Unrest (2006) Poster

(I) (2006)

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Nice Idea, But Needs Improvement.
drownsoda908 April 2007
One of the "8 Films To Die For" that was part of the After Dark Horror Film Festival in November 2006, "Unrest" boasts a unique idea for a story. The film centers around a group of medical students, mainly Allison (Corri English). She groups up with a few guys in her new anatomy class to begin dissection on a cadaver. She is a little grossed out by the entire thing, and begins feeling an uncomfortable presence when around the corpse, which appears to be a woman who was either murdered or killed herself. Of course, nobody thinks anything of Allison's strange feelings around the corpse, and dismiss it as her being a little paranoid, since it is her first time working with a cadaver. But they soon believe her when strange things start happening around the school. And those who came in contact with the cadaver begin to die one by one. But why? The identity of the body may hold the secret, and it's up to Allison to find out.

I went in seeing this film with fairly low expectations, so I wasn't too horribly disappointed with it. I actually thought the movie had a great story, and it was at least a step in the right direction, and different from most of today's horror films. Working with human cadavers has got to be a little eerie anyway, and adding on a supernatural layer to it all is really clever. The only problem here is the story becomes a little wishy-washy as the movie progresses. It started off pretty well and was good for the first thirty minutes or so, but it soon began going downhill, which was a real disappointment considering the potential that it had. The opening shot is really spooky - that woman's strange facial expressions and her staring eyes gave me chills. But the entire history behind her character is where this movie really falls flat. It's disorganized and becomes too muddled. Most of her story is told through character dialog that lasts about five seconds, and some things are more unclear than they should be. I wish they had elaborated on her background more, because it could have been a really creepy story.

Like most of these low-budget indie horror flicks, the cast isn't huge in names, which isn't a bad thing. I didn't recognize the cast members, but I thought the acting was pretty decent. Corri English was the leading lady and she was pretty good - convincing enough in her role. As far as horror clichés go, there weren't too many which was surprising. There are a few silly moments though, especially the entire formaldehyde-tank swimming sequences, which were a little overdone if you ask me. Can you even swim in that stuff anyway? It seems like it would be toxic to your body. I won't pick it to pieces though, you just have to take it for what it is.

Overall, "Unrest" is a decent horror movie that sets out what it aims to do - entertain. The film went downhill a little as it progressed and the story needed some work, but it was a watchable movie with a few nice thrills and an interesting (albeit different) storyline. If you enjoy supernatural-themed horror movies, this wouldn't be a bad rental - you could do much worse. 6/10.
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Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things...unless you're using it as a marketing angle!
ThrownMuse6 June 2007
This is the "8 Films" movie that claims to be the first movie to use a REAL human corpse! Spooky! It's debatable whether that is true, and it's never obvious which one in the movie is a real corpse, so I'm not sure they should have went to the trouble. The "moral" of the story is "don't mess with dead bodies," so this is a rather ironic marketing angle to take. Anywho, "Unrest" takes place in a hospital, where young medical student Alison and her Abercrombie model cohorts are cuttin' up cadavers. Alison lives in the hospital until her financial aid kicks through, and they apparently spend all the time they aren't sleeping (or changing into new scrubs) carving up the same old cadaver. It must be a very resilient corpse! Most of the movie is filmed in the hospital or the confines of Alison's closet-like room. This may just be due to budget restraints, but I thought it created a claustrophobic atmosphere. Considering the lead never leaves the hospital floor and spends half her time with a chopped up corpse and male models pretending to be med students, she has plenty of time to let her mind wander. When random things start happening and she gets a funny feeling in her tummy, she decides that the corpse is trying to tell her something. What, she doesn't know. The evil corpse's alleged antics are amusing, and lead to some nasty killings and bizarre sequences. One of these features our heroes swimming around in a tub of formaldehyde, unaffected by the chemical, even though they're swallowing it and getting it in their eyes. "Unrest" is yet another silly poorly-written movie in the 8 FILMS TO DIE FOR series, but it has its fair share of scares, and is entertaining despite its flaws.
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This film shoots itself in the foot
ericbdepraved28 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Unrest starts off kind of reminding me of "Autopsy", but it has sooooooo many continuity flaws. The tank filled with cadavers for their class is seven feet tall filled with formaldehyde and is top loading. The removal of wet and slippery heavy as freaking hell dead persons filled with fluid must be executed while standing on top of a six step ladder with little bo peep's hook. That made me laugh out loud. Then later on med students find out their cadaver is an American woman who gets possessed by some Aztec fertility god in Brazil. Not in Mexico I said in Brazil? The really awesome part in the film where I could no longer give it forgiveness for it sucking was they track down the cadavers origin and somehow obtain multiple video tapes of this woman. One is like a psycho-analysis interview. One is a police interview, I can't remember the third one it might have been her audition tape for this movie. What is the name of this magic video store that would solicit such material to anyone that might happen to ask for it. Maybe they have a copy of me wanting to ask for my money back when they produced those videos from the magic package someone? sent them. Too much.
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This was a horror movie?
adamsmo21 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Let's start with the good. It created a fairly good ambiance for about the first half.

