Deception (2008) Poster


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"Derailed" All Over Again
3xHCCH8 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the theater because of the interesting star combination of Hiugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor. I did not have an idea what the story would be about. However, the simple (and unimaginative) title was a give-away of the plot. Within the first ten minutes, you already feel you have seen this movie before. I immediately thought of the Clive Owen-Jennifer Aniston movie "Derailed." (The initial chance seduction occurred at a train station, as well.)

John McQuarrie (Ewan McGregor) is a lonely accountant/auditor with zero social life. He gets hooked into a sex "list" by the magnetic man's man Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman). There he meets the girl of his dreams simply known to him as "S" (Michelle Williams). Of course, since the title gives away the plot, you knew this set-up was all an elaborate deception, and nothing is really what it seemed.

As for the plot, there were a lot of improbabilities that weaken the story (some spoilers follow later for those interested). The suspense was a bit muted because the director was generous with the clues. Or may be we have just watched to many of these variations of this story in movies.

The sex "list" set-up (which was the main thing of interest that set this movie apart from others like it) was most likely inspired by real such social clubs. These lurid circles where busy people just call each other randomly for some anonymous commitment-free sex, I am sure, ordinary guys like us will never get mixed up with in real life. This movie does give us a vicarious teasing peek into this alternative lifestyle, though.

I did like the triumph of good at the end though, because there were no strings attached.

I could not help but compare this film with "Derailed" because they were so similar, and "Derailed" was clearly better in all aspects. That said, this film "Deception" is really not that bad as the cheap local posters (that resort to sexy photos of girls in lingerie) would suggest.

***********SPOILERS FOLLOW************** These are the questions that the movie requires you to turn a blind eye on: How could Bose possibly assume that McQuarrie would do his criminal bidding just because of "S"? At that time, McQuarrie had only met "S" twice, and they did not even have sex yet. And indeed, can an auditor actually gain access to perform multi-million dollar money transfers from the company he is auditing? Also, is it that easy to create fake passports? Especially in the case of McQuarrie.
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"Are you free tonite? Wanna see a sexy and erotic thriller that will leave you with goosebumps?"
Smells_Like_Cheese30 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw the trailer to Deception, I was intrigued, but a little put off, we haven't had a thriller release in theaters that was actually good in a while, let alone a sexy thriller. But I saw Deception on Sunday and I think the rating on IMDb is a little harsh to be honest, this was such a cool, sexy, and sleek thriller, true, it was a little predictable if you've seen every thriller possible, but Deception kept me interested and had a good story with an equally strong cast. I was a little disappointed in the ending, it seemed like they could've had something a little stronger with Hugh and Ewan, like they would've been a great pair of trouble makers for the world to watch out for. But it was also cool to see the female fetal back, which we rarely see, and Michelle Williams was a great choice, she had the looks and the talent to pull this movie together with the two strong male leads.

Jonathan is an accountant, one of the best, but his life is just what you expect of an accountant: boring, typical, and no ladies, but he meets Wyatt, a handsome, strong, successful lady's man, they become best friends immediately. When Jonathan accidentally grabs Wyatt's cell phone, Wyatt is in a different country, so Jonathan uses the cell and gets involved with a sex club. He meets S, a mysterious girl he just falls for, but when she is "kidnapped", he gets in a lot deeper than he expects and doesn't realize the set up he fell for.

Deception is predictable in some ways, the ending, if you are used to these thrillers, yes, you're going to be able to see what's coming, sad, I know, but I'm so used to it that I'm just accepting it. I thought this was still a clever thriller, I just loved Hugh's performance, he was so into his character, he made it sexy and creepy. Ewan pulls in a decent performance and stands strong, the ending is his peek in the film and Michelle was just great as S. Deception is a cool thriller I highly recommend, it's a sexy movie that won't leave you disappointed.

