Jackass Number Two (2006) Poster

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A sequel that actually rocks!! (even from a non-fan)
The-Movie-Guru15 September 2006
This movie blew me away - I have only seen two episodes of the show, never saw the first movie, but went to a pre-screening where Johnny Knoxville himself introduced the movie, telling us to 'turn off our sense of moral judgment for an hour and a half.' He was right. As a movie, this would probably rate a 2, given it has zero plot, no structure besides randomness, and very little production value. However, that isn't the point. Everyone in our theatre was laughing and gasping the whole way through - not only were some of the stunts creative (see trailer if you need to know but they hid some of the best (or worst depending on how you want to look at it)), but some of the stuff they did took us completely by surprise. These guys do some stuff that won't make it into your newspaper reviews (and probably can't even be published here), involving lots of things below the belt. However, almost 3/4 of the stunts are fantastically hysterical (even if morally condemnable, but remember Knoxville's statement), and if you are in the right mindset this movie is hysterical to watch. Only about 20 minutes of this movie could have actually been shown on TV, so consider yourself warned of what you're getting into - some stuff is disgusting, but instead of being repulsed by it you end up laughing at the sheer stupidity of it all. As a person who thought Jackass the TV show was an over-hyped fad with only a few funny sketches and lots of unnecessary pain, the amount of fun I had at this movie has made me realize that having no boundaries is the best environment for these guys to work in. It's a lot of fun and should be a great comedic fix until the Borat movie comes out. With this movie, you may think you know what you're getting, but these guys are a few steps ahead of you - I guarantee you'll be surprised by the 3rd sketch. So enjoy, and don't worry: you won't want to perform almost any of their stuff at home.
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Insane - you might want to bring a 'barf bag'
tomq5p25 September 2006
It's what you expect. It induces laughter, cringing, and dry-heaving, not necessarily in that order. It's over-the-top. You will see things that you may never be able to erase from your mind's eye. " Jackass Number Two" is better than the first; the actors definitely took more risks while filming this movie. There are many stunts which could have killed the actors, especially Johnny Knoxville. The treatment of animals was suspect, but other than that, the movie achieved what is was made to achieve. If you like the preview, see the movie. If you don't, steer clear!

8 out of 10
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Pure Circus Entertainment
thewinterking22 September 2006
This film tops the previous incarnation by a mile, taking everything to the next level. As always the JackAss guys are purely unbelievable, and I personally laughed harder in that theatre than I have in a long time. Like the first JackAss, this isn't so much a movie as an eighty minute long string of stunts and pranks. It is pure circus entertainment taken to the highest level. Essentially these guys are clowns, debasing themselves for the amusement of others. And its great. The shenanigans are so low, outrageous, and often disgusting that they transcend into a higher form of entertainment.

You can't rate this along other movies, its in a class of its own. And it shines. Go and enjoy it for the pure spectacle that it is.
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fatmaninatrenchcoat20 September 2006
Just got out of an advance screening, and wow was this movie hilarious. Possibly better than the first one, but at least its equal. If you don't like jackass, or really unnecessary amounts of male nudity(way more than in the first) then stay far, far away. But if you dig the whole Jackass thing, then this movie will not disappoint. Toro Totter is the greatest invention ever. OK. so my review wasn't long enough... All else i have to say is poor, poor Dunn, they really kick the crap out of him in this. So if you enjoy masochistic humor, and prolific male nudity, and by far the most disgusting female nudity ever (John Waters is involved, need i say more?) then this movie will keep you in stitches for it entirety. I never stopped laughing, and actually came out drenched in sweat.
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Johnny Knoxville has lost his mind
MovieAddict20164 October 2006
Johnny Knoxville has gone insane.

In the first Jackass he delighted in practical jokes more so than the physical stuff – his opening car rental gag and the later bit involving an air horn on a golf course were more akin to some type of extreme Candid Camera – but in Jackass: Number Two he's really off his rocker.

Beginning with a sequence where he is chased through a living room by a bull, or later when he rides a rocket (a stunt which almost cost him his life due to an unexpected explosion from the side of the rocket), and especially when he stands willfully in front of a defense mechanism and takes a spray of pellets to the stomach, Knoxville is a madman. In the first film Bam Margera and Steve-O – notorious party animals – were the daring ones, but you know it's pretty bad when you see Knoxville enticing them to do a stunt.