Oh....I guess if I'm going with the good, it stops there. The acting wasn't bad, though.

Now, the bad. All of the events in the movie happen supposedly because of some American woman in Brazil, with some Aztec curse or something going on. First of all - Aztecs are from south-central Mexico. THOUSANDS of miles from Brazil. In one scene, a corpse is being dragged along in a body bag with blood underneath it. Blood is drained from corpses after death in the vast majority of cases of Americans especially. The STUDENTS were referred to as "Dr." Among MANY other inaccuracies and just flat-out "let's just say THIS and THIS to try to make THIS make sense!"

The mood was good in the first half, though the story throughout was just god-awful. There were no scares. You don't see one person die. You just see them dead. It isn't horror. It's crap.
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Beware of Brazilian Aztecs!
DarkAnnie18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Okay. I watch a lot of horror movies. I mean LOADS of them. I enjoy horror as a genre, and I'm willing to put up with a lot of silly crap if a movie has other redeeming features. This movie, however, has almost none. The only reason I gave it two stars instead of one was for the Tank O Dead Guys and the Dead Guy Hook at the start of the movie. Those were fun. The rest of the flick, though...sigh.

So what's wrong with this movie? Where to start? The acting is almost universally awful. The script is beyond awful. It's ridiculous. The main character repeats her taglines about "feeling something" in the presence of the cadaver so many times it's just silly. When she tells the school psychologist "There's something wrong with my cadaver," the entire audience erupted in laughter. (Wrong with it? Well, uh, it's DEAD...) In fact, the Seattle audience laughed through most of this piece of medical waste.

"Unrest" starts out promising, with floating corpses and some icky-cool dissection scenes. Then it gets boring. Then it gets stupid. Um...people swimming of formaldehyde? The fumes alone from that quantity of the stuff would kill your silly ass. A woman who picks up an angry Aztec goddess...in BRAZIL??? I guess it got bored with Mexico and went to Brazil for spring break.

Then there was the Aztec goddess they picked for the job. Tlazoteotl is a fertility and sex goddess. And she's not a literal "eater of filth." She was a sineater--she purified the dying at the end of their lives. As far as Aztec gods go (and they all tended to be pretty nasty), she was a downright sweetie. Why not pick Coatlicue, who was a mother/death goddess who wore a necklace of human hands and stunk like decaying flesh? Or Xipetotec, the Flayed God? Just thinking about a Flayed God creeps me out! But no. They had to go with the Ho Goddess.

Worst of all, the movie just wasn't scary. It didn't even get a startle out of me. And when I can't get scary, I'll accept good gore, but there wasn't even any of that. All the murders took place offscreen. The POSTER is scarier than the entire movie.

I can't say I regret seeing this movie at Horrorfest. I went with a good friend, and we laughed our butts off. But y'know, we could have seen Borat. Borat in that bathing suit thing alone is scarier than anything in Unrest.
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8 Films to Die For Horror Fest Reviews .2: Unrest
ChiefGoreMongral24 November 2006
Unrest focuses on a young girl (very hot young girl) named Alison who is a med student assigned to doing biopsies in the name of education. The problem is the person she is about to work on dabbled into some occult issues and now her soul is not at rest. I really hate when that happens don't you!!! All I can say is as you will see me say about a lot of films at this fest is missed opportunity. This movie had the potential to be a very effective and creepy movie but in the end turns out to be a shallow example of what could have been done with the subject matter at hand. You will see lots of dead bodies in this film, unfortunately they are that way not by a benevolent spirit ripping people to shreds but because we are dealing with a medical school and cadaver carving is part of the studies.