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barely agreeable but with a ludicrous ending
antoniotierno25 September 2008
The thing is that the plot takes too many turns, so many that the movie ties itself in knots and must resort to a lot of silliness to develop a finale and get out of the whole mess. The early moments are quite involving, showing the nerd-player friendship taking to something scary. Nevertheless, in spite of the good beginning, I figure the two leads have never the chemistry that would explain why they got drawn to one - another, so moments where the viewer would say "OK, everything seems to work" are very rare. The story gets then ridiculous in the end due to many plot twist that poop a film otherwise decent. There's also a cameo of Charlotte Rampling.
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Beautifully made, pity about that story.
GIJoint23 June 2010
Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) is shy Auditor/Accountant who moves from office to office in New York City, working away by himself, crunching numbers, solving problems. His life is dull and his social life is even worse. One night while working late a smooth talking well dressed lawyer named Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman) introduces himself to Jonathan, Wyatt offers Jonathan a certain green cigarette and the two quickly establish a friendship and begin to socialize with one another and soon enough, Jonathan is involved in a secret sex club.

Deception is a movie where it attempts to bring back the dying erotic thriller genre and to some degree it works, the concept of this sex club amongst Manhattans elite is intriguing and watching Jonathan gain confidence in himself and doing things he thought he never would makes for quite a watch. The problem is though is that the story/screenplay is paper thin, you will know the plot twists well before they happen and you will question some of the poor decision making and silliness during the film. It's disappointing that the story is weak because the cast is strong and the film is well made. Deception looks sleek and beautiful, the cinematography by the legendary Dante Spinotte is a must see on its own, New York City has never looked any sexier than it does in this film, set decoration is also fantastic and all that is accompanied by an engrossing sound track which fits in perfectly with the film. The actors do a fine job with what they have to work with but again it makes you wonder how good this movie could have been with a better screenplay. I wouldn't quite say Deception is a must see but it's definitely a decent watch on a quiet night in.
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You'll be thoroughly entertained! as long as you don't expect to much.
Adam00011 May 2008
Its not perfect by no means, the script has much to be desired and at times the acting was unconvincing. But when I went into the Cinema I wasn't expecting anything mind-blowing, in fact I wasn't expecting anything at all. Surprisingly I didn't seam to find the movie overly predictable, however at times its dramatically far fetched. Notably the complete stupidity of a shooting occurring in broad day light in a busy European city going unnoticed. All this being said, the movie is entertaining. I wasn't at any moment particularly board with its rather slow beginning moving on to a fast paces final hour. Surprisingly Ewan McGregor seamed to portray the role fairly well with the exception of a few noticeable accent slips. Michelle Williams on the other hand has much to be desired. In no way am I suggesting she's a great actress but I was surprised at how unconvincingly she portrays a rather simple role. Its definitely a mixed bag, where on one hand its very engaging and on the other it has obvious flaws. I recommend it, you'll be thoroughly entertained but try not going in the theatre expecting to much.
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JohnDeSando25 April 2008
"The essence of lying is in deception, not in words." John Ruskin

The only deception in the film Deception is that you might expect a cool, modern thriller. WRONG. This piece of cinematic disappointment defines the dramatic descriptor "telegraph." In other words, if you didn't have an idea of what is to come from what is happening now, then you've not been to junk movies enough not to be surprised. Of course, you can feel right at home with the pervasive use of cell phones, but then you may watch enough TV to be used to them as dramatic device.

Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) is a dorky high-level auditor with the requisite glasses and outdated haircut who stumbles into a sex ring, aided by the urbane Wyatt Bose (High Jackman). As Jonathan enjoys himself picking the ever so sweet fruit from this vine, he falls in love with one of the anonymous partners, not a good thing to do.

The ensuing plot complications are as clichéd as clouds in Seattle—they don't always make sense, but, hey, this is the movies! The problem is that without a sharp script, the inconsistencies are more obvious and plot points just not credible, e.g., how does she magically appear at the right spot in a big city? or how can you commit a murder in a public park in Madrid without anyone around in broad daylight? or how can you get a phony passport on short notice? or how can you withdraw millions with that document especially since the photo ID online doesn't look close to your impersonation? or, oh, well, I'm not going to deceive you—this movie lacks credibility.
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Cockeyed Suspense.
rmax30482318 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This didn't get exceptional reviews but I kind of enjoyed most of it. It was mostly towards the end when the winces of disbelief appeared.

