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Reflective And Philosophical
Lechuguilla16 January 2005
For a long time I put off watching this, because I have no interest in superficial, teen comedy flicks, as implied by the film's pedestrian title and by the casting of a youthful Brad Pitt. But "Meet Joe Black" is anything but "superficial", and "teen comedy" does not describe this movie at all.

Set in contemporary New York, the film follows a wealthy family whose patriarchal sixty-five year old head, played by Anthony Hopkins, is nearing the end of his life. Enter "Joe Black" (Brad Pitt), a handsome, but enigmatic, young man with an unusual agenda.

This is a thought-provoking movie about mortality and emotional separation. It will appeal to viewers with a reflective and philosophical nature. But the film also has humor, which keeps it from being grim. The pace is slow. There's lots of silence and stillness, entirely appropriate, given the subject matter. Among other things, the film presents the novel idea that a supernatural being can be subject to human emotions, and can make mistakes in judgment resulting from those emotions.

The film is not perfect. The plot is a tad egocentric. There's no reference to the universality and ongoing occurrence of death outside the confines of this family. Also, why now? Why does death choose to engage life in our present world, why not five hundred years ago? Minor script changes could have addressed these issues. The initial meeting between Susan (Claire Forlani) and Joe Black seems a little too convenient, but forms the basis for a plot twist that strengthens the overall story.

The acting is excellent. Anthony Hopkins is, as usual, outstanding. I would not have cast Brad Pitt in the role he plays, but he does a good job. Appropriate for this movie, the acting style for both Pitt and Forlani is one wherein they communicate their characters to viewers largely by means of their eyes, which, as taught by ancient philosophers, are the windows of the soul.

For viewers who liked "The Sixth Sense", another serious film with depth of meaning, I recommend "Meet Joe Black" most highly.
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The Grim Reaper On Sabbatical
bkoganbing28 May 2008
The old Paramount classic Death Takes A Holiday gets a stylish turn of the 21st century remake, Meet Joe Black with Brad Pitt as the grim reaper himself taking a sabbatical to experience what he deprives everyone of, ultimately. The story has been updated from Italy during World War I to America in the new age of information.

The guy who benefits for a short while is multimillionaire media tycoon Anthony Hopkins who is approaching his 65th birthday. He's a widower with two daughters, Marcia Gay Harden who is married to Jeffrey Tambor and Clare Forlani who's in love with love. In fact at the beginning of the film Clare who is a doctor has a chance meeting with Brad Pitt just before he's rundown in a busy New York street and the pale horseman takes over his body.

It's a good thing Hopkins got this reprieve because there's some real nasty double-dealing taking place in his firm. His young right hand man, Jake Weber, is looking to affect a merger with another conglomerate that would ruin all that Hopkins has built in his life. But Weber of course hasn't the slightest idea who Hopkins's new ally is. Let alone the resources he can bring to bear.

Meet Joe Black is a fine film which has a lot to say about the meaning of life and how important it is to use that time on earth in mortal form to become the best you can be. Pitt and Hopkins have very good chemistry and Webber is one of the slimier villains ever put on film.

And see how it all works out for everyone in the end. In fact that's the real message of Meet Joe Black, it all does work out in the end.
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Carries Itself Well
gavin694216 June 2016
Death, who takes the form of a young man (Brad Pitt), asks a media mogul (Anthony Hopkins) to act as a guide to teach him about life on Earth and in the process he falls in love with his guide's daughter (Claire Forlani).

So this is a remake of a movie that was adapted from a play. Typically that could be concerning, as a remake is not often as good as the original. In this case, though, it may even be better... the cast is solid (with Forlani in one of her rare decent roles), and Brad Pitt making a name for himself (as if he has not already).

