Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (2004) Poster

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The book was better. The first movie was better.
Julie-3014 November 2004
But, oddly enough, I still liked this version of The Edge of Reason.

It's hard to put my finger on why -- because I'm not quite sure why some of the book's original plot lines were ommitted, and because I thought the Rebecca subplot was gratuitous -- but I did like it.

The first book was not-so-loosely based on Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." The first movie left a lot of that in, and even included a lot of "inside jokes" for those of us who are familiar with that delightful book and the filmed version starring Colin Firth as Fitzwilliam Darcy. "The Edge of Reason" was not-so-loosely based on another Jane Austen novel, "Persuasion," but any overt Austen references are completely wiped out here.

The character of Giles Benwick is based on an Austen character named Benwick who has recently lost his fiancée, but that is the only Austen reference from the book left. It's a shame, too, because I liked that particular subplot in both Austen's "Persuasion" and Fielding's "Edge of Reason."

Given that I've complained about several aspects of this film, I'm still rather surprised that I liked it. Could it be because Bridget is still Everywoman and because Mark Darcy is still the Perfect Man (and probably because he's still played by the ever-dishy Colin Firth)?

Who knows. All I do know is that it was cute, it was funny and it was entertaining. You can't ask for much else.
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Not much reason for this sequel
blanche-223 July 2007
A great soundtrack and the delightful performance of Renee Zwelleger aren't good enough reasons for this "Bridget Jones" sequel: "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason," the 2004 film starring Hugh Grant and Colin Firth as Bridget's suitors. The film continues as the relationship between Bridget and Mark develops, with Bridget's insecurities driving it toward disaster. Because of a promotion, Daniel is back in her life again - but out just as quickly. To top it off, she winds up in a Thai prison, and while there, she teaches fellow prisoners the right moves to "Like a Virgin." Finding enough of a plot to for a feature-length script was obviously tough, so tough, in fact, that large parts of it become music videos. Everyone is very good, but one can't help asking why someone like Mark puts up with Bridget. They're not a realistic couple. At all.

I'd have been furious if I'd paid to see this in a theater; in fact, I would have been unhappy if I had rented it. I saw it for free on TV and on that basis, it's okay and fun to see the actors and listen to the songs. Alas, it's the only way to see it without feeling you've been had.
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What was once fresh now seems stale
JamesHitchcock13 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Romantic comedies are, for the most part, an exception to the general maxim that, as surely as night follows day, every successful film will be followed by a sequel. The whole point of a rom-com is to tell the story of how a particular couple fall in love, and falling in love is something which, generally speaking, most couples only do once. This explains why no sequels were ever made to "Four Weddings and a Funeral" or "Notting Hill", even though they were two of the best British romantic comedies of the nineties. Paul Hogan did make a sequel to "Crocodile Dundee", but "Crocodile Dundee 2", unlike its predecessor, was not so much a romantic comedy as a comic adventure story whose protagonists just happened to be husband and wife.

With "Bridget Jones's Diary" things were different. Because Helen Fielding had written a follow-up to her first novel, there was an expectation that the second novel would also be filmed. "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" was the result. At the beginning of the film Bridget and her barrister boyfriend Mark Darcy are still together. Following a quarrel, however, they split up, partly as a result of Mark's failure to commit to marriage, partly as a result of Bridget's unjustified suspicion that Mark is having an affair with his attractive colleague Rebecca Gilles. Bridget meets her former lover Daniel Cleaver, who offers her a job presenting a television travel show called "The Smooth Guide". (This is presumably a reference to the well-known "Rough Guide" series of travel books, but there is also a play on the word "smoothie" in the sense of "charming but untrustworthy man"). Daniel, of course, proves himself to be a smoothie in precisely this sense, leaving Bridget to be rescued by Mark when she is arrested in Thailand on drugs charges.

It may be the case that every successful film is followed by a sequel. That is not the same as saying that every successful film is followed by an equally successful sequel; indeed, it has become one of the standard received ideas of film criticism to say that, apart from "Godfather II", sequels are invariably worse than the original film. Like a number of received ideas, this one contains a good deal of truth, and although there have been some good sequels, "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" is not among them.

The main problem is that it simply repeats, with minor variations, the basic plot of the original film. Bridget becomes involved with Daniel, finds him to be charming but untrustworthy, and falls back on the more emotionally reticent, but also more solid and reliable, Mark, and the viewer is left feeling "So what? I've seen that story before". What was once fresh now seems stale. There is no attempt to develop the characters any further; the only difference is that Bridget's infatuation with Daniel evokes less sympathy the second time around, as she should have known from previous experience what a rotter he is. The Thai drug smuggling plot was hackneyed in the extreme. The Western media have three standard clichés about Thailand- prostitution, transvestitism and drugs- all of which are faithfully trotted out here. (One can only wonder what the Thais themselves make of this treatment of their country). The supposed "surprise revelation" about Rebecca could be seen coming a mile away.

