Teknolust (2002) Poster


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A Great Showcase For The Talent of Tilda Swinton
hokeybutt17 July 2005
TEKNOLUST (3 outta 5 stars) Reading a synopsis of this movie you'd think it was some strange-sounding porno... or a wacky comedy. A lonely, nerdy female scientist replicates herself into a trio of cybernetic copies. In order to live, these "clones" need regular doses of male chromosomes, found only in male sperm. So the eldest copy goes out into the world, collecting samples for the sustenance of her and her "sisters". Yes, this definitely sounds like something that came out of the imagination of some sex-starved sci-fi nerd. Except... that the film was actually written and directed by a woman. So there is plenty of "subtext" and "symbolism" to "legitimize" a plot that sounds like it was dreamed up in "Letters to Penthouse". Tilda Swinton is the main reason to watch this movie... she plays the scientist and the three copies and she does a great job of making each one of them a different character. Also there is one wacky scene where the three "sisters" are doing some weird interpretive dance (all on screen at the same time) that is just sublime! Unfortunately, except for Swinton, the acting is pretty awful. Actually, Jeremy Davies is okay playing a lovelorn copy guy who falls in love with one of the copies but all he really gets to do is make cute puppy eyes at Tilda. For a comedy... the tone of this movie seems awfully sombre at times. A quicker pace and some livelier dialogue might have helped this movie become a classic. As it is, it's an okay movie enlivened by the talent of Tilda Swinton.
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Tilda is beautiful, Humor shines
wmjiii7288 February 2004
This sleeper entertains with Tilda Swinton's beauty, hyperbolic web-tech, and subtle-smart humor.

The "R"-rating is inexpilcable. Does a film get rated "R" for showing condoms? The "sexual" situations are all implied, there is no nudity and I cannot recall any harsh language or violence in the film.

The special-effects portraying souped-up computor interfaces are all part of the thin-guise of sci-fi genre and the film's humor. A microwave window doubles as a networked PC, "hard-drive crashes" pun erectile dysfunction.

Tilda is cast in the most lighthearted and cute role(s) that I have ever seen her play and her deadpan-pretty portrayal(s) delight the eye. Her three-way dance routine is very entertaining.

I felt that the theme of this film was the "joy of Life" intruding into and dominating technology.
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High tech fantasy
rosscinema22 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This film has high aspirations and gives the viewer plenty to think about (both good and not so good) but the story's execution by the director is a mixed bag that has rightly given this film it's cult status. Story is about Rosetta Stone (Tilda Swinton) who's a scientist in biotechnology and she's made three computer clones of herself by downloading her DNA. The three clones are Ruby, Marinne, and Olivia (all played by Swinton) and they live in Rosetta's computer but at night Ruby sneaks out into the real world as a hooker and collects sperm samples from men which she takes back to make tea with that refuels them.

*****SPOILER ALERT***** The men that have had encounters with Ruby all become impotent and get a rash on their forehead resembling a barcode which prompts Agent Hopper (James Urbaniak) to investigate and it leads to Rosetta whom he quarantines. Meanwhile, a nerdy and virginal copy-shop guy named Sandy (Jeremy Davies) meets Ruby and they talk of how difficult intimacy is and leads to them falling in love.

This film is directed by Lynn Hershman-Leeson who is making her second feature film effort after "Conceiving Ada" (also with Swinton) and while she shows great promise in her ideas it's the manner in which her films are told that comes under scrutiny. I'm definitely not one that wants a script to be obvious and dumbed down for general audiences (God forbid) but I do believe that this story could have been a tad more self explanatory. It does take a concentrated effort to follow some of this story but I do think that if viewers stick with it they might find enough substance to keep them interested. One is the casting of actress Karen Black as a transsexual private eye which has become typical in some of the roles in her career. Leeson's film does have an interesting look to it not because it was shot on high-definition video but just a uniqueness from the bar that Ruby ventures to and the living quarters that the three clones live in. None of this means much without the performance of Swinton who's presence alone is worthy enough to give this a look and she does an exceptional job of giving all four of her characters a distinctive persona of they're own. The films script asks enough interesting questions about making copies in our own image and what people really want (or need) in terms of intimacy but the end result is a film that's amusing but comes across slightly cockeyed.
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Baffling and Cheesy
nikmaack22 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Why do the female computer programs have to inject themselves with sperm? And how do you get sperm inside of a computer program, anyway? These kinds of questions needs answering. It's not the sort of thing you can gloss over.