Really, this is a great display of Pitt's acting. He has solid range here, possibly more than anything else he has done. The character is very complex, and there is the odd twist that Forlani is attracted to him because he looks like someone he is not, and not for any deeper reason. Amazingly, even at three hours, this film never drags.
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A Truly Enchanting Movie!
PoorSlobWithoutAName11 December 2002
Meet Joe Black is a beautiful film with a talented cast. Because it is unique, the plot enables humor to be weaved within the dramatic and romantic elements. The music, composed by Thomas Newman (Shawshank Redemption, Erin Brokovich) truly enhances the movie. The many string and piano melodies are beautiful, and fit smoothly. There are so many memorable moments, like father-daughter conversations, and the scene in the coffee shop. Brad Pitt, in his portrayal of Death,displays naive and vulnerable feelings, skillfully in sharp contrast his behavior at the beginning of the film. While some criticize its length and unrealistic aspects of the plot, I found it to be so captivating and quite well-made. Meet Joe Black has an indescribable effect on me whenever I watch it. The story of Death being apprentice to a respected, accomplished man makes one realize the simple beauties of life-- passion, family, love... and peanut butter.
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Love Hopkins, Hated the ending
edmbookman1 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I always meant to get around to watching this, simply because of Anthony Hopkins. Caught it on TV about the time that Death/Brad shows up at the door. Some folks say it is too long, i was fine right up to the ending. Hopkins makes peace with one daughter, profusely deals with the other one, (favorite) and Death/Brad/Joe has done the "right" thing and will pass on Bills daughter. So........... end of movie, all is right with the world and Bill/Joe are gonna walk off into the night. Great, i have tears streaming down my face and ready for credits to roll. Oh my gosh, dazed and confused coffee shop boy wanders back into the picture. Good grief, one commenter suggested that "death" loved her so much he gave her back this guy. Well big deal!!, She did not "fall in love" or "make love" with some guy from the coffee shop, she fell in love with Death, not knowing who he was. So you have one very emotional dramatic conclusion , and then at the very end, it gets spoiled, mood totally changed by the reappearance of Brad/coffee shop guy at the end. Very very very disappointing to me.
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A gorgeous film.
eamon-hennedy17 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
A three hour film about death. It doesn't sound like much when you say it like that, but trust me, Meet Joe Black is an outstanding film and is without doubt one of the most underrated little gems I have ever seen. The film is beautiful in every regards; the photography, the sets, the music and the performances, especially the performances. The last time Anthony Hopkins and Brad Pitt were on screen together it was the equally sublime Legends of the Fall, here it is another sublime film and once again they are putting in some of their best work. The characters that they play, Bill Parrish and Death, bring out a fantastic chemistry between the two performers, especially in the more comedic moments when they two are getting to know each other. However, while death is the main theme of the film, director Martin Brest remembers to filter optimism into his wonderful tale in the shape of a love story between Parrish's daughter (played by the beautiful Claire Forlani) and Death himself. This results in one of the most gorgeous coupling in recent years as well as one of the most erotically intense love scenes I have ever watched.

Director Brest presents the film in a more artistically filtered view than most other directors might have done. The love scene is done without nudity with close ups on the actors throughout. The striking presentation of the lighting in the film is also fantastic, with a lovely golden glow pouring of the screen and lastly Thomas Newman's music is quite simply marvelous. Films like The Green Mile, The Shawshank Redemption and American Beauty which have featured music by this outstanding composer have been enhanced by the haunting, lyrical and moving melodies he has composed and this film is no exception. The mixture of piano and orchestra builds to an uplifting and emotional pull that cements his position as one of the best music composers working in modern film today.

The three hour running time would appears to be problematic, but alas it is not. In fact like another sweeping romantic epic, Titanic, you will not feel the time going in. The three hours fly by and not only that, like the Oscar winning epic, this is a film that makes one instantly want to re-watch it again and again. Meet Joe Black is a wonderful mixture of comedy, romance and drama and is done exceedingly well. Brad Pitt puts in one of his finest performances as Death finds himself enchanted by human emotions and then finds himself making a deeply human choice at the end of the film and then there is Hopkins. One of cinema's finest actors no matter what he is in, he shows with his complex range of emotions in his performance there is more to him than playing Hannibal Lecter. His performance here restrained and quite frankly very well done. It is perhaps one of his best acting performances. His Shakespeare background obviously coming in handy for a film that contains many a Shakespearean like moment.