There have recently been rumours that a third film in the franchise is to be made. Given the relative failure of "Bridget Jones II", can we hope that "Bridget Jones III" will be any better? 5/10 Some goofs. Mark refers to his "partners", but barrister, unlike solicitors, do not practise in partnership, and no barrister would refer to his colleagues in chambers in this way. There is no such body as the "Law Council"; the scriptwriter appears to have confused the Law Society (the solicitors' professional association) with the Bar Council (the professional body for barristers).
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Disappointment = not a strong enough word.
WheresTheMoon13 November 2004
First, the positives – Colin and Hugh are still hitting their marks. Even though he might not know why, Mark positively adores Bridget. Colin gets that and twinkles, melts and warms in all the right places. Same goes for Daniel– he's drawn to his Bridge for some inexplicable reason. Hugh Grant really ought to be looking for a patent for that mojo he works so well. All of the original actors are back as Bridget's parents and her "dating war command" of pals and all have a natural, easy chemistry that works. But, the negatives, they are a-plenty.

Biggest problem here was the complete tone change. In the first film, we were on the ride with Bridget...seeing things through her eyes, groaning as she put her foot in her mouth again and cheering for her to finally get it right. However, in this movie, it feels like someone stuck her up on a stage and spent 2 hours throwing pies and tomatoes at her cause it seemed real cool. She's not in on the joke here, she IS the joke. Her few extra pounds are no longer just a part of the package – they are the end-all of her worth as a person. It feels like the folks behind this film don't even LIKE the character – they just think it's real cool to humiliate her as often as possible. It doesn't even look like they bothered to send Renee to makeup or wardrobe – she (as Bridget) was pleasantly plump in the first film, but never dowdy. The character is downright frumpy in this movie with a perpetual case of bed head and clothes that look like castoffs from Mayberry. And Renee plays into it with her acting choices – Bridget was frazzled in the first movie but still retained her dignity most of the time. She's a perpetual victim in this one, though, and even though Renee is still cute as a button and incredibly endearing, some of Bridget's spark is gone.

What happens after the happy ending? Couple realizes that they are each real, flawed people. And the movie makes it seem like Mark is at that point – never tries to change Bridget, never gets angry and her constant mishaps amuse more than annoy. But, as each of Bridget's tantrums unfolded, I kept asking myself why in the WORLD the man was still there. Bridget's keen on him but doesn't trust him. She likes to be with him but is suspicious of his actions without any real cause. Now, we know she's an insecure character and feels like she's not classy enough to fit into his world. And if the movie built from that, maybe we'd have a different story. But the obstacles they face are external. The characters never make decisions on their own – something or someone else makes them feel a certain way or forces them into a course of action that decides what will happen next. And Bridget's reactions almost make it seem like somehow, over the course of the last 'six weeks', she's regressed to a girl in the schoolyard stomping her feet when her boyfriend does something she doesn't like.

Another problem – the utter lack of subtlety. Why include one fat joke when 3 or 4 plus a butt shot can fit into the scene? Why spend most of the movie dropping hints about a reveal when you can beat the audience over the head with it in one of the final scenes? Why have Daniel make one joke about stealing Mark's wife when he can drop another one 30 minutes later? Oh look, matching Christmas jumpers – how cute. Most of the funny in this movie comes from certain 'episodes' as opposed to the dialogue. I loved the ski trip and Bridget's 'magic mushrooms' in Thailand. But, when the characters are actually talking to each other, they just aren't that funny. Most of the jokes are reruns from the first movie that feel stale. The naughty jokes are kicked up a notch but everyone in my packed theater, including me, either grimaced or sat stone-faced through most of them. Note to filmmakers: dirty has to actually BE funny to be funny.

This feels like a movie about a woman made by men who think wet clothes, girl-on-girl action and butt close-ups get it done. I read some interviews that said that Renee would only do a second film if it took care of Bridget and held up the standards of the first. I almost wonder if someone slid her this script on the first day of shooting as a rewrite once she'd already signed on the dotted line. This felt like a bleached, harsher version of the first– the warmth is gone. I know there was a different director and I really don't think the new kid gets why Bridget was/is such a phenomenon. As much as I was looking forward to this film, I wish they'd never done it.

Oh, and also, as a P.S. – if I was a Thai woman right now, I'd be suing Working Title and Miramax for defamation of character for their version of 'Fun with Stereotypes'.
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Renée Zellweger Makes the Film Be Worth
claudio_carvalho25 January 2006
In London, the clumsy, fat and insecure Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) is in love with the human rights lawyer Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), but they break their commitment due to her jealousy. Bridget travels to Thailand with Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant) to shoot a show, and she gets involved in a serious international incident, and is saved by Mark.