It's a suspense story in which naive, dumb, prosperous burgher Ewan McGregor is blackmailed by smiling, psychopathic, murdering Hugh Jackman and sultry but beef-brained Michelle Williams.

I don't think I'll give away much of the plot because it's twisted and at the end it explodes into a multitude of flapdoodles.

I found the acting to be pretty good. McGregor is entirely believable as the harmless Wall Street. Jackman is strapped into the role of the smiling evildoer and there's not much that he can do with it. Williams is convincing. Lisa Gay Hamilton, an unimpressive physical presence, brings life to the role of the necessary detective. The direction is functional and efficient, without fireworks.

However, the plot thins. You have to believe, for instance, that a man and a hooker who have just met are still able to fall so deeply in love that they're willing to kill for one another.

You have to believe that a man in a foreign country, without a job or any other source of income, could walk away from twenty million dollars of mob money that no one would miss anyway. I mean, really -- would you?
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jotix10020 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Jonathan McQuarry, a meek accountant, stumbles into a sex ring that changes him from his mediocre existence to that of a man that has known the real thing. His lawyer friend, Wyatt Bose (Wherever do they get these names from, it's beyond comprehension) has something else in mind, he wants to use McQuarry for his own personal enrichment. For that, Bose devises what appears a flawless plan in which he will become a millionaire. Little prepares him for an ironic twist in which his best laid scheme will backfire.

Directed by Marcel Langenegger, who used to be in advertising, the film doesn't live up to its promise. There are many false moves that makes the viewer think something's wrong from the start. Written by Mark Bomback, who was responsible for the Bruce Willis' vehicle "Live Free or Die Hard", the movie relies on the viewer's willingness to go along with a premise that makes not much sense. Mr. Langenegger, working with Italian cinematographer Dante Spinotti, gives us a film that is full of dark colors to emphasize, perhaps, the erotic tone of the earlier part of the picture.

Frankly, the two leads, Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor, don't bring any excitement to their characters. Mr. Jackman is not convincing as the sneaky Bose, and Mr. McGregor, who shows up with a terrible makeup, is a mousy man who discovers sex perhaps too late in life. Michelle Williams, whose name is S, plays a role that will not add anything to her otherwise interesting career. Charlotte Rampling, on the other hand, is about the best thing in the movie. Wow! She can teach the other actresses a couple of tricks effortlessly, but alas, she's only seen too briefly.
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Good performances, but predictable plot twists.
kevin_crighton29 April 2008
Jonathan McQuarry, is an accountant who strikes up a friendship with a lawyer called Wyatt Bose. After accidentally swapping phones, McQuarry starts getting calls from women who are part of a group of people who meet purely for casual sexual encounters. During one of these, McQuarry meets a blonde woman whom he becomes close to. When he's attacked and she disappears, he discovers more going on than he realized....

From the above plot description some people can figure out where the story is heading. I for one did. It's a sad fact that the script written by Mark Bomback holds no surprises at all. It also doesn't help that there are plot holes that aren't explained or dealt with. The direction by Marcel Langenegger is okay, but he doesn't add any tension into the movie.

What does save the movie are the three main performances. Michelle Williams is suitably enigmatic as the girl involved, Hugh Jackman as Wyatt Bose brings charm and charisma to the part, and Ewan McGregor as Jonathan McQuarry convinces as the straight, lonely accountant seduced into the events played out.

However the performances alone can't save the movie from being a disappointing, predictable thriller.
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Pretty much exactly what you would expect
Lando_Hass24 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched Deception, and again, I really wasn't expecting that much from it. In fact, I really wasn't expecting anything in particular; I had absolutely no expectations for this movie. I didn't think it looked terrible, good, or average. I just thought it'd be worth a watch. And, overall, I thought it was worth a watch, but not much else. It's a good movie to see if you're bored one night and decide to just see whatever.

