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A Dark Film of Horror with a Surprising Twist
claudio_carvalho14 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The fifteen year-old Emma Evans (Sophie Vavasseur) has an argument with her mother Lucy (Jo-Anne Stockham) since she wants to go to a concert in London with her friends Rose (Isamaya French) and Alex (Tommy Bastow). Emma immediately has a convulsion and her family takes her to the hospital, but the doctors do not find any physical problem. Then her father John (Richard Felix) tries to convince his wife to send Emma to school, instead of homeschooling, but she prefers to keep Emma in the family-based education. Lucy sends her daughter to the psychoanalyst believing that she has psychological problems and Emma asks her friend Rose to record her session of hypnosis though the cellular but the doctor dies along the session. When Emma listens to the tape, she believes she is possessed by the devil and asks her parents to be submitted to an exorcism with her uncle, Priest Christopher Taylor (Stephen Billington). However her skeptical mother is against the ritual and recalls that Chris was responsible for the death of a teenager, Ana, in the past in an unsuccessful exorcism. But when Emma levitates in the kitchen in front of her family, her parents call Chris. The priest demands to move to their house; to film the ritual of exorcism alone with Emma; and advises that Lucy and John should never believe in the devil's words. When Emma's little brother Mark (Lazzaro E. Oertli Ortiz) is hit by a car and dies, Emma confesses to her mother that Chris has taught her how to summon the devil. Then she used an Ouija board and her blood to be free from her family and the devil has possessed her. Her revelation, associated to her discovery about the real motives of the exorcism of her uncle, leads her family to a tragedy.

"La Posesión de Emma Evans" is a dark film of horror with a quite predictable story but a surprising twist. The Irish actress Sophie Vavasseur has a good performance in the role of a girl that is possessed by option by the devil and sees the end of her former affectionate family and the insanity of her uncle. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Exorcismus – A Possessão" ("Exorcismus- The Possession")
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Spanish horror film about exorcism, professionally directed by Manuel Carballo
ma-cortes17 February 2019
Truly terrifiyng story about a fiftten year old teenager, Shophie Varasseu, who is possessed by a malevolent and heinous spirit. At the beginning Emma has an argument with her overprotective mom: Anna Stockham and she cuts herself her wrist. She thinks of being possesed and asks their parents to be submitted an exorcism. She getting sicker by the time, being really possessed, as a demon into a teen gone amok. Emma has a convulsion and their parents : Richard Felix and Anne Stockham, carry her to the hospital. There is something dark and sinister inside Emma, a nasty demon that goes bersek and she wants to eject it. Later on, she is under psychiatric care , suffering from the effects of being possessed by the devil. Family relies on priests who start to visit her every day. A priest : Stephen Billington, investigates the weird happenings, as he attemts to help the possessed lass. There are some things best kept in secret.

Horror picture about a ghastly possession causing creepy, scary and terrible moments. A rare film about exorcism in similar style to The Exorcist 1973 by William Friedkin. This latter movie remains still startling and engrossing with every viewing, it spread countless sequels and imitations, one of them is this one, though, of course, it is far cry from the original Exorcist. Genuinely scary moments overcome some obvious plot devices. This is a juicy terrifying material fashioning an iconic diabolic possession, providing screams, thrills, shocks and chilling scenes .It has an extremely known premise spawns tbe film in ups and downs. All semblance of plausibility is extracted, leaving a cast of little known actors to show their limited skills. There appears briefly Doug Bradley and Brendan Price but they have less than one minute of screen time.

