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(I) (2010)

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Pure Old-Fashioned Hollywood Fantasy Like the Grant-Hepburn-Kelly films of the1950's and 1960's
classicalsteve8 March 2014
"The Tourist" is very similar to some of the Hollywood escapist fair of the 1950's and early 1960's with the likes of Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn and Grace Kelly. In several films during this era, Grant played an American in European exotic locales dealing with espionage in relatively light-hearted plots. The classic films of this ilk which come to mind are "To Catch a Thief", "Charade", even "Roman Holiday", taking place in Monte Carlo, Monaco, Paris, and Rome. In "The Tourist", Depp plays a Cary Grant-like character and Angelina Jolie has the long dark hair of Audrey Hepburn with the demureness of Grace Kelly. The action begins in Paris then moves to Venice.

The best thing about the film is the opening. The viewer is plopped right into the middle of things without any background or knowledge. A demure mystery woman (Jolie) arrives at a café in Paris near the Champs-Elysees and orders her usual, which we learn is already being prepared. She's a regular. A mysterious note is given to her and provides detailed instructions concerning exact steps she's supposed to take right after leaving the café. While she is reading the note, we learn she is being staked out by government officials. Part of the instruction says "...pick someone with my height and build and make them believe it is me..." She burns the note and makes her way to the central train terminal in Paris.

Part of the fun of the story is that we don't know who wrote the note, and part of the mystery-fantasy is a gradual revelation regarding who the unknown letter-writer is. (The voice-over for the note is Jolie, which is somewhat confusing at first, because the writer is male.) On a train to Venice, she meets a clueless American tourist from Wisconsin, Frank, played by Johnny Depp. Depp (who doesn't exactly seem like a clueless tourist from Wisconsin) acts flattered that a woman who just walked out of Vogue Magazine would sit by him on the train. And so begins a rather fun, if somewhat improbable, misadventure. Depp appears to be someone "with my height and build". Two factions are on the trail on the unknown "letter-writer": Scotland Yard authorities who believe he has not paid back taxes on a transaction worth several billion British pounds, and an international mob run by an older baddie who would kill not only a man who cheats on his wife, but he'll kill his wife too, and all the members of both families. He would even kill the man's doctor, just for good measure. The mob boss lost billions to the mystery man who was once a trusted part of his organization. Part of the plot is the tried-and-true "mistaken identity" device in which the authorities and the mob appear to be confusing the clueless tourist with the unseen letter-writer. Everyone is sure the man they want is Depp.

A fun fantasy which combines elements of romantic-comedy and international espionage. There are a couple of obligatory chase scenes and even a romantic interlude or two, with the compulsory ballroom and casino scenes. What makes it work are the fine performances by Depp and Jolie. The ending is pretty interesting, but there are aspects during the film which don't quite mesh with the information presented previously. But if you're willing to suspend your disbelief and let your imagination run wild, "The Tourist" is a fun treat, sort of like a nice bowl of vanilla ice cream. French vanilla of course on Viennese China.
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Better Than I Expected
gavin694226 May 2011
Revolves around Frank (Johnny Depp), an American tourist visiting Italy to mend a broken heart. Elise (Angelina Jolie) is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses his path.

I entered this film expecting it to be a pile of horse apples. I actually sort of liked it... sexy, intriguing, a bit of action and comedy. By no means is this a movie of the year or anything, but it is a fun film and the kind that might make a good date movie.

I ma not the sort to kiss Depp's butt. He is a great actor, but he is not flawless. Yet, here, I think he was really expressing a range I do not often see from him anymore. A ladies man who is shy and nervous, the Depp of "Edward Scissorhands"... back before he was the international superstar. I liked what I saw here.
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Frothy fun - goes down like an éclair
archravenstorm11 December 2010
Opening day (a Friday) enough of the critical reviews I read were negative enough, that I was asking 2 friends if they wanted to switch films - money is tight, yah know? But we agreed there was nothing wrong with checking The Tourist out, at worst there would be some eye candy.