This film is weird and silly and stupid. It's watchable -- I sat through the entire thing -- but it's utterly baffling. Things happen for no reason, problems are resolved effortlessly, no real tension to speak of, the science is glossed over and meaningless, the dialogue is goofy, there are holes in the plot that can swallow suns, and it's all very strange.

Some of the sets are interesting, some of the acting is just plain bizarre. John Kornbluth -- the fat, bald man from "Haiku Tunnel" -- is particularly out of place. The picture's well filmed, and overall it's a very unusual movie -- but not unusual enough to be good. But not so bad that it's painfully bad.

I have this odd feeling that there was some sort of metaphor at work here. Is it all about feminism? Technology? Lust? Finding yourself? What the hell is it about? I don't know -- and neither will you, if you can bring yourself to watch this film.

Warning: It's cheesier than a mouse convention.
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Like a Sufi tale, it has layers
insightstraight5 December 2005
I purely love movies which sharply polarize the viewers! These are the films which consistently make worthwhile viewing -- regardless of how we feel about the film, there are enough people with opposing viewpoints that we can consider for a fresh insight on things...

"Teknolust" is this process, in small. To some, it seems dull, to others, thoughtful. Some find it obvious and crudely drawn, others see it as a symbolic metaphor. Some belabor the obvious scientific inconsistencies, while others focus on the human side of things.

This movie is something of a landmark, being the first(?) feature-length production to be shot entirely in digital 24P. The sharp visuals are the result of this. (No technical stuff, but 24P is a step toward making digital video more "film-like". It is interesting to note that the director still chose to keep, and exaggerate, the "digital feel" for the production.) Tilda Swinton is definitely a draw -- one of my favorite actresses, utterly fearless, and it is delightful to see her with so much to work with. LOVED her interpretive dance -- sheer fun! Upon considering the reviews which felt the acting to be hopelessly wooden, I can see where they are coming from. But it may well be that this was a deliberate approach by the director -- doesn't Rosetta tell Ruby to be "more robotic" on her web portal, as she is starting to appear "too real"? The more I think about it, the more it seems to me that the slightly detached acting was yet another mechanism to make us question what is real and what is only presented to us.

The movie features many wry little jokes -- I love that Rosetta's geneticist associate is named "Crick" (Crick & Watson & Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1962 for discovering DNA) -- and I suspect that further viewings will reveal more. Lots of little questions, too -- like why does Agent Hopper have little adhesive bandages on his face, in different places during the movie? Does he have a disease? There are also some interesting questions raised about our reality in a digital world. How many copies are we removed from the original? At what point does copy degradation set in? (The copy center employee who is fascinated by skewed, imperfect copies is a brilliant concept for a character.) For many people, daily and digital lives are overlapping. What would it be like if they blended, with just as much casual copying and exchanging of information? (A virus is essentially an information packet.) Is "real" reality ultimately more desirable than digital "reality"?

I look forward to watching Teknolust again. With an open mind. And a touch of dream. And some friends, to discuss it with afterward.
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Left much to be desired
patr0ck26 May 2002
I saw this film at the Seattle International Film Festival this year. It sounds cool when you read about it, but really it isn't.

Although Tilda Swinton's acting in this film is fantastic, the film itself left much to be desired for me. The script was really weak and the whole movie got bogged down in cheesiness. The production value of this picture was pretty impressive, though. All shot on digital video, it was amazingly clear and the computer effects were pretty impressive.

I would say to pass on this one, though.
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computer/genetics-age psychadelia
bbbl6717 July 2004
First of all, you can't look at this movie in terms of realism, it's just a big psychadelic dream. Yes, we all know computer viruses and human viruses can't be transmitted to one another; but it's also not the point of this movie. This movie has to be looked upon as pure fantasy, not as a study of possible future reality. Hell, the solid red, green, and yellow color schemes should clue you in that this is more like 60's psychadelic dreams. Other clues that this is fantasy is that Rosetta talks to her clones, Ruby, Olive, and Marine through a microwave oven!

One great line in the movie that really got me rolling on the floor was when Olive tells Marine that a virus that she just eradicated was from an attachment, and Marine responds that "Rosetta was right attachments are dangerous". Of course, this was double entendre, one meaning of the word "attachment" meant email attachments, while the other one meant relationships. If you didn't understand this movie the first time, then you owe it to yourself to watch it again to catch all of these little pokes at modern life.
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Pale Fire
tedg9 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it is science fiction, woman-centric in concept and execution. It features an abundance of Tilda Swinton.