It delivers a creepy and eerie ambient thanks to an expert cameraman, Javier Salmones. As well as a frightening, suspenseful and chilling musical score by Zacarias M. de la Riva. Being efficiently produced by Carlos Fernandez and Julio Fernandez from Fantastic Factory and Filmax. They have produced a lot of hits in terror and thriller genre such as Abandoned, Km 31, The nun, Quarantine, Paintball, Summer camp, Baby room, The returned, Machinist, Transsiberian, Rec saga, Sleep tight, among others. The motion picture was decently directed by Manuel Carballo, though with no originality and has some flaws and gaps. Carballo has directed a few acceptable films such as The returned, El ultimo justo, 13 miedos and Queens or Reinas TV series. Rating 6/10. Decent and passable horror movie. No for squamish.
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Good Exorcism movie....
MovieGuy0126 February 2011
I must say that i really enjoyed watching the horror film Exorcismus. It is about a 15 year old girl called Emma (Sophie Vavasseur) who life suddenly unexpectedly changes one day when she begins to start having frightening fits. This begins to worry her parents very much, but they seem to put it down to just being psychological problems, but Emma feels that there is something very much powerful happening to her. As she begins to get sicker by each day they finally contact a priest help them get rid of whatever is troubling Emma. As a fan of the 1973 horror film The Exorcist and The Exorsism Of Emily Rose (2005) both of which i thought were absolutely fantastic films. I had a feeling that this one was going to be good. I would really recommend this film to fans that like these type of movies. Recommended: 5/10
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Demonic Possession With a Twist
wildsidecinema9 March 2011
Exorcismus, not surprisingly, starts off fairly predictable, following in the footsteps of pretty much every other possession film out there, but toward about the midway point things suddenly change course, leading you in an original and disturbing direction. While most films seem only interested in patterning themselves on Friedkin's The Exorcist, Carballo introduces us to a "not-so-innocent" young girl with dark secrets, constantly locking horns with her progressive parents. Instead of jumping right into the possession, the director leads us to wonder whether Emma's malady is nothing more than the calculated tantrum tactics of a conniving teenager. This, of course, keeps us guessing while tension slowly builds and the signs of possession become evident.

The film occasionally has a documentary feel, thanks to the cinematography of Javier (Romasanta) Salmones, successfully bringing you closer to the characters without forcing you to participate, like The Possession of David O'Reilly. Naturally that only works when you're given genuine characters to connect with and in my opinion the actors all did a wonderful job, with 19-year-old Sophie (Resident Evil: Apocalypse) Vavasseur turning in the most impressive, and probably physically exhausting, performance as Emma.

Bottom line, when you watch a possession film you want to see some actual demonic possession, whether that's bending backwards, walking on walls, vomiting pea soup or using foul language. In the case of this film, the director could have kept things ambiguous without ever showing us anything supernatural but, thankfully, he didn't go that route. Exorcismus doesn't depend on wild CGI possession gags but they are used and when they are its to great effect as they're never over-the-top.

Written by David (The Devil's Backbone) Muñoz, Exorcismus features capable actors, solid CGI and some thrilling sequences that ooze tension and terror. This film is definitely worth checking out but be sure to rent first.
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Ridiculous, contrived, over acted, and piggy backs much better films
Robert_duder30 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Exorcism films are becoming a dime a dozen and this one is close to a penny a dozen. They take the latest fad of making a faux documentary about a 'real' exorcism but the characters are vapid and empty, the footage stupid and ridiculous and the acting is simply terrible. I read one reviewer who said that people who don't like horror shouldn't watch this because then they'll give the movie false negative and that's ridiculous because I LOVE horror...I'm a horror junkie...films like The Exorcist, and The Exorcism of Emily Rose make this utter crap look even worse. The story is weak and contrived and you don't for a minute believe any of it and that is a key point to really getting under people's skin.

I won't even bother discussing the cast because honestly they are all just awful. I'm actually really blown away by a few reviews that called out how 'good' the performances were because I just thought they were terrible.

The Director, Manuel Carballo, doesn't have a lot of experience behind the camera and it shows in the mish mashed story and silly performances from the cast. The redeeming quality is the very few scenes which do have some pretty intense moments but it certainly is nothing you can't see in any other exorcism movie with a much better story. Even hard core horror fans should skip this one because there isn't much to entertain in this dud. 4/10
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Pretty average...few good scenes but that's it
Chaosmetal6926 October 2011
This film is about a girl who gets possessed by an evil spirit and weird things start happening: the usual exorcism story line formula.

The presentation of this setting for an exorcism movie though was extremely flawed at some parts though and the first half hour of the movie honestly bored me and felt cheesy at times

The next half an hour of the movie was the best part of it though, good raw exorcism takes and good demon possession acting made me anticipate more.

However the next half an hour the story took a bit of a twist and left me feeling kinda dry and disappointed.

Put it this way, if you like exorcism movies check it out...but don't think you'll be watching an amazing new horror movie cause this is not it. If the movie stuck to the pure original exorcism style movie without trying to be different it probably would have been much better.
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bad acting; bad story line; not scary; completely clichéd; otherwise OK
blakkdog12 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your time. This movie is simply just a recycling of exorcism clichés with annoying camera work, bad acting and a poorly developed story line.