Once again, I'm glad I blew the critics off - it's not that the negative reviews are wrong, exactly. There ARE too many scenes of entire rooms of people turning around to look at Jolie, like a perfume commercial (or someone with toilet paper stuck to their behind). Characters and relationships aren't fleshed out enough, and it's a predictable film - North by Northwest is far superior.

But. As one critic said, it's a frothy diversion, pleasant and fun. Thought the rumpled Depp was low-key and charming, and Jolie was gorgeous and a sympathetic character. There are some amusing twists, and our fairly full theater laughed a lot and was entertained by the film; at no point did any of us lose interest. There are far worse ways to spend a Friday night, and I'd recommend to anyone looking for some diversion and gorgeous views of Venice. Good for anyone looking to unwind after a long hard week.
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Decent Homage to '50s/'60s Kind Of Film
ccthemovieman-16 April 2011
Thanks to a lot of negative reviews, my hopes on enjoying this movie were pretty I wound up pleasantly surprised that the film was, at very least, entertaining. Yeah, it was not hard to guess the "twist" near the end, but it was an enjoyable, mellow ride.

This movie reminded me of old films, '50s and '60s-type spy films in which there is little action but the characters are interesting enough to make you pay attention and see if you can guess who's who and what's what. Kind or like the 1963 hit "Charade," except this movie is much more low key. Cary Grant would have been ideal in Johnny Depp's role.

Despite mostly dialog-driven, Angelina Jolie and Depp have star-power faces that will have you involved as does the great European scenery and photography, which is first rate on a Blu-Ray.

All in all: a pretty good subtle film and worth a rental.
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A Dark European Thriller (without the darkness or the thrills)
Blackbuster-110 December 2010
Imagine a movie, imagine that movie stars two of the hottest commodities in Hollywood and add a sensual, somewhat dark French-thriller plot. If you did that, you would have the trailer for The Tourist, and it would sound like a pretty good movie, right? But then if you take away the words "dark" and "thriller" and realized that those sought after actors were actually last minute replacements, then you would have the actual movie.

The Tourist stars Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp in what appears to be a very promising plot. Jolie plays Elise, a beautiful and mysterious woman who ensnares spy-fiction fan Frank Tupelo (Depp) into his very own web of international crime and intrigue. Under the orders of Chief Inspector Jones (Timothy Dalton) Scotland Yard's John Acheson played by Paul Bettany (The Da Vinci Code, A Beautiful Mind) tries his best to keep up Elise and the man he believes she is connected to…Alexander Pearce.

For what sounds like a fantastic plot on paper, the execution of it all leaves a little something to be desired. Perhaps the problem is with expectations. As stated before, the premise and the trailer and two actors who typically take on fairly meaty roles suggests that The Tourist would at least have hints of substance, instead the audience is left with a beautiful and…fun movie that is essentially summer action fluff – think The Italian Job meets Knight and Day.

The problems with the film almost assuredly were the result of apparently several casting and directorial issues during pre-production. Depp's role was reportedly originally slated for Tom Cruise, who was replaced by Sam Worthington who dropped out over "creative differences" and ultimately was replaces by Johnny Depp. Angelina Jolie's character was also apparently intended for someone else…none other than Academy Award winning actress Charlize Theron. The director, German born - Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck (Director of the Academy Award winning film The Lives of Others) also was a replacement and who he himself dropped out at one point, only to resume his directorial role later on. It seems that for whatever reason, no one wanted to be a part of this film.

The Tourist certainly has its strong points. The visuals are simply stunning, whether that describes the beautiful European vistas, lavish homes and hotels or the lead actors, there is definitely eye candy everywhere. The action scenes are exciting and even the dialogue has some charm. However it seems that for every peak there is a valley. The Tourist like its pre-production story seems to have a bit of an identity crisis. At times the film feels intense and brooding, other times it feels like a carefree romp through the waterways of Venice. The dialogue and script have their moments of wit and charm while other parts feel like a reject Bond script. The Tourist is by no means a perfect film, however going in with realistic expectations; it may be just the way to end your night or your week
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An enjoyable time
ArdourFilm6 September 2021
Two beautiful people race around Venice in this entertaining and deceptive game of Cat and Mouse.

