the general public. Gory, but not too much (in a movie about zombies, I mean). It contains some of the typical issues in the genre, but yet the approach is quite original and new. Romero is still a must, but this one is worth watching too. Definitely, I must keep an eye on this director. It kept me tied down to my seat all way through. You end up thinking that this could happen. Also, am I the only one to think that this movie has something to do with the recent youth demonstrations in Northern Africa and Europe? All in all, what I most enjoyed about "Siege of the Dead" is that it is in fact a great story of love, that takes place in Berlin. You do not want to miss it!
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Fairly original German zombie flick
javier197620 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Rammbock tells the tale of a guy who goes over to his ex girlfriend's place to return her house keys. He finds the apartment empty so he goes in. Once there all hell breaks loose in the form of a zombie outbreak. He meets some kid working as a handyman at the building and together they barricade themselves inside the ex girlfriend's apartment. What follows is a more or less typical zombie siege scenario, with some differences. There are survivors in other apartments and they have supplies they need and the other way around, so they are not just trying to keep the zombies out (these are fast zombies), they are also trying to get to another apartment to get the supplies they need to trade with other neighbors. What is original is the way the zombie infection works (it is not immediate upon a bite like in every other piece of zombie fiction I've seen) and a certain weakness with the zombies that one of the characters discover rather late into the movie (which by the way is quite short, just one hour, credits and all, but the short length doesn't detract from the film, quite the opposite since most zombie movies seem to drag on towards the end). All in all a rather satisfying zombie movie with some original elements.
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Intriguing but flawed zombie effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 September 2012
After confining themselves into an apartment complex following a massive zombie outbreak, two strangers try to survive without infection while trying to help the others stranded in the complex with them stave off the encroaching undead hordes outside the building.

This was a pretty enjoyable effort, though there's some rather pronounced flaws here. Most notably, the fact that this one barely lasts an hour in length doesn't allow much time to do anything in terms of getting the story developed, as we know nothing about what's going on, the start of the virus or anything else, they just show up at the start of the movie and an hour later it's over. That leaves a huge mark as to be completely unsure of what's going on, and then combined with the utterly banal human characters that aren't that interesting to follow and what we should be following them, it's really hard to get into this one. Thankfully, all the zombie scenes here are where it's at here, with the undead hordes being quite involved in the proceedings and getting lots of close calls as they swarm around the group trying to get out, the make-up isn't that atrocious and some of the gore gags are done nicely. It's nothing new we haven't seen before, but it's done well what's here so it's pretty enjoyable.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Language.
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28 days Later Meets Rabid.
meddlecore17 October 2017
In a sort of 28 Days Later meets Rabid fashion, Rammbock is a film about a zombie outbreak that randomly occurs in Berlin. Just as a man named Michael has returned to give a set of keys back to his old girlfriend.

Now, he is holed up in her apartment, with another young man named Harper.

There are a few other people in the complex as well, and they can speak to one another from their balconies.

Turns out, that if you are bitten, you can ward off the illness, if you can refrain from getting an adrenaline rush. Though, that might be easier said than done under the circumstances.

Either way, the two men must hatch a plan to escape the room they are trapped in- because they have no food to eat.

So they fashion together a makeshift battering ram, and go right through one of the walls.

During this ordeal, they get separated- with one ending up on the roof, and the other stuck in the neighbour's kitchen.

Though, this does allow Harper to discover that a flash of bright light (like from a camera flash) temporarily blinds the zombies.

Thus, they hatch a plan to escape once and for all...but...will all of them be able to make it?

The ending is clearly inspired by Cronenberg's Rabid- though, in a slightly different way.

This isn't a bad little zombie flick. It's relatively short at approximately an hour. And it did, seemingly, go on to inspire a spin off television series. So, there's that. But it was still pretty simple overall...and left me a bit unfulfilled.

Nice effort though.

