Say It Isn't So (2001) Poster

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Expect the unexpected along with the usual raunchiness
Ddey6513 June 2003
This movie is typical of the raunchy comedy you can expect from Bobby & Peter Farrelly. Perhaps I haven't seen enough of their movies to make an adequate judgment, but I didn't notice anything "missing vibes" from it. There are a few surprises in it however, that could make you ask questions beginning with "Who Knew?":

Who knew Orlando Jones could be cool? If you saw his 7-Up commercials you wouldn't think he was. For the record, his character was not Jimi Hendrix, or his ghost, or some nut who thought he was Hendrix.

Who knew Sally Field could pass herself off as a villainess, and a comical one at that? Fans who like her best during her Gidget/Flying Nun years will be just as surprised as those who praise her for Sybil, Norma Rae, Places in the Heart, and similar TV-Movies & tear-jerkers.

Who knew the Farrelly Brothers would make a woman suffer so much heartbreak? In There's Something About Mary, we have Ben Stiller sobbing it up over the presumed loss of his object of desire. Here we have Heather Graham doing the same thing over a man she loves, but still believes is her brother.

Who knew an otherwise sugar sweet poem would be used as a weapon on any pets spending their final moments on earth? There's the scene where Chris Kline recites the poem he uses for abandoned animals he's about to exterminate for Heather Graham. I don't care how beautiful she thought it was, if I were any of those animals I'd be as scared of that poem as I would of the idea of being killed on the expiration date.

Anyway, this movie has a lot of sleaze, a lot of heart, and a lot of surprises. If you're not the uptight prim and proper-type, check it out.
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Nothing to get excited about
TheOtherFool4 August 2004
A guy meeting a girl, having sex with her... and then finds out she's really his sister. I smell Farellies at work!

The girl is Josephine (Heather Graham), who after this great shock leaves town to marry cocky millionaire Jack (Ediie Cibrian). But then (too soon in the movie!) Gilbert (Chris Klein) finds out they aren't related after all, and sets out to tell her that. Easier said than done...

Crude humour doesn't always work in this comedy, although there were some pretty funny scenes, in particular those including the crippled Dig (Orlando Jones). You also gotta love father Walter (a great Richard Jenkins). He's funny as hell.

But overall the movie will be forgotten by most viewers (and I'm one of them). Nothing to get too excited about. 4/10.
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Not very good
culwin27 October 2003
Bottom line, this movie is not funny. The story is satisfactory enough, but I didn't laugh once during this film. There are plenty of gross-out gags just like in "Something About Mary" and "Kingpin", but in this film they seem just thrown in for no reason. And Heather Graham does a terrible acting job like she does in most movies. This isn't even a "so bad it's good", it is just boring. Avoid.
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It isn't Citizen Kane, but it never said it was.
meidiot29 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** This film made me laugh, simple as that, so it would qualify as a success as a comedy. The laughs are low-brow and you don't have to be an intellectual to understand or `get' the jokes when they come around. This movie seems to have a lot of words like `tired' attached to it, and many people question whether the Farrelly brothers started losing the comedy muscle with this movie and while I would agree with these statements, I think they are still wide of the mark in most cases.

This movie is meant to revolt you, make you cringe and leave you disbelieving that people would do some of the things that will happen and anyone that has a problem with this, I retort by saying `well, duh!' The main review that was on this page for this movie ripped it to pieces, which would have been fine except the person didn't even get the details of the movie right. I'm all for denouncing a movie, but please get the facts right if you're going to do it.

The story is simple. Boy meets girl, fall in love, get engaged and then find out their actually long lost brother and sister. Flash forward 16 months and we find girl engaged to wealthy small town man and boy with his newly found parents actually finding out that it was a mistake and they aren't related at all. Mother wants daughter to marry rich boy and neglects to tell daughter that boy is not her brother. Boy goes to said small town to win her back. Mother does everything in her power to stop boy, including making out he is a sexual predator. Well, it's actually pretty simple when you watch it. Plus there is some great subplot characters to go into the mix to keep the story moving.

There seems to be a very definite elitism when it comes to comedies such as this. Hey, I like a great dark comedy with many layers as much as the next person, but sometimes, I really like to just watch something that doesn't tax the brain. This falls into the latter category and has a sweet, twisted love story at its centre to boot. The acting from the leads isn't earth shattering but the support cast is a riot.