One reason I was kind of intrigued by it was because I had this weird feeling that it might be an interesting movie kind of like The Prestige, even though the only connection these movies have is that they both star Hugh Jackman, and they both involve Hugh Jackman and another guy going up against each other. Obviously, it's nothing like that, but whatever. I figured the movie would at least be really thrilling and I thought it would have some really unpredictable twists and turns along the way. Honestly though, there's not really a single thing in this movie thats surprising. Not once did I say to myself as I was watching it, "Wow, I didn't expect that." Because I pretty much did expect everything. That's not to say it's a bad movie. It's pretty entertaining, but it's just not as good as it could have been.

Ewan McGregor plays kind of a nerdy, shy accountant who one night meets Hugh Jackman's character (Wyatt Bose), a suave, kind of wild Wall Street-type guy who's pretty much the complete opposite of McGregor. Through a series of events, McGregor's character ends up with Jackman's cellphone, and he receives a call from a woman who asks him if he's free for the night. He meets the woman, and through another series of events, he gets caught up in this sex club where he calls random women in Bose's phone, getting together with them to screw them. The rule is that there's not supposed to really be any conversation, not getting-to-know-each other, and they're not supposed to know each other's names. They just get together for one reason only: To screw each other.

Of course, Bose is not who he seems to be. There's something about him, and you already know that right off the bat. Eventually, McGregor's character meets up with a woman (her name's never given, it just starts with an S) that he falls in love with and cares for. Of course, things start to unravel, and Bose reveals that there's more to him than what he puts out.

The sad thing is that you know what every character is going to do. You know what twists the movie is going to take, and you pretty much know how it's going to end. You know every step the movie's going to take, and because of that, it's not exactly thrilling or suspenseful. Bose's motive for doing what he's doing isn't predictable, but it just leaves you with a feeling of "That's it?" You expect there to be much more to the story and to Bose's motives, but there really isn't. It's like, it's not horrible, it's not good, it just leaves you thinking, "That's alright, but that's it?"

Of course, the movie's full of sex...which means it's full of nudity. A bunch of gorgeous, hot women get naked for the camera, and it's pretty damn sexy. Just thought I'd point that out.

The movie was entertaining, and it was made pretty well, but it could've been a lot cooler. It was really well made, the actors were good, Hugh Jackman's character was the villain, but he was really likable, they could've made it more suspenseful and they could've put some better twists in there, but whatever. I enjoyed it enough. But you're pretty much gonna see every single twist and turn a mile away if you go see it. Regardless of that, it's still a nice, solid movie. But eh. Go judge for yourself.

Score: 7 out of 10.
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Great Acting but HORRIBLE ending.. and hard to swallow movie
filmtravel10126 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It is hard to imagine that Hugh Jackson or Ewan McGregor would sign on to this movie with such a horrible ending and a bunch of impossible parts that just don't seem feasible.... hitchcock would be ashamed of such a ripoff.

Spoilers.... In one day Ewan's character manages to not only get the service guy to open his room instead of him, but also.. here is the kicker, manages to also get a fake passport made and fly to madrid.. but the worst part is that..after he admits to knowing that the girl was in on the scam.. he drops not only his half of the money.. but both.. .and so does the girl... and thus a totally hard to swallow ending. Great to imagine people put Love above money..... but not in this scenario.

I give it a 4 for being such a flop on the mcguffin and twists.. but great actors. what a shame the script sucked!
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Smooth as Silk
gradyharp21 June 2010
DECEPTION (2008) is one of those films that fares better after the brouhaha surrounding its release has dies down: catching for free on television probably adds to the positive response if the viewer has never even heard of the film! So, in that vein, DECEPTION is a smooth thriller populated by a fine cast of actors who manage to keep the audience with them as the various aspects of this maze of a film at first confuse and then satisfy. Writer Mark Bomback impresses and director Marcel Langenegger shows promise, but it is the work of the three main characters, with some VERY strong support form fine actors in cameo roles, that makes this thriller tick.