4.5 out of 10.
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I'm so glad i found this again
Gigantoscula17 December 2019
One of my relatives got me a DVD of this movie around its launch. I watched it then and forgot about it. I knew what it was about, I knew it was German, I knew some of the plot but couldn't find it at all. Today I found it and I had to give it a watch. It's better than I remembered it to be. This is a realistic "zombie" movie that really pinpoints how an average human would react in this scenario. It's silly, it's short, no filler, enjoyable characters. This is something you don't want to miss. 9/10
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Short short...
poe42628 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Flesh-eating zombies of the type made popular by George Romero have become such common coin in movies, television, video games and comics that it's now a "given" that Something Went Wrong Somewhere and we're up to our necks in ghouls. The basic premise itself is rarely fully expounded any more. ("Go back and watch the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD," most of these newcomers would seem to suggest: "I ain't got the time- or the imagination- to clue you in on what's happening. Do I look like a ****in' scientist to you?") At barely over an hour, it's hard to think of BERLIN UNDEAD as a feature film; had the film makers taken the time to fill us in on what's happening and to build up to the inevitable siege, it would've both brought the movie to feature length and answered a question or two. As it stands, it's a good short that's just a bit too short.
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Rather Short
Uriah4318 January 2013
This is another basic zombie movie that follows the usual pattern of a viral epidemic which breaks out in a major city. In this case, Berlin. It's rather short (approximately 59 minutes) which I think is a negative factor because, even though it was a low-budget film, it was pretty enjoyable and I would have liked to have seen a bit more of it. The acting was decent and the storyline was about as realistic as any movie of this type could be. I also liked the fact that it introduced two new ideas which I thought have merit and are worth mentioning. First, the use of bright flashes of light which cause the zombies to temporarily retreat was quite interesting. Likewise, the use of sedatives to slow down the virus in an infected person was also very original. In summation, for such a low-budget film this was surprisingly good. Again though, I believe it would have been better if it were 20 to 30 minutes longer. Hopefully a sequel is in the works.
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Realism in zombie films? Yes please.
the_teapot20 April 2014
What I always appreciate in any film, but especially one in the zombie genre (because it is so rare), are believable characters. Characters whose actions are logical, even in bizarre situations. And I always appreciate a writer's ability to develop a dramatic plot without relying on characters' moronic decisions to stir trouble. This is seen too rarely in this genre.

For anyone wondering whether this is their kind of zombie film, I'll try to knock up a short summary with no spoilers. :) The plot of Rammbock takes you to the very start of the zombie virus outbreak, it begins while the world is still "normal". When it happens, it happens very suddenly. What follows is of course shock and confusion and the horror of not knowing what is going on, then the subsequent eeriness of witnessing the society dissipate through loss of public communication channels, following which the characters must come to terms with the weight of the situation, and shift their usual priorities and inhibitions to bare survival.

You are taken through this process with the protagonists, witnessing the first few days of the outbreak and the fragile survival of people trapped in a residential building in the middle of Berlin, surrounded by hordes of the violent infected.

Although the director decided not to reveal much about anyone's background and past, this doesn't stop you from empathising and gradually growing fond of them. At no point are any (uninfected) characters polarised or dehumanised, even the nameless ones.

This is the type of zombie film with no over-the-top violence and very little gore, the accent is on eeriness and tension, rather than action and special effects.

I would say that as far as the zombie apocalypse topic goes, this is one of the more realistic portrayals of how it would look for someone in Europe.

If you liked 28 Days Later or Rec, you will almost certainly like this one. If you're more of a Resident Evil type of person, maybe skip it.
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So... Mediocre.
agentk-7730131 March 2017
There's nothing special about this movie. We don't get to see a deep side of the characters, nor something we haven't seen before. It was just... Average. I guess. I'll break it down to cons & pros:


Zombies. Nuff said. The zombies look fine and they really give a "Danger" vibe, something many zombie movies forget. Zombies are supposed to be dangerous and the main characters should act like that instead of going ultra badass over them. Main character is somewhat realistic. He looks average (Just like the movie, really). I consider it a "Pro" because it shows you don't need your heroes buff or amazingly strong and ultra badass. Even the average guy can be a protagonist. Main character has somewhat grown by the end of the movie.


Surprisingly low amount of action & gore. (Could be a pro if you're not a fan of those) Characters aren't that interesting, nor we get to experience them deeply. They are just average. Main character is Effin' annoying at the beginning. Slow pacing at first. The ending is... Meh.
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German/Austrian take on zombies
Horst_In_Translation15 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Rammbock" is a German apocalypse movie from 5 years ago written and directed by Marvin Kren. Kren is considered one of the rising filmmakers here, but I have seen 3 of his films now and I found them all underwhelming. This includes "Blutgletscher", "Berlin Eins", his new hyped crime film and finally this one here. We basically follow a guy who comes to Berlin to visit his ex-girlfriend, but runs into a zombie apocalypse (and a new friend) until he finally finds her. This film only runs for slightly over an hour and this already includes 5 minutes of credits. The two lead actors are known even only to the biggest fans of German cinema from "Das weiße Band" and the previously mentioned "Blutgletscher" or "Michael". And, of course, Kren's mother is on board again as well. No idea why she gets cast all the time in his films, even for some of the biggest characters of the movie, as she is certainly not a great actress.

This little film here is not only about supernatural events, but also has some family drama moments with the background of the reason why the main character comes to Berlin in the first place. It is a bit about love, about friendship, but none of the areas has been displayed and elaborated on convincingly in my opinion. This is why I thought it was a disappointing watch for the most part. Not recommended and the only really good thing about the film is that it is over pretty quickly. Thumbs down.
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