There's a very charming and seductive quality to this film. And its more subtle execution of the Action-Thriller genre is, I think, very underrated. Along with good pacing and twists that kept me guessing, The Tourist made for an enjoyable time.
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Highly enjoyable - ignore the bad reviews
phd_travel12 January 2011
Highly enjoyable - ignore the bad reviews. I can see why this was nominated as best comedy category - it's a fun thriller a la Hitchcock but less on the thriller side and more on the comedy side.

The scenery is stunning. It has a very on location feel. From the train travel to Venice - it's delightful.

The casting is great from the other worldly Angelina Jolie to the supporting cast Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton, Raoul Bova etc. Depp is suited to the role. His acting is understated and fits in well to the plot. The costumes that Angelina wears throughout are elegant in an old fashioned way. She looks quite thin though.

Some critics have said the plot is muddled but I didn't find this the case at all. It's all quite satisfying and easy to understand. Compared to the other new jigsaw puzzle movies this is really quite straight forward.

One of the most pleasing movies of the year.
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A tour de force , is The Tourist? Well, no, but if you seek to be entertained, see it
inkblot1112 January 2011
Elise (Angelina Jolie) lives in Paris, where she has been "watched" for over a year. Scotland Yard, you see, under the direction of Inspectors Acheson (Paul Bettany) and Jones (Timothy Dalton), want money owed to the British government, by Elise's boyfriend, Alexander. They are convinced that eventually he will return to his beautiful flame. One day, it appears they are correct. At a cafe, Elise receives a note, which she promptly burns, leaving it on a plate while she heads to the train station. Amazingly, from the charred fragments, the Yard, using advanced tech, reconstructs the message. They all hop a train to Lyon and, from there, to Venice. But, Elise, sensing her trackers, makes friends with an American math teacher, Frank (Johnny Depp), who is likewise on a journey to Venice. Because they have no photo of Alexander, only a general description, the Yard assumes this is their man. Naturally, Frank is taken by Elise's stunning appearance and seductive manner and agrees to spend the night with her at a posh hotel. In the morning, she is gone. But, now the Yard is after Frank and they are not the only ones in pursuit. The British mobster, Shaw, who Alexander also robbed, in his role as a personal banker, is out to eliminate him, too. With his Russian thugs as companions, will Shaw get to Frank first or will the Yard? Or will Elise suddenly return to rescue Frank? This is a very entertaining little bit of cinema, somewhat similar to such movies as To Catch a Thief. First, the stars are dynamic, with Jolie and Depp true "stars" who command attention. Depp looks a bit scruffy, as his character is to be played as a non-descript Yankee, and that's a minor shame, given his handsome face. Jolie, however, looks sensational. Bettany, Dalton and the others do fine work as well. The sets are exotic, and the costumes are gorgeous, also. It's true, the story unfolds rather slowly and the direction is sometimes pedestrian. A better edit and camera work would have made a big difference in the overall presentation. But, still, if you are the type who adores a film which takes you away from mundane daily life, you will not be disappointed in this one. No, its not a tour de force but The Tourist is great escapist entertainment.
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Something To Be Learned
littlemartinarocena12 December 2010
Millions, two huge stars, a director with a reputation and a fictional sounding name, and of course, Venice! Nothing works, nothing! The chemistry between Depp and Jolie is virtually non existent. She is dressed in ridiculous, supposedly elegant, gowns but she looks as if she's wearing costumes. Remember Audrey Hepburn? She was never worn by her dresses, she was ahead. The dialog is not to be believed - Julian Fellowes is listed among the writers but, I can't believe it's true. The meet-cute on the train, done so beautifully in th past by a variety of directors and stars, falls flat here, flat! Johnny Depp is one of my favorites but here he looks puffy and detached. How can anyone managed to make Depp look bad? I don't know but they did. Jolie is a big star but here, she seems unused to wear dresses. I couldn't believe her walk through Venice. "Hot to Trot" comes o mind. Imagine, Audrey Hepburn walking purposely through Venice in a ball gown. Or Carole Lombard, or Grace Kelly, or Loren or Deneuve, Gene Tirney, Kay Kendall... I can think of dozens. This was really bad. The only saving grace a running joke that has Depp's character, not speaking Italian, speaks Spanish to the Italians and the Italians respond in Spanish, specially the scene with Christian De Sica (son of Vittorio) in which De Sica replays "De nada" So, the lesson learned is the eternal cliché. Not everything that glitters is gold. And this one, from a distance, glittered, big time
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I actually didn't hate Johnny Depp this time!
davispittman20 April 2015
I caught this movie late one night on FXM, and i didn't know what to expect, because i don't usually like Angelina Jolie or Johnny Depp. There's just something about both of them that annoys me in their movies. But surprisingly in this film, i love both of them in their characters! This film had an intriguing plot to it, very mysterious. This movie had really good visuals, as far as costumes and sets, very elegant. I personally thought the dialouge was pretty intelligent. The ending was a big shocker, one of those that made you step back and question the entire movie. I'm not going to give away what is in store, you'll have to find that out on your own. This certainly isn't gonna win any Oscars or anything, but it does it's job as an entertaining thrilling mystery.
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Director von Donnersmarck needs to be Donnersmacked
TheMovieMark10 December 2010
Considering the fact that Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie are two of the biggest stars in the world, you may have at one time flippantly claimed, "I'd pay $10 just to watch them read the phone book!" Well, if you decide to ignore my advice then you'll have the chance to put the equivalent of that theory to the test if you lay down your hard-earned dinero to see The Tourist.