Jonathan McQuarry (Ewan McGregor) is an accountant whose world needs to be precisely organized - and boring - and excludes any form of diversion or unexpected excitement. Until handsome and debonair 'lawyer' Wyatt Bose (Hugh Jackman) appears on the scene. The two strike up a strange 'guy-thing' relationship: Bose introduces McQuarry to tokes and women and then accidentally exchanges cellphones with the spaced out McQuarry. Probably for the first time in his life McQuarry notices a young lady (Michelle Williams) in the subway and without an exchange of more than a few words of direction he becomes obsessed with her. Meanwhile Bose is off to London, leaving McQuarry to discover the cellphone connection to a sex club: call a number, ask if they are busy, meet them, and have a wholly anonymous liaison - following the strict rules of the club. McQuarry responds to some of these calls and discovers a world that includes such beauties as Charlotte Rampling, Natasha Henstridge, Paz de la Huerta, Maggie Q...and incidentally, 'S' - the moniker assumed by Michelle Williams. McQuarry and 'S' connect on a higher level and it is at this point that Bose returns and the deceptive scheme for 'altering auditor books' to shift millions to Bose is presented to McQuarry as the only way he will see 'S' again. From then on nothing is as it seems, entanglements become knots, bad things happen, and the only saving grace is the manner the film ends just shy of the happy-wappy manner....until the final frames betray the taste of the movie.

DECEPTION is not a great film, but it is a good diversion as a thriller that keeps you thinking. McGregor, Jackman, Williams et al (especially a cameo detective performance by Lisa Gay Hamilton) give fine performances - and that alone is refreshing enough to stay with the movie to the end.

Grady Harp
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Not entirely original but entertaining enough
juneebuggy9 March 2016
This was okay, I was expecting it to better though with Ewan McGregor, Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams attached but it just fell kinda flat especially as an "erotic thriller". I will say it didn't ever go where I thought it going to, the mystery aspect was unique in that respect.

Ewan McGregor plays a nerdy shy accountant here who is introduced to a secretive sex club known as "The List" when he mistakenly swaps phones with his smooth talking lawyer friend Hugh Jackman. "Are you free tonight?" is how it all starts, Jonathan soon falls for one of the members and then becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance as well as a multi-million dollar heist.

Jackman and McGregor had pretty good chemistry together, I like both these actors so they were an easy sell and it was interesting how they managed to look so alike later on. Michelle Williams is super talented but she's wasted here in a dull, fluffy role that left zero impression.

One big issue I had was with the two cases containing 10 million dollars that are just left in the park. Really! that's insane besides the fact that "he" needs the money no one would just leave 10 million dollars and walk away. 2/15/16
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Mostly rubbish
seawalker28 April 2008
Two things to say about this film.

Firstly, what an astoundingly rubbish title for a movie. "Deception"??? Oh, come on. Can you think of a more non-committal, less interesting, less imaginative title for a movie? I can't. All thrillers are about deception, of one kind or another.

"Deception" originally went into production under the title "The List". Hmm... Well... OK. I admit it. That title is also pretty bad. Then, "Deception" was going to be called "The Tourist". Now, I kind of like that. Sounds art house and kind of strange. Conjures up images of an observer, an outsider. Somebody not in the loop. In fact, pretty much the character that Ewan McGregor plays.

Secondly, what a completely rubbish movie! OK, maybe not completely rubbish. Just mostly rubbish.

"Deception" is a good 20 minutes too long. After a while it just seems to go on and on. The climax is misjudged and mistimed. The sex is typical Movies 24 soft core erotica, or maybe a Friday night Channel 5 movie from the early Noughties. You know the kind of thing. Soft focus humping to a soundtrack of screaming saxophone driven jazz. (Mind you don't trip over the cliché, there chief!) Also, every plot twist in "Deception" is signposted way in advance. If you don't get at least one of the major plot twists then, frankly, you really should give up watching movies. Pretty lame, pretty dull, pretty bad movie.