So it should be something worth watching. Yes? But I have to warn you off. This is written and directed by someone with such a shallow understanding of the issues involved that it is a self-parody. There are some truly interesting concepts that could have been explored if the science in this science fiction was actual science — or even if the concepts had been coherent and the writing good.

The general idea here is that seduction, identity, experience, cinema and something she calls "technology" are coupled in a way that matters and is interesting and embodied in a "virus." Also that what it means to be a woman and to desire desire circumnavigates these four points of a compass.

Although Tilda is more than capable of layered seduction, what we have here is manikin attraction. There is no hint of real seduction, either among the characters or with the audience. There are copious references to films, important and influential films. But they might as well have been posters on the wall as they are not integrated in any way with the film we see.

The real problem is that the idea of self-aware beings, vlogs (here called "portals"), human and computer viruses, DNA, and semen are somehow conflated as if they somehow were equivalent.

Tilda stars as a young woman in a university near San Francisco who is a programmer/AI researcher. She is a hidden genius who is profoundly lonely, so creates three clones of herself, independent robots consisting of code made flesh. The three each "are" a primary color and are named so. Tilda plays these women as well.

At night, they "download" selected seduction scenes from movies as dreams, but are generally bored as they are cooped up in our genius's basement. Oh, our genius is named Rosetta Stone. One of the replicants, Ruby, goes out at night — Jess Franco-like — and harvests semen from males she seduces by repeating scenes from movies. The semen is needed to feed the clones and to reinforce their immune systems. Those systems are "infected" with the virus that created them — the self-replicating virus being what brought them into being. The men in question become infected with this virus, which leaves them impotent and with a bar code on their foreheads.

I'm not making any of this up.

After several dozen cases of infected men show up, some goofy agency is called that inspects these sorts of things, and a gaggle of incompetent males is flummoxed. At the end, the key investigator is seduced by our heroine (the real one), while our vampiress falls in love with a guy who works on a "duplicating machine" (what we would call a xerox).

Oh, the investigative agency calls in a disenfranchised expert: "Dirty Dick" played by a sixty two year old Karen Black, who scopes things out, but does not interfere.

So much of this is designed to resonate with me, just by the accident of what I do and who I am. But it is such incompetent storytelling, so lacking in seduction and coherence, so empty of insight that it harms, a disease. "The Love Virus," is better, as bad as it is.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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Overwhelmingly Boring
ddonut12 January 2005
Possibly a most boring movie I've ever seen. A totally cringed plot about cloning and related issues - but the director is fully uninterested in her plot.

I've read previous reviews - but if there's anything "artistic" about this movie (apart from fabulous dresses of the clones and a single-driver car), please point it out. If anything "pro-fem", point it out. It just cannot be seen from the screen nor heard from the dialogues.

Anyhow, it might be the worst investment of your 80 minutes. Luckily though, not more than 80.

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good to see something different
sloppy-222 August 2003
I rented this from my local video store. It was so surprising to see something like this available from them, as this movie is not their regular run of the mill movie they rent. I enjoyed it for it's originality. I haven't seen much with Tilda Swinton, but will be looking out for more of her movies in future.. PS. this site rocks, I find user comments more informative than any of the "critic" sites.
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What a stinker!
jacks_smirking_revenge8 September 2003
Although I didn't really expect much from this 'film', Tilda Swinton normally knows how to pick her movies (bar Vanilla Sky of course). With The Deep End, The Beach, Love is the Devil, The War Zone and her small part in Adaptation, Ms Swinton picks great characters to play. Unfortunately, her multiple roles here are really tragic.

In Teknolust, she plays Dr Rosetta, and her three dumb ass clone, Ruby, Olive and Marinne. To keep alive, Ruby must venture out of their colour coded basement to collect sperm from willing males, which is then injected into the three girls hands. Without this life saving sperm, they cant survive. Things get complicated when Ruby becomes a wanted women for infecting these pathetic guys with a mysterious virus that leaves a bar-code on their forehead.

Apart from that, the film is incomprehensible. Jeremy Davis proves once again what a poor actor can do with a poor script, and Lynn Hershman-Leeson reminds us why films go direct to video.