The sequel of "Bridget Jones's Diary" is very irregular and not so good as the original movie. There are many funny moments, but also weak parts in the plot, and Colin Firth shows no chemistry with Renée Zellweger. However, this excellent actress makes the movie a worthwhile entertainment with her charismatic and lovely performance. Further, the pop soundtrack with many hits is great. If the viewer watches this movie with open heart and without expectations and comparisons with "Bridget Jones's Diary", I believe he or she may like it as I did. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil: "Bridget Jones No Limited a Razão" ("Bridget Jones In the Edge of the Reason")
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Was the real plot not interesting enough or something?
IridescentTranquility9 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Watching Bridget Jones:The Edge Of Reason, one very easily gets the impression that this film could have been made a lot better. The tag line is "Same Bridget - Brand New Diary" and what I say in response to that is, too right it's a brand new diary. It's definitely not faithful to Helen Fielding's novel, that's for sure.

In the novel, you get the feeling that Bridget matures because of the experiences that shape her during the course of this year in her life. In the film, she just seems to be a caricature, what the director thought was a stereotype of the character Bridget Jones. The Turkey Curry Buffet at the start was an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it was necessary, and I'm definitely not sure about the Sound of Music bit. It seemed to introduce another theme - almost that of a fairy tale - that, had the plot of the novel been followed at all faithfully, wouldn't have been at all necessary.

Her appearance at certain points (in fact, in many parts of the film) verges on the ridiculous. I know Bridget is obsessed with her weight, but surely she isn't so desperate to be a size eight or ten that she's going to buy these clothes and then wear them whether they fit her or not. In the novel, we know that Bridget is of an upper-middle class background, born to a mother whose life revolves around social entertaining, and who got a degree from Bangor University. Watching the film, one gets the impression that Bridget went to school and then maybe began college but never finished it. She is not supposed to be such an idiot and she does have a bit more intelligence than the film credits her with. Surely she wouldn't have worn such an unflattering dress to an evening event that was important to Mark?

Daniel Cleaver did NOT need to take up so much time in the film. The reason Bridget goes to Thailand is originally meant to be to get away from it all - why does it all end up coming with her? Daniel is an interesting character, but the novel makes it clear that she has actively moved on from him. The Thailand section of the book helped her to sort herself out - the film didn't convey this at all.On a related note, if Mark (as we find out) was contacting all his diplomatic contacts to secure Bridget's release, how come he had time to go and pick another fight with Daniel?

I would have liked to see the everyday things Mark and Bridget did (eg. the food shopping trip in the novel) and I didn't see the need for the twist regarding Mark's role in getting Bridget freed. If the director had followed the real plot, it would have been unnecessary.

On a final note, given that Jude and Shazzer were already present in the film, what was wrong with having Vile Richard and Jude's wedding at the end? I would have loved to see that wedding, not only to see Vile Richard but so that Mark could have demonstrated to Rebecca that Bridget was the woman for him. The book is long - maybe a two-part TV drama would have been more appropriate - but if the plot of this film was evaluated, I'm sure they could have taken out the unnecessary bits and added some more of Helen Fielding's story instead.
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Better-than-average femporn
tritisan14 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, you read right. I think this sort of movie is porn for women. Porn is all about ego gratification, right? For men, this means watching eager, naked women act like they're really turned on by less-than-average-looking men. The man thinks, "Hey, if those hotties like that shmo, they'd certainly go for me!" Gratification ensues.

With Bridget Jones, we have a sort-of-cute, chubby, silly, clumsy women who is fawned over and fought over by two gorgeous hunks and---SPOILER ALERT---one beautiful, thin lesbian. The average female watches this flick and thinks, "Hey, she could be me, and those gorgeous, affluent hunks (and even beautiful, affluent young women) would certainly love me for what I am!"

We all just want to be accepted for what we are (or feel like we are). Movies let us vicariously participate in the heros' lives, and porn accomplishes this feat in the most base, graphic manner. Men and women have different needs, and therefore need a different kind of porn. Nothing wrong with that.
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No reason this should exist
francontins22 August 2005
OK...this is not just awful...but you know it is a sequel and a sequel it's done for a necessity or for money..and IMHO in this case is the latter. the movie tells about the clumsy bridget embarrassing herself during the whole movie (sometimes you can actually see it coming) and the end is not a surprise.. well. i can say that this is only for hardcore fans of renee zellweger and hugh grant (the best British actor in the whole f'n world) but it's worth a night of popcorns with some friends and your girlfriend that looooves goofy bridget ; ) oh and one more thing, the musical score is very good

i give it 6 out of 10
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A big step down
TheLittleSongbird12 July 2017
'Bridget Jones's Diary' was an immensely enjoyable film. It had a lot going for it, and succeeded on almost every level. It didn't cover much new ground and didn't break any conventions, but it was warm, charming, hugely funny and sometimes poignant, with a great cast.

When hearing that there was a sequel, there were mixed feelings. Admittedly, did question the point of it and was worried as to whether it would be as good considering the general reputation of sequels (though there are a lot of exceptions that are as good and nearly better). On the other hand, was more than willing to give 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason' the benefit of the doubt, considering the same people were on board, cast and crew, who did such a great job in 'Bridget Jones's' Diary.

My feelings after 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason' were that of real disappointment. It is not as terrible as many have said and there are far worse sequels around, at least it has things that salvage it from being worse, but what worked so well in 'Bridget Jones's' Diary' didn't here. Always try and judge sequels on their own terms and try not to compare, but it is hard not to when there is such a significant drop in quality, of which 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason' is a big step down.