Not to say we do not get some kills as we do and sometimes the film does seem like it may take us to a freaky place but unfortunately it never gets to where you would like it and ends up turning into a by the numbers modern day hodgepodge of ideas. I really was into this movie for the first half but by the time we get to anything really interesting going on (despite the very interesting beginning sequences) most people will have more than likely checked out.

I would have to say that this is a prime example of a rental title. To see this at a theater I felt cheated but to have seen this at home it would not have been all that bad. In the end I give Unrest the infamous: 5/10: Average. It has its ups and downs and a hot lead but even that cannot save it from middle of the road horror. Rental material for all those interested, just do not expect anything great!!!
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eyes of a med
xvoraz7 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am about to write about this movie with the eyes of a medical student. I will use my critical eye pointing out mistakes and stupid things, but I say I did enjoy this movie!

Im studying in Hungary and of course the medical curriculum is different everywhere so note that I compare things to my own experience, and certain things may be different in the USA.

1. There is the scene where the two assistants come in with the body, drinking coke and a pack of McDo on the body. This is not real, this is a laic imagination about a pathologists view. There is no problem with listening to music or talking about anything possible (including eating, sex, ...) during dissection, but eating Is a problem because it is dangerous. Everybody can understand that. Who does not, gets sick real soon. Anyway the hygienic rules are not so strict in this hospital. They wear mantle and gloves or just pop in, in their green suit they wear all day. The latter is not possible. We wear mantle, gloves and extra mantle we throw away after dissection and gloves on your shoe (you can imagine the whole corridor bloody in footprints)

2. You are not put in deep water in first year. You see bones first, then an arm or leg, then viscera. In third year you have pathology where is the first time you see a body not in formalin, and who died some day ago. In pathology we always know everything about the patient. We have his whole medical documentation including name, age, address, everything. And homicides, suicides does not get to pathology or anatomy classes the get to forensic pathology, where are no first years.

3. They dissected that body - I dunno - 2 or 3 days and just opened the chest. It is a 2 minutes work for a professional and 5 for somebody who never did it. A complete dissection takes about 2 hours long.

4. The funniest thing is the formalin tank!! I must say I have seen nothing like that, we have tanks like that but they are not so deep and organs are contained and there is no need to plunge in them, just a long glove if you want something. So I can barely imagine a tank designed so that it is hard to get a corpse out and that stick gets stuck in it. And when they jump in... I couldn't but laugh!!! I couldn't get a corpse out I surely wouldn't jump in, i would get the corpses out one by one. And even if I had a bath in formalin my eyes and mouth would ache like very much and I wouldn't be able to open it let alone kiss anybody. (and would possibly die of cancer)

5. There is no so many blood in a many year old, dissected body that you can draw bloody line on the hallway.

6. (not medical) Its also funny when our heroine goes for her dead fellow. Drags the book from under his all- in-blood head and disappears nobody noticing or stopping her.

7. Most important!! Nobody reads atlas of anatomy before going to bed. Not because of bad dreams, but because you've studied enough all day and you want something else.

These are what I remembered... I repeat again it was an enjoyable movie for me, and the music was just Wonderful!
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four medical students haunted by an unrested soul
mellyntiger17 January 2007
If you're looking for a movie with some good spookiness, then this isn't the movie for you. Although the trailer suggests that the movie is to die for, it's not. There are some times in the movie were one gets spooked, but only by the soundtrack of the film. The movie takes you from one place to another without really being clear on where it's going. Although you might think twice about going to medical school if you aren't ready to face some real bodies, this is the closest you might get to a corpse if they make you feel queasy. This movie is definitely no more than rated 'R' for audiences in general. It's not too violent at all. I was quite dissatisfied with this film.
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Decent entry, if not overtly spectacular
slayrrr6662 November 2007
"Unrest" is an overall fun, if pretty flawed film.


Arriving for Anatomy Class, students Alison Blanchard, (Corri English) and her team, Brian Cross, (Scot Davis) and Carlos Aclar, (Joshua Alba) are confronted with a mysterious cadaver. As they continue on with the class, her personal beliefs conflict with the rest of the group, and it starts to disturb her. When she begins to feel that something is wrong with the body, it gets to her even more so and she starts to investigate. When the others get wind of what's going on, they try to find out what is going on, along with Dr. Walter Blackwell, (Derrick O'Connor) the head doctor. Finally able to understand the connection between the cadaver and the strange occurrences around the hospital, they are able to help it leave the hospital.