I said 'mostly rubbish', so some of it must have been good. Yes?

I did like the film's chilly, European ambiance. I liked the idea of powerful people, too isolated and too busy to develop human relationships. I liked Hugh Jackman's well dressed and cold instigator, Ewan McGregor's lonely accountant and Michelle Williams' bruised vulnerability. I thought all three leads made the most of their underwritten roles, but sadly it was not enough.

There is plenty of space in this world for a good, sexualised thriller (see the original "Basic Instinct"), but sadly "Deception" was nothing like a good sexualised thriller.
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the_last_galerian25 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this movie certainly has its moments. Sometimes you're sitting there praying for it to freaking end, and other times you're completely absorbed into the movie. Now, in Canada, this movie is rated 14A. Considering that the first, oh, forty five minutes to an hour of the movie is basically porn, I can't help but disagree. If you're not prepared to see McGregor's fluffy chest, don't see this. So, after awhile of squirming uncomfortably, the movie finally begins to draw you in. I'm not going into details of what the movie is about, but there are plot holes abound. Many things make negative sense. For example, how can someone shoot someone else in the middle of a street in Madrid not only without anyone noticing but from a straight angle when they are standing at a far diagonal? How did the passports get made up so quickly? HOW did McGregor not die in that one scene? That made no sense at all.

Overall, it's an all right movie when you're watching it, it's amazing when you're pulled into the story, but reflecting on it later and realizing all its flaws makes my personal rating of it drop. It takes WAY too long to get into the actual story, McGregor goes through hell and back to get this girl who he met twice, there is way too much porn stuff, the ending is atrocious...but my word, the middle of the movie is just fantastic. If you're a fan of McGregor and/or Jackman, go rent it or something because they both do a good job in it. If you're not a fan of either of them, what is wrong with you, McGregor is fantastic.
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Entertaining at best
raulfaust20 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Deception: an unusual kind of movie that involves sexuality, mystery, pleasure and urban life. The idea of having a sex (and anonymous) list has already passed through everyones head I suppose. For big urban cities it should work perfectly.

Despite that, the movie is entertaining and mysterious. We don't know what to expect from the characters and what is gonna happen. I doubt anyone here before watching already knew that Wyatt Bose was gonna be a bounder like that. I thought he was a McQuarry's illusion. Also, this kind of remembered me of "Perfect Stranger" - a bad movie, unlike "Deception".

You guys may not believe, but when the "S" girl asked him to guess her name, I instantly thought in my head "Simone". I swear, I have no witness but in my head I know I'm speaking the truth.

Summing it up, this film is truly entertaining and the sex list may had caused some problems to the religious audience. To me, it was nothing but an excellent idea.
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Deception did not deceive me
moviesaccordingtodes14 October 2010
It was a great plot but I wasn't surprised by the "great" twist at the end. It was very predictable. I felt like I've seen this movie in 100 different versions. Though, I can't tell if it is very predictable or if I have seen way too many movies. I get the feeling it's the latter.

Assuming I have seen too many movies, this movie was great! I liked the actors and I don't think you are supposed to really get what's going on or what the ending is supposed to be. There is a big twist at the end that left some of my friends shocked. So, see this movie if you want a mystery type of thriller…and if you don't watch a lot of movies.

Let me know if you thought the ending was obvious.
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too many flaws...ridiculous ending
mauricebarringer15 May 2008
I want to apologize for this short review, but I am time deprived.) 1. How did Michelle Williams smuggle a gun on her flight to Spain (airplane security has never been stricter) or how did she get the gun once in Spain?

2. How did Hugh Jackman con so many people to get to his position? (Sure, there are some gullible people, but he charmed everyone.)