There are redeeming qualities. 'Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason' is attractive visually in a film that doesn't require epic sweeping cinematography or opulence, but still manages to be beautifully shot, cohesively edited and have striking locations. There are a few amusing moments, but they are too far and between.

Regarding the cast, they do do well with what they are given, although their material is nowhere near as good they are hardly slumming it and do try to be true to how they were previously. Renee Zellwegger's performance is not as good here, but her accent is still game and she does try to bring out the funny, adorably awkward and sympathetic sides of her character when the material allows it. Hugh Grant still plays his caddish character with smarmy charm, while Colin Firth is understated and likable in a role tailor-made for him, practically as if it was written with him in mind.

However, Bridget is far too much of a parody and a butt of the joke here, making it, for all of Zellwegger's good efforts, difficult to feel sorry for or feel pity towards her. The jokes are too recycled and more of the same, with more contrivance and ridiculous silliness than fun or sparkle, and a lot of the script is very weak with lines this time round that makes one cringe. Whereas there was a perfect balance before of the extremely funny and the slightly tiresome this balance goes way too far in the latter.

Story is just as problematic, the situations are much more contrived and reek of predictability without any freshness or charm. It's more tedious than bright and breezy, and fails as a comedy, drama and romance. The comedy is too far and between and feels too much of before without any of the things that worked so well in 'Bridget Jones's' Diary'. The drama is too sentimentalised and lacks any poignancy and the romantic parts are severely lacking in warmth.

Despite it not being the case, being the same director as the previous film except then it was hard to believe it was a debut, you'd think that it was the opposite here because the direction actually felt inexperienced. The music doesn't work here, too randomly placed, the songs not as well chosen and inferior in quality and actually feeling annoying.

Overall, disappointing and a big step down but not without its redeeming merits. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Less fun second time round
Philby-310 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first Bridget Jones film had a certain amount of charm. It owed more than a little to Jane Austen, who mysteriously enough, reviewed it for IMDb. It was based on the idea that even a Plain Jane can have a tumultuous love-life, and who knows, even snare the man of her dreams. In this film, a downright dowdy Bridget struggles to hang on to her man Mark Darcy despite her matchless ability to turn any public occasion into an embarrassment, and the depredations of the Other Man, Daniel Cleaver (who really should have been called Mr Wickham).

Sequels seldom match the original, and this film is no exception. It does start off well, as the not so intrepid Bridget, strapped to a TV camera, goes sky diving. But we are then treated to a seemingly endless series of pratfalls and mistakes on Bridget's part which stretch our credulity, until we have our heroine in a Thai jail on drug charges, and even more improbably released after intervention by the sainted Mark (who is of course a human rights lawyer – is there any other kind?) I did actually see the film in the Odeon, Tottenham Court Road, with a nearly full audience who looked like a bunch of extras from it. No-one was over 40 (except me and Madame Philby) and they loved every moment of it. So perhaps my jaded cynicism doesn't count, but the original was a much better film. The minor characters remain strong –Jim Broadbent's Dad, and Bridget's little circle of advisers for instance - but there is something lacking in the three principals' performances. Renee Zellweger has done great things to look the part but doesn't always connect, in fact she spends a lot of time looking like she is about to burst into tears for no particular reason. Colin Firth as Darcy does his stiff-necked number right to the end. Hugh Grant is Hugh Grant – amusing, personable, charming even, but not an actor.

I liked some of the moments of pure fantasy, such as the scenes with Cleaver in the Thai resort (alas, hit by the Tsunami since) and the kindly cabbie who gets Bridget to Darcy's chambers on time, but overall, regrettably a disappointment. I see it has done OK at the UK box office, though not as well as the first film (which had a much smaller budget), so we are likely get another instalment. How about "Bridget Jones – beyond all reason"?
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Let the fat jokes continue.......
makolina25 October 2022
This movie is even more disappointing than the first one. It's not helping anyone by insulting a perfectly normal weighing woman, by continually saying she's fat. She says it and so does everyone else. Which doesn't help anyone's view of what an actual healthy weight is. I googled how much Bridget Jones supposedly weighs and 130 for the height of 5'5 is perfectly acceptable and within normal BMI ranges. This is just another Hollywood hot mess that promotes false realities. What's even more insulting is that any woman would allow themselves to be so self depreciating. No wonder many women have bad body image when Hollywood plainly says even though you weigh a perfectly acceptable weight within your BMI, you're still fat. What a way to create a bunch of effed up people and to continue to promote a completely unhealthy and unrealistic view of how the world should look.
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In defense of The Edge of Reason (because I really liked it)
Dicentra13 November 2004
Having now seen The Edge of Reason (for the first time), I am prepared to spend a moment responding to the inevitable criticism (inevitable because I've already read hints of them on the boards and in some reviews). WARNING, MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD....