The Good News: This one wasn't all that bad at times. The film's biggest point is that there's a really engaging mystery created with the cadaver. The fact that it's a complete unknown yet comes in several really burning questions which really should've been answered and doesn't. Those are quite good, but all the supernatural events is where the film shines. From all the weird chanting and buzzing noises to all the different objects around them breaking and smashing for no reason to the innate feeling of dread, this one really has a couple of outstanding suspense scenes. Once knowledge of the ancient curse comes in, this one gets even more creepy, and the film really gets going with the creepy feelings. The ending is also a big part of this, as it gets really creepy, as this segment also manages to throw in some really nice gore scenes as well. There's a leg lopped off with a power saw, another has incredibly brutal scratches across the back that leaves really deep scars, a few really great aftermath shots and much more. These are mixed in with the creepy feelings to create a series of really great sequences. These here are augmented by the really disturbing anatomy class scenes where the bodies are cut into. These are graphic, detailed and really do have a disturbing quality to them. These here are what the film works.

The Bad News: This here doesn't have a whole lot of flaws. The biggest one is an issue brought up repeatedly in the film, which is why the students continually choose to live in the hospital knowing what is going on. There's several scenes that give the film a real sense that they don't have much sense. It's understandable when there's little to no information about the curse, but they're still in the building after knowing what had happened, and that's a really hard one to believe. They have an idea of what the curse can do, as it's been after them for awhile at that point, and finally getting any answer would've made it nearly impossible to stay there. It's brought up several times, making it even more ridiculous that it occurs. The only other one is that the film's reliance on mood could prove to be a missed opportunity for those who prefer a much more straight-forward action tale. By continually using creepy noises, it soon becomes blasé after a point, which could be a point against it. That could even be a pace-killing mark, as it could be seen as a series of such scenes and make it feel less interesting. These, though, are all it has against the film.

The Final Verdict: Without a whole lot of really big flaws but still manages to get in a few other points for it. This is really only for those who are interested in the other films or think it sounds interesting, while those who not that interested in it should give it a shot without looking for too much.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Full Nudity
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A total waste of time!
globalhunter2227 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
My friend ended up buying this movie today, and we both ended up watching it together, and boy do I regret it. Let me first start off and say, absolutely nothing happens during this film! Might as well watch paint dry, or make a igloo out of sawdust because this movie isn't going anywhere! You will not see an ounce of scares or any terrifying scenes because all the deaths take place off screen! All the actors in the movie are downright annoying. Especially that blond chick that kept babbling about the cadaver, which was flat out laughable.

The movie had so many laughable scenes that made the movie more into a comedy sketch than a actual horror movie. For instance, two of the med students decide to take a dip into a pool of formaldehyde which is about the stupidest thing I've ever seen! It was also hysterical whenever the movie would attempt to build up tension they'd put in African drum music even when nothing would occur! I swear, even during scenes of just them walking around they'd just toss in that music as if something ghastly was about to happen; yet saw nothing, zilch, nada! There are tons and tons of plot holes in this movie, that you could drive a mack truck through that I won't even attempt to discuss about.

The only good thing this movie had going for it was atmosphere for potential "good" scares, but that never end up happening. I'm very glad that I didn't waste my time (or money) seeing this movie at Horrorfest, otherwise I'd be royally ticked off!
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rivertam2620 November 2006
Like all of After Dark's Horrorfest films Unrest is an interesting selection but unlike most of the others the film is pretty successful at what it aims to do, most of which is entertain. Unrest tells the original and inventive story of a group of med students who disrespect a cadaver and pay the price for it. The film's storyline is a little more complex and campy than that but the other stuff is better seen and not read about. This film works because it's cheesy, it doesn't take itself too seriously. And because of the silliness sometimes it inspires laughs that I believe are mostly intentional. The main performance by Corri English is quite impressive and the cast is very attractive and talented. The film is creepy but not terrifying and does sport some grotesque med lab imagery and a terrifying sequence inside a cadaver tank. I'm not sure if I really enjoyed this film because the rest of them were pretty much stinkers, or if it was because it had better sound and film quality. But one thing is for sure I did enjoy this film the most. It offers more of what i came to see little horror gems that are never seen by mainstream audiences. It's graphic, a little disturbing, original and memorable. Unrest may not be a great film but it's very good at what it's supposed to be. It rattles your nerves and brings something new to the table. what else can you ask for, in a horror film?It's also very impressive for the simple reason that it had such a low budget and manages to have such a great creepy but some what over the top score and uses it's surroundings so greatly never reducing itself into using cheesy cgi. It instead opts for a more traditional and story based approach, which it pulls off nicely
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Solid low budget horror
lowbudg8 September 2006
This is a solid little low budget horror film with enough tension, humor and gore to keep the horror movie fans entertained. There are strong performances from some recognizable up and comers, including the two leads.

