Max Steel (2016) Poster


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People are clearly confused
dorothewatcher10 December 2016
Was it great, nah but it was a fun ride and it WAS NOT A REMAKE OF THE CRAPPY SHAQ FILM. Max Steel was a kids series a few years back now being brought to the big screen: Shaq's film was based on John Henry Irons AKA Steel from DC Comics that came to prominence when the Death Of Superman run was in full swing: The reviews that I've read for the "racist remake!" or the "Whitewashed retelling of a Black man's story!" are baseless and ridiculous.

Was the film Oscar worthy...Hell no it was for kids, tweens and ol Max fanboys that liked the cartoon...Cool CGI & fun.

And to qualify, I am Black. I am 100% dedicated to what's good for Black people and I am 100% for the truth and honesty for all of us...Peace & love all!!!
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Had the potential to be a great film, but it just wasn't clicking.
subxerogravity21 October 2016
I remember a cartoon that pretty much was the same deal, except that cartoon more had a base on action sports which was what I was expecting with this film but as it turns out there was another more recent cartoon, this movie was based on.

Max is a kid who moved around a lot and he discovers why when he moves to the place were his mom and dad met and it triggers the energy spectrum that gives him super powers.

The formula was straight forward and it should have worked but all it did was doze me off, literally snoozing. Thought the movie did have some interesting surprises, but I spent most of the flick trying to keep my eyes open to pay too much attention.

Will say I enjoyed Andy García's role in this film. Far different than anything I've seen him in before and he most likely did it cause it was fun to do and he looked like he had fun. So that was enjoyable.

Max Steel could have been so much better, but it's not. So it's not worth watching. Should have based it on the 1st cartoon I guess.
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A Movie For the Selected Few
kvang14519 December 2016
Well, I was completely disappointed. The only tip I can give to y'all is the movie, "Max Steel", is similar to "Power Rangers". Therefore if you are still into or starting to like those series, then go for it.

Otherwise if you're trying to find a good time, this will make you cry tears in despair. Likewise, if you're a viewer like me who wants to explore, you'll probably enjoy the beginning, but puke toward the end.

Here's some details into why the movie isn't a success for me:

The protagonist is arrogant

The villain is arrogant (oh... they're supposed to?)

The movie skips a lot of character build ups

Finally and most importantly... yelling solves EVERYTHING!!! These would be great in books/novels, but doesn't help movie production.
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Just didn't work for me
Clive_W17 June 2019
So many points throughout the film I questioned why... the lead guy... WHY!!! The choices made in the film, WHY!!! So many points just didn't work, I loved Max Steel as a kid, this film is just a bad joke. But to those who enjoyed it, fair does to you, everyone has to enjoy something, all I say to any film or show, check out for yourself.
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Yikes What a Piece
bkrauser-81-31106416 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Make no mistake, Max Steel, the Mattel toy property, turned Cartoon Network staple, turned full length movie has become the worst reviewed wide-release film of 2016. After a single weekend, the movie has garnered a staggering Metascore of 26, and a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes. Those are scores usually reserved for direct to DVD video game adaptations and the occasional Pauly Shore movie. I'll admit with so many metrics stacked up against it, my interest both as a critic and a connoisseur of junk cinema was piqued. I wanted to hate this movie; I came in with the expectation that this movie was a special kind of crappy. But alas it's just the regular kind of crappy.

The plot of Max Steel promises the adventures of a middle-America teenager named Max (played by perennial kids-TV bit-player Ben Winchell) and his alien companion named Steel. Due to Max's seemingly inexplicable ability to conjure energy on a molecular level, Steel acts as a symbiotic techno-parasite consuming it with relative safety. In return, Steel (voiced by Josh Brener) enhances Max's physical abilities and protects him with a laser spewing bio- tech suit. Little does Max know that his new friendship with his alien buddy upsets a certain celestial balance, that holds the future of our world in the hands of a sinister enemy.

The plot promises these things but in an election year, we should all be wary of false promises by now. While watching Max Steel I was less concerned about the fate of the world than the fate of those involved in this project and made the mistake of taking it seriously. The film co-stars award nominated actors Maria Bello and Andy Garcia whose natural gravitas threatens to give Max Steel more weight than your average Smallville (2001-2011) knockoff. I understand that veteran actors need to eat but most actors should draw the line when asked to put on a half-assembled Power Rangers outfit.

The film itself is a cheap, shabby, impotent mess that tries oh so hard to ape the grungy self-serious aesthetic from recent superhero fare. But instead of finding a balance between pretension and moment- focused excess, the camera diddles through colorless scenes that look like they were shot through a layer of cellophane and Vaseline. This of course is when we get exteriors of antique pickup trucks chugging through amber-waved back-roads. When it comes to the heavy climaxes, the movie seems poised to give us the same blighted industrial zones we've seen in everything from low-budget horror movies to late-period Steven Seagal flicks. Only this time it's lighted like a neighborhood Zap- Zone to give the film's target audience (mainly toddlers and their misguided gamgams) the desire to whip out their video games.