1) They didn't stick close enough to the book. *** Ah, isn't this the mother of all complaints? In fact, many other complaints are just a variation on it. But here goes. First, there is no way they could have put in everything from the book (and most complaints are about parts that were omitted), because the movie would be way too long. Second, most things in the movie actually were from the book, or a variation on a scene from the book (e.g. Bridget's parents' wedding, in lieu of Jude and Vile Richard's wedding). And what's so bad about some new stories for Bridget? It's just more Bridget to love (not unlike her wobbly bits).

2) Yes, but what about the interview with Colin Firth? *** Haven't we heard this before? Obviously they left it out because Colin Firth was already in the movie as Mark Darcy. Also the book The Edge of Reason was written when Pride and Prejudice was slightly newer on video in the UK and was part of the contemporary pop culture of the day. (Although, I admit it still has a very strong fan base!) There are other cultural reference in the book, Edge of Reason, that just couldn't be put into the film without dating it (e.g., the death of Princess Diana). (P.S., Pride and Prejudice fans should listen very carefully to Bridget's comments to Shazzer when returning from Thailand.)

3) Why'd they bring back Daniel Cleaver? He wasn't even in the book! *** Aha, but you're wrong there! First, there's Bridget and Daniel's phone conversation about where Germany is located. Then some time later, Bridget accepts a dinner date with Daniel, and even buys condoms "just in case." He comes to Bridget's flat and makes a pass at her before Bridget comes to her senses and throws him out.

Granted, they expanded Daniel's role quite a bit for the film, but I happen to love his sleazy charm. He is funny, funny, funny, and Hugh Grant is perfect in the role. (Look for a little jab at Hugh Grant in the Thailand scenes.)

4) So many scenes seem to be a rehash (or should I say retread) of similar scenes in the first movie. *** There are indeed events which are similar to things that happened in Bridget Jones's Diary. But they are not presented as something new and unique - instead they are an opportunity to look back nostalgically and compare how Bridget's life has changed. (If you haven't seen first movie - heaven forbid - they can be new and unique.) For example, the silly Christmas jumper that Mark Darcy wore at the first turkey curry buffet has a whole new significance this year.

5) What, another Darcy/Cleaver fight? *** Oh come on, you love it! (I did expect Pat Benatar's "Hit Me with Your Best Shot" to break out at any time, and was quite disappointed that they didn't choose it as background!) The fight is fantastic, and totally in context with this movie - there is a good reason for it.

6) Bridget already had her happy ending in the first film, why do we need another? *** Aside from the fact that Helen Fielding wrote a second book? The end of Bridget Jones's Diary said "the beginning..."; not a promise of a sequel, but a reminder that life doesn't end with a kiss in the snow. This is the story of how a long-time singleton copes with being part of a couple (not very well).

7) They messed up the time sequence, and Bridget's age. *** Yes they did! My biggest pet peeve, in fact. Six weeks after the kiss in the snow should have been Valentine's Day, not a turkey curry buffet. And how can Bridget still be 33 at the end of another year? Not to mention that her "tombstone" says she was born in 1972....Come on, I'm three years older than when Bridget Jones's Diary came out, it's not fair that Bridget is a year younger! (Okay, I am not going to defend this flaw in the movie. But I suspect that most viewers will not be as troubled by it as I.)

So yes, the movie's not perfect, and it's not everything that a die-hard Bridget Jones fan would want. (I don't know that any movie could live up to those celestial expectations.) But it is v.g., and those who are Bridget fans will probably want to watch it many times. Those who just want to see a funny movie will like it too. Those who prefer explosions and gun shootouts should probably go elsewhere.

Since this is a review, I should also mention that Renee Zellweger was better than ever as Bridget (when I read the books, I now picture her as Bridget); Colin Firth was absolutely gorgeous, of course, and managed to crack his haughty Darcy-esquire facade with melting smiles on a number of occasions; and Hugh Grant was the very portrait of a posh cad.
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Actually it was pretty good!! I was impressed!
Nocgirl7213 November 2004
I am a HUGE Bridget Jones fan so I was eagerly anticipating this sequel. I had read a lot of lousy reviews on it so I was actually expecting a movie MUCH worse than it was.

Me, my sister and friend walked out impressed. It was FUNNY! It resembled the first very much in a few places-especially her going back and forth between Mark and Daniel.

The opening scene of her sky diving is hilarious.

Bridget is up to her same old complaining, jokes, crude sense of humor, and trying to sort out her usual confusing love life.

It was such a joy seeing Renee, Hugh, and Mark re-united for this film.

I give it a good solid 7.5/10. I still liked the first one slightly better but this was a very good sequel and deserves an honorable mention.
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I tried to like it but....
triple81 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers

Let me start by saying I really really REALLY wanted to like this movie. I absolutely love the first one and though I am aware of the fact that sequels, in many, actually most, cases are bad I hoped against hope that this one would be the exception.

I was wrong. This wasn't good but not only that, it bordered on camp. Before I saw this I'd never have thought that Bridget Jones the sequel could be anything less then at least slightly above average, say a 6 or so. Not so. Everything that made the first a classic is gone here.