This is essentially a series of stunts pulled off by guys consumed by testosterone, constantly trying to one-up each other. It will eventually end in death for one of the cast members – in Jackass 2 Steve-O nearly loses a leg to a shark, Knoxville (as aforementioned) is nearly impaled with an explosion from a rocket, and so on and so forth. Jackass 3 has already been confirmed owing to the success of 2, and frankly I can't imagine any stunt out-performing the bull run in the opening scene of this film – that's incredible footage. It's almost unbelievable, and I wondered whether it had been faked, but apparently it was 100% genuine. (Which is actually kind of frightening.) And in terms of extremes Jackass 2 far outdoes its predecessor – it also feels more cinematic than the first film, with less of the cheesy titles preceding stunts that were made famous on the original MTV television show.

Unfortunately, the boys were given too much freedom here, and a good number of the gags are simply lame exercises in crudity – I can enjoy the occasional poop gag, but watching a man relieve himself on a miniature toilet, or see Steve-O take beer up the butt (yes, honestly), gets grating after a while. Even the frat boys in the screening I attended – who were enthusiastic when Wee Man took a playing card up the rear and got zapped by a rigged chair – were disgusted by some of the scenes in this film. It's not a matter of getting away with as much as possible – it's a matter of saying, "Is this even entertaining or funny?" Many times, sadly, it really isn't.

But for every lame stunt involving fecal matter and farting on people's faces, there are some brilliant hidden-camera bits. Wacky director Spike Jonze ("Adaptation") dresses up as an old woman and hits the streets naked, with sagging breasts and no shame. And my personal favorite skit involved Knoxville as an irresponsible old man, out for lunch with his grandson, letting him drink alcohol and smoke and swear and insult people. That's classic comedy taken to new extremes with the liberties of an R-rating. It's a shame they had to ruin all the great stuff – including a final segment involving an elaborate terrorist prank – with poop jokes along the way.

Still, there's enough sheer spirit and craziness in this film to merit a viewing, and it's really taken the concept of extremity in cinema to new heights.
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This movie is NUTS!!!!
HiddenVoice22 September 2006
Like the first one,the team of JACKASS are back to try to kill themselves with whatever manner they see fit.Either,it's fitting yourself in a tractor tyre and rolling down a slope.Or getting yourself deliberately smashed by a bull.Or something even worse.

The first one was crazy,and that's how you can describe it.It was also really hard laughing film.But this one is completely nuts.It's got even more dangerous stunts,and even harder laughs.So,I think watching dumb idiots getting themselves killed is gonna be the funniest thing this week.

So,before BORAT comes out,I shall laugh my A** out.
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Jackass number Two delivers exactly what we all hoped for and were afraid of
lordzardoz22 September 2006
The sequel is exactly what you will expect it to be. And it is good enough that everyone who would have wanted to watch this should leave it happy.

This is not a movie that will win an Academy award. But it does take what made the Jackass TV show and original movie a success, and it turns it up a notch. It is funnier, more brutal, and more disgusting than the original. And I loved every minute of it.

The original had a few notorious stunts, and there is at least one stunt that this movie will be remembered for. You will wince, cringe, look away, and laugh very, very hard.

In any event, you probably do not need to read this review, or any others, to know if you will like this movie, unless you have never heard of Jackass.
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What you would expect from a Jackass movie.
ffxiquestions142318 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is just about as good as the first Jackass, but with slightly more disgusting skits. I wouldn't say this was as good as the first, but it came very close. Jackass fans will not be disappointed, but if you didn't like the first movie, you will hate this one. There are scenes that will be seen as Jackass classics (the elderly suits with "additions", the "cab ride", and many others), and those that you will wish you never watched (eating crap, drinking semen, etc...) Overall this movie was a good watch, and I am glad I got to see it. I'm sure this movie will not have the best rating due to critics that rate it (I sat in the press section and most of the older viewers seemed disgusted), but don't let that stop you from enjoying it.
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Jumped out of my seat Laughing
IamtheRegalTreatment21 September 2006
Where do I begin? I sat down ready to laugh a bit and I was blown away! This movie is just perfect, it's indescribable. Jackass Number Two in all honesty was grosser, more obscene, funnier and more entertaining than the first. This was just what I needed tonight.