Don't look to hard and you will be entertained. 2¾ outta 5
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Falls flat
shaun9813 April 2002
If nothing, this movie proves that sticking your hand up a cow's behind doesn't automatically mean it's funny. The film contains several gross-out jokes, few of them deliver. Oh, I have no doubt that they could've worked with the proper timing and comedic sensibility-which is just about all it lacks I'm afraid.

The Farrelly brothers produced this film, but one wonders how they felt about the results. They must have chuckled when reading the script, I have a hunch the material worked much better on paper than it did on film. They may not have been involved in the creative process, but they are nonetheless responsible for its failure.

On the acting front, Klein is simply dreadful as Gil. He reminds one of a young Keanu Reeves--but even stiffer. Heather Graham has a strong screen presence, and she manages to generate more sympathy for the leads than would otherwise be warranted. Sally Field and Orlando Jones are irritating. Richard Jenkins actually does a good job as the crippled dad, but he is helpless against a poor script.

My recommendation is to skip this thing and rent "There's Something About Mary" again.

*1/2 (out of ****)

Released by Twentieth Century Fox
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Poor Sally Field
sunznc11 August 2009
Poor Sally Field-she became America's sweetheart (you really like me) and ended up in THIS. A low brow, over the top, not so funny comedy with Heather Graham.

The film is painfully unfunny at times. I found my face frozen in a state that would indicate that I just smelled something bad. There are a FEW funny moments but they are nothing original or well thought out. Any kid in junior high could have come up with this stuff. There were a few scenes that were entertaining and I think I laughed out loud about 3 times. The rest? It is tired, very tired and the actors are trying real hard to get the laughs. But without funny material they can't pull it off.

Some of these actors have done some great stuff in the past but this is something they'll want to forget. In the mood for laughs? You can do better than this!!
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Equal parts crude and dumb, but almost no parts funny.
lnvicta3 February 2016
I laughed a couple times in this movie. That's all I can say really. Say It Isn't So is a byproduct of all the gross-out, silly, ridiculous romcoms that were popular in the early 2000s and this one doesn't differentiate itself from the pack at all. It sometimes pushes the boundaries of, "Wait, is this offensive or funny?" But even then, that doesn't even matter if the end product is actually funny, which it isn't. There are a couple chuckle-worthy moments, but they are so few and far between it's not even worth subjecting yourself to the entire 80 or so minutes of idiocy.

Acting wise, it's hard to complain. Heather Graham is great as the affable, bubbly girl and Chris Klein is passable as the cheesy, romantic guy. I'd say he's bad in the movie but the dialogue itself is so dumb I can't even fault him for it. The real standout is Richard Jenkins as Graham's father who is paralyzed and speaks in a robot voice most of the time. His character is where most of the laughs come from. Everyone else is serviceable, given the material at least.

There are hints of incest, bodily humor, gross-out gags, and the like. Some of it works, most of it doesn't. Overall though, Say It Isn't So is a swing and a miss.
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Truly a Farrelly Brothers movie
ESreviews23 January 2020
When I first found out about this title I first observed the reviews, and surprisingly they were unsatisfactory and negative, and along with that the movie had a bad Meta-score with top news outlets speak of bad, lacklustre comedy but if you look past the 25 Meta-score and view the movie as a witty, cheesy comedy made by the all time favourite brothers you'll soon like it. So many people view the movie in a way that isn't, and to say it isn't so, just watch it with the mind set that it's a comedy and nothing else.
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Even for mindless comedy, a pretty bad movie.
zapp452 November 2003
This is another attempt by current filmmakers to use shock humor and disgusting themes to get the american people to stop thinking. Exagerated characters, lewd sexual deviance, and farcical plot make this movie an utter waste of time. Rent "Animal House" or "Kentucky Fried Movie" for some real decent mindless humor.
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Gets off to a slow start, but gets funnier as it goes along
mattymatt4ever21 August 2001
First of all, I was disappointed that the Farrellys didn't take the director's seat on this one. I hate when previews mislead you like that. Nine times out of ten, when you hear the announcer in a trailer say, "from horror master Wes Craven" or something of that sort, it means the well-known director is a producer or executive producer in the project, like in this case. But it still has that Farrelly vibe, since J.B. Rogers worked as the A.D. in their previous works.