On the plus side, i must say it did make me laugh. Try not during the scene where the clones have learnt a 'dance' and perform for their creator. Its the worst green screen attempt I've had the pleasure to witness...
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Heavily symbolic and metaphorical but not much technology or lust
darth_borehd21 February 2005
Don't be fooled by the provocative title and the R-rating, this film has only implied sex and only the briefest nudity. Rather, it is a thought-provoking but odd piece of work that delves into the meaning of relationships between men and women, the need to experience life's pain along with pleasures, and the different roles that we play to survive in society. The film is about a scientist who creates three computer generated/robotic duplicates of her own self. The duplicates exist in a virtual reality "safe" from the harm that the real world can levy on them. As the film progresses, we see through the interactions with the main character that they have become her alter egos. Trouble brews when they start to become self-aware and want more freedom. As I watched the film I was surprised by the apparent low budget it was made with but how it outshines most big-budget Hollywood blockbusters in its depth and scope. The acting is OK but amateurish, with occasional bad timing and wooden responses. The dialogue seems to get a little too long and pretentious at times and you have to be very attentive to catch the double entendres and metaphors in order to keep up with the script. Despite all this, it was a very good movie that proves that there is under-appreciated talent out there that Hollywood refuses to acknowledge. People that liked films like Slaughterhouse-5, Orlando, or the Handmaid's Tale would be advised to give this film a try.
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3 stars
Movie-David14 June 2002
I saw this film at the Seattle international Film Festival

What you'll get is a visually stunning movie with some great acting by Tilda Swinton. It's fun to watch a movie that does not take itself too seriously, but if you really think about it. There are some interesting issues just below the surface. I think that's the point. Some viewers of this movie are not going to get some of it. That's ok. It's a movie. I do recommend you see this movie and help support independent moviemakers. So walk right in, sit down, eat some popcorn and let your mind be entertained for a few minutes of your day.
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a complete waste of time
rands-415 September 2005
Saw this movie at the Toronto Film Festival a couple of years ago..still can't forget how bad it was. Now wish I could somehow get that 2 hours back. Utterly unbelievable and childish. What was amazing is after the screening, the audience cheered and then asked deep philosophical questions about the meaning of the characters actions and sucked up to the Tilda Swinton (in attendance) and the director who was also in attendance...did they see the same film as I did? Honestly, I try to be as open minded as anyone to a every film I see, I like the bizarre and offbeat, this is both, but with no redeeming value whatsoever..avoid at all cost!
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lorishelp6 June 2003
My wife and I saw this film at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2002. We both thought it was very creative and thoroughly enjoyable. Personally i wish it would be released to video at least.In some sense the movie reminded us of Thomas In Love.
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Plot holes to drive a truck through
redwood9930 December 2003
Disclosure - I couldn't finish the movie, I was just too uninterested. This is to dissuade others who might see it for the same reasons I did.)

After reading other's comments, I understand this is supposed to be an art movie (many of the excellent effects wouldn't show up on my small TV and VCR), but the script seems like it was written by a group of stoners saying "Wouldn't it be cool if...".

The script shows a complete lack of understanding of how computers and technology work. How is it that the SRA's can "scan a hard drive" and affect "infected" people miles away? The laws of physics are completely ignored. Rosetta says "anyone could create them (meaning the SRAs)"...exactly how could anyone create fully grown people? Any scene occurring in a lab just made me cringe.

The plot holes aren't just technical, such as the SRAs can affect the stock market and use credit cards, but don't know what money is? I was impressed with Tilda Swinton's acting, however most everyone else was acting at the same level as the script...poorly.

I rented this movie in the hopes on a movie which might challenge the intellect and probe interesting issues in technology & ethics, but instead I was bored and annoyed at how it insulted the audience's intelligence.
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3 stars
mweston4 June 2002
Tilda Swinton plays Rosetta Stone, a biogeneticist, who invents a way to create Self-Replicating Automatons, and she secretly creates three of them using her own DNA. The three are named Ruby, Olive, and Marine (all also played by Swinton, with clothes and makeup matching the colors that are their names, for easy audience identification). They regularly need male sperm to survive, and Ruby has been programmed to go out into the real world to get it, while the other two SRAs stay in permanent seclusion.

Complications ensue, although the film does feel like it was stretched out a bit longer than the material warranted. It was all great fun, mind you, as well as inventive and slickly produced, but it just didn't feel like there was too much below the surface.