There are so many scenes in this movie that will make you say "Oh My! No Way!" or "Ouch!". Perfectly mastered and set up, each event and scene were coordinated way before and therefore made it even more perfect. I loved every minute of it! I'm just going to say that there was even a scene where it was necessary to censor particular footage in order to prevent an NC-17 rating! It was so hilarious that they had to put it in anyway! Amazingly good.

9/10. Incredibly funny, Do Not Miss Out!
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is it another sign of the decline of American intelligence, or another grab-bag of the most obscene gags and jokes to hit theaters, you decide
Quinoa19844 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Jackass Number Two may not be as "good" as part 1, though it may depend on how you define 'good'. I guess it has to mean more to how much you're fulfilled entertainment-wise by the material. To say that the Jackass boys outdo themselves this time is putting it lightly. Maybe it was around the time that one of them drank horse semen, or when one put a leech on his eyeball, or when one of them blew farts directly into a another with a space helmet on, or when...Nevermind. The point of Jackass Number Two is, well, there is no point if you're going at it logistically. If anything by logic these guys are out of their (bleeping) minds. Being fodder for seeing-red-charging-bulls, here and there surrounded by a snake or two, I wonder here and there if these guys inadvertently have a death wish in them, or at least the instinct. But on the other hand, Jackass 2 is at it's best for me in showing how people can actually be live-action cartoons- sometimes very X-rated and crude, but cartoons all the same.

This was evident for me too already in the first Jackass movie, but this time it's almost all-too-blatant. What are we to think of Wile E. Coyote's reputation when Johnny Knoxville straps himself to a rocket (though this time just for the sake of doing it across a lake, not for a roadrunner), or in what I thought of as a Beavis & Butt-head homage rolling down a long hill inside of a tire? But there are other things that had me laughing very hard at what they were doing. The old-man/lady get-ups were the best for me, as Spike Jonze (yes, Spike Jonze) and Knoxville provided caricatures that are like walking, breathing punk'd creations, with genitals and breasts all askew. Yet through all the stupidity, the insanities, and what sometimes just has me going 'huh' (the final musical number comes to mind), there is at least a good spirit of the old-time pranksters in them, even as they cheat death and get away from it laughing their heads off at each other. Little bits like riding the bicycle with the one big wheel and small little wheel ("why did people do this"), or the switcheroo of Bam's father in bed, are genuinely clever, if still very stupid things to see.

Now, if you're going into this movie without having seen part 1, it may be a bit naive on your part. It helps to see the first one just to know whether or not this stuff is really for you. Because if you know it is for you, Jackass Number Two is probably the picture of the season. If not, you may end up either a) puking in your seat, seriously, or b) walking out within the first twenty minutes. This is the kind of picture that I, who rarely calls for censoring anything, could have been warranted a second look for an NC-17 rating. On the other hand, it'd be wrong of me to say I didn't have a good time for most of the time either, even when a gag or joke was weak.
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Are You Crying?
ElijahCSkuggs22 September 2006
Yes. Bam cried a couple times and so did Englund. And most probably you will too. The whole cast is back in action and Knoxville has stepped up to become the true leader of this gang of messed-up retards (I mean this in the best possible way). I first thought, maybe Bam or Steve-O were the main go-to guys....nope, the main man is now Johnny. Don't get me wrong, everybody, and I mean everybody is great in this flick! Right from the get-go you're laughing, and believe you me, don't plan on resting that smile of yours. I personally think the movie definitely has better moments than the first. You know when you go into a theater, and you kind of don't want to have high expectations for it.....well, this movie blows all expectations away. If you love Jackass, you can go into this with gigantic expectations. No matter what you'll laugh your ass off. If you're not laughing, the reason is most likely someone has a gun in your face telling you if you laugh you die or maybe you are embarrassed about the sound of your laugh or the highest probability is that you were eating Jack Sh!t for breakfast and Jack left town. All I have to say is, prepare yourself to have a sore face after the movie. :)
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Even Better Than The First Film, If You're Into This Stuff
gavin69425 February 2007
How do you describe the plot of a "Jackass" film? A group of guys (including Bam Margera and Johnny Knoxville) do a variety of stupid stunts that could seriously injure or kill them. Nobody dies, but there is plenty of bodily injury to go around.