The movie seems to have one purpose and that's break up Bridget and Mark, have all these outrageous things happen to Bridget and then get the two of them back together. That's it. That's the movie. The first movie was a story. A wonderful, delightfully sweet tale of a single woman attempting to find her way in this world and her ultimate meeting of Mr. right. It is sweet, humorous, always interesting, well acted and ultimately delightful.

This movie The Edge of Reason is not a story. It's a series of forced, over the top events that almost turns the whole story of Bridget Jones into an unrealistic, bad soap opera like, fantasy. It's almost a parody of a lifetime movie. I didn't expect this to be of the original's caliber but I had no idea it would be like this.

The movie is so forced it is almost painful to watch. The things that happen to Bridget are not believable. The whole thing with her winding up in prison seemed almost a last minute add on and came out of nowhere, and actually it's really not the kind of thing to turn into a joke anyway. Even her almost getting back with Grant didn't ring true. And there wasn't much that was funny either. The story had no cohesiveness and not even much of a plot except to keep Zelwgger and Firth apart or squabbling.

All the music got on my nerves after awhile. That thing with Rebecca declaring her love didn't ring true. The split between Bridget and Mark in the first place didn't ring true. Nothing rung true. What was the point?

The first Bridget Jones was such a hit because it was GOOD. It was believable and entertaining and cohesive and just plain funny all at once. This was none of that. It wasn't a 1 or 2 but did come close to being turn off in midstream material several times. Ultimately the one main good thing it had going for it is they didn't change the cast though they seem to have changed everything else.

The performers were fine, great, no problem there. The ending was happy. Good, Bridget And Mark are likable, very likable, both individually and together so that's a good thing. But who'd have ever thought that the sequel to Bridget Jones could be IRRITATING? I loved the first one so much and really wanted to like this. Unfortunately that was not to be. Hopefully no part three unless by some miracle they can eliminate the problems that were so present in this one. 4 of 10 is my vote.
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jo-2412 December 2004
The problem with a sequel is that expectations are high - particularly after a film as successful and engaging as BJ1. I knew already that the new film did not adhere to the second book so I didn't expect to be making comparisons. However, this movie was frankly ridiculous.

My problem with the film in main was that the character of Bridget was over-parodied. She is not supposed to be so much fatter than everyone around her, or as scatty and ungainly as she is portrayed in the film, which makes it harder to believe that there are 2 men and a woman after her.

The first film's success was due to the protagonist being charming and endearing - she made "human" mistakes (for example, the "blue soup") and fell for an unsuitable man who cheated on her. We felt sorry for her but also felt that she was funny and kooky and wanted her to "get her man" in the end. In this new movie she is frankly annoying, and we are almost incredulous that Mark Darcy should want her at all. They have nothing in common, the reason they break up at the beginning is not believable in any way, and the reasons they reunite are just as difficult to comprehend.

I also felt that the characterisations were not as layered as in the first movie, and the stupid lesbian twist didn't seem to make any sense.

It is a shame that they were so close yet so far with this new film, because in a way it negates the success and hilarity of the first one, which was a classic, intelligent portrayal of a 30-something singleton looking for her man. BJ2 is just a badly-made slapstick about a fat, unattractive girl who looks a complete mess and doesn't seem to have any self-awareness whatsoever. Sorry to be so harsh, but with the weight of the various names attached to the film, expectations were high.......
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Not all bad
emn11 November 2004
Not being a big fan of the first film, I was invited to a private screening to see The Edge of Reason on the same night of the London premier. Throughout the evening I was just praying for it to not be too much of a chick flick so that I would enjoy most parts. Being set in London, my home, gives it that little bit extra as London does reflect well on the big screen whether it be the vibrant heart of the city or the darker side of a South London council estate.

A few days after seeing the film, I found myself still thinking of certain parts, which made me realize that I actually enjoyed it. Rene Zewelleger's London accent is superb, so much in fact that she only has to give a look of insecurity, that she could easily be an English rose. Colin Firth is Colin Firth and same goes for Hugh Grant and his 20 minute appearance, although when the two are on screen together, the results are rather entertaining. Good support from an ensemble of actors keeps the film ticking over especially as there are the usual "feel good slushy moments".

However, due to the success of the first film, the old trick of "if it ain't broke then don't fix" comes in to play and many jokes are carried over and already look worn. There are also a few uncomfortable moments when clearly the scriptwriters were looking for funny fillers out of desperation, which actually made me squirm. All in all, when you got to see it, you will know exactly what you will be getting. Do not expect a life changing film or an awards winner which will make you blub your heart out. The soundtrack is excellent but too many songs are played back to back to force some sort of emotion from under your feet.
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"Voluptuous" Bridget Jones returns for a movie composed of regurgitated gags
subara_C8 July 2005
Even though this movie wasn't the worst, it definitely wasn't the best. Like most sequels, "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" continues the gags created by its predecessor, making the gags seem old and repetitive. Aside from this negative aspect, the movie was quite funny and charming.