The set up premise that her uncle showed her intricate diagrams in the hope that she would memorize them, get ticked off over something and invoke Satan on her bathroom floor all so he could prove Satan exists is absurd. Teenagers may be stupid but how many really would cut themselves open and call for Satan to possess them just because mommy grounds them and their life sucks. And then the fact that the audience needs this explained by her in a ten minute monologue outside her mentally slipping mothers bedroom door was lazy spoon feeding. There's better ways to make the audience understand what happened. Piece it together over the course of the film. Have flash backs that extend beyond the bathroom scene. Something...

And the whole possession moments were horrible. Sophie Vavasseur might be able to pull off annoying angsty bratty British teen with a serious attitude and a death wish maybe but she is laughably bad trying to play the devil. Half the time the voice didn't even correspond to her mouth movements!

The scenes between her and her brother seemed forced and stilted. The scene when he dies was especially terrible. Bad acting and way overdone build up to something you see coming all along. So bad in fact that I actually thought hmm maybe there will be some twist where he doesn't die because they are milking the anticipation of his death SO much that they cant possibly just kill him. But nope... He dies... Exactly as you would predict he would...

In fact a lot in the movie seemed forced just to create particular situations (see explanation scene mentioned above). I blame this on the writing. Very little flowed naturally or organically. Tension building was minimal which is not what you want from an exorcism movie. And I had a real issue with them letting a possessed teenage girl run around all the time and not have her locked up somewhere after the first time she acts like the devil and tries to kill people. Why do you think they kept Linda Blair locked up in her bedroom! And she was only 12! An angsty 15 year old with a bad attitude to begin with ALSO possessed by the devil?! Chain her in the basement! But no we'll let her wonder around, go in and out freely, interact with the public and her little brother who shes already tried to kill once, eat breakfast with the family thats left, etc. It made no sense. Oh and if you are going to have an intense scene where you cause a terrible car accident because you hallucinate leaving your friend/cousin(??) appearing very much dead leading to an overly dramatic NO NO NO! WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME! crying moment in the middle of the road, don't have the very next scene be oh wait he's going to be OK. No harm done! Yuck...
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A Nutshell Review: Exorcismus
DICK STEEL22 January 2011
The Exorcist stands out as the definitive film about exorcism with priests battling it out with demons in possession of a young girl's body, and to date no film can surpass that brilliance, and I am of the opinion it will stand the tests of time and various interpretations of the horror sub-genre to knock it off its perch. Attempts will come and go and it's up to filmmakers to find certain spins to their stories so that they don't get drowned out. The Last Exorcism by director Daniel Stamm was quite an effort with its documentary styled narrative with those huge twists that came with it, and the Anthony Hopkins starrer The Rite will hit our shores quite soon.

Then there's Exorcismus right now by Spanish director Manuel Carballo, which tells of a young girl Emma (Sophie Vavasseur, the schoolgirl in Resident Evil: Apocalypse) whose family suspects she needs mental help for her recurring fits and behaviour, until an inexplicable levitation opened their minds to engage the services of their relative Christopher (Stephen Billington), a priest with a tainted record in exorcism no less, to try and save their kid from the clutches of whatever demon is possessing her. That's the basic crux of the story, but what the film is about comes from the manipulation that mankind is capable of, and the folly and greed of man's pride, wanting to prove oneself to peers for that one-upmanship, or to exact some unintentional vengeful hatred arising from petty, hissy fits.

As the saying goes, don't push your luck and tempt the devil, because you'll never know the true impact of such an unwarranted pact, that you'll probably live to regret it. The film opens with the persistently angry teenager Emma, whom we learn through the course of the narrative isn't quite the docile, demure girl disciplined through home-schooling and always under the watchful eyes of mom, but one who does not hesitate in dabbling with mushrooms, and oh, the ouija board. All these spell trouble, and trouble does come knocking. Half of the show went to Sophie Vavasseur's performance as Emma, and she plays her role quite well, continuing the legacy of fellow peers who have stepped into the shoes of characters possessed by demons, in providing a fitting rendition with what some may say is the same old usual bag of tricks with bile spewing and eye rolling.

