Horse Girl (2020) Poster

(I) (2020)

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Beautiful Acting
Too-Tall-for-the-Desert12 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a happy movie, but it is very touching. For me it is an important story about mental health. The main character is beautifully portrayed, really wonderful acting. Definitely worth a look in my humble opinion.
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rubendorren9 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A very good portrayal of a woman having a severe schizophrenic breakdown, as viewed through her eyes. I did miss some of the drama and tragedy that you can find in movies like 'A Beautiful Mind' or 'American Psycho', but the atmosphere and visualizations were very well done. Also super performance by Alison Brie.
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Quirky Indie Movie meets Surreal Odyssey
sara_shaw8 February 2020
"Horse Girl" is the story of a lonely, awkward woman who has recently experienced severe trauma and is struggling to deal with it without a suitable support structure. The dialogue here was not scripted out in advance; just a detailed outline from which the actors improvised their lines. There's a unusual feeling of authenticity because of it- not because it seems like a documentary (far from it!), but because in the midst of all the super-weirdness there are surprisingly human and relatable characters.

This is a quirky indie movie, but it's also an existential mediation; it's a bizarre out-there odyssey while also being a bedroom character study. How far you go with it will depend on your toleration for this kind of melting-pot of different genres. But if you're a fan of surreal films that grapple with the nature of reality and how we experience it, then, while you might not revere this as a masterwork, it's definitely worth your time.
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Watch it
faibischew8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It's a sad story about a schizophrenic woman. The disease progresses to a delusional state of total reality loss. Good portrait of a terrible mental condition.
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Felt slightly unfinished/incomplete. Maybe a short film concept instead.
the_hawk88 February 2020
There were a couple of well shot scenes. With spectacular "showing" and not "telling". The movie felt slightly underwhelming or incomplete. More like a short movie than a feature length. I liked the story concept and Alison Brie did well as a homely weirdo with crazy things happening to her. Worth watch maybe as an experimental viewing. It's on Netflix so you might as well. I am glad Netflix is investing in these movies. Keeps me coming back.
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Whoopz7 June 2020
We decided to go with "Horse Girl" a movie with a very generic name, that came out about 2 weeks ago and we knew almost nothing about.

The movie is playing with a lot of different genres, supposedly it's a thriller, but there was also a little bit of comedy and sci-fi in there. To my sisters big disappointment the movie really wasn't about horses. It's about mental illness. And it just works.

Somehow we found ourselves laughing at the movie, but also being saddened by it, because this is reality to some people.

I wont go into too many details of the movie, but I encourage you to watch it, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
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My opinion
GioSebua2 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good movie for me. I liked seeing what psychologically ill people see and their reality is different. The film simply explores the relationship between a psychologist and a patient, as well as the attitudes of friends. I liked the attitude of the psychiatrist when he tries to get into the game but it does not work out exactly, he tries anyway. Those who did not like the film I think did not meet your expectations, you had other expectations and went in a different direction. "You have endured many things. I want you to know that I believe that what you tell me is your truth and what you feel for you is 100% real ..."
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Shame about the ending.
xdeschuyter-014108 February 2020
The film has potential with a strong lead, some good visuals and a nice soundtrack. The concept is interesting and to an extent, well represented.

Unfortunately all the supporting characters are... not great. Mostly by design, such as being almost deliberately stupid/negligent/ineffective in order to push the story in a certain direction.