The director/writer was at the San Francisco International Film Festival screening on 4/30/2002 where I saw this to answer questions. She indicated that the idea started as a joke, and came out of the Frankenstein story. It was shot in 20 days on high definition, 24 frames/second progressive video (aka "24P"), which made the extensive digital compositing easier. The budget was under $2 million. It is expected to be released in the Fall, and there was also talk of a DVD, which will be direct from the digital sources rather than scanned from the film.
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halopes14 January 2004
Teknolust. I guess the title says it all. This movie contains no substance whatsoever. Everything is stylish and tech just for the sake of it, with no real purpose. And the movie tries desperately to sustain itself by exploring this lust for hi-tech and a pseudo-futuristic design. There are nice sets, though, and the use of strong, basic colors is interesting and hardly unnoticeable. But everything else is void. The movie is deprived of a strong premise, a decent storyline and interesting ideas. Every theme present in TEKNOLUST was already debated in several other movies: cyborg questioning his nature and trying to turn human; human falling for cyborg; the dangers of genetic manipulation and cloning; and so on.

I'll not bother criticizing the absurd computer-related technicalities because that becomes unimportant when compared to the flawed and unstructured plot. If there isn't a good plot, a strong dilemma, it's hard for us to become attached to the movie. TEKNOLUST suffers from this problem, and I couldn't care more about what was going on. If it weren't for three plus one Tilda Swintons, I'd probably never had reached the end of the film. Even though, the movie is slow and uninteresting. The deficient plot translates in lack of cinematic rhythm. It's boring. Luckily, TEKNOLUST runs for no more than 80 minutes.

Not everything is awful, as you might expect. Apart from the nice use of colors, be it on the sets or in the wigs and costumes, there is some kind of wittiness in the tone of the movie that keeps us from leaving the theatre. Nevertheless, what ultimately saves this movie from being a total disaster is the glamorous Tilda Swinton.
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Not much tekno, even less lust.
MBunge2 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Teknolust is like someone wrote a terrible script for a sci-fi sex comedy and then handed it to someone with the sense of humor of a pine wood box. Since Lynn Hershman Leeson was both writer and director here, I can only conclude she has a split personality. One of them must be a talentless hack and the other a Trappist monk whose funny bone has been surgically replaced with a rod of boron.

Rosetta Stone (Tilda Swinton) is a research scientist. Yes, that's her name. No, neither she nor this story has a blessed thing to do with language or translation. Rosetta has created three copies of herself; dark-haired Ruby, blonde Olive and redheaded Marinne. Are they clones? Robots? Some sort of virtual constructs? Even if you haven't seen this film, your guess is still as good as mine. They're referred to as viruses in the movie, but this script also suggests computer viruses can infect human beings, so take that for what it's worth. Rosetta keeps her copies hidden away in color coordinated rooms, subjects them to old Hollywood movies as they sleep and communicates with them through her microwave. Yes, her microwave.

Rosetta doesn't appear to have anything for her copies to do, so they basically just lounge around until nightfall. That's when Ruby goes out to find food for the copies. What do they need to survive? Human sperm. Ruby goes out, picks up a random guy to have sex with and then brings the used condom home so she can use it to brew up some tea. Ruby also runs a website, called an "internet portal" in the film. It's not entirely clear what Ruby does on her site, but it's enough to make a fan of Sandy (Jeremy Davies), a loser who lives with his mom across the street from Rosetta and company.

The guys Ruby boinks start going impotent and sterile with red rashes between their eyes that turn into bar codes. That sparks an investigation by one of Rosetta's colleagues (John O'Keefe), an undefined federal agent named Hopper (James Urbaniak), and Hopper's even more undefined associate Dirty Dick (Karen Black). There's a whole bunch of floundering around where it's never all that clear what's happening with any of the characters, leading to what I can only assume is theoretically meant to be a happy ending for all involved.

Despite the nature of the story I just described, Teknolust has no nudity or sex scenes. There's also no real profanity or violence. The dialog stinks and the actors mostly appear to be engaged in some sort of competition to see who can look and sound most like a department store mannequin. There's some decent set design but when you notice that, you know you're watching an awful motion picture.

I could never tell the difference between when Teknolust was trying to be funny and when it was trying to be dramatic, which obviously means it failed at both. As best I can figure it, this film is an attempt at willful oddity, like one of those off, off, off Broadway plays where everybody's wearing galoshes and speaking Esperanto. This movie isn't really that odd, though. Even with the whole used condom tea thing, Teknolust is like some suburban housewife's tame concept of weird. It's the crazy ramblings of someone whose creativity was burned out by watching too many middle school plays.

Unless you're entertained by stuff like a character who whispers for no reason or another who constantly has a band-aid over a different part of his body, like Les Nessman from WKRP in Cincinatti, you should stay away from this movie. It's boring and gets more boring every time it pathetically tries to be interesting.
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Tilda Swinton! Enough said!
binaryg7 January 2004
When I read that this film was going (someday) to be released, I knew that I'd love it. Swinton and Jeremy Davies acting, and Lynn Hershman writing and directing was a sure (for me) winning team.