I found Renée Zellweger a cute, splendid actress once again. Colin Firth and Hugh Grant also reprise their roles as Mark Darcy, the human rights barrister, and Daniel Cleaver, the cheating Mr. Duplicity. These actors/actresses acted well enough to reach my criteria for "good acting."

All in all, "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" was decent. If you don't mind the writers regurgitating the gags from the first movie and having them continue in an unfunny manner, then you'll probably love it. Superb acting, fair plot.

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Light, airy charmer...
moonspinner5518 March 2006
Pleasant-enough sequel to "Bridget Jones's Diary" has Renee Zellweger completely at ease in her return to role as chipper go-getter Bridget Jones. Here she's still being bothered by egocentric jerk Hugh Grant while tremulous over relationship with Colin Firth. The presentation is colorful and yet just a bit heavy, with some scenes going on too long and several encumbered by an effects-enhanced prettiness which occasionally seems like overreaching. Grant, in what is essentially a cameo, is annoying and gratuitous, but Renee is quite fun to watch, and the movie has a few funny tricks up its sleeve. The constant degrading of Bridget, however, is a running joke that doesn't always work, but the finale is certainly worth a smile. **1/2 from ****
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Back to Bridget
Robert_duder9 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I am writing this review having not seen the original for well over 2 years. I think that's a positive thing because then the original will not reflect in my review for the sequel. I am very middle of the road about this follow up to the smash hit original.

Edge of Reason returns to our lovable Bridget Jones who is still madly in love with Mark Darcy and they are very happy together. Bridget is still as carefree as ever and not prepared to let anyone take advantage of her. Unfortunately her insecurities get the better of her and she believes her beloved Mark may be cheating on her with another woman. In a misunderstanding and flash of anger Bridget ends the relationship. She is sent on a trip for her job and runs into none other than Daniel Cleaver, her old charming lover. Her attempts to sweep her off her feet but unfortunately her gets a little of that Jones bad luck which lands her in a horrible predicament leaving only her one true love to rescue her and give her the happy ever after.

The single best thing about Bridget Jones played by Renee Zellwegger is she is SO INCREDIBLY REAL...and not just to woman but men as well. This is not a gorgeous actress made out to be homely or overweight but rather a real live person who is a little overweight, she's not physically perfect, she's not drop dead gorgeous, she's got serious, real imperfections. This makes her likable and fun and easy to watch and relate to. You can actually go...god...that would so happen to me. In Edge Of Reason it's her very realistic insecurities that end her seemingly perfect relationship. Zellweggar is perfect as Jones and no one else could replace her. Colin Firth also plays his role as the rather stiff, upper class British type businessman who loves this girl to the very core but has trouble showing his emotions. Hugh Grant is the twinkling star of the movie. He looks very sexy (and I'm a heterosexual Male!!) and plays the playboy type to an absolute perfect T but we also secretly love to see him get shafted in the end.

Unfortunately Edge Of Reason is bogged down by a rather slow moving, boring story line. I also found this sequel to be not as British as the original which causes it to lose some of it's charm. I found the language to be rather harsh which I can usually swallow in a film. The start of the film was very entertaining but I found myself by the end getting a little bored. Her trip to the prison although partially funny was somewhat overdone I thought and maybe a little far-fetched for a story that tries to be funny through reality. The addition to a sequel part that was one of the best scenes hands down from the original was the fight between Cleaver and Darcy. It was very forced in the sequel and not nearly as well done. Overall I felt although it's worth watching just to watch Jones up to her old tricks, it's really not a worthy sequel and pray that the series ends here because there isn't anything left to do.

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Bridget Jones goes beyond the edge of reason into sheer stupidity and boredom
anhedonia17 November 2004
First rule of comedy: Be funny.

But the makers of "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" don't bother with such trivial matters. Not when they've deluded themselves into believing that merely bringing back Renée Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant and a few others would automatically make the sequel funny, too. They were wrong.

The 2001 original was funny and charming. It had verve and wit. Bridget (Zellweger) was normal, as were her dilemmas and crises. She was plucky, resilient, but never a fool. We identified with her. Daniel (Grant) was delightfully caddish, Darcy (Firth) properly funny.

The sequel squanders a tremendously talented cast, none of whom seems to have a clue what to do. I don't know if they're wholly to blame - they're stuck in a dud. Although again based on Helen Fielding's novel, this has none of the original's wit or zip.

Although the sequel begins only four weeks after the original ended, Bridget, Darcy and Daniel have become caricatures of themselves. Their behavior's cartoonish. You know this film's in trouble when Grant simply slums it as a rake and Firth sputters about as if he's wondering how on earth he wound up agreeing to make this horrible picture.

The film relies completely on Zellweger's star power. She's game, but gives quite possibly the worst performance of her career. Bridget's become a daft twit. She's lost any semblance of intelligence. With nothing genuinely funny to fall back on, director Beeban Kidron gets Zellweger to simply waddle about the place trying to eke laughs out of us. Unfortunately, Zellweger's shtick is barely amusing and gets tiresome very quickly.