It's all so genuinely and quite unpleasantly sad to see a movie like Max Steel. Watching bloated, intelligence insulting, big-budget fare fall flat can give anyone a sudden jolt of schadenfreude. Yet watching something whose only real crime is being too big for its britches, well it's just not that much fun. The film and its makers are trying to mimic a certain style, a certain flow, a certain spirit yet it simply have none of the right tools to do so. So they patched this puppy up with as much exposition, flashbacks and Josh Brener inspired wisecracks to trick you into thinking it was all worth it. But it's not, it's really, really not.

Max Steel is like going to the zoo, visiting the tiger exhibit and seeing a tiger born and raised in captivity. Many people arguably worked their best on this film, but because their best is inspired by the limited cultural echo chamber of comic books, blockbuster movies and Halo, we get a movie that lazes about, the fierceness in its eyes completely absent.
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Bad writing, directing.. SUPER SLOW
bocchun-4355516 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
One of the worst super hero movie of 2016. Extremely slow to tell a story, no action (except for the last few mins of the movie), too many annoying flash back. Seem like the director wasn't sure if he wants to make a sci-fi movie, chic flix, or comedy.. it turns out to be a big mess that drag on and on. People walking out in the middle of the movie, if it wasn't for my 11 year old, I would have done the same.. After the movie, my 11 year old even comment how bad the movie was! Here's an example of how slow the movie was.. the first min. of the movie, it also indicate Max has super power, it took about 30 mins of the movie to finally confirm his super power. Then another 40 mins of the movie to talk about nothing much with flash back.. and finally 5 mins of action (fight scene) to beat the bad guy. When you think it's all over.. they spend another 15 mins to put some unnecessary romance and filler to make the movie 92mins long, so that you don't think the movie is being too short.
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What if Harry Potter would have secretly been a Power Ranger?
siderite19 January 2017
You know those horror movies that start with a bunch of kids going away to have fun in a cabin in the woods and it takes about five minutes to know everything that will ever happen to them? It's like that, but lame sci-fi.

It starts with the single mom moving back with her teenage son to their home town. He is young, sexy, but vulnerable and he's got superpowers and a friendly alien that he didn't know about. Oh, and a girl that is all but stalking him in order to be his boyfriend. And the mother knows something, but doesn't prepare him one bit, because he might not be ready. And the alien is amnesiac. So in order to be a bit interesting, they plug in a villain. A lame villain that makes no sense and has zero character development.

In fact, that's the feeling you get from the movie as a whole: plug and play. Every piece of it, be it plot, special effects or actors just some refurbished bit of crap from some other film in the genre. It is worse than a failure, it is something that they made knowing it had no value. The more I think about it the lower I want to rate it, so I stop here.
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quidinish1 June 2022
Okay I loved the animated max steel when I was a kid (the 2013 one) and this movie came out when I was 10 and I was hyped to see live action max steel But this movie was just boring there were only a few scenes with max steel in his suit and I didn't like it even when I was 10 I loved the show because of all its cool action and cool villains I loved it but this was just boring i wanted cool action also I'm surprised by how many people like it that's fine by me but I just found it boring I had to wait like 1 hour in until max steel was in his suit I kept thinking "when is something cool gonna happen?"so I don't recommend it for epic cool action lovers.
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Not as bad as reviews imply. Not non-stop thrills but an enjoyable watch because of that
squaffle6 January 2017
I actually enjoyed this. After reading a few reviews I expected it to be really slow and boring but was pleasantly surprised. Sure it took a little longer going places than some of the rushed non-stop explosion fests available but that's why I liked it. It felt like it was it's own film and not just a carbon copy of all other superhero style films out there, it actually took time to build a sense of mystery and develop the characters rather than just rushing from one plot point to the next.

I felt like I got to know the main character and was intrigued to see more of the movie universe unlike many forgettable action/sci-fi movies out there.

If you go into the film expecting non-stop action sequences go watch the avengers, if you want something with a little mystery and gradual exploration of that mystery watch this
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badly written weak origin story
SnoopyStyle25 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Max McGrath (Ben Winchell) doesn't know much about his respected scientist father who died in a mysterious storm. His mother Molly (Maria Bello) brought him back to his father's old stomping grounds on the advise of colleague Dr. Miles Edwards (Andy Garcia). Max is a loner at school except Sofia Martinez befriends him. He's having strange effects and visions. Then an alien Steel escapes from his father's old lab and joins him. Max is emitting tachyon energy which, joined with Steel, is used to form the superhero Max Steel. Steel is an Ultralink alien and they end up battling other Ultralinks threatening to destroy the world.