Displaying the focus of an attention deficit schizophrenic, The Tourist weaves its way through an odd mixture of romantic, comedic, and mysterious elements. I have no problem with a film that embraces multiple genres, as long as it can do so effectively. The problem with this film is I was never sure what type of reaction the film wanted to evoke. The romantic orchestra soars one moment, we're treated to a few slapstick shenanigans the next, and then comes the brooding minor key to remind us that there's a mysteriously mysterious mystery afoot! I would not have been shocked had Rowan Atkinson made an appearance.

Plus, the "climactic" twist isn't as clever as it thinks. I suppose one might be forgiven if he or she finds it cutesy, but even if you do fall for it, by the time it arrives your interest will be too detached to care.

Eliciting little more than a few chuckles and a whole lot of apathy, The Tourist makes its mark as one of this year's most pointless and useless films. I can't single anything out as being truly awful, but neither can I think of a single reason why you should consider spending $10 a pop on a film that offers absolutely nothing new to the cinematic universe. The Italian backdrop is nice to look at, and Jolie and Depp are adequate, if not dynamic in their chemistry, but it takes more than the visual image of Depp traversing rooftops barefooted and in grandpa's pajamas to be deemed worthy of my time.

Entertain, engage, educate, or humor me. That's all I ask. The Tourist decided to go with "none of the above," therefore I encourage you to think twice before making this your selection.
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Charming and romantic spy comedy. Just lovely and funny. Beware: wrongly marketted as a thriller, which it is NOT.
imseeg2 December 2018
Marketted the wrong way because it was sold as a spy thriller, which it is not, because it is just a lovely charming spy COMEDY. Probably better suited for a female or family audience then for men, because of it's elegant nature and female fashionability. Not an action comedy, it's more a charming romantic spy comedy. Quite elegant. A nice bit of entertainment for everyone above 12 years old.

James Bond pictures used to be this funny and charming in the sixties and seventies. But since James Bond has become way too serious nowadays and Johnny English with Rowan Atkinson is a bit too silly, "The Tourist" is the perfectly balanced spy comedy.The story is about Angelina Jolie who plays a ravishing looking secret agent who is in search of an infamous criminal. Johnny Depp plays the hilariouslu funny role of an innocent dorky bystander who accidentally gets involved in this spy game. Great story with many surprising twists and turns.