On the other corner of the ring is Stephen Billington as the priest Christopher, who is as eager to assist his niece as he is to laying down some ground rules which are a bit peculiar even for horror fans, such as performing it outside of holy grounds, not engaging more spiritual help from fellow brothers of the cloth, and not arresting the problem on the spot, spreading the exorcism over a number of days, with vast periods of intervals as well. This raises alarm bells of course, but all will be addressed as the film wears on, leaving room for various dastardly deeds to be performed, as if a lesson to be learnt against the dabbling with the occult.

For an audience looking for cheap scares and thrills, this is not that film unfortunately, even though it is steeped in the horror sub-genre of possessions. You don't get to see much since the details of the exorcisms are kept under wraps by way of the narrative, although you do get glimpses of it in the final act that turn out to be nothing quite new from what's already been done, such as the trash talking, sexual come-hithers, and more levitations, together with the Lord's Prayer, use of holy water and other equipment in a priest's arsenal.

Like The Last Exorcism, this film also relied on the final act to differentiate itself in quite radical terms, so it's pretty much hit and miss, and more of the latter if you're expecting something to make you jump at your seat, or linger in your thoughts way after the end credits roll. I bought into the explanation so it didn't turn out too bad, but be warned, if you're not receptive to little creative sparks adopted by the filmmakers, then perhaps this may be quite frustrating to sit through given a number of plot conveniences you have to buy into, and having more talk than to show for it.
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Absolute Rubbish
rmsvideo27 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my lord (apt beginning) some reviews imply that this atrocity of a film is actually good?????? Call the optical exorcist. Did you watch the same film as me? I bought this title because it was affiliated with the producers of REC which was a good film. Obviously they just gave the money to a bunch of 1st year undergraduates and said, just give us the film when your done!

OK lets break it down, the narrative just doesn't work, the acting just doesn't work, although everyone looked like they weren't expecting the first levitation even the camera crew which made me laugh. The camera work is awkward and hinders the action, the sets are too clean, the exorcisms are too clean, and I don't think the director has ever seen a horror film! Put it this way, after the first exorcism session every one sat down for dinner, the family, the priest and the possessed girl!? One review likened this to the Exorcist?? which is like comparing the Bill to the Godfather!!!! I would avoid at all costs.
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A mild possession movie
TdSmth524 March 2012
Emma is a home-schooled teen who one day cuts herself. It's thought that it's because she wants to be in school with her friends. One day she has a seizure and foams out of her mouth. Doctors don't find anything wrong with her. Her secular and modern parents send her to a psychologist who ends up dead. Emma knows that something is wrong with her and visits her uncle who is a priest. He recognizes that she's possessed. Emma is willing to undergo an exorcism. Her parents don't agree until she has another seizure and levitates.

The exorcism will take several session to be performed by the uncle who has been actually kicked out of the church for the death of his previous exorcism patient. Meanwhile, whenever the devil takes over and Emma is with someone else, that other person doesn't end up well. The priest recognizes the he alone won't be able to cast out the devil. He also films the sessions. The parents are still in disbelief until one day the father interrupts a session only to actually see for himself how possessed she is. Things get deadlier for the family and we learn some darker secrets about the priest and Emma.

Exorcismus was produced by Spanish production company Filmax which specializes in high quality, lower budget, good-natured, PG-13 horror movies, where the behavior of the characters is far less believable than the horror. This is their take on the exorcism genre, although the exorcisms aren't all that much at the center of the movie, "Possession" would be a more apt title. It follows the Filmax recipe, it won't offend anyone's sensibilities, is well directed, and has a European/Spanish feel to it.

The first third of the movie is very strong. It has its creepy moments, the hand-held camera-work is great and so is the digital sound. The heavily discolored look of the movie, however, is annoying. It doesn't manage to keep the interest or pace as things become less interesting during the second third for some reason, even though that's when stuff starts happening. The last third improves a bit as we learn why the girl really cut herself at the beginning of the movie. And we learn why the priest is so highly motivated to act. What I liked about it was that everything takes place during the day, even outdoors. This devil isn't scared of the sun or of public places. No lame night scenes, rain, thunder, lights going out and all the clichés that plague every single American horror movie. Exorcismus is enjoyable but it doesn't break any new ground, which is something that this type of movie needs at this point, although Sophie Vavasseur's understated performance is excellent.
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Standard Exorcism Pic Offers Nothing Particularly New or Exciting
mbs9 January 2011
Film isn't terrible--and remains more than watchable from beginning to end...its competently made and decently acted more or less. (sure the main actress may cause you to giggle a little when she first starts talking in the voice of "the devil" but i would argue she does a thoroughly professional job throughout---i always bought her as the character going thru this experience...and i never had a single problem with her in her non possessed scenes which would seem to be the mark of a decent to OK actress ordinarily.)