The story is about a female med student who tries to uncover the past of her gross anatomy class cadaver as terror invades the halls of the school. The med student is an atheist, and yet she senses things about the cadaver that lead her to question her own beliefs about spirits, and drive her to find out the truth behind the woman's death.

As she closes in on the truth, the murders increase, making the audience wonder if the cause is really supernatural or if another student or staff member is behind it all.

There are some nice little "gotchya" moments that make you embarrassed that you jumped out of your seat. And some funny scenes when you understand why it's called "gross" anatomy.
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Another gruesome horror film flooding the Sci-Fi Channel...
Doylenf10 February 2008
Cori English is a new med student working with cadavers who feels there's something strange about the body of a young woman the med students have to dissect. She senses the woman has a back story that involves something evil and with the help of a medical colleague (SCOT DAVIS), she goes about an investigation.

So much for the logic of the plotting before things begin to happen that make no sense whatsoever. The horror depends on whether you're frightened of the undead aspect of the story--supposedly featuring real cadavers for the medical sequences. When the most sympathetic and respectful student dealing with the dead is murdered, you have to wonder what the deal is.

The most professional member of the cast is DERRICK O'CONNOR as Dr. Blackwell, with SCOT DAVIS running a close second. Cori English is a bland leading lady as the investigative med student but the rest of the cast is adequate enough for this low-key horror film.

Summing up: Even a few surprising twists can't save a poorly scripted suspenser. No rational explanation can save the back story about spirits--some nonsense about sacrificial rites to an Aztec God--from being more than a little illogical.
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It's a fraud
kickinajessiep17 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was not a low budget horror indie film. It looked more like a failed regular budget movie that couldn't be sold unless it was billed as a "cult" movie. It was trash. There was nothing in this movie warranting its billing as "too extreme for theaters" (taken from the lies of the Horrorfest commercials) Sucking is sucking, and this movie sucked. I've rented scarier from Blockbuster. There were no real guts, no real blood, not even any cheap horror boob shots. This movie was about as awesome as getting a bag of dicks for Christmas. About 6 people died and the most you get to see is a spurt of blood shot from behind a covered hand. A movie that take place in an autopsy lab should be required to have so much more guts and gore than this. Whoever directed this crap relied on cheesy, repetitive music scores to ramp up tension that wasn't even there. How could bobbing for corpses in a tank of formaldehyde (half naked) be so disappointing? And did the villain really have to be an angry Aztec god? The same plot could have been hashed out using a good old mortal spirit. The only good reason for having an Aztec god was the trip to Brazil at the end. And all we got to see was some cave in a mountain that could just have easily been in Arizona. In competent hands, this could have been sweet. Horrorfest, I want my money back.
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Underwear Models Go To Med School
alansmithee0420 November 2006
"He's an anatomist! He deals with spirits all the time!" Try and make sense of this one. An atheist, psychic, Hollywood-pretty med school student and her three Underwear Model pals are given a cursed corpse to dissect for an anatomy class. Before you can say "Trapper John" they're playing all kinds of yucky tricks on each other with the unlucky stiff's body parts and soon find themselves being picked off by the vengeful spirit.