What really ruins it however is the "make up your own mind ending" and the confessed motive behind it. Those two minutes completely nullify whatever was valuable about the portrait. Shame.
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What you believe is what matters
Sir Gerry18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers: There seem to be maily two interpretations to this movie, she indeed suffers from a mental illness, or she is telling the truth the truth not her truth). I think whatever the viewer chooses to believe really tells more about them than about the meaning of the movie.
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I truly wanted to like this.. but
MovieBuffBelle9 February 2020
I really did try and want to like this movie. Im a huge Allison Brie fan and Deb Ryan fan and I love arty movies with a ending that leaves you guessing but... this just went overboard. The message they are trying to make gets too lost with the movie trying to be so "clever". If they are trying to send a message about mental illness it's definitely not clear enough. The director said in an interview he wanted to leave audiences guessing the ending but theres enough clues about the real meaning or the real ending and its so clear, sorry but no. Actually either ending whether its real or not has huge storyline holes in it that make either not make sense. This comes off as the director wanting to appear clever rather than it actually being clever and its too much. This would have been such a better and well liked movie if they reeled it in a bit. It just went too far and its a shame because it could have been great if they didnt go over the top with it
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Not for those who like easy answers.
scoobyjack87 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Horse Girl is an achingly sad movie about mental breakdown. In the first act of the film, I found the character development to be beautifully executed and I was rooting for Sarah. I was hoping the film could turn out as some kind of offbeat romcom even though I had an idea we were in for a darker ride.

One thing I loved about this movie was that the focus was on just observing Sarah and empathetically inhibiting her mindset without judgment or explanation. I think this could be off putting for some viewers but if you're interested in psychology and how people work, this movie will be very interesting for you.

Personally, I think the overall message of this movie is that the mind of mentally ill person is not to be dismissed outright because their experiences will feel real to them, which is a very empathetic and true point to make. My favourite scene in the movie made this clear as Ethan told Sarah that he appreciated that the experiences she described were 100% her truth.

In the past, I think Jeff Baena's films have not gotten the credit they deserve but thankfully this one is undeniable and has received critical acclaim.

Lastly, I want to mention the acting. Alison Brie was the star of the show for sure as she created a believable character and she played both the small and big moments perfectly. Molly Shannon also managed to create a specific and three dimensional character with a short amount of screen time. I loved the scene where she tried to advise Sarah to put aside any negative thoughts, this perfectly satirised the well-meaning but misguided ally to anyone with mental health difficulties.

Overall, this move was really insightful. I'd recommend to anyone who likes a character-based film or who has a strong interest in psychology.
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I dunno, I like it.
bombersflyup30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Horse Girl is engaging and evoking, light and humorous, but also off-the-wall.

They make the point of Joan seeing the horse earlier in the timeline, to clarify it's not illness, but it's still vague and underwritten. Alison Brie's kinda terrific, elevating the nothingness to something worthwhile...
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Waste of time
oliverickx5 September 2021
Half way through the movie, I thought that there was no point the story.

After the ending, I was sure of it.
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Outstanding performance but eh direction.
cruise0110 February 2020
Horse Girl (3 out of 5 stars).

Horse Girl is a fair drama film that plays around the psychological, delusional, or realism concept. Which took me for a surprise with the final several minutes of what was happening. The performances by Alison Brie was great playing a character that starts losing her reality and becoming delusional. With a decent performance by Debby Ryan as her roommate. The plot is decent. The direction and script was kind of dull with making the characters underwritten.

The plot follows Sarah (Alison Brie) who works at a fabric store. She is more of a loner, who keeps to herself, and is obsessed with her tv series called Purgatory (which is similar to Supernatural). She visits a ranch and is obsessed with a horse that once belonged to her family. On her birthday, she starts having dreams and memories. The déjà vu feeling of having seen people before she has yet to meet. She sleeps walks. Losing track of time and her surroundings. She becomes obsessed that she is a clone of her grandmother who also suffered the same condition.

It is a nice character study psychologically with the story. The story is thin and forgettable. It is mainly about Sarah and how she losing her mind and becoming delusional. The ending does become something were it gets the audience talking about. Without giving away spoilers. It does become like a WTF moment on what just happened.

Alison Brie is great playing as Sarah. Outstanding performance. Debby Ryan is okay as her roommate who gets concerned about Sarah.