The big problem with this film however is that as decently made and as competent as it is, you know all the notes the film is going to hit long before it actually hits any of them. Even worse is that once the film starts hitting these standard operating procedure notes throughout--you begin to wish the film would do something the least bit different or at least off center other then ticking every exorcist film genre cliché off its checklist.

Does the girl have hallucinations? Check Does the girl start vomiting? Check Does the girl start taunting her loved ones and family? Check Does the girl eventually start speaking in a creepy low rasp that's supposed to be the voice of the demon inside of her? Check

I did try not to let the fact that this has all been done before stop me from enjoying the film tho and honestly you probably shouldn't either however overly familiar all this stuff may seem. The film has one slightly big reveal at the tail end that seems like it could turn out to be something different for an exorcist film. I won't ruin it here because that would be ruining the one good thing that's even slightly different about it....but its a plot twist that doesn't really get the exposure or follow through it deserves in order to really separate this film from the roughly three hundred others just like it.I really wished that the film would have offered up something to have justified its original title EXORCISMUS! which would have been fun to at least have been heard screamed several times over no?
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A bit of a dark horse
deadman7118 April 2011
Well what can I say. I bought it on a whim after seeing it was linked with REC which is a great film. I wasn't expecting much as it was fairly cheap for a newish release. What I got when I watched it however was a really unexpected surprise.

This film is good. The acting is very believable. The story has been around a while with some notable exceptions and the ending is a lot better than most I have seen in the last 10 years.

This film will be compared to The Exorcist (which I find overrated) but that is par for the course as they are both films about young girls being possessed by the Devil.

On the whole this film is an enjoyable way to spend a couple of hours.
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A great, different and underrated film better than Emily Rose...
absolutelysameed16 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
So my friend told me to watch this movie , at first I laughed because I thought he is not pronouncing the name correctly but when I googled it found out it is real. Anyways this movie really kept on the edge of my seat almost the whole time. Great acting , I think that girl played the role of Emma beautifully and the role really suited her. The movie I think is very thrilling and gives you a good number of scares while also maintaining the curiosity of what happened and why it happened. It gives exorcism movies a breath of fresh air buy introducing manipulative tactics used by priest and also included typical elements of an exorcism movie.

I think this movie deserves a lot more recognition and is really underrated , I found it to be way better than Exorcism of Emily Rose.

A must watch for any horror fan.
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Decent story twist but not very memorable
Detsawm30 December 2011
'Exorcismus' is another very typical exorcism movie, a girl gets possessed, acts a bit strangely and then people start dying. However the twist at the end manages to separate it somewhat from the others. The acting of a couple of members of the family is a little to be desired and the camera-work can seem a little like a teenager with a hand-held but for the budget it does what it needs to.

Overall it's another case of where the trailer is far more interesting than the film itself but if this is your type of movie, it's worth watching as a rental.

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A 200 % Absolutely must must see movie
eternallifemates1 September 2011
Wow... At first I thought this movie was brand new (cause of the title where i saw it) Looks like apparently it came out last year....Could have fooled me.. While watching I thought this was a continuation of the exorcist movies but guess not... I absolutely loved this film. Not a big horror buff..however doesn't seem like this movie focuses on the "horror" aspect as much as the do just keeping you on the edge of your seat !! Compared to all other possession films - The films I've seen usually come from the the Preacher's point of view... This firm lets you actually "feel" what the possessed is going through, ie.. her fears, her feeling, her need for help... It all there in this movie.
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Mediocre and not scary at all...
paul_haakonsen28 January 2013
The specific sub-genre of exorcism movies do only dish out the occasional great movie once every now and then, and this movie, however, is not one of those overly great ones.

The story here is fairly generic, straight-forward but also somewhat predictable, which ultimately causes the movie to lose appeal and fail to stand out in a sub-genre that is already flooded with less than mediocre movies.