The movie gets off to a slow start. The gags start off pretty lame. And most of the funny parts shown were given away in the previews. We're handed a lot of quirks, but the comedy doesn't quite gel. We have Richard Jenkins as a wheelchair-bound father, who uses excessive profanity through a voice-box. So far, we're pushing the envelope, but the laughs haven't entirely arrived. I have to admit, though, the nipple-piercing scene was very funny. Luckily, that scene wasn't completely given away in the trailers, because quite frankly--it couldn't be shown on network television.

The film speeds up the comedy with the arrival of Orlando Jones as a pilot with artificial legs and a Jimmi Hendrix hairdo. For some reason, the Farrellys have an obsession with handicapped characters. Jones is very funny, and brings in the film's biggest laughs.

I also think we wander into one-joke territory one time too many. OK, the guy banged his sister. It was funny at first. How many times do we have to hear it repeated in the next gag...and the gag after that...and the gag after that? But the gags improve as we go along, and I got more and more laughs. By the last thirty minutes, I was laughing myself silly! So I wouldn't say this comedy is anywhere near as bad as most people said it was.

"Say It Isn't So" isn't the best comedy of the year, but it often delivers. And it's one of the few comedies that gets funnier as it goes along, rather than starting off with a bang and dragging on as it progresses.

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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The most uncomfortable movie of the new year; Farrellys are beginning to lose their touch. * (out of four
Movie-122 April 2001
Warning: Spoilers
SAY IT ISN'T SO! / (2001) * (out of four)

Spoilers Here we have the most uncomfortable movie of the new year, and it comes in the form of a comedy even the Farrelly brothers didn't brother to write or direct, but instead produce so the filmmakers could put the famous tagline on the posters: "From the Guys who brought you 'There's Something About Many.'" That is getting old, and the Farrelly brothers are beginning to lose their credibility. Just look at "Outside Providence," and "Me, Myself, & Irene." They are losing their outrageously funny sense of humor. Here, there is plenty of offensive material, crude humor, gross out sight gags and disgusting subjects, but the real impulse and wit are gone. This movie basically has one joke repeated continuously.and the original joke isn't even all that funny.

"Say It Isn't So!" ponders upon the question of what if you fell in love with a beautiful woman only to find out, after wild sex and popping the big question, that she is actually your long lost sister? The film's main character, Gilly Noble, played by Chris Klein from "Here on Earth," which, in a sense, was even worse than this picture, must deal with this vary situation, and things get even more complicated when (spoiler) he finds out his love is not really his sibling after all!

I am getting ahead of myself here. Lets start at the very beginning, when Gilly, an underpaid dog catcher, meets an attractive but untalented hair stylist named Jo Wingfield (Heather Graham from "Bowfinger"). He has no parents, but is frantically searching for them as he has hired a spy to search for his birth mother. She has parents, but her father (Richard Jenkins) is terminally ill and communicates through an electronic voice amplifier and despises almost everyone he comes in which he contacts, and her mother (Sally Field) is a bitter, scheming, money-hungry con woman who hides from Gilly that Jo is not his sister, so that the heroine can marry a popular millionaire.

The film's individual scenes feel awkward and uneasy, as if the filmmakers are unsure of what they are doing and if they are doing it right. It does not appear that they knew what they were doing, and even if they did, they do almost everything wrong, anyway. Dialogue is unconfident, cringe-inducing, and often down right stupid-making for a movie that is both boring and pointless. The actual sense of humor consists of typical Farrelly gestures: physical injury, sexually frank undertones and remarks, victimized animals, and political incorrectness. But for the most part this movie confuses public humiliation with embarrassment and that becomes painfully irritating. After a while, the sexual content losses what little shock value it had, and become just a constant array of sexual references and foul comments.

I would really like to know if the filmmakers instructed Heather Graham and Chris Klein to exploit their worst possible acting ability because they do not even have the acting quality of middle school kids in a Friday night, two for a dollar, 30-minute presentation. They are both capable of a whole lot more, and they seem to confuse the idea that in order to be successful in a comedy, you need not to act silly, but act seriously in order for a joke to be played upon them. As a result of the performance miscalculations, the film's many side characters upstage the two main characters, thus we never really care about either one of them.