The direction and script is dull and tedious at times. Overall, Horse Girl is a fair movie.
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In our dreams we are convinced what we live is real... how far are we all really away from distorted reality?
Thatsthename10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Interesting film. Worth a watch and leaves you thinking. You're very much brought into her world. The film gradually feels stranger, as does her world.
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A quirky study of mental illness
cesiraurzi14 May 2020
Horse Girl is unfortunately marketed as a quirky, surreal romantic comedy. The elements are all there: an aloof protagonist waiting to blossom, Sarah, played by an outstanding Alison Brie; a boss/friend/maternal figure/dispenser of good advice, played by Molly Shannon; a shy, good natured love interest, played by John Reynolds; plus the pretty mean flatmate with her jock boyfriend and a few more minor characters to entertain us. From the beginning we understand that she is peculiar, has no friends, lost her mother, and loves horses. In fact, she's obsessed with one horse in particular that she used to own but had to sell for some unexplained reason (possibly an accident?). Sarah spends most of her time in a fantasy world, obsessively watching a Buffyesque TV show called Purgatory. At some point, she starts having strange dreams, from which she wakes up finding herself in unusual places, such as in the middle of the road wearing a nightgown. Through her flatmate's boyfriend she meets a nice guy who falls for her and asks her out, so that we, the audience, are led to believe that her lonely life may have a happy ending. Unfortunately, that's when trouble begins. I'm not goign to spoil the rest of the film for those who haven't watched it, but the only thing I want to say is that it was really badly marketed (by Netflix or whoever). This film is not a comedy; it's a silent, understated tragedy; a study of slow, irreparable descent into mental illness. Sarah is one of those unreliable narrators that are so fashionable these days, so it is hard to discern what is true from what's part of her imagination, who is real and who's not. But one thing is for sure: she is ill, she needs help, and she has no one to give it to her. After one of her episodes, she tells a doctor about her mentally ill grandma (whom she ends up believing she's a clone of) and how she was kicked out of a mental hospital due to lack of funding and ended up dying alone and homeless - something that may as well happen to Sarah. The film subtly criticises capitalist neoliberal individualist america, but never quite makes a strong enough statement for everyone to grasp. Overall, I liked this movie, even though I cannot say I enjoyed watching it. It surely left an impression on me and I would recommend it to people, as long as they understand what it is they are about to watch.
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The genre of the movie is not a drama about mental illness, but a science fiction genre about time travel.
itcools20 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The genre of the movie is not a drama about mental illness, but a science fiction genre about time travel.

The first scene of the movie features two people's Sarah.

One Sarah talking to Molly Shannon inside the store, and Sarah dragging a horse outside the store.

And in the final scene of the movie, Sarah smiles at Molly Sharon and Sarah in the store as she drags her horse to the forest.

I got goose bumps in the last scene of the Horse Girl.
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Selling blank canvas for high art
giannhs_karfo4 December 2020
Nice sound/music, picture, scenes, sets.

cheap, pretentious, lazy, writting and directing.

it's "viewerbait" trying to impose dillemas, makes people think they are smart for wondering, while it actually has no substance.
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An Empathetic Look at Mental Illness that's Lacking in Substance
TwistedContent7 February 2020
Netflix picked up "Horse Girl" out of Sundance and less than two weeks later this equal parts sweet and terrifying journey into Sarah's mind (and into abstractism) is given for us to experience. "Horse Girl" might not have achieved what it set out to - or maybe wasn't even sure what it wanted to go for - but it is most certainly an enjoyable drama, full of oddities and led reassuringly, even intimately by Alison Brie.

"Horse Girl" starts out on a light, sweet note, almost as if it was a rom-com. We follow the restricted life of the socially awkward Sarah, join her in her daily trials and tribulations, joy and sorrow & ultimately into the descent of mental chaos and uncertain reality. "Horse Girl" shifts tone slowly and gently, but inevitably and with a slight sense of dread behind it all. Emotionally, the story is charged enough, but as far as the plot goes - it's a movie that either got a little lost in its ambitions or just didn't know its point and aim. Flavorful journey, misty destination. "Horse Girl" might not be of the best movies centered around mental illness out there, but it deserves to be heard. The cherry on the cake, however, is the performance by Alison Brie, an absolutely convincing one, rightly tuned, even personal-feeling. The rest of the cast is no lesser and provides a great background in the world in and around Sarah. As it would fit and benefit for such a dream-like movie, "Horse Girl" is clothed in a creative, both bright and pastel-colored cinematography. A treat to watch.