Lovely charming and funny acting by Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp. If you are a fan of one these 2 actors this is definitely a must see. I have seen it many times already and I love the frivolous charming nature of this spy comedy. From time to time I just long for some quality lighthearted entertainment and "The Tourist" fits the bill exactly for those wishes... Definitely feel good, with some budding romance, a bit of suspense and great jokes. Really charming!
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mystery and intrigue
ksf-221 July 2020
Angelina Jolie is Elise, who is being followed and watched by numerous agents and agencies. good guys, bad buys. we don't really know who is who. when she goes to meet her contact Pearce, she meets Frank, a teacher, (J. Depp), and cozies up to him, to throw the pursuers off the trail. we're in lovely Venezia, so this must have been a fun film to make. Elise clearly lives a life of luxury, stays in the best hotels, and wears very expensive jewelry. and does not like questions. lots of long pauses. beautiful scenery of Venice. and a fair amount of action, chases, adventure, and violence. just shooting and strangling. not much blood and guts. about halfway through, Elise finally tells Frank what's going on. Timothy Dalton is in here as the chief inspector. it's pretty good, if you don't look at it too closely. keeps you guessing, right up to the end. Story by Jérôme Salle. He had written and directed the french version of this film. Directed by Florian von Donnersmarck, who had also directed The Lives of Others.
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Pretty faces, pretty lame.
st-shot10 December 2010
This ugly little piece of slam dunk marketing featuring present day reigning sex symbols Angelina Jolie and Johnnny Depp in a tepid suspensor revolving around missing cash is a clunker from the get go. It's all face time for the hotties which I surmise are supposed to turn up the heat based on their good looks alone since the vapid plot and predictable pursuers lack even a scintilla of originality or suspense. It is a cynical cash grab by all involved. As Fats Waller would say "all that meat and no potatoes."

Woman of mystery Elise Ward (Jolie) boards a train bound for Venice where she enlists Frank Tupelo (Depp) as a useful idiot to help her elude the law and the mob to rendezvous with an accomplice who has made off with an obscene amount of money. The chase is on but the pace along with just about everything else is off.

Jolie has a mega fatale look but her dialog is trite and she delivers it with a comatose inflection that more or less says, with a face and body like this whose listening? She's more runway model in the middle of a show than character of intrigue morphing at times into a stunning and stilted statue. Depp looks bored and non-committal with his rube appointed resume (Wisconsin math teacher) and scruffy look that suaves up in time to get into a clinch with Ms. Jolie, nearly matching her lifelessness.

Director Florian von Donnersmark is a major disappointment. The Tourist is his follow-up to one of the finest films of this early century, Other Peoples Lives and the drop off in cinematic skill and suspense is equivalent to falling off of Everest. Lives, a sober but suspenseful crafted work dealing with the dreaded Stasi in drab East Germany was everything this sloppy escapist drivel isn't. Bad career choice or one hit wonder von Donnermark has only this to show output wise over the last four years and it's downright ghostly.

The Tourist is one bad trip of a movie that smugly attempts to overwhelm you with its stars and locale while paying cursory attention to story, detail and substance. It is a callous, bland product example of producer condescension for an audience that will settle for the crumbs of something that looks great but runs lousy. It should do just fine at the box office.
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Johnny's Frank is delightful, touching and slightly mysterious.
sensationalgirl-201112 July 2011
We're all used to seeing Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie in dramatic roles - Finding Neverland, Public Enemies, The Changeling, A Mighty Heart... and it's so easy to forget that they can be funny. But they are, both of them. Johnny shines, as he always does. Angelina Jolie looks glorious, and when she smiles, the screen lights up. They don't have chemistry, critics say. Oh yes, they do, I say. More importantly, they seem to be enjoying themselves.

Johnny's Frank is delightful, touching and slightly mysterious. He has endless room to play around, and makes Frank memorable, and lovely, as only Johnny can. Angelina's role is more limiting, but she still makes it fresh and - yes - deeply amusing, parodying both herself and the genre in general. Watching her saunter around on her high heels, one can't help but recall what James Bond used to be like. This isn't Wanted or Salt: she has far more to do here than look cryptic and shoot people, and she does it very well.