3. Why would Evan McGregor forgive Michelle Williams after she basically did her best to ruin his life? Also, she must have known that Hugh Jackman killed the other sex club lady as well as the janitor at McGregor's apartment yet McGregor took her back.

4. Most significantly, in Spain Jackman assumed McGregor's identity and McGregor then assumed the false name that Jackman used. McGregor also co-signed with that signature on the large withdrawal note at the Spanish bank. That would implicate him in the murder of Jackman that was committed by Michelle Williams. The Spanish police would investigate the murder and the American police would also investigate once the weekend ended and the transaction was recorded in the American bank.

McGregor and Williams would then be arrested at the airport either in Spain or in the USA. I found the over-the-top ending to be much too difficult to swallow.
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Unappetizing wallow...a sexed-up cell-phone thriller about as familiar as its title
moonspinner552 February 2011
Ewan McGregor never convinces as a meek accountant (who actually admits to sleeping with only four women in his entire life!) whose cell-phone is switched with that of a swinging New York City lawyer (Hugh Jackman, also none-too-convincing with a hack American accent). The accountant allows himself to be submerged in the high toned-yet-seamy lifestyle of the lawyer until he's set up to be the fall-guy in a crime. Continually disappointing, derivative, unimaginative thriller filmed in washed-out winter-blues and grays, crippled by an endlessly-protracted finale. With a seemingly large budget and talented actors in the cast (including Charlotte Rampling--still beautiful in her later years), blame for the picture's failure must fall on Mark Bomback's ridiculous screenplay, which could have been penned by any student just graduating film school. *1/2 from ****
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Sometimes, it's what you don't see that makes all the difference...
griffinfinity5 July 2009
Going into this I had fair warning as to what it was about. The name guarantees as much. That said my interest raised as each chapter unfolded. Knowing how the genre is, working out the inevitable twists and curve balls ensued. That is part of the experience. So is the outlandish nature of plot, and I don't know a soul who thought 'Body Double' was based on anything remotely possible, but they still enjoyed it. This film has something different about it. A subtle expression that grows into an intriguing smile.

Director Marcel Langenegger worked with writer, Mark Bomback, to make the film work for both their tastes and sensibilities. Their collaboration is for the good of the project. He also brought in Dante Spinotti, a fine Director of Photography. He was largely responsible for the look of the Chinatown sequence and it was my favorite sequence of events.

I wanted to see 'Deception' on the strength of Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor's involvement with the film. Both are extraordinarily fine actors and I could not imagine either appearing in anything sub-par. They took on assignments that cast them in a different light than most are used to viewing them in.

Mr. Jackman dives into his role with the same gusto he has become famous for. I feel that few actors can match his range. His 'Wolverine' is much more than a raging mutant. Jackman squarely lifted the 'X-Men' gambit to his shoulders and skyrocketed into mega-franchise orbit. He also has history on Broadway and lit the boards afire in 'The Boy From Oz'. His turn as 'Van Helsing' the great vampire hunter sees Hugh in the action-adventure region and earning high praise.

Mr. McGregor plays an accountant who goes through his daily paces as one of the army of eternal extras who drift through the scenes of New York's rich, powerful, and flamboyant theater of the absurd. McGregor's skill is on display as a timid, almost apologetic excuse of a being that I would have loved to seen introduced ala 'Twilight Zone' by Rod Serling. His character certainly passes through it.

What gives 'Deception' its edge is an outstanding performance by Michelle Williams. Her interaction with both stars is intense, but in particular, with McGregor she is magical. Ms. Williams says more with a glance than words could express. Each scene finds her generously sprinkling talent in all directions. Oh, she does indeed speak, and I savored every word.

A quick nod to Charlotte Rampling who I might well have wrote the above paragraph for had she been given more screen time. She makes ample use of what time she does receive. Ms. Rampling has a rather brutal, but matter-of-fact way of taking over a scene. Her dominance is simply never in question.