I wouldn't say that this is horrible or irredeemable. It's simply weak stuff. Firstly, the Mattel name does not fill me with confidence. While Marvel and DC have gained credibility through some good work on the page and on the screen, Mattel has no such background. The very name denotes cheesiness on the big screen. I don't know anything about this IP's origins. The story is nothing special. There are a couple of first rate actors. There are a few twists. One is obvious from the start. Another one is head-scratching and less than reasonable. As an origin story, this is no Spider-man, Batman, or Superman. It's really another Young Adult movie at its heart and not terribly good even on that level. There are a few too many problems to overlook.
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Great movie for kids based on a Cartoon!
hknechtg14 October 2016
Based on an earlier review I saw on this movie (I'm hoping it was a joke, because it was seriously off the mark) I felt obligated to post an honest review! I went to see this movie tonight with my two boys who are 12 & 9 years old. They are both HUGE fans of the Max Steel cartoon that was out a couple of years ago that this movie is quite clearly based on. They both loved the movie & were so bummed when it ended. We are all 3 hoping this becomes a series & has at least 1 or 2 more movies to further develop the story. And, being a nerdy, comic book/super hero/sci-fi/fantasy fan, I enjoyed it myself! Good clean movie, a bit intense in some scenes with a "Tornado", and one "almost" swear word, but otherwise a good movie for kids!
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Max Steele
justinamazing201010 December 2016
This movie was pretty good, people who are saying this is a remake of Shaquille Oneal's movie Steele is completely wrong this movie has nothing in common or anything to do with the movie called Steele. First off the movie called Steele with Shaquille Oneal completely sucked and bombed and Max Steele is based on a cartoon called Max Steele and is 10x better than the crap movie called Steele. Max Steele has been a cartoon since 2001 and I have been waiting for a movie about the cartoon series. Of course it's going to not be a great movie but it is a good movie for families to watch. Maybe a console game would be good but not based on the cartoon.
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One scene of Max in his "armor"
djo_3429 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I downloaded this for my son who loves the animated series. I watched it in super fast motion to see if it will hold his attention. At 55 minutes you finally see Max's armor. He gets hit once by a... I don't know... some creature and the suit disappears. 17 minutes later, he gets his suit again and dukes it out against another dude in an armored suit. Didn't need to watch the fight scene. I can tell that this movie will hold the attention of a child for about 17 minutes, only because they can't wait to see Max Steel in his armor fighting creatures like in the series. Alas, it is a big pile of poop. I was watching at 10x speed and was still bored. Sad. What a waste. They should have made a 2 hour animated movie.
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Not worth your time.
bryan_wynn19 April 2021
The acting is some of the worse I've ever seen. Storyline really wasn't delivered right. Reaction to certain situations in movie wasn't handled properly outright ignorant. I found it hard to stay and watch the whole movie. Really bad bad movie overall.
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Plot is poor and story does not make sense. Don't waste your time.
egoldman8211 October 2018
Not sure who this movie is catering to. Scrips is boring and doesn't make sense. Lots of holes and characters that are unrealistic. In short don't waste your time. I regret wasting mine.
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Give me a break...
Leofwine_draca31 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Another day, another young adult sci-fi movie, this one particularly disappointing and generic in tone. A fresh-faced but incredibly bland young performer essays the title role, the usual high school jock kid who turns out to have incredible superhuman powers. He then goes on a quest to battle a madman bent on domination. If this feels like a sub IRON MAN type movie, easygoing in the extreme, then you'd be right. The acting is below par, with even old hands like Maria Bello and Andy Garcia on autopilot; the lead ends up saddled with a talking drone with a voice almost as annoying as Jar-Jar Binks. As for the generic action and cartoon CGI effects, give me a break...
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Stupid hero
ronsuarez-0835013 August 2018
Max made me want to slap him. He acts like a child. I couldn't finish the movie i disliked Max so much.
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Yes it's cheesy, and generic, but it's kind of fun.
Hellmant9 February 2017
'MAX STEEL': Two and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

A sci-fi action movie, based on the popular Mattel toy series. It tells the story of a teenager, and an alien, that merge their powers together in order to become a superhero named Max Steel. The film was directed by Stewart Hendler; who's also directed the sci-fi TV shows 'HALO 4: FORWARD UNTO DAWN' (based on the popular video game) and 'H+' (co-produced by Bryan Singer). It was written by Christopher Yost; who's also co-written 'THOR: THE DARK WORLD', the upcoming 'THOR: RAGNAROK', and multiple animated TV series. The film stars Ben Winchell, Ana Villafane, Maria Bello, Andy Garcia and the voice of Josh Brener. It's received almost unanimous negative reviews from critics, and it bombed at the Box Office. I think it's a decent kids' movie, but it's definitely nothing special.