Sound good so far? Sure it does. Unfortunately writers Ipson & Billett lard the story with so many plot contrivances (ancient Azrec curse, anyone?) and so much clunky dialog (see above) that it's hard to take any of the gory stuff seriously. Think Halloween II by way of Jackass with a little 90210 thrown in and you've pretty much got the plot to this one.
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billysagirl18 November 2006
I think that there was too much hype for this movie. Frankly, I don't see what was so gory about it that it couldn't be released as a regular movie. I saw this movie as part of Horrorfest and was sorely disappointed. The only thing gory about this movie was the cadaver and frankly, I don't think that is enough to justify a movie that was hyped up this much. My favorite parts of this movie was where the suspense of a scene would build up only to have nothing happen. It was great--really. All in all, this movie had a lot of wasted potential. When the end of the movie came, I was just disappointed. And on a side note, the blond med student was annoying and illogical. This movie is a waste of money if you see it in theaters. Rent it if it is under $2.
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Good idea but has its problems
TdSmth519 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Few horror movie settings have been more underused or made poor use of as medical school/ dissections/ autopsies. The best one is perhaps Anatomie (Anatomy) from Germany. So Unrest is a welcome entry. A lot has been made about the possible use of real cadavers for this film and after seeing it, I'm not sure that is the case. Now the original ad posters make no mention of that, if you go the films web site. It's only with Horrofest that you see posters that make that claim. I sure hope they didn't use any. Cadavers shouldn't be used=abused for entertainment. The filmmakers even have the anatomy professor talk about this. It's their burden to create with special effects the most realistic looking bodies. With movies like this it's always interesting to see how real-looking things are. Things don't start good in that regard. The first scene of the main corpse arriving makes the typical error of showing a corpse, most likely some poor crew dude in a body bag, that bends when being picked up. Later they correct things by having a body that is indeed rigid when being moved. While I haven't attended medical school in the US, some things are questionable even for US medical schools, like attending anatomy lab before the lecture class has even begun. The students start dissecting the body with the thorax first. This is important for the movie but doesn't happen in reality- anatomy starts with the limbs first. There's a scene where the first incision is made in the skin where they show what must be 3/4 of an inch of skin. At the midline of the thorax and over the sternum, the skin isn't that thick. The bodies are kept under a sheet, which would be very unhygienic. Perhaps the most bizarre thing is that in the lab there's some almost ceiling-high tank with, what I imagine is supposed to be formaldehyde, where bodies are kept for some reason and that are removed with some hook. Yes, our main character jump several times into the tank! Good as a "Oh-disgusting" factor but too absurd. The story itself is OK, but it could be better. The whole thing is about a corpse from Brazil shipped to a hospital to be used for an anatomy class. An atheist female student played by some Britney Sperms look-alike turns out to be able to feel and know things beyond the senses and becomes obsessed with finding out the truth about the body she's working on. Unfortunately, even though this is a lower budged movie not done by a main studio, the filmmakers felt the need to conform to current standards of movie making instead of being free to do what they want. As a result we have the typical strong teenage female lead, who is just 5'4 by the way, yet acts like Rambo and single-handedly drags bodies living and dead out of the aforementioned tank; and the weak males who are just there to support her. Also typical for Americans, the filmmakers did a lousy job researching some of the themes used in the movie. For some reason to explain the whole ghost aspect, they introduced an Aztec fertility goddess to sort of connect the thing with the corpse from Brazil. However, the Aztecs where never in Brazil but in Mexico. And yes, Brazil isn't Mexico, it's nowhere near Mexico, it has nothing to do with Mexico. Of course for Americans, the world has only two kinds of people: Americans and Not-Americans, who can be Asian or Latin. Unfortunately this sort of ignorance is offensive to all non-Americans and Mexicans and Brazilians will have a good laugh at the expense of the dumb and lazy writers. Had they done their work they'd discovered that voodoo is popular in Brazil and that would probably have worked better than the Aztec goddess thing. The movie does a good job though at portraying relationships between the characters, there's some cute and tender moments between the lead and her weak male accessory. Even though these are medical students they seem to have an awful lot of time to play cops instead of studying. The movie has a good look to it that matches the whole dead bodies theme.
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Alberto-Larosa30 March 2007
This movie sucked big time, I watch horror movies and this was just horrible, bad acting, it made no sense whatsoever and Hello do some history, last I check the Aztecs were not in Brazil they were in central America.. Stay away from this movie I just cant say enough, they throw in this plot of Aztecs but it just did not make any sense, I kept going back thinking I must have missed something but they just don't explained anything.. Also there is no gore whatsoever, the grosses part is the dead bodies and the formadelhyde, people die with no explanation, it was just stupid stupid stupid.. One part the actor has on white underwear then they show him again and he has black underwear and is in a different position.. That basically is how bad and dumb this movie is.. Hopefully the others will be better
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Falls short of the terror objective
terrible226 November 2007
"Unrest" is a film that I had heard about through the horror film community, and I was truly excited about the project. Film-maker Jason Todd Ipson had a decent following, and the buzz about him and this film, was boiling over... When opportunity knocked, I purchased the movie and anticipated an evening of pure terror. First, I must say that the cinematography looks great. Ipson has a keen eye for what makes a scene creepy, with a top-notch lighting scheme and brooding camera angles. The acting is well above average, with solid performances from the entire cast. Yet, the concept is the part that drew me in... The idea of a group on med students whom unearth the dark past of one of their cadavers is both original and scary. Ipson corralled all the right elements, but falls short with the screenplay, which seems to sputter and stall before any real horror transpires. As a whole, I think it has it's merits, and Mr. Ipson should have a promising future.
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no,just no
dawulf3 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
8 Movies to die for. Sadly I have seen several movies from them and just don't understand the hype. I have seen better on late night TV.