The acting in the movie was by definition good enough, nothing extraordinary, and not even a small appearance by horror icon Doug Bradley managed to lift the movie up from mediocrity. However, I will say that the actors and actresses in the movie didn't have all that much material to work with, so it was sort of difficult to shine in this movie.

As for horror and shocking moments? Well, don't get your hopes up, because there aren't any. This movie doesn't keep you on edge or make you jump, cringe or cower in any way. I will say that the effects of the possessed Emma was good enough, though I have seen better in other movies.

The movie in itself is a good enough attempt at the genre, it just fails to leave a lasting impression and doesn't manage to distinguish itself from so many other movies of the same type.
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nysalesman100-130 May 2012
The movie started off with your pretty usual exorcism fare, which has gotten pretty old these days. Then, about three quarters of the way in, the movie takes a twist and tanks big time. Come on, can anyone write anymore?

The move also drags on, and on. This movie could easily have run for half it's length and no worse off because of it. The reason for the possession is ridiculous, the exorcism (what little you see of it) is also ridiculous, and the ending was non-climatic.

Do yourself a favor and don't waste your time or money on this flick unless you have nothing else to do and can rent it for $1.20 on Redbox. Otherwise, you'll be disappointed.
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This movie makes me angry...
crazycow-843-40445627 July 2012
There is no real need to explain what the movie is about, cause the title says it all. This movie had promise, it started well, then within 10 - 15 mins, it all went downhill for me. The story is basic and simple, it starts of by introducing us to the characters, The family, mum, dad, teen girl, little brother and the Priest... which is there uncle. I will say the acting was decent, so i can't really fault the actors in this movie. The script on the other hand was awful, First off i would like to say, i love my horror/thriller films. I said this before in one of my other reviews and i'll say it again here, when a movie like this takes it self so seriously, i expect some logic from it, this had little logic to it, i won't explain much about it (cause then it would be spoilers). The directing wasn't bad, althou i have to also blame the director for this nonsense of a film. The camera work was decent, so were the sfx, but thats all the good i can say came from this movie.

I think this movie had a lot of promise, but failed so bad to deliver anything good, decent acting, half decent directing, really bad script. During and after watching this, it got me angry and confused, cause this could have been a good movie, but it's not. My final verdict, 3 out of 10, giving it 3 for the acting and thats about it, i cannot recommend this movie to anyone.
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This movie is nothing new to anyone who has ever watched a film about exorcism(s).
Metzuda14 December 2011
This movie is nothing new to anyone who has ever watched a film about exorcism(s). Throughout the movie we encounter the standard possession scenes. a demon (or spiritual entity) taking complete control of a person's body for any length of time, remaining dormant at other times. The movie follows your run-of-the-mill exorcism-movie progression… the demon at first seems to only manifest timidly, with more boldness as the film progresses, and finally stops bothering to hide itself altogether, along with a spiritual adviser to try and excise the demon.

There are a couple of things that set this movie apart from the others, though, and that was quite pleasing.

The first is the complete lack of "jump" scenes, at least from my perspective. There might be a few scenes where viewers are scared or grossed out, but not nearly to the standard found in most movies in the exorcism sub-genre. For me, I found it a bit disappointing… I honestly love shock scenes, and this movie needed a bit more excitement. It would be a good movie for those who are easily scared or unfamiliar with the concepts of possession, but has little else to offer as far as suspense. I might be able to watch this movie with my friends who are not horror or suspense fans, as it holds little of either.

Another element that is a bit different in this movie is the exorcist himself. We know little enough about him at the beginning of the movie, but as the movie progresses his character deepens towards the climatic twist; and the foreshadowing is there for those who watch closely. The reasons for events in and around the possession and exorcism are fairly unique; my kudos to the writer for (as far as I know) introducing something a little bit new into the genre, instead of completely recycling The Exorcist.

I didn't notice that the acting was bad; it really wasn't. The female lead Sophie Vavasseur did quite a good job in her role, especially in the demanding scenes where she must switch personalities between the teen Emma and the possessing spirit; both in attitude, body and facial expression.