Add to that the utterly magnificent Paul Bettany, Timothy Dalton, a few stereotypically dim Russian gangsters (they speak actual Russian, for once, and their funniest lines aren't subtitled) and Rufus Sewell, and there's no way you can go wrong.

Yes, there's a twist at the end - a twist that seemed to annoy most people. But does that take away from the film? No! It adds to it, because it's just so obvious, and natural, that it's all the funnier for it.
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What's there to hate about this film? Nothing.
jdkraus21 December 2010
Critics left and right keep bashing this movie. Having seen this feature, I can't help but wonder, what is there to hate about this movie? Both Depp and Jolie give decent performances—it's not their best work, but both of them have good chemistry on screen. The other actors do good jobs as well, particularly Paul Pettany and Steve Berkoff. The story doesn't bring anything new to the table—it's another mysterious, spy film type, but with fewer action sequences and more humor. However, there are a couple of good twists that I didn't see coming which suits the mysterious plot perfectly. The cinematography, set design, and score are all well done. This brings me back to my question: What's there to hate about this film? Nothing that I can find. Now I'm not saying it's the greatest film of all time, but I found it quite enjoyable.

My rating: 3 out of 4
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Romantic caper movie
3rd-row15 December 2010
Lovely little movie. Good fare for a date night. A quiet mosey of adventure where a woman under police surveillance is told to catch a train to Venice and strike up a friendship with a random stranger on the train--a math teacher on vacation is the winner: dinner on the train, a parting of ways, a chance meeting and shared taxi ride. She is orchestrating, he is along for the ride. In Venice, mobsters in search of their stolen money join the hunt. It reminded me a bit of Charade with the roles of Hepburn and Grant reversed: Jolie as the one in control and Depp as the person in over their head, but trying to keep up. I enjoyed the movie for what it was, think spy movie or caper movie, not action or heist (though there is a little of both bullets and action), with beautiful scenery (people and Venice) along the way.
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definitely not the disaster you are led to believe it is
Nefi15 December 2010
Just over a month ago I finally took the time to see the French film Anthony Zimmer in order to be able to correctly review and evaluate its remake The Tourist when it would be released in cinemas. Now after having seen the remake I am completely astonished at how unnecessarily harsh its reviews are turning at to be.

For starters everyone seems to be obsessed with its Golden Globe nomination under the Comedy/Musical genre. Sorry folks, there is no mistake about that. The film is definitely a thriller with heavy comedic tones. Johnny Depp spends the whole film with a perpetual clueless expression on his face that leads the viewer towards comedic feel against which Angelina Jolie's mysterious aura is intentionally contrasted. Those easily judging the actress' performance as robotic and one-note seem to have missed the entire point of her character's function. The story is actually a complete gender reversal of Charade which was also classified as a comedic thriller the last time I checked so anyone not objecting towards that film's classification should also keep their mouth shut when it comes to The Tourist.

Antony Zimmer on the other hand is a totally different affair. The French original absolutely has no comedic approach to its dense crime story. It takes place under the bright sun of the French Riviera and has its protagonist on the run from the mob barefoot on the streets of Cannes in heavy sweat. Compare that scene with its leisurely equivalent in the remake this time taking place on the rooftops of a foggy Venice which culminates with a slapstick scene and the differences in both films really stand out. The French film was also shot with many quirky angles and close ups of objects and faces, effectively underlining the main character's helpless situation whereas the remake is bathed in gloriously composed anamorphic vistas of the canals. Also Sophie Marceau's leading lady is presented as a heartless and manipulative opportunist mercilessly making use of an unsuspecting man she spots on a train. The woman in the remake on the other hand has a kinder spirit. The original ultimately comes off as a gritty crime thriller but this remake is a deliberate attempt at recreating the lightweight atmosphere of a 60s era comedy thriller a la Charade or Gambit. There were many times during the film where I felt like I was watching a homage at those films, from the pace of the movements of the actors and the placement of camera to the heavy eye shadow applied to Angelina Jolie's utterly beautiful face, effectively elevating her already mesmerizing physicality to an even higher level appeal of, say, a 60s era Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren or Claudia Cardinale.