Medical students are learning anatomy and doing an autopsy. They have gotten the wrong corpse, she has a vendetta and doesn't care who she gets revenge on.

One of the students decides to investigate and researches the back story of the corpse. It's like an episode of Scooby Doo but with a cadaver.

Basically, it's not a very good movie and if I had paid to see it in a theater instead of at home, I would have been angry I wasted money to see this.
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Don't Believe In Spirits? You Could Be DEAD Wrong...
cchase18 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
With all of the internet hype and the TV ads that followed it, I was definitely looking forward to HORRORFEST, and from the number of sold-out shows I saw when I went to the theater, I wasn't alone.

UNREST is the first entry I saw in the festival, and all I can say is - it's about DAMN TIME! Too many horror films these days go straight to the gross-out, gory material and skimp on the important things like plot, atmosphere and character development. And although there are a few goof-ups here, the finished product is mostly a fun, ghastly ride, the way horror films USED to be.

Alison Blanchard (Corri English) arrives at an old VA hospital for her first week in medical school. The initial class is Gross Anatomy. With no campus housing yet available, she has to stay in a spare room on the basement level of the creepy place...the same level as the lab that holds the cadavers for her class.

Alison is not a religious person by any means - in fact, she's pretty much an atheist. But from the moment she first walks into class, she already senses that there's something not quite right; especially when she joins her lab group to assist in dissecting their first cadaver.

The body is that of a young woman, her skin marked with various cuts and lacerations that appear to be self-inflicted. And from the moment Alison sees her, nothing in her world - or that of anyone she knows - will be right or safe again.

No one takes her seriously at first: not the guys in her study group which includes Brian Cross (Scot Davis), a guy whose belief in a higher power runs completely counter to her own; Rick O'Connor (Jay Jablonski), the group prankster, who thinks that even death could use a little 'lightening up', and Carlos (Joshua Alba, brother of Jessica), whose own beliefs about spirits border on the superstitious. And the professor leading the class, Dr. Walter Blackwell (Derrick O'Connor) is certainly no help, with his rigidly scientific and practical view of how things are.

So when people start dying right off the bat, and more bodies fall as Alison begins to delve into the identity of the corpse she and her group have been assigned to, what appears to be a "Friday The 13th"-style slasher/whodunit takes a sharp left turn into something a lot more otherworldly. Think of THE EXORCIST-meets-THE CHANGELING by way of the excellent German-made horror thriller ANATOMY.

Director Jason Todd Ipson, who co-wrote the script with Chris Billett, has fashioned a nice little shocker that takes full advantage of its creepy locations and gives us an attractive cast of characters, who are a lot better established than the usual teen victims galleries we're subjected to.

As well-written as it is, some of the dialogue gets a little clunky at times, especially an exchange between Alison and the campus shrink, Dr. Carolyn Saltz (Reb Fleming). And though one character makes a sharply realistic comment about Alison's detective work at one point, showing the intelligence and attention to detail of the authors, one glaring gaffe about the Aztecs threatens to send the whole conceit tumbling down (Note: I'm no student of ancient civilizations, but weren't the Aztecs and the Mayans living in what is now Mexico, and not Brazil?)

