Cupid (TV Series 1998–1999) Poster


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the most brilliant always get cancelled...
maggagie126 November 2003
by far one of the best shows on tv. and of course abc cancels after a measly 14 episodes. i miss this show still, and just had to comment on how great i think jeremy piven is. wonderful show, wonderful stories. to short of a run!!!
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Everyone that ever saw it, loved it.
jamesbass4 October 2006
Sure, Jeremy Piven can be a loose cannon, but so is the character. The chemistry with Paula Marshall was absolutely undeniable. And the few stories that they delivered were so warm, and so fulfilling, that it was if a source of wisdom was dangled in front of a willing audience, only to be smeared out of existence with the onslaught of reality television.

This show had such a perfect balance of symmetry between the reality and fantasy that it was so easy to get lost and actually feel for a change. It was okay that you never knew for sure if the character was real or insane, because it dealt so beautifully with the results of a kind heart amongst the miasma of cold psychology and a hardened society. Who better to demonstrate that love is also painful than the god of love himself, and the tortured life he led as a human being, forced to endure the reality of mortal limitations, while still believing in the reality of immortal love? Why take that away when we need to have that kind of hope? BRING IT BACK!! IT CAN STILL WORK!
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Cancellation a bad move?
ernie_cordell20 July 2006
While I feel that my impressions of this work is generally aligned with the other proponents of its continuation, I would largely omit many of the superlatives praising its art, performance and collection of virtues.

I don't mean to attack the show in my criticism, I'd just like to try the understated defense of that collection of virtues. In doing so, I'd like to try to guess why it was cancelled. Sponsorship strikes me first and foremost: I would guess that whatever it was supposed to be selling, it didn't hit the market demographic or some other equally enlightening pseudoscientific ratings language. This strikes me of the sort of industry error that one might compare to pitching to one person and charging another. If you make a show that a lot of people seem to like, it doesn't make sense to complain that it doesn't sell enough lawn-mowers to the 50+ crowd; or maybe it's just me.

A more legitimate reason might seem to be that the show relied too heavily on the bubbly babbling of the Jeremy Piven character(s). It might seem, from a production viewpoint, that it would be too difficult to sustain that Dolly-Madison-a-la-Streisand tenor over a series of a number of shows. While part of me says, "While the people are still watching, who cares?" but my realistic side says that we do have to predict the future when we write, produce, direct and play in performance art. Further complicating the idea of sustaining the expected tension is the notion of suspending disbelief or finally deciding whether our "Cupid" is a Greek God or someone with a personality disorder.

Maybe one of the things that the show failed to accomplish is its intent that was reflected in an episode of the series "Bewitched" about a witch, in this case, who conjures up Benjamin Franklin. Evidently the disbelieving public of that imaginary world were ready to commit poor Benny until witch Samantha Stevens steps in to defend Franklin's antics as "reminders of Benjamin Franklin's great deeds" whether he were a counterfeit Benjamin or not. While difficult to sustain throughout a series, a previous incarnation of "Relationship Rescue" might be to pay attention to a present-day interpretation of another, possibly slower-moving civilization's attitudes toward love and romance.

Whether a real "Cupid" or "Eros" would espouse the sanitized semi-serious sitcom alternative to pop psychology relationship advice is rather immaterial. After all, it is not a serious contrast of 20th century head-shrinking against Golden-Age Grecian attitudes on romance, it is an appeal to look at issues we consider agonizingly complex and idealize them into a simplicity we can digest. An irony that may have been lost on a big part of the audience is that this is both a goal of "science" and the more "holistic" approaches reflected in the modernized presentation of a Greek God's practical common sense.

Was it a bad move to cancel the show? I believe it was -- not so much because it was such stunningly good art -- but maybe because it could have been if effort were given to sustaining the mood and supporting the premise. If I might make a bad and clichéd comparison, it is as though the advice on romance were wholly missed by those who originally promoted it: They loved it enough to commit in the beginning, but they lacked the perspicacity to dedicate time and effort to solving the problems that may have plagued it in some projected future.