If you're the type of person who didn't like "Jackass" (the show or the movie), I have no idea why you'd watch "Jackass 2". You know what it is: violence, nudity, bodily fluids. But if you liked the show and the movie, I am willing to bet you'll like the sequel even more. I liked it more, as have pretty much everyone I spoke with. Why? Because there is a better flow to this one with less repetition.

The only thing this film really lacked for me was Party Boy, because I love seeing Party Boy dancing to his theme song. But I can overlook this (especially because Bunny the Lifeguard shows up).

Some of the stunts here were very clever. I liked the teeter-totter with the bull. Some of the rocket-powered wheelchairs and shopping carts were a nice touch. (Allegedly, much of this film was inspired by "Looney Tunes" -- and I will say this was far more entertaining than any of those cartoons.)

The best stunt by far was "Terror Taxi". I don't want to give the thing away, but here's the premise: a man dressed up as a stereotypical terrorist (turban, beard and even explosives strapped to his chest) gets in a taxi and asks to go to the airport. This stunt is not only really ballsy, and possibly too soon after 9/11 to be considered funny by most people, but wait until you see where it goes from there. No stunt has ever gone this far and probably never will again.

I am not going to say "see this movie" or "don't see this movie". With most films I review, I feel it's a good idea to recommend movies to people and tell them if it's their type of film. Well, in this case, I think you know if you're going to be a fan of "Jackass" or not, because if you're thinking about renting it, you probably already know what to expect.
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20-somethings getting hurt is funny...30-somethings...not so much
boothenendusa25 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of bowling over with laughter where I probably should have, I felt a deep concern for these Jackass folks which I've spent the last eight years or so watching in very forms. To me, Jackass Numer Two was the passing of an era. The main thing I noticed is how incredibly old everyone in the cast is looking (and sounding) these days. The howls of pain no longer tickled my funny-bone. Instead, I felt sorry for these people. The creaking bones and pain pill addictions which invariably will come from performing these stunts, left me at times shaking my head. At one point in the film, Bam Margera turns to the camera and says something about not wanting to do a Jackass Three...as if that wasn't enough....there's a very tired and very drunk Margera at the close of the credits painfully trying to take off his pants, while falling into a booby trap set up by the crew. His body, wrecked with burn scars and bad tattoos, straightens up and he turns to the camera and says "This isn't funny anymore." And you know...he's probably right. Yes, there are certain moments of comedic genius to be found dressing up as a Bad Grandpa, but falling off an old-fashioned bike when you're pushing 35-years old is in a way sad. The most horrifying image of the film is a bloated Preston Lacy lying in a pile of garbage cans after doing an unwise slide for the musical number. You see the crew run to his aid, but they're not laughing...and shortly thereafter the film, which is filled with some of the greatest punk rock ever produced goes out in stone cold silence.
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Does as Advertised
Floated221 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Jackass Number Two is the sequel to popular stunt television show starring Johnny Knoxville and his daredevil crew. In this film we see as their everyday lives as they go out of their ways to continue with out daring stunts. The film does have a lengthy run but it is non stop and most of the stunts and pranks are quite funny. Several could have been done without, such as many of the gross out and disgusting stunts. These may include: miniature dollhouse toilet scene (this should have been cut out), horse scene, fart gas mask scene (small scene but was unnecessary), leech scene.

The film is best when the crew are doing physical stunts where they are more as daredevils such as the bicycle scenes, bull scenes, or rocket launcher scenes were well delivered. There is quite a great scene towards the end involving a prank within a prank in he form a terrorist attack and a taxi- his was well done although went quite long. Johnny Knoxville disguised as his 'Bad Grandpa' character was a brief look and was well done, although a very brief glimpse which was quite good as well. The other female grandma was funny at first but they did a few too many. Overall, Jackass Number Two is a film for those that are familiar with these stunts and enjoy these type of pranks.
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FKDZ20 May 2022
Truly unadultured madness. And it's fantastic. Jackass number two definitely feels like less of a season extension from jackass the movie. With some more extensive skits. Though the gold lies in the simple stuff. The scene with the fake message on the heart that the guys have to read is so simple, but the excitement as a viewer and the excitement from the others that are in on it just elevate it to such a fun moment. There is a bit of a influx of gross stuff here versus the previous movie and it sacrifices some more traditional pranks for it. That said, it was fun.
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The 2000s teenager dream life
happytoms2 September 2019
Timing when the second movie came out was still perfect. The TV show and the first movie was a hit and the next logical thing to do was to create another movie. The thing is I don't think Jackass would have taken off in these times. It came out excatly at the perfect time in the early 2000s and surprised everyone with it's absurdity and they became known all over the world for many years and reached success which no one could replicate on their level.