The film's director is J.B. Rogers, who used to go by James B. Rogers, until now, that is. Maybe he wanted to go by a different name so that this film will not haunt his reputation for long. The writers are novices Peter Gaulke and Gerry Swallow. Gaulke has some experience with Saturday Night Live (the combined letters SNL are almost always a death sentence to a movie, "Say It Isn't So!," is no exception), and Swallow has nothing to his writing credits until now. I have good news for both of these screenwriters: their careers can only go uphill from here!
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Perfect comedy from the early 2000's
kmcghan-3400726 April 2016
I am not sure how I missed this movie from the early 2000's, especially since Chris Klein is in it and I love him in the American Pie movies. This movie is a silly/dumb comedy ,but really had me laughing. It reminds me of Joe Dirt. Overall good acting and many laughs from me. I am not sure how it has such a low score. Good soundtrack in it too!There are many goofy and predictable parts in this movie, but fits in very well with comedies from the 2000's. I am a 30-year-old female, so I feel as if this movie can be a good choice for a variety of ages and male or female. If you are looking for a light hearted, slightly inappropriate comedy , than look no further and give this one a chance. It's a must see and deserves a higher score.
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Say It Is So.
anaconda-4065822 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Say it isn't So (2001): Dir: J.B. Rodgers / Cast: Chris Klein, Heather Graham, Orlando Jones, Sally Field, Richard Jenkins: Scene after scene of pure stupidity about information that a couple discover about each other. Vulgar comedy about an animal shelter worker who falls in love with a hairdresser only to learn that she may be his sister. When he discovers that she isn't his sister, he travels to Beaver to prevent her from marrying a rich snot. His journey becomes complicated once "wanted" signs baring his image are placed about town. He tries to reconnect with her but everyone believes they are related. Director J.B. Rodgers previously made American Pie 2 but here the vulgarity is surrounded by a more comical subject matter. Chris Klein strolls down town with his arm stuck up a cow's ass. Heather Graham plays dumb blonde to perfection. Their conclusion isn't difficult to figure out. Orlando Jones plays a legless pilot who assists Klein in his quest but more would have been better. Sally Field and Richard Jenkins steal scenes as Graham's dysfunctional parents who grow worse in their physical and mental condition. Incest implement may offend certain viewers but since the couple is unrelated it merely exaggerates misinterpretations of information and one's inability to cope with it. It is offensive material but pulls off a funny concept that leaves much to be said. Score: 7 / 10
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Funny in parts.
lisafordeay29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Say It Isn't So is a 2001 romantic comedy starring Chris Klein,Heather Graham,Sally Field (sporting a blonde wig) and Richard Jenkens. The movie (which is also produced by the guys who brought us Dumb and Dumber and There's Something About Mary)is about a man named Gilbert(Klein) who is living with his foster family as he was adopted many years ago. He later meets a quirky hairdresser named Jo(Graham) and falls in love with her. But when a mix up between both Gilbert and Jo spread out that they could be related,Gil goes on the run only to discover that Jo isn't his sister and travels to Indiana to track her down before she marries her ex boyfriend Jack(Eddie Cabain). Will Gilbert stop the wedding?.

Overall it's a silly movie about incest(being in a relationship with your actual sibling or anyone related to you) yet it's funny in parts.
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It's not about incest
Sam-28510 July 2002
In the beginning of the movie, when they develop their relationship, they are unaware of any possibility that they might be brother and sister; therefore it is highly misrepresentative to say this is a movie about incest. This movie definitely shows how people can be closed-minded and cruel. This movie is also another rip-off to the extent that it starts nice and sweet but becomes outrageously extreme. I liked the first part but it was very difficult for me to watch the last of it. The ending I think was nice but I was not paying a lot of attention then.