The pathology reminds me of current publishing policies: A good story told well isn't enough; we want the name recognition up front so that we don't have to cultivate a good thing.
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Best romantic show on TV....Ever
Reanes1-13 July 2003
Brilliantly written, expertly acted and genuinely insightful, Cupid was a hallmark show for television. I'm a 40 year old man and I found myself shedding a few tears at the heartfelt issues that it dealt with. This was a stellar comedy that gave credit to the viewers' intelligence. Like a Shakespearean play, the comedy was used to pull you in while their sweet message of interpersonal relationships was delivered in an intelligent, unpatronizing way. Jeremy Piven is my newest hero. He is the embodiment of what every intelligent man should be; fun without fear, self assured without being cocky and sensitive without being a wimp. What can I say about Paula Marshall; extraordinarily beautiful with an Einstein I.Q. that radiates through her eyes. This was an amazing show and I would buy every episode if I could get my hands on them.
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Thank God for HBO!
ReinaMissy28 July 2006
I've been somewhat surprised by the cult-like following of this show by fans; the premise sounded flimsy and silly. A guy thinks he's the god of love in modern-day Chicago and his mission is to bring couples together? Perhaps I'm too cynical, but the synopsis sounded way too far-fetched to be quality television, comedic or otherwise.

Having just had the privilege of viewing the first three episodes, I have to wonder what fool at ABC cancelled this excellent show far too soon. The trio of Jeremy Piven, Paula Marshall and Jeffrey Sams shines in this more-than-lighthearted look at life and relationships, and how our very modern cynicism can color and distort our views of them.

At least HBO has execs with intelligence! I'd love to see this fine, fine show released on DVD.
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8 years later and still MISSING IT!!!
nkosi-a9 July 2007
I've been watching the new series Entourage and really like Piven's character. Although Entourage is a great show, it's really not in the same category as Cupid was. I remember watching a few episodes of Cupid and thought it was one of the THE best shows ever written and produced. I'm glad to see all the positive reviews even after the show was canceled a while ago. Hopefully someone will finally make the big push to put this series on DVD to cure all the Cupid's fan's appetites, its the least they can do since the show is no longer being produced, otherwise that would truly be ideal. Jeremy Piven is a wonderfully diverse actor and has been nominated for quite a few awards but I still think he is very under-rated for his performances.
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I'm Addicted
sylargirl216 April 2009
A friend watched this on youtube and recommended it to me. It wasn't the first time I'd heard of it but it was the first time I knew where to watch it. I watched the first episode...and was hooked.

I love Jeremy Piven as an actor, I think he has great comedic timing and this where it shines. Paula Marshall (who I last saw in More Than A Feeling, I think it was called, with Bette Midler) is also very good. The straight character to Piven's crazy one.

The show was created by Rob Thomas, creator of Veronica Mars. And Hart Hanson, creator of Bones, was the consulting/supervising producer for the show.

Basically Piven's character, Trevor Hale, believes he's Cupid, the Greco-Roman God of Erotic Love. Whether he is or not is left for the audience to figure out. Personally I believe he is but that's just me. Marshall is his psychologist, Claire Allen.

I recommend this show to anyone who believes in love, the Greek Gods and Jeremy Piven.

It is being remade for TV again. I wonder if that will be good enough to compare to the excellence that Cupid was.
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Why are highly paid TV execs incompetent ?
symfonichanson13 April 2019
The exec who cancelled this show will be remembered forever in Bonehead Management History along with the guy who would not renew original Trek for a 4th season. How and why did they get jobs ? Cupid was excellent work. Can they produce a DVD set for us at least, as a consolation ? I have ignored ABC-TV completely now for 20 years because of their mistake in killing this wonderful production.
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great banter
SnoopyStyle22 August 2013
Dr. Claire Allen (Paula Marshall) is a Chicago psychologist with a singles therapy group. She is struggling to write a paper on romance from the scientific point of view. She gets a call from a mental hospital about a new patient. He thinks he's Cupid (Jeremy Piven) exiled from Mount Olympus until he has made 100 love matches without his bow and arrows.

This is the first show that Rob Thomas created. The pilot is a bit dark. The hospital probably has something to do with that. It gets lighter after that. Jeremy Piven is great as the manic lead. Paula Marshall is great with her beauty and superiority. The best is their combustible mixture. Their banter is the best part of the show. Sadly, this only lasted one season. Paula Marshall was known for her TV show cancellations during this time. Rob Thomas did try it again in 2009 with even less success.
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Watch and Watch and Watch and Watch
coymon416 October 2014
I got my grubby little hands on a set of DVD copies of VHS copies of this great show I always remember as one of those great shows that get cancelled far too soon. The video quality is not great, very fuzzy, but it does not prevent me from completely enjoying this series. I just watched four episodes in a row, and I'm not one for sitting down and watching a lot of TV.