I recently read Steve-O's book in which he tells everything about his life and jackass so I wanted to see all the movies and I have mixed feelings about it. I can see the early days, the not so mature cast and what have they become over time. It really feels like a different time in which you could get away with the stunts they performed. I enjoyed quite a lot of bits but others felt like they are being too much of a jerk to people. Anyway it's not the best and it's not the worst again. But you can't take away it's legacy which will live forever.
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Jackass No. II
augustantl21 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Johnny Knoxville and the boys of Jackass go over the top for "Jackass Number Two." At a press screening, the laughter was so loud and raucous it was hard to hear all the dialog. The stunts are over the top and the pranks are funnier and more outrageous than ever before.

All of the guys put their limbs on the line to make a great film, and they succeeded. If you like this genre, you'll love this film. If not, don't bother.

Some of the funniest bits are the pranks the guys play on themselves, and they have no regard for what happens to them. They'll do anything to make a stunt work.

Many critics panned Johnny Knoxville for a less active role in the first film, but not to worry, he is front and center in Number Two, and they have enough footage in the can to be half way through a Number Threee.

This is a must see for fans of this type of humor.

Chris Sansone, Entertainment Editor, Fort Bend Herald
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Mind-bogglingly dumb, and massive fun.
BA_Harrison12 March 2007
Since first appearing in Jackass on MTV in 2000, Johnny Knoxville and his gang of risk-taking reprobate chums have become very rich and very famous. Personally, I would rather wallow in obscurity than eat animal crap, chug down fresh horse semen, stick leeches to my balls or risk death in a variety of unpleasant ways, but each to his own. And while these guys are willing to risk life and limb for the sake of entertainment, I'm going to watch, because, quite simply, the results are hilarious.

Taking things several steps further than the first movie, Jackass Number Two (Unrated) is a non-stop thrill ride in which all members of the team experience pain and humiliation in huge doses. Occasionally the skits become a little too scatological and crude for my taste, but the sheer insanity of most of the stunts and pranks mean that it is easy to overlook the less palatable stuff.

And, like the first movie, Number Two is funniest when it's not trying so hard to disgust. Jackass The Movie's finest moment was Air Horn Golf, a simple juvenile prank that had me in stitches; in the sequel, my award for funniest moment goes to the old man (Knoxville in heavy prosthetic makeup) with his balls hanging out of his shorts. Spike Jonze's as an old lady who repeatedly flashes her saggy breasts is a close runner-up.

Of course, with a movie of this nature, those who are easily offended should stay well away, but the rest of us who enjoy such childish stuff will have a great time. No doubt there is a third film in the offing; I look forward to seeing them try and top the sheer lunacy of Number Two.
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jackass fakes spoiler
jordanharriss22 September 2006
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I think that some of the stunts were fake such as the opening scene when some of the guys are getting hit by the bulls some of the hits looked like they may have been made on a computer with cgi or something, also the snake biting Chris' thing , for all we know he could have had 2 inches of stuffing at the end of it, and also the beer in the butt first i don't think your butt could suck liquid like that and also the plunger was not really even near the butt hole and that kind of plunger could have held the beer in it until he decided to dump it out of the plunger. The end was kind of lame i was hoping maybe they would try the rub Goldberg effect again since it didn't work last time but all in all it was a great movie though
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Holy Sh#&
andrewvega22 September 2006
This was the funniest/ most entertaining movie I have ever seen...

its better than the 1st and they just top everything...

There were a few moments where I'm thinking when is someone gonna die, but I saw at 11:59 opening night on Thurs and it was nearly sold out, and everyone was dying laughing the whole time...

Please do a #3!!!!

Unlike most movies, the previews don't show it all, or even show the best parts.