Overall, I can't really recommend this movie to any horror/suspense fan unless they are looking for another cookie-cutter supernatural film to whittle away the time.
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Everything about this film is awful!
lokidog21 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd watch a good horror flick on a foggy evening at home. Well, I watched about 1/4 of this film, and gave up to watch re-runs. I hardly ever do this usually watching anything through to the end. I then watched the rest the next day, just to see if I missed something - Nope! Was this a high school project? Did anyone in the production ever go to film school? The story starts out sort of interesting with a girl cutting herself in a sort of flashback. Then family scenes with teenage angst and a sort of goth teen angle. So I thought maybe this would explore psychological problems of modern teens and frame it as demonic possession. Well, it does, sort of... It just skims the surface, and then the plot becomes ridiculous. The demon-possessed girl goes around recking havoc on everyone, yet is just allowed to go about her daily routine! It's nearly laughable, but not quite. Then lets talk about the characters... I wanted all of them to be killed, just to shut them up. They seem to act randomly - without really following any track. And lastly, the shaky camera of Cinéma vérité - come now! This should only be used for certain reasons. I assume the film maker wanted this to make us feel closer to the story, but it's actually distractive and alienating. If this camera work is supposed to represent the view of a character in the story - who could this be? I am not a fan of this type of camera work in nearly any film - but here it's really misused. It's not at all documentarial, nor are we following a missing third person - so it just makes me sea sick! There is a line near the end of the film - sorry I don't want to re-watch to find it!, but it's something like "Someone has to stop this" and I thought this should be the tagline!
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I don't why but it got under my skin!
atinder20 April 2012
After Watching really poorly made The Devil Inside (2012).

I stumble on this movie and the trailer and looked great.

This movie is much better The Devil Inside and The Last Exorcism (2010) put together!

Sixteen year old Emma is home-schooled, depressed and rebellious. Immediately following a mysterious seizure that has no known medical cause, her behaviour takes a decidedly drastic turn for the worse. Her science-minded parents send her to a psychiatrist, while her faith- minded uncle--a priest--wants to perform an exorcism. They initially refuse his request, but eventually change their minds.

This movie was really good, there some scenes in this movie that took by surprise and actually made say Bloody hell, that ones of the those scenes really got to me.

The acting was really from most cast for most of the movie,

After The twist near the end (Which was really good twist and worked really well with rest of the movie) but the acting was bit off and on in that scene.

The last Ten minutes of were really bizarre, I did think the movie go that way.

I really enjoyed this movie. 7 out of 10 really Good.
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Give her some cough linctus......
FlashCallahan8 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Emma has an argument with her mother because she wants to go to a concert in London with her friends.

She has a convulsion and her family take her to the hospital, but the doctors do not find any physical problem. Her father tries to convince his wife to send Emma to school, instead of homeschooling, but she prefers to keep Emma at home.

Emma is sent to a psycho-analyst, but she asks her friend Rose to record her session of hypnosis.

When Emma listens to the tape, she believes she is possessed by the devil and asks her parents to be submitted to an exorcism with her uncle, Priest Taylor. Her mother is against the ritual and recalls that Chris was responsible for the death of a teenager, in the past in an unsuccessful exorcism.

But when Emma levitates in the kitchen in front of her family, her parents call Chris....

If you could imagine a cross between the Exorcist, and Eastenders, with the now increasingly annoying found footage 'novelty' thrown in, you get this boring mess.

It's a well trodden road when watching this, but the Priest wants to profit from the tapes, so there has to be a twist. Sadly there isn't anything to write home about, and it's as if the film makers haven't a clue either.

The film ends with the girl in hospital, and special guest star Doug 'pinhead' Bradley, sitting by her bed and saying something of no relevance.

It's boring, bar a few good moments from the lead, and it also offers nothing new.

Bit boring really.
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very good horror movie with a twist
ken-ref9 May 2011
I must admit that i haven't been able to watch a good horror movie for a while now till this day.

Very good acting from the girl who acted as Emma Evans, I don't know her name but she nailed it bravo...

I'm not gonna spoil anything just turn out the lights and watch it :).

I recommend this film to those people that want too see a great horror story with a great twist in the end of it.

For those who don't like horror movies please don't watch it because you will turnout posting bad comments about this great film.