At the end I must say that the the film is nowhere near the disaster it is presented as being. It is just a finely made and with two international stars, a beautifully and attractively cast adult entertainment. Of course it is no award fodder but don't we need this type of filmmaking every now and then to draw some breath among the flood of family entertainment hurled toward us at every opportunity by the Hollywood money machine? I for one am content with what I saw this evening.
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Jerique3 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was told by a friend that this movie was not very good due to the fact that Depp and Jolie phoned-in their performances. However, I feel different.

Johnny Depp is not quite the over-the-top star in this film like his roles in Pirates of Caribbean. He doesn't dominate the screen, but more so takes a backseat to Angelina Jolie.

Jolie plays a woman, Elise who is trying to pawn off a random tourist, Frank (Depp), in order to get a debt scratched from a big-time crime lord.

It's an intriguing story but it is very predictable. I had a feeling about the ending early on. However, they both do a good job of playing their characters who are on the run. Depp plays the 'confused innocent' for awhile. The supporting cast is not too bad, either. Plus, the locations, whether real or studio are beautiful.

I won't say that it's a great movie but it is at least decent enough to watch a few more times. I wouldn't mind showing it to a friend or something, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a fan of Depp, Jolie or a secret agent movies.
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You can't get out of death & taxes, but you can skip seeing this film
the-movie-guy9 December 2010
(Synopsis) Elise (Angelina Jolie) randomly sits next to an American tourist, Frank (Johnny Depp), on a Venice-bound train. The police have been following Elise for over two years waiting for her to contact her lover, who embezzled over $2 Billion from a mobster. The British Economic Police want to collect its share (taxes) of over $775 Million to be paid on this money. Frank, a math teacher, and Elise must evade the police, and also the mobster who's money was stolen.

(My Comment) This movie is unlike many that Angelina Jolie has played in, in that she is involved in very little action. Johnny Depp has a few minor action scenes. Most of the time Angelina walks around looking beautiful, and Johnny is like a lost puppy, almost as if they phoned in their parts. It isn't a totally bad movie; because it only has a little action and a poorly written dialogue for these talented actors. The storyline is not complicated; the mobster's money man steals a large amount of his money, and he is now on the run for his life, plus the police want him too. The movie contains some beautiful panorama scenery of Venice. Overall, the movie is not what you would expect, but it kept my attention, and it is a little entertaining. By the way, there is a story twist that you may figure out for yourself before the end. (Sony Pictures, Run Time 1:45, Rated PG-13) (4/10)
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Very good movie. Naysayers are unfair and, with all due respect, clueless.
ffattahi16 March 2011
I am writing this review after reading a lot of negative reactions on the IMDb forum from people who frankly missed the point.

A very unfortunate product of our times of technology, the internet, and other conveniences is today's impatient audience who demands immediate satisfaction and movies that are over the top CGI filled action from the very first minute to the last climactic explosion. When a movie attempts to build up something it is accused of being slow and boring. Alfred Hitchcock would have been a Hollywood failure today because the first hour of most of his movies were slow, meticulous, and borderline boring while setting us up for the second hour of intrigue.

For those of you who missed the point, this picture is an homage to the type of lighthearted but very entertaining romantic comedy/adventure/intrigue movies of the 60s that directors like Stanley Donen and Blake Edwards expertly put out. Those pictures almost always had Paris, Venice, and other European scenery as backdrop and the cute mismatched - only to be matched later - couple as protagonist. We were taken on a ride around Europe with the bad guys chasing the good guys while we were never sure until the end whether all of the good guys were really good. The audience patiently sat in their seats and were rewarded with a good feeling coming out of the theater. What's so wrong with that?

When IMDb forum posters disappointingly ask if this was a comedy, my answer is go watch "Charade" and tell me if it was one!

When they think the twist did not make sense I just ask, "What if she chose Depp on the train by an unfortunate accident that Pierce hadn't counted on?" When you think about it, the characters would have had a much smoother and less eventful life if it all had gone the way Pierce had planned.