"Horse Girl" is a movie that is sure to make you feel along with its main character, provided you don't have a heart of stone. The movie's overall tone, all the oddball creativities and the lead performance are the stars of the undeniably flawed "Horse Girl". Intrigued? Give it a try. My rating: 7/10.
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A clear rip off of The God Inside My Ear
antonio-spoljar18 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Quoting Reddit user Karnas, who copied it from the director Joe Badon's Facebook page:

"From the director's facebook page:

OK guys, This is the writer/director of the film THE GOD INSIDE MY EAR.

I made this film with my own money (under $10k) and with an all volunteer cast/crew. It was a passion project for sure.

We shot the film in 2017 and sent it to film festivals in early 2018. It was released on DVD/Bluray and streaming late 2018/early 2019.

Enter HORSE GIRL (2020).

The new netflix film HORSE GIRL (2020) and THE GOD INSIDE MY EAR (2018) have a lot of similar plot points. So many that I'd like you guys to check it out and let me know what you think.


Here's a quick list of similarities. Some similarities are more mundane but some similarities are SPOT ON. I'm sure that there might be more but I just have to watch HORSE GIRL a few more times:

Both main characters (girls) have just recently experienced the loss of a loved one.

That loss makes both girls reclusive.

Both girls work in sales positions at department stores.

Both girls start hearing voices.

Both girls take a drug that transports them to a white room with a black creature.

Both girls are urged by their friends to start dating again.

Both girls go on blind dates.

Both girls feel drawn to a humming building in town.

Both girls visit this building in the middle of the night (in their pajamas).

Both girls are reincarnations (or clones) of past dead people.

Both girls consult with a shaman who give them a magic thing that will drive out their demons.

One girl gets nose bleeds. One girl gets ear bleeds.

Both girls go to an ear, nose, throat doctor about their bleeding orifices.

Both doctors refer them to a psychiatrist/psychologist.

Both girls do a dance and a ritual with their magic/shaman thing in their respective living rooms in order to ward off their evil demons.

Both girls get stuck in a small lock space where the door to that space magically opens so that they can escape.

Both girls are visited by younger versions of themselves.

Both girls walk or ascend into a bright all encompassing light at the very end of the film.

And those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head.

PLUS, my editor just posted a shot comparison video to show the similarity even between shots. Check the video below.

LASTLY, if you'd like to compare the movies for yourself, you can check it out for free on TUBITV.

You guys let me know what you think!"
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Waste of time
gsmb-4075111 February 2020
I think they tried to make an interesting movie about schizophrenia and missed by far. Mixes with alternate reality including other characters and making nonsense in the big picture.
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Schizophrenia simulator
briancham199418 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film is the best simulation of schizophrenia I've seen. It covers more than just visions as it goes deeply into the complex delusions and the effects on the patient's life. It gets really dark, twisted and complex. What is it like to live when you never know what's real, everyone's out to get you and your experiences suggest something otherworldly is going on? This film was a powerful view into that kind of life. Very insightful and underrated. At the same time, there's an alternative interpretation that her fantasies are actually real in the film. It's impossible to say but there are some rather gratuitously ambiguous sequences that add some intrigue. Either way, the fictional TV show "Purgatory" (a nice homage to 90s paranormal dramas like Buffy the Vampire Slayer) was super cheesy and entertaining to watch.
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A Mental Breakdown from the Inside
PyroSikTh23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Horse Girl follows Sarah as she goes through a psychotic breakdown, but rather than show this matter-of-factly, the film decides to show us this from her perspective. As you can imagine, she's a hell of an unreliable narrator, and thanks to a mixture of dream sequences, mix-ups of chronology, and questions of reality, it becomes a mess of "is that real or was it all in her head?"