I agree that they should release this show as a DVD release. I would buy a better copy, but in the mean time, I love my crappy, amateur made DVDs like crazy! The stories are complex and witty, the chemistry between Piven and everyone is great, and paying close attention to the rapid fire repartee is handsomely rewarding. There, is that ten lines of text for you, IMDb?
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Valkonian13 October 2020
This was a great show. I loved every episode. It's a shame it got canceled
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Still Mad At ABC
jtseaton15 January 2004
It's been five years since the cancellation of "Cupid" and I'm STILL mad at ABC for dropping the ball. "Cupid" was a clever, well written, original show that ABC did not know how to market. After moving it around 3 different nights and time slots, ABC finally canceled the show, claiming that there was no audience. Of course there was no audience! No one knew how to find the damn thing! Even I, a faithful viewer, had to ask, "I wonder what night Cupid will air THIS WEEK?" It was the beginning of the end for me. I mean, why tune into new, creative, original shows if the networks are just going to cancel them anyway (BEFORE they have a chance to find their audience), and instead opt to saturate their line-up with the same old crap? Hmmm... Bottom line: "Cupid" was a great show, and if there is any justice in this world, the series will be released on DVD (Why not? Everything else has been...)
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One of the most charming and fun shows you never saw...
Rerednaw15 March 2008
A unique take on a contemporary romantic comedy. Written very well, with life throwing both ups and down at the characters. Just the right touch of the charming twist of an ending to each show.

Excellent acting, great scripts. To the point of saying, "hey...that happened to me!"

Sadly like many great shows, this one was mismanaged into oblivion by the network, ABC.

Changing time slots, preempting a new episode for a rerun of a crummy movie instead.

It's like they wanted the show to fail.

Years later, I still miss this show.

I mean this show even has Human (the Pretenders) as a theme cool is that?
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Loved by anyone who saw it
eljefe32029 March 2014
I just happened to stumble across it for the first time when I was working out of town and in my hotel room. Wow, I thought, what a good show. After that I was hooked and luckily I had a friend who used to record everything so I was able to get copies of the full run from him. Much like Freaks and Geeks, another great series that the networks didn't know what to do with, this show did not deserve to be canceled. At least F&G was rerun and released on DVD. Cupid hasn't been seen in the U.S. since its original ABC run. Even when ABC tried to bring it back a decade later with a different cast, they still didn't know what to do with it and stuck it on the schedule in late March with no promotion. Screw you, ABC. You suck.
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Great Television
ddmod19 October 2006
Every once in a while a great new TV show steps out of the box and delivers an actually originally new series. I thought this was a great series and looked forward to watching every week. The cast was great and chemistry. This was an excellent showcase for Jeremy and Paula. If this show was still on I would still be watching. It was well written and really made you wonder if he was who he claimed to be. He had a great way of getting to the seed of the guests problem and helping them to get the love they were looking for. There was obvious opportunities for a love interest to develop between the main characters and I looked forward to seeing how all this would play out. In Short..... This show should still be on TV and I am not the only one to think so. I have seen many bootleg copies of this show on ebay. I would be great if it came out on DVD.
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They cancelled CUPID? How can they be so STUPID?
Sparki11 May 2004
I see I have plenty of company. I thought the show was GREAT and so did my mom. In a sea of sitcoms that were basically repeats of "Friends" and "reality" shows where people lived on an island and ate dirt, "Cupid" was original and creative and fresh, and it was the perfect partnering of realism and fantasy. This show was EXCELLENT, and I made it a point to watch every episode ever made -- I looked FORWARD to it every week! And what did the stupid Suits at the Awfully Boneheaded Clods network do? They YANKED IT RIGHT OFF THE AIRWAVES! Man, does that bite the sword or WHAT? They said that the show didn't have enough of an audience. Is it any freaking WONDER? If the Suits at the network of Awfully Boneheaded Clods weren't changing its time slot on us, they pre-empted it with some stale movie repeat! Smart move -- NOT! How could this terrific piece of entertainment find an audience if the Suits didn't even freakin' give it a chance?