Max McGrath (Winchell) is a teenager, that just moved to a new town, again, with his mother (Bello). At the same time, he's discovering he can generate enormous energy. He's also attracted the attention of a local girl (Villafane), in the new town, and the attraction is definitely mutual. When an alien, named Steel (Brener), introduces itself, things become even more complicated.

The film is the type of movie that I would have probably loved as a little kid, so I definitely can't be too hard on it. I even kind of enjoyed it, as an adult, because it reminds me of the type of movies I really liked as a kid. Yes it's cheesy, and generic, but it's kind of fun.

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fdpastore197911 January 2017
Please GOD why did you let me watch this awful awful attempt of movie. the TELETUBIES had more plot than this!

The truth that I can't believe someone put money to do Something so but so bad and over spend fortunes in a Global

advertising campaign on the internet or movie theaters of this piece of crap That I just witnessed! Please, it is very bad, like nothing you'll ever see again!

believe me it is hard to resist.

Devoid of all content, plot, effects, dialogues, performances. Luckily I don't think that they make a second part even if they put it on SiFi after sharknado 7
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Underrated but still cheesy
ijwalkr1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Far from awful, as many reviewers would like to say, and nothing to do with the 1997 film by Johnson. Based on the Mattel toy and following cartoon series, which was in my childhood a firm favourite. I went into this film with low expectations, but I came out of it having enjoyed my time spent.

Let me be clear, this is not an amazing film. But it is good enough to enjoy on a lazy day.

The love interest is boring, the plot linear, and the film is let down by one liners that fall flat. Special effects were good, though that is something any film these days can claim.

Though it is never going to be be a work of art, I enjoyed Max Steel far more than when I recently watched the critically acclaimed Captain America: Civil War (pro tip: Do not waste your time on that).

Why? This film (unlike most superhero action flicks) is not saturated in a truckload of "Merica!" patriotic drivel, the character relationships are far from groundbreaking but they are realistic, and it is self-aware enough that it doesn't feel the need to take itself seriously every second.

As Steel proclaims "It's called Turbo Energy!", Max just looks at him and says "Really?"

It made me laugh, the relationship between Max and Steel was fun and realistic enough to make me empathise with them. I loved the voice acting by Josh Brenner, and Ben Winchell as Max was surprisingly good for the mediocre role of 'tween hero'.

The story hinted at more to learn in the way of lore, which I think would've been great to see unfold, but sadly will not happen thanks to the commercial bomb that was Max Steel's theatrical release.
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I am writing this review after watching 1 hr.
neoanderson1214 July 2017
If I was watching this in cinema, I would have left already.

The movie is tagged as Action / Adventure yet 1 hr into the movie and i have yet to see an action scene.

So far all i see is just a normal human being fighting with everyday life issues (his mother, his past, his girlfriend, his life). I mean so far, 90% into this movie, i have watched just a normal teenager struggling with past family matters.

Is the audience supposed to be entertained by a flying toy that can talk ? Are we supposed to be entertained by a teenager that can make sort of electricity come out of his hands ? If you can count turning a car on by using his hand as action, then this movie is for you.
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Not to be compared with (Shaquile O Neal) STEEL
nomads-1350014 October 2016
Alright so those thinking that this is a remake of Shaquile o Neal's Steel, they are wrong. First of all Steel and Max Steel are two different characters. Steel is a character from DC Universe and goes by the alias of John Henry Irons, and Max Steel's real name is Max McGrath and belongs to Mattel. This is an entirely new movie and character. But overall the movie is great! The film is based on the reboot of the series rather than the original one from the year 2000 and it shows Max McGrath's origins into becoming Max Steel. The movie is great and the special effects are awesome. However you should watch it yourself to judge it.
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Could have been one of the best this year
padillajesus-3112419 December 2016
They spent most of the movie trying to show the story

but it would have been way better if it would have had more action in it

they should make a second one and put more action there since the story is already out of the way

but a poor first impression but can be better because it has a lot of potential and interesting

so hopefully they will make a second

and if so it should be one if not the best action movie that comes out the year it does
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svetline_19818 July 2018
Really time waste bad copy of iron man dont waste your time for this film
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Another half-baked action movie where they ignore all emotions.
bellstrand26 February 2017
This is another action movie that spins of without giving you answers to the usual "why's". It sets a tone, and builds up a couple of relations between characters.

But once the action starts happening everything else is just washed away. I'm given a weird CGI movie without a good story and the few good pieces that it had they never even cared enough about to include.

Through the second half of the movie my questions were not "what will happen", or "how will it end". The questions in my head was "will they have the decency to tell me what happen with the relations they built or will they just end it after these prolonged action sequences".


Half-baked action movie without a bang and without connecting with the viewer.
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