And finally when they call the ending silly or implausible, I just have one word to say: "Chill!"..... OK, more words: "This is supposed to be a somewhat silly, romantic adventure, not Hamlet." As such, I think it delivered. I came out of the theater totally entertained, and if you are too young to have watched great predecessors of this genre, I highly recommend watching "Charade." I guarantee you will enjoy it and gain a better appreciation of "The Tourist."
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How Can It Possibly Be?
roastmary-112 December 2010
I was looking forward to "The Tourist" Depp and Jolie in a "Charade" like romp. Well, not such luck. Seems as if the director has never even seen a Stanley Donen movie. Not a single moment of fun. Not one! Angelina Jolie behaves like a first time model wearing dresses that were meant for someone else. Atrocious is the word that comes to mind. I haven't been this embarrassed for actor since Vince Vaughn as Norman Bates in the remake of "Psycho" Her lines and her delivery are worthy of an amateur, and the script? Goodness, gracious, me! How can this possibly be? Even Venice looks banal. Depp manages a couple of moments but doesn't look well as if we were looking at the movie in the wrong ratio. 15 $ a ticket. I'm so mad! Glimpses of famous (in Italy) Italian actors including Alessio Boni (from The Best Of Youth) add to the depression I felt sitting through this. They must have thought "a big Hollywood movie with Jolie, Depp and the director of "The Lives Of Others" what a break! Well I was fooled myself. Unforgivable!
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An old-fashioned star vehicle
drosett8 July 2012
Nothing more, nothing less. It's an anachronism, the type of escapist movie that Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn made in the late fifties and early sixties. It's supposed to have a silly twist at the end, all neatly tied with a bow.

I just couldn't work up the anger and outrage that many reviewers have churned up about it. OK, so who would have guessed that Johnny Depp would be weirder playing someone normal rather than his usual weirdo roles? And who would really believe that Angelina Jolie would fall for an unassuming American math teacher?

No one. That's why it's fun, folks. Just roll with it, taking in all the wonderful Venice scenery while you're at it. Seriously, this is an elegant film from beginning to end and it doesn't matter that it's more than a little preposterous.

It's an escape, a European fantasy. Just laugh and enjoy it.
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Fun if rather silly thriller
Tweekums29 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't know much about this thriller when I sat down to watch it; just what I'd read on the DVD box… and that is seldom the best source of information! As it turned out I rather enjoyed it. The opening got me interested very quickly; who was the mysterious woman being watched by French police and what had she done? It must have been serious as Scotland Yard are also after her. She gets a note from a man called Alexander Pierce telling her to take the train to Venice and sit next to somebody who looks a bit like him; she does this and meets American tourist Frank. He thinks he is getting lucky when he is invited to her hotel suite but doesn't realise the danger he is getting into… Alexander Pierce has stolen a lot of money from a gangster and used a small portion of it to buy a new face; now that gangster thinks Frank is Alex! In what follows he will be shot at, chased over the Venetian rooftops, arrested and even dragged behind a speedboat, but even though it appears he has been used he falls for the mysterious Elise. Before the films climax there are a few more twists but I won't spoil them here.

This might not be the most believable thriller ever made and the twists weren't the most shocking but it was good mindless fun; Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie do decent jobs as Frank and Elise, they are supported by several well known actors including Timothy Dalton, Paul Bettany and Steven Berkoff who are fine. The action is well directed and even though one must be willing to suspend ones disbelief it isn't too ridiculous. It helps that it is set in a beautiful city which provides some stunning backdrops but that is de rigueur in a film like this; after all it was never going for gritty realism. If you want something serious give this a miss but if you want some good mindless fun you could do a lot worse.
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The Tourist
0U19 February 2020
The story moves too slowly, but it is interesting and Depp and Jolie are well suited to their roles. There is kind of a smoldering intensity to their characterizations that others have mistaken for lack of chemistry. I found them to be delightful together. The story has some twists, but none too surprising. An enjoyable if somewhat relaxed action movie.
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