And the score by Michael Cohen, which mostly serves as a fittingly spooky complement to DP Michael Fimognari's darkly ethereal, bleached-out visuals, gets a little overpowering in some places - kind of like Jerry Goldsmith's OMEN score on steroids.

Having said that, Ipson and Billett have created several set-pieces of suspense that will have you doing everything from jumping out of your chair to gagging prodigiously at the horrific and disgusting things the leads have to do to find answers and save themselves from certain death.

Though it's hardly the great horror film that the HORRORFEST ads would have you believe ("Too Shocking For The General Public?" Not really!), it's still a decent time at the movies, and will probably make a great 'date flick' if and when it comes out in wide release.
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All Life Ends When the Body Is Put to Rest
claudio_carvalho14 August 2007
In a medical school, the freshmen students Alison Blanchard (Corri English), Brian Cross (Scot Davis), Carlos Aclar (Joshua Alba) and Rick O'Connor (Jay Jablonski) receive the cadaver of a young woman for dissection in their anatomy class of Professor Walter Blackwell (Derrick O'Connor). The atheist Alison has a weird sensation that the spirit of the copse is trying to communicate with her and tries to unravel who the woman was. Meanwhile, all the persons that handle the corpse mysteriously die.

"Unrest" has a very promising beginning, with a refreshing storyline. However, the screenplay is flawed, with a terrible development of the story of Alita Covas, and the conclusion is totally disappointing. The writer should have made a little research, even in Google, and see that the pre-Colombian civilization of the Aztecs has never lived in Brazil but in Mexico, and they were destroyed by the Spanish conquerors leaded by Fernando Cortez. I have no background in medicine, but my common sense tells me that human beings (alive) jumping or drowning in a formaldehyde tank with dead bodies would have some sort of sequel, if they do not die. The medical students are very skilled, being able to operate an incinerator or to suture a friend. Lots of people die in the hospital-school without any further development of the story or investigation of the police. When Alison drags Alita Covas in a bag through the corridors, there is a track of blood. But the corpse had been prepared for the class; therefore I believe she could never bleed. Again, the writer should have researched in medical schools these (and certainly others) situations. If the viewer does not care to these flaws, the movie is entertaining. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Cadáveres" ("Cadavers")
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Feelings and such
kosmasp21 October 2019
Sometimes you can feel certain things and other times you wonder how you are almost left completely without emotion ... maybe this will ring true for people watching this. The main character apparently has an inexplicably connection to a body. But hey whatever works for her, might be the fact she is an atheist, who really knows? One thing is for sure: she clearly doesn't.

And the group of people she surrounds herself with are not much help either. Coincidences and a doctor/professor or what he is, who doesn't care about human beings (strange there is no one to discipline him) really do not help the movie though they do carry the "plot". The movie was made for the After Dark Horrorfest or was selected for it - not sure which would be better. But too many cliches for one to really care anyway - unless you watch everything horror related
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Don't waste you time
ShaileshTripathi7 June 2016
Probably the worst combination of bad acting and bad sound effect. What else can be expected from this. Story was somewhere nice. But actors were all bad. Sound effect was badly chosen. Story goes like this "In a medical school, the freshmen students Alison Blanchard, Brian Cross, Carlos Aclar and Rick O'Connor receive the cadaver of a young woman for dissection in their anatomy class of Professor Walter Blackwell. The atheist Alison has a weird sensation that the spirit of the corpse is trying to communicate with her and tries to unravel who the woman was. Meanwhile, all the persons that handle the corpse mysteriously die." Wasted my time over this movie. I'll not recommend it. Even if you have nothing see, Don't pass your time on this one. Good luck everyone!
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Something different if you're a genre fan.
matthewhemmings8 May 2011
Let me start off by saying it's not a bad film. I didn't hate it, I just didn't fall in love with it. But I'm glad I watched it.

The cinematography is very good, the whole piece is generally rather beautiful. But can beauty make up for a lack of plot or substance? The first half is very good. Scrap that the first two thirds are very good. The build up, the general air of unease created, spot on. Then we have this particular films 'reveal' and it all quickly goes downhill from there.

Don't get me wrong, if you are a horror fan I would recommend this over any Saw (bar the original) any day, if only for the originality of the setting. I just don't see it going mainstream.

Oh, one more thing; you will never see the phrase 'dipping your toe in the water' in the same light again!
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