This movie is definitely an example of something that would be more with less; less outrageous would make it much more enjoyable, especially since Heather Graham is so cute.
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Terrible but I love it
mattyhavok16 December 2020
It's so bad. The acting, the story, the music. It almost comes off as a parody. It so bad.
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good movies
yurina-m24 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
there was a man who worked at animal shelter. He accidentally met up with Jo beautiful girl and fell in love. However, the consequence that they were bother and sister came out after a while, and they needed to separate. But after few years later, a man who were actual Jo's bro visited her mother's house and Gilly knew he was not her bro. Then he decided to tell her about it continuously even though he got some bothering. Finally they could meet each other and got married. i like this movie because it has a lot of funny parts such as the scene cutting Gilly's ears. that was a little scary for me but funny. My favorite line is: i thought i told you to get a haircut. I chose it because I did know the phrase "get a haircut" instead of " cut hair off." you know,, I am Japansese so.
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Drink up before watching this movie
andorphin4 November 2001
this movie is a typical teen chick flick. Some funny scenes though nothing that hasn't been down before. if you are forced to watch it(and you are male) take a drink during this film..this will allow you to have toilet breaks in between. if your female, do not inflict your boyfriends, husbands or partners to endure this torture.

Though i do have to say, it is funny, though the story is 50/50.
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This is a Fun Movie - Nothing Great, but Fun
pfranklin16 April 2002
If you are looking for something very funny this movie is worth the time. Don't be turned off by the overall low rating. This movie is very lighthearted fun and that's all it tries to be. It's biggest problem is some poor story line editing. The story line could have been streamlined to avoid some bumps. Chris Klein is is Chris Klein ... meaning he is the same character that he's always been in movies such as Election and American Pie. Personally I like this character. Heather Graham's acting was weak. I don't know if it was her script or just her approach to the character. She was unimpressive. I just don't think she was cut out for this role. However Sally Field was fantastic as usual. Her skills greatly added to this movie and really made up for Ms. Grahams weak performance. Orlando Jones was great as was Richard Jenkins.

The bottom line here is that this movie is funny and worth watching if that's what you are seeking. Its two main flaws are the editing and Heather Grahams performance or casting. If they could have improved those two things I think this movie could have been as high as an 8.
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One hell of a Roller-coaster Ride
carloski200327 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a very intriguing one, very reminiscent of Shallow Hal and Loser. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone who has enjoyed the entertainment of Loser and/or Shallow Hal.

as a romance Comedy it is moderately good, as A Comedy/Drama it is very very good.

i personally preferred Loser with the chemistry of Jason Biggs and Mena Suvari, but this movie is definitely worthy of your time.

It gives a interesting array of characters all borrowed from other movies, but still great to watch.

It succeeds in a few laughs (not as many as it should have), it also has the ability to make you feel for the characters.

I give this a 5.5 out of 10 Shallow Hal in retrospect i give a 6 and Loser deserved a 6

****possible spoiler*****

if you are adopted or don't have track of all you immediate family maybe this movie isn't the best for you as it is harrowing in some parts. WIll make you think twice about people you know.
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Funniest film in a long time! Sorta cult classic!
bladedragonlord2 December 2005
When was the last time you saw a funny film? I'm old school, Pink Panther, Monty Python and more British type obscure humour. I have to say in maybe the last possibly even 20 years there's been very few films that have made me laugh.

This is a good film people, I don't see why it rated so lowly. Yes, a couple of scenes are fairly gross, but the shock value is brilliantly done, something I can't say for American films usually. Sufficed to say this movie is not for children.

The characters are brilliant, the central love story boy and girl are small town USA naive; "Dig" (Orlando Jones), is mind blowingly crazy. The girls father is clever, maybe a little over done. Sally Field is terrifically awful, you can't fault her performance, but maybe they would have done better with an unknown, sorry to say she seems to drag the film down. Her eventual downfall isn't very satisfying, because you've already seen it. Something that seems to get missed these days is character development, but somehow in this film the characters are strong and you feel for the leads.

I think you have to be in a certain mood for this film and understand that you are looking at 2 very naive / simple people and the world around them is very judgmental of them in a bad way and if they just had each other that love would keep them happy.