It gets so bad that you even start to question if the more grounded parts of the film were even real. The film's point gets further muddied by certain events being undeniably supportive of her conspiracies. For instance the horse her co-worker sees in the car park appears twice, identically, strongly implying the time travel Sarah claims may not be in her head. Similarly she walks out of the shower and into the store she works at, showing a loss of time and distorted reality on her part, and yet her hair is still wet in the store, with that not being possible if she came straight from the staff room. On the flipside the entire dream sequence from her leaving the mental ward, dressing up in peach linens, and stalking around various setpieces as if they were all connected to each other (including the white room of the aliens), as well as a sex scene involving the character from her favourite TV show, absolutely could not be real by any stretch of the imagination.

This creates a confusing, messy narrative that doesn't want to settle on either side of mental breakdown or supernatural, and on the surface the film suffers for that. I remarked midway through that I hope it doesn't try to offer any answers, because any answer it offers would be unsatisfactory. Thankfully they didn't, because there's simply too much evidence to go either way. Instead what this does is put us directly in Sarah's shoes, as she perceives reality. We know there's no way some of this can be real, but so does she. She's not stupid. She knows she's crazy. But just like her, we also recognise there's too much evidence to support her for it be a complete fabrication. There's a shred of truth to her claims that no-one can deny. Imagine living life like that. Truly put yourself in Sarah's shoes and it becomes easy to understand how this mental slip can snowball so quickly. And for that I have to commend the movie for it's fantastic portrayal of mental illness. This isn't outside looking in like Joker or Black Swan, where we just sit back and watch someone lose it. This is a movie that places you directly in their shoes and makes you feel the way they do. It's real, but it's not. You're never really sure of what is or isn't real, but you know something's off. You know it looks crazy, but you also know it's real to you.

I will say this though, Sarah is insufferable as a character. I get she's meant to be socially awkward, but instead she often comes off as a busybody who regards her opinion on anything important enough to be heard by everyone whether they're interested or not. Her constant need to bring up her favourite TV show to strangers and health professionals is super cringy, as is her hounding of the new girl who takes her horse out. I understand the reasons behind it, but I can tell you straight out that she is not a person I would have much patience for. Maybe that's the point, that not everyone in need is likeable and easy to support, but it made it hard to sympathise with her early on in the movie, when it matters most. Alison Brie did a fantastic job of it though. She needs more high profile work. She deserves it. Her portrayal of a lonely, traumatised woman with no social acumen is heartbreaking to watch, because she nails it all, from the goofy looks to the expressions of terror and confusion all at once, to the complete conviction that she's right to the sudden mental and emotional flips beyond her control.

Horse Girl is unlikely to be anyone's favourite movie. It's messy, offers no answers, and offers us a character real hard to root for. However it's approach to mental health and putting you in her shoes as reality begins to breakdown is fantastic. I do just kind of wish it gave us more to chew on; more to discuss and dissect. As it is it's a fairly straight telling of a mental breakdown, but it would've been nice to amp up the supernatural elements a little more to make us question it more, but maybe that's just my tastes talking. I give Horse Girl a commendable 7/10.
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The Movie Should Have Been Called "Horse Crap"
brettsanace9 February 2020
I know people are going to say "Oh, you just don't understand, it is a deep and meaningful movie that is an allegory for what it is like to have mental illness and blah, blah, blah ... " But basically it is just a crap movie. Don't watch it if you are looking for a couple of hours of enjoyment.
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Watch me go insane
borgolarici23 January 2021
Sarah is going insane and we're watching her succumb to schizophrenia through the screen. As expected, it's a a rather bleak experience.

Despite this movie being objectively good, I can't bring myself to give it a higher rate: it was too slow for my liking and there were too many filler scenes.
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