The sliding scale for a psychological thriller begins with 'Hitchcock brilliant' and works its way down from there. 'Deception' is a bit better than the normal fair for this genre. That is due to the fine performances.
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Great looking people in a terrible, terrible movie.
dilbertsuperman20 January 2010
This is a reasonably slick looking movie that falls flat on it's stupid face, as the movie starts it seems to hold promise, we obviously know there's a deception of some kind going on, but it's not quite clear what kind of setup it will be. By the time you see the end scene you will want to take whatever media the movie is on and smash it to bits for being so incredibly and utterly, ridiculously, pathetically STUPID.

Whoever wrote this script was borrowing heavily from a MUCH better movie. SKIP this movie, go watch the movie it ripped off:

The Spanish Prisoner.

PLOT: a charismatic new friend introduces a bored/boring accountant to some women that would normally be out of his league, it all seems to good to be true, then comes the gotchya. Unfortunately you will see it coming a mile away, and the end of the movie is so stupid, and so terrible you will really regret watching this dog. If they cut this movie in half and decided to re-shoot it with a believable ending, it might have been a 5, but this movie is a solid 1 because of the low IQ of the plot.

The Spanish Prisoner with Steve Martin is a thousand times better than this stupid dog, that ripped of that script and added some scantily clad women as window dressing and a completely unrealistic "love" interest.
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If you are in the mood for an intense erotic thriller, then Deception does deliver.
DarkVulcan292 May 2008
A very well done thriller, that has it all, it's very sexy, and it keeps you glued to your seat with excitement, cause it has a great plot with so many twists, you'll keep wondering who has who right where they want them. Hugh Jackman and Ewan Mcgregor give commendable performances, so does Michelle Williams. But the problem here is the story falls short when it comes to being original. It seems to borrow from other thrillers. I won't say what they are you'll half to see the movie to find out. But being original seems to be not so easy anymore. But still a good thriller none the less. I was hooked when the story really picked, and got suspenseful, and you could really feel the tension of what happens next. I'm telling you viewers Deception will deliver.
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Not bad but not great
colunga1312 June 2009
I think this movie was good but it was kind of confusing and it's very predictable and the ending was kind of badly plotted. But it's not the cast's fault it was the writer's for creating such a pitiful plot but still not bad. I only watched it to see Hugh Jackman. Not bad but not great it's like in the middle. But I think this movie could've been a little bit better maybe if it was longer with better actors(other than Jackman)and more impact and unique ending but sadly nope. But like I said, not good not great. In the middle. Maybe if they changed the actor that played Jonathan it would've been better because he didn't show that much passion when he had his scenes of sexuality. I give it a 6/10
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$20million just left on the ground?!
cwade2215 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Dumb main character! DUMB! Im sad that he wasnt killed or arrested earlier. Dumb. And what idiot leaves $20 million on the ground?! Lol. He did! HE LEFT IT! This movie was annoying to watch! The Lead actor kept making dumb mistakes and I just lost respect for his character. Also, it was very annoying to hear him whining and freaking out. But let me join that sex club. I dont want charlotte rampling but 2 of the "list girls" were attractive. This movie was dumb. Lol. Had potential. How did they approve this movie?! The writing should've been slightly better. They'll approve anything, if the cast and other people have enough power. I've heard of quality projects that weren't approved. Wow! They need to do better with approving scripts.
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Predictable But Great Style
farvefan000413 July 2009
The plot in this movie is somewhat obvious and very slow at times but not every movie has to rely solely on excitement and plot. This is one of those movies. Not only does McGregor play the shy guy role perfectly, the city shots provide the perfect backdrop for the entire movie (although the ending kind of ruined the setting). Another aspect of this movie that I liked was the protagonist antagonist conflict. Unlike most movies here the villain isn't the unstoppable stay-out-of-his-way-or-else villain. During the whole movie you're never certain who is going to win in the end. This helps keep things a little less predictable.

If your only judge of a good movie is the quality of the story and the flow of the plot you won't like this movie. But if you can appreciate great shots, great setting, and a pretty decent love story, this movie has what you need.
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