The idea of laughing at a large, buxom lass while she pratfalls her way through a horrendous film must strike a chord with some women. At the screening I attended, I sat next to four women who did not laugh - heck, I didn't hear even a chuckle from them – throughout the entire film. Yet, they applauded at the end, as if they'd just discovered their anthem film.

It took four writers - Fielding, Andrew Davies, Richard Curtis and Adam Brooks - to write the drivel for this movie. They never find the right tone even once. Every joke is telegraphed or straining to be funny. This utterly unnecessary movie seems, at times, like an extended music video. But even the songs are predictable. During two scenes - at the Bangkok airport and an idiotic fight scene in a fountain - the music was so loud, it completely drowned out the dialogue. I don't know if the theater was to blame for this problem, but I suppose it was a blessing in disguise given how insipid much of the dialogue is.

This film is devoid of any novelty or humor. By the time we get to an excruciatingly long and unfunny prison sequence featuring yet another sorry moment that tries desperately to be funny - a chorus of Madonna's "Like a Virgin" - this film has gone so way off the tracks, there's no hope of it ever getting back on. This is a great example of a film being made because of star power and the need to make money, regardless of whether it was good or funny.

The sad thing is some terrific independent films are struggling to be released wide right now. But tripe like Kidron's film gets widely released a week early. "Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason" is lousy storytelling, rotten acting and awful film-making.
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funny, entertaining
MLDinTN19 October 2005
While this may not have been as good as the first one, the sequel was still enjoyable. I found it funny, and once again Bridget gets herself into some sticky situations. This time instead of worrying about getting a man, she still has one and is trying to make it work with Darcy. She is always worried about her looks and weight and compares herself to Mark's hot work partner. Once again her group of friends show up and give her advice that isn't exactly the best. Daniel Carver shows up again and as usual Bridget would be better off without him.

One of the funniest scenes I've seen in a long time was the fight fountain scene between Mark and Daniel. It was so funny. Plus I love all the 80s music they play throughout. Another good part is Bridget tripping on mushrooms and her interactions with her fellow inmates in the Tailand prison. I also loved it when she calls Mark at work and tells some intimate things only to learn she was on speaker phone.

FINAL VERDICT: If you liked what the first movie was about, I don't see how you couldn't find this one amusing. I'm not sure why this movie has so many negative reviews. The film is certainly better than most movies now days.
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Miles away from Another Country
arichmondfwc8 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I fell in love with Colin Firth when I saw "Another Country" for the first time, then the amazing "Tumbledown" to arrive to "Apartment Zero" when I decided that Colin Firth was, without question, the best actor of his generation. If I got involved with Bridget Jones at all was because he was in it. Bad move. He is not really in it, maybe a virtual replication of him but not him, not the actor who gave life to the British soldier in the Falklands of "Tumbledown" or the lonely guy who allows the devil into his flat because he looks like a movie star in "Apartment Zero" or the intellectually and politically alert young man of "Another Country". "Bridget Jones 2" is a pitiful mess. The first Bridget was also a sort of mess but wasn't pitiful. Things get worse all around. The quaint sub title of this thing is "The Edge of Reason" The edge of what?
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excellent follow-up
morello-213 November 2004
not particularly faithful to the book (but what film ever is) BJD2 is still a great film, with stuff to make you laugh, and stuff to make you cry all rolled into one. The added bonus of the second BJD is of course, the increased screen time of Colin Firth. The close ups of Mark Darcy's face are enough to sell the film on their own. He looks happy/sad/confused/amused/pained all at once, result; a hilarious mix of ridiculousness and good looks all for the price of one.

certain bits have been missed out, which is a shame, as they would have been really funny, and other things have been changed, such as the character of Rebecca. It does lessen the overall affect of the story, but still, as a stand alone film, i'd rate it 10/10.
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Bit disappointing
Stevieboy66623 July 2020
As a die hard, life long horror fan I rarely review romantic comedies, but I did enjoy the first movie so I looked forward to watching this, the first sequel. I thought it started off as good as the first, but sadly about halfway through it goes downhill ( in more ways than one!). Bridget and her boyfriend Mark Darcy go on a skiing trip to Europe and the film just descends into stupid slapstick. Then Bridget goes to Thailand, that too is equally silly. Thankfully things improve for the end but the damage had been done. Still offers some fun entertainment and Renee Zellweger puts in another excellent performance as Bridget but I wouldn't watch it again.
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beyond understanding
wee_scottish_lassie7 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Why anyone made this film is completely beyond the edge of reason. I was absolutely fuming when I came out of the cinema and was desperate to give those robbing b*****ds a good spanking for making me pay TEN EUROS! to see a film which just blew me off the hook... and onto the sharp edge of my temper. Ooooo, how dare they make a really good and entertaining film and then con us into thinking that the second one would be just as good. Robbery. Absolute robbery. I am a huge fan of romantic comedies but this one was just...(what's the word?) terrible. Please don't see this film. I'm begging you. You will regret it for the rest of your life. I think I'll give this film a generous 2 out of 10 because I am in a kind and caring mood.
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