Well, what do you expect? As long as the television airwaves are controlled by faceless corporate companies instead of by us viewers, the people who watch the shows, stuff like this is going to happen
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The best program on television. Unfortunately, ABC has...
beaniboy2 February 1999
The best program on television. Unfortunately, ABC has "suspended production" of Cupid, which I assume is the first step on the road to cancellation/oblivion. Piven is fantastic, and the theme song by the Pretenders really stands out in the vast wasteland of TV music.
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If any show needs a DVD release, this is it
sleestaker7 March 2004
It's a testament to the strength of the writing on this show that 5 years later people still bemoan its cancellation. This was the next to last show I watched regularly on network television (the last was Freaks & Geeks which has finally been released on DVD, thank God!).

This was a brilliant show. I tried to explain it to a friend and failed. The stars had an abundance of chemistry and the show was a great balance of comedy, romance and drama. I was hoping Bravo would show it on "Brilliant but Canceled" or Lifetime would show a marathon or something, but to no avail. Now I'm hoping for a DVD release.

Maybe Cupid fans should petition Rob Thomas.
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The Smart Ones Always Get Cancelled
hillari11 December 2000
I loved Jeremy Piven as Trevor Hale, and Jeffrey D. Sams as his skeptical roommate. Piven was also a good match with the actress who played his psychiatrist. The show was well written, well acted. . .it looked at the subject of love from different angles. Finally, a show that doesn't talk down to the audience, and ABC blows the chance for a hit by cancelling it.
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This isn't only for ‘oldies' (30 - something's)
stamper5 August 2000
Although I'm not 30 or something like that, but more of an ‘old' teenager I like this show a lot. It is very funny (especially Cupid (Jeremy Piven) is, always trying to fix people up and who for some reason is always arguing with Claire (Paula Marshall)). This really is a funny, cosy, light hearted, realistic (apart from the fact of Cupid if he really is the Greek love god) and charming little TV series and I think it is a pity it was cancelled. Therefore I hope it'll have the same fate as ER, which is to flop, be cancelled and then reappear on screen again a few years later, only to be a long lasting HIT show.

8 out of 10
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celestycat7 January 2001
Delightful and beautifully crafted writing. Stunning locations and sets. Jeremy Piven and Paula Marshall are magic together. And the endings ... the endings leave you with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.

WHY oh WHY cancel this show????
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Sarah-606 September 2001
I'm another UK fan who only just discovered the show, only to find it has already been cancelled in the US.

As a huge Jeremy Piven fan, I was excited when I saw the show listed in the TV guide a few weeks ago, and I was not disappointed by a single episode (which I had to tape each day as it was shown in the daytime). It was different - witty, touching but not saccharine, and with something to say. Piven was showcased to perfection. I can only echo everyone else's disappointment and mystification as to why such an intelligent and innovative show was cancelled - but maybe I just answered my own question.
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wonderful show
xinlei28 December 1998
this show is fresh, funny, and excellently done! so many of the shows these days are used from junky recycled material, and this is one of those in 1998 are definitely are not. jeremy piven and paula marshall have great chemistry. the writing it great. the plots. all great. jeremy and paula are really great actors together.

all in all, i love it!
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Best TV Series in the history of the medium
flute_ian15 April 2004
In my city, this show was poorly promoted. I stumbled across Episode #5 or so, and was able to catch it only a half dozen times before it was stupidly cancelled by ABC. This made me so angry I realized what a waste of time it is to watch TV at all. Seldom do I bother with it anymore. I certainly avoid ABC like the plague. I think someone should purchase the rights and finish off the intended 84 more episodes. This show will have its own university class years from now. A couple of the episodes are totally priceless: the "Jazz guitarist Dad" and "Don Jaun-Sancho" etc. As well, there were some orchestrated songs, on the Christmas show, for example, that were the best in the biz.
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Excellent writing - Studio chiefs take notice
Manny-1520 July 2003
All the episodes of this short-lived series speak to all who still believe in romance. During its run, the show stood out from the reality-tv (now fading fast)/lowest-common denominator humor shows, which may help explain its lack of backing. I don't have to stress that times have changed and that people need inspiration from stories that are light-hearted yet come with a serious message. My 2-cents: Bring the cast/writers back together for a limited run and see if there is anything there.
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