I gave a 10 for the result of this film just to help raise up the average result and you wouldn't be fooled by the negative feedback's ;)

My real vote for this film is 8.5 a must seen movie.
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Rubbish rip-off of The Exorcist.
poolandrews15 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Exorcismus is set in London in England where teenager Emma Evans (Sophie Vavasseur) lives with her mom Lucy (Jo-Anne Stockham) & dad John (Richard Felix) & younger brother Mark (Lazaro E. Ortli Ortiz), she should have a good life but Emma is unhappy. Emma feels that her parents are restricting her, not letting her go out, not letting her go to a proper school & making her look after her little brother (I can sympathise with Emma here though, Mark is an annoying kid) so Emma rebells & takes drugs, cuts herself & generally tries to be as awkward as possible. After the usual argument Emma collapses & has a fit on the living room floor (lucky they never had guests around) & is taken to hospital but is given the all clear, Emma then has anther fit & pukes up blood & starts to look very ill. Medical science has no answers so John calls in his brother, a priest named Christopher (Stephen Billington) who is convinced that Emma is possessed by the devil & only an exorcism will save her...

This Spanish production was directed by Manuel Carballo & if you haven't already guess Exorcismus is a complete rip-off of the all time classic The Exorcist (1973), & a pretty bad rip-off as well. Just look at the similarities, the title Exorcismus is also the same as The Exorcist (not quiet enough for Warner Bros. to sue though), the central story of a young girl being possessed by the devil, the way that the Church steps in to perform an exorcism & the effect that it has on the girls immediate family. Sure, there are differences & the script throws in a lame twist at the end which has virtually no impact at all, the twist reveal is pedestrian & is not the dramatic height of the films as it should have been but rather a damp squib that left no impression on me at all. The script is slow going, at almost 100 minutes long Exorcismus drags & very little of note actually happens. It takes ages for anything to happen & the big problem is none of it is surprising, nothing in Exorcismus is particularly original or new. The events of Emmas possession are also really tame, she speaks in a deep voice, she has a fit, she pukes up some blood & that's about it, in fact it's surprising how readily her parents accept that she must be possessed by the devil despite the lack of any convincing evidence. Where's the foul mouth obscenities? Wheres the green vomit? Why doesn't her head spin round 360 degrees? Exorcismus feels like some sort of soap opera where some rebellious teenage girls acts weird for forty odd minutes, there are pointless flashbacks as well to nothing of any great significance.

Filmed under the title The Possession of Emma Evans the makers go out of their way to play down the exploitation & horror, in fact the whole film is far too subtle & forgettable as it deliberately goes for a low key realistic ordinary suburban setting & feel. There's no blood or gore that I could remember, there are a few scenes where Emma hallucinates seeing hordes of Cockroaches emerging from various places including her boyfriends mouth in just about the only straight horror sequence in the entire film. A few people are stabbed, there's a bit of blood but nothing else worth mentioning. The makers of Exorcismus seem to refuse to build up any scares, any tension or generate any creepiness & as a result the whole film is very bland & dull. This whole low key realistic approach just doesn't do the subject matter or story any favours & in fact makes it difficult & boring to sit through.

With a supposed budget of about $1,800,000 this was made in English by a Spanish crew, despite Doug Bradley getting a credit on the titles he's only in it for about two minutes. The rest of cast are average, I can't say I was particularly moved or impressed by any of the performances.

Exorcismus is a total rip-off of The Exocist but manages to fail to even equal it let alone better it, it's a drab & dull film that offers nothing new or memorable. Not recommended.
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A million times (if not a billion times) better than that crap film The Rite(2011)!!!
Vivekmaru4515 October 2011
I am giving this film 10/10 because I was highly entertained. The background music score is OUTSTANDING! The acting, cinematography, SFX are professionally done.

The plot of the film is based on demonic possession. However this film differs from most exorcism films in the fact that in this film, the person himself performs a satanic rite that allows her body to be possessed.

Plot: Emma Hawkins finds herself doing uncontrollable acts. She often faints and goes into seizures. Her parents are concerned and she is taken to see some specialists. However they find nothing wrong with her.

Later on she has a seizure in front of her family in which she levitates.So Emma calls in the help of her uncle who is a priest to drive out the evil spirits.

Watch this film to see what happens next!

Verdict: this film is in a class of its own. If you enjoyed the Exorcist series of films, than this one is for you. If you decide to buy it, it will make a worthy addition to your DVD collection.

P.S. Doug Bradley(role of Pinhead in Hellraiser series of horror films) makes a cameo at the end of the film!
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