The only part that was too much for me was the horse part (you'll see) Pontius is the man, but this one made me wonder...I would have slit my wrists if I did that...barf...
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Jackass Number Two is almost as disgusting (and amusing) as One
tavm23 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
My friend who recently celebrated his birthday (see my Invincible review) asked if I'd like to see Jackass Number Two. Since it would be with his sisters, their boyfriends, and the son of one of them and we'd eat at a nearby Mexican restaurant beforehand, I said sure. Now I'd seen the first Jackass which I found funny and disgusting so I knew what to expect here. I wasn't disappointed what with the snakes, penises, fecal matter, old man scrotum, and old lady breasts, I once again laughed and cringed. There was one skit about terrorists and taxi drivers that almost killed the laughter until the end when all was revealed. There was also an amusing Busby Berkely parody that some young viewers may not get but I enjoyed immensely. So based on my enjoyment of many of the skits whether gross or not, I'm giving this one a 6.
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A truly bad movie
Extrordinaryman5-15 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wow. After seeing this film, you will know why America's youth continues to lack intelligence and any traits to contribute to the wellbeing of society, except for making themselves more inept to function.

Jackass Number Two stars some of the most repremandable people imaginable, who at there core lack any sort of talent or brains to make anything of themselves (especially Bam Margera and Steve-O), and there only option for fame was to make a living entertaining those as stupid as them by harming there being. A guy drinking horse semen? Just flat disgusting. A man putting a fish hook through his cheek and acting as "bait" for sharks? This isn't humor, it's evidence for institutionalizing him.

Overall, I walked out of the theater with no hope for mankind.
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funniest collection of stupid ideas. must see!
wesolaja16 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the movie without seeing the first, and as far as i'm concerned.. it was freaking hilarious. There were moments where i wanted leave from sick images and there were moments when i almost urinated in my pants. Some of the ideas contained in the movie were just completely uncalled for such as the dildo that flys up into the guy's butt. If you need to get sum laughter out and want to share it with a friend go see this movie. I saw it with my girlfriend and she laughed her butt off while i was doing the same. I was hoping that she wouldn't think it was stupid because i read some ratings that it was really gross, and it was, but we both laughed the whole movie.
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Laugh Until You Throw Up...Or Was It The Other Way Around...?
brando64718 February 2007
It's tough to really consider this as an actual 'movie'. Sequel to 2002's "Jackass: The Movie", this movie is just another extension of the MTV television series with skits you could never, ever....EVER show on television. The entire Jackass crew returns for this sequel, in which they take their stunts to extremes that blow away their previous efforts.

This flick had me laughing insanely through the entire 95 minutes, though I admit to having low standards for humor sometimes. This movie is not classy, thought-provoking, inspiring, heart-warming, or anything else people look for in a motion picture. Of course, if you go to any movie with the word JACKASS in the title in search of the next Oscar-winner, you're barking up the wrong tree. Though, if you're looking for some great low-brow, oftentimes sickening, entertainment, you've found it. I'm going to assume the only people reading this comment are those who are familiar with the style of comedy associated with the show.

If you've got a weak stomach, BEWARE. My ex-wife almost lost her dinner on multiple occasions while watching this with me. The things these guys do for money (especially Chris Pontius and Steve-O) will boggle the mind and churn your stomach. If you're anything like me, you'll be horrified by what you're seeing but you can't turn away. I won't bother talking about any of the sketches specifically, since I wouldn't want to ruin anything for potential viewers.

I guess I like these movies because they remind me of anytime I'm hanging with my friends and someone starts a conversation with "Dude, I dare you to..." or "Wouldn't it be funny if...". Of course, our dares never pan out. Then again, my friends aren't being offered the kind of money the Jackass crew rakes in. Would I recommend this movie to a friend? Hell yeah. But, like a visit to the dentist's office, remember not to eat anything for a couple hours before viewing.

You've been warned.
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Dry Heaves in the Back Row--See it in Puke-O-Vision
paladinmtk10 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Good thing I passed on the popcorn and soda, otherwise the couple in front of me would have been wearing a reality show version of their Jackass experience during the "animal act" segment. Truly a filthy lame excuse for entertainment. Classic comedy, its not. Like a dog to its own vomit, this movie just keeps coming back. Still, some pretty funny stuff, but bogs down in the middle with a litany of unimaginative stunts and gags. It's rare that I laugh out loud at a movie, but I did at this one a few times. Not as creative or imaginative as the first one, but still causes enough of a physical reaction to pass muster. I agree with the cast of this waste of digital projection technology that there should never be a Jackass Number Three. I wonder if the CIA will try to use some of these techniques to interrogate detainees, instead of doing it just for kicks, like these idiots.
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