A love story that will make you cry, some wacky characters and freak me out shock laughs, some weak points, and a surprisingly funny American film, which is a rare thing. Watch it!
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"Typical" one!
ttasa8 January 2005
Nothing new we haven't seen yet, was the first thought that went through my head after seeing it. No big laughters nor extremely original parts that would have made me to put my thumb up and to say: "how do they come up with that stuff." No very clearly portrayed irony over anyone neither, just few average cow-rear jokes that wont change the world in any way anymore. Mass production made on a conveyor line, it can be described most accurately.Hollywood-America-MEDC loves this stuff. Am I not right? Heather Graham who hasn't ever shined with the picking of well made scripts to play in, just got to wrote in another 6 digit money. But surely "The world" needs this kind of stuff. Regrets from me. 3 out of 10
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clock_me8 February 2020
This was a nice silly movie that had a few laughs and brought me back to the gold old days of the 00s the story was new easy to follow nice cast I happen to really like the guy from American pie and heather graham she's pretty and a great actress also was pretty good in the spy who shagged me the only actress i really really really really didn't like was sally field she over acted so much that it got very irritating Orlando Jones was the funniest as the amputee all the jokes landed right and it had a very nice ending being cure and vulgar didn't take away from it anyone who wants a silly but light hearten movie to watch take a look at this it nothing special but you will end happy
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Surprisingly rather funny Comedy, that managed to entertain me for the most part, and the performances were a lot better then expected in my opinion! *spoilers*
callanvass25 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a surprisingly rather funny Comedy, that managed to entertain me for the most part, and the performances were a lot better then expected in my opinion!. All the characters are good, and the story was amusing, plus Chris Klein and Heather Graham were surprisingly awesome together!. There is a gross moment when Graham accidentally cuts off Klien's ear, and it also has some very funny gross out gags as well, plus Sally field is amusing as the bitch. The ending was incredibly silly (I mean how could Suzane Sommers be his mother!), but it was still funny, and this is well made and decently written too, plus I don't get why this has such a low rating. I wasn't expecting much of this, as I only rented it due to being fans of both of Graham and Klein, however what I got was a rather funny Comedy, and it can be rather tasteless at times, but I dig tasteless so i didn't bother me, plus Graham and Klein had very good chemistry together as well. This is surprisingly a rather funny Comedy, that managed to entertain me for the most part, the performances were a lot better then expected in my opinion, and I say it's well worth the watch!. The Direction is good. James B. Rogers does a good job here with solid camera work, and just keeping the film amusing and at a fast pace. The Acting is surprisingly pretty fun. Chris Klein is very funny here, he had fun with it, and managed to constantly make me chuckle, I still think his guy is in an underrated actor, as he worked very well with Graham! (Klein Rules!!). Heather Graham is incredibly gorgeous and is great here as the love interest, she was very likable, played it straight, and was very sexy! (Graham Rules!!!!). Orlando Jones is funny as Dig, he had some pretty funny lines, and had good chemistry with Klein, I really dug him!. Sally Field is amusing as the bitch of a mother, and I know she was supposed to be hated I couldn't help but find her amusing. Richard Jenkins is funny as the Father I liked him. Eddie Cibrian is very convincing as the asshole of a fiancée, he did good. Rest of the cast are fine. Overall well worth the watch!. *** out of 5
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Not That Good
babak3818 August 2001
Say It isn't so is the worst Farrelly Brothers movie ever, None of the characters put any energy into there roles (except for Orlando Jones), Its a very slow pacing movie (Its an Hour and a Half but it feels like its more than 2 hours long) and lots of the Jokes are more Gross and Mean than Funny. Like instead of laughing when Heather Graham cuts Off Chris Klein's ear you cringe because you see the scissors cut through the flesh. Thats Not funny. or when Chris Klein starts punching a cow and accidently gets his arm stuck up a Cows rear end would have been funnier if Chris Klein's character wasn't so stupid to do such a thing like Punch a Cow in the Butt and you can totally predict that he's going to get his arm stuck in there and it would be funnier if the Cows start running and he gets dragged along, But No the Cows just act like nothing has happened and they just start walking and Chris Klein gets Humiliated by everyone in Town. One of the Only funny jokes in the movie is The ending But I won't give that away... so to sum it all up, this movie is only good for a laugh or two But Not a really good way to spend an Hour and a Half.

Say It isn't so:

*Pros* -Funny Twist Ending -Good performance by Orlando Jones

*Cons* -VERY SLOW PACING -No energy or heart put into it -Jokes start to get really old -some jokes more gross than funny -characters are all stupid and forgettable

I rate it 4.5/10
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