You get what you expect. I loved Teknolust. I suppose I should change genders. I am a male (or at least I was at last check). Grr. Or should I say Girrly.

For most male Egos in Bushy Amerika this kind of `Fem-Film' is out-of-bounds.

This is a film for anyone who wants a chance to chuckle at the absurdities of modern life. If you don't go see `Master and Commander.'
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Four Tildas are better than one!
Rogue-3219 October 2004
I love Tilda Swinton in any film, she can do no wrong, and in Teknolust, there are four - count 'em - FOUR of her to love. This is an extremely creative, gentle, funny and ultimately endearing story about the nature of being human, with one unpredictable scene after another, each staged with a surreal and light air of charmed knowingness. That the film manages to maintain this lightness throughout is a superb achievement; it's beautifully written, directed and performed.

I just finished watching it on cable now, in fact, and before I started writing this review I dashed over to half dot com and bought the DVD - this is how much I like the movie.

My rating: 7, which is equivalent to a high *** .

Wanted to add here my ratings for the last 2 films I reviewed - I've decided to show my ratings in these reviews, and I forgot on the last 2. Being Julia ~ 8 (equivalent to ***1/2, low) and Learning Curves ~ 5 (**1/2). See my review of A.I. for the rest of my rating equivalents.
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Absolutely original, stunningly beautiful, slyly humorous.
GLEESON22 September 2003
Magnificent acting performance from Tilda Swinton, who plays four characters so convincingly you fully accept all four. This film is sort of like those popular 3-D posters of the early 90's, where if you relaxed your gaze long enough you got "into" a whole new realm (while others just kept staring and staring and never got it.) I was amused to see from the ratings here that women prefer it widely over men--probably the uptight men always on the edge of a virility crisis anyway.
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Tilda Rocks!
bernie-1226 September 2007
Normally I'd be bagging a film with science as bad as this one, but fortunately, I detected the tongue firmly lodged in the cheek, and was able to suspend my intolerance long enough to appreciate what the director was trying to tell us (Huh, what was that?).

While I can't fully forgive the exclusive use of Apple laptops (no, thanks, I'd rather have a real computer), or the scientific faux pas which were liberally sprinkled throughout the film, I was mesmerized by all the Tildas on the screen. She is reason enough to watch this, no matter how many plot holes or implausible scenarios there are. There is wry humour aplenty if you look for it, like the tea made from used condoms. Multiple viewings are likely necessary if you want to pick all of them up.

I think this is a film made by girls, for girls, but it's the first one of that sort that I can unabashedly say, as a man, that I enjoyed watching.
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Smart and witty! I enjoyed it in all its capacities.
valeriegeorge15 October 2003
Tilda was fantastic. The HD colors were sublime. The work was very successful in pointing out some contemporary feminist concerns in a smart, creative and witty fashion. I enjoyed it through and through. Can't wait to see what comes next from Lynn Hershman-Leeson!
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The overall look of the film is very glossy and
dark_scrawls28 July 2003
Teknolust Directed by Lynn Hershman Leeson Starring Tilda Swinton, Jeremy Davies, James Urbaniak, Karen Black, Thomas Jay Ryan and Josh Kornbluth ----------------------------

All I can say is wow. At first I was repulsed, then I became intrigued, and finally fascinated. Tilda Swinton treats us to a quadruple role. Not only is she the shy Dr. Rosetta Stone, she also plays her "offspring" Ruby, Olive, and Marine. She decides to mix her DNA with an experimental AI program and the results are interesting to say the least. There are plenty-o-synopsis type reviews out there, so if you want plot details, etc - please look elsewhere. I can tell you that one of the scenes at the beginning made me say "EEEWWWhhh" out loud. But, like a car crash - I couldn't look away. The acting is as mechanical as it should be - no more or less. The overall look of the film is very glossy and sharp. It definitely qualifies as eye candy. Tilda Swinton does a fine job playing all the lead characters, and Jeremy Davies is completely believable as the inept copy boy. This movie has plenty of tongue in cheeky-ness. This surprised me. I avoided all the online reviews until I could see it for myself, and was ready for something very artsy and serious. It does deliver that on some levels, but it's not near as cold and stark as it could be. Overall it has a good mix of technology, art, and humor - in a variable order.
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