The film, while not a flop, was not the box office hit that was expected, especially considering the main casting, but if you can make up your own mind, do watch Meet Joe Black. This is a wonderful film and is a personal favorite of mine.
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Engrossing story and one majestic performance, both compromised by puppy love subplot
moonspinner554 February 2007
Anthony Hopkins is resplendent and regal as a 65-year old communications tycoon who wakes one morning with pains and is hearing voices; turns out his time has come to check out, but the personification of Death ("a kid in a suit", Hopkins says) has decided to take a vacation and allow Hopkins a chance to say goodbye. The 1934 movie "Death Takes a Holiday", which was based on a hit play from the 1920's, was certainly ripe for a re-imagining, and that job has been accomplished here very well. Brad Pitt's Grim Reaper is a bit like Peter Sellers in "Being There", a wide-eyed innocent and fish-out-of-water; to his credit however, Pitt doesn't rely on coy shtick and has a few excellent moments (particularly with an ill Jamaican woman in the hospital). A romantic subplot between Pitt and Hopkins' youngest daughter is handled with exasperating taste, prolonging the proceedings to an inordinate length (and capping the movie with a ridiculous final ten minutes), but Anthony's glorious performance remains the centerpiece of the film and it's worth watching just to see the master at work. **1/2 from ****
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22 years later. And it still knocks you out.
fredschepers19 January 2020
Film reviews are irrelevant. Perception is key. Meet Joe Black is a meet on its own. If you are not into romantic tear jerkers, watch this film and find out that your human and have the ability to change your mind. I speak from experience. The story: Simple and easy to understand. The director made a simple life event into a magical experience. Love and death go hand in hand in a mixture of sublime acting, awesome sceneries, superb dialogues, nerve touching details and result in a romantic drama where the happy ending does not cover the sadness and emotions and leaves you choked till the last over the rainbow tune ends. After 40 years of watching thousands of films, this film still is my number 1 film in my top 100 films where all one hundred share the first place. Brad Pitt, Sir Anthony Hopkins (brilliant classical composer btw) and the gorgeous Claire Forlany showed of their qualities. Same for all the other participants in thisepic story about how life will go on. Perception. ... but from my pov their best acting ever. I have seen it at least once every 2 years. If it will be your first time, settle for it. If you are still young, and think you become a film addict, be aware! You will get drawn in this film for decades to come. Enjoy this experience. And let it knock you out as well ☺
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If you haven't haven't lived.
michaelRokeefe22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic drama with romance and fantasy. Days before a media tycoon William Parrish(Anthony Hopkins) celebrates his 65th birthday, he is visited by a strange enigmatic young man going by the name of Joe Black(Brad Pitt). Black reveals his true identity is Death and offers Parrish a few days reprieve in exchange for the patriarch's guidance throughout his brief stay on Earth. Black becomes part of the media mogul's business and personal life; and realizes he is in love with his daughter Susan(Claire Forlani).

Hopkins is excellent; while the attractive Pitt and Forlani exudes romance and have a sensual way of communicating with their eyes. Others featured are: Marcia Gay Harden, Jeffrey Tambor and Jake Weber. The birthday party is ritzy and the fireworks are quite the spectacle. MEET JOE BLACK is three hours well spent.
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A powerful movie about not taking life for granted
baumer12 July 1999
Warning: Spoilers
It's easy to wake up every day and see what is wrong with your life. Everyone has their vices and their shortcomings. Whether you are a billionaire with a perfect spouse, a cottage, a beach house, nice cars and wonderful parents or if you are a single parent struggling to get by on measly paycheck, we can all find something that is wrong with life. Such is human nature. But what can we do to remedy that situation. What can we do to try and ensure that our life gets better? And is it all really that bad? Meet Joe Black is a movie that asks us to look at ourselves and realize that this life is a gift and one that perhaps is taken for granted a little too much. Meet Joe Black asks us to ask ourselves: is it really all that bad?

Anthony Hopkins plays Bill. Bill is a very successful business man but it is his time. We all have to die one day, it is a part of life. And this is Bill's time. But before he goes, the Grim Reaper pays him a visit and offers him time. That is all. Just time. And in exchange Bill will show Death what it is like to be alive. A bit of an oxymoron for sure but true nonetheless. And what happens when Death starts to learn about what makes our life so precious is really something that has to be seen. Because what we take for granted, he sees as innocent and pure and magical. For instance, peanut butter. Joe Black tastes it and decides that it is the most amazing food that he has ever had in his short existence. And when people are eating their caviar at dinner, he refrains and has more peanut butter. This scene is one of the purest and most honest scenes in the film. Not for what is on the outside, but what it means, what it wants us to see. To me this scene is the microcosm of what the film and what life should be about.

Life is a gift. There are so many wonderful things that we have as human beings that we seem to forget what they are. We are so consumed with other things that at the time seem important but when you look at them closely they are trivial and it's the little things in life that bring us so much joy. Like peanut butter, aka tossing the ball around with your kids, aka. being lazy in the shade with your Collie. The point is that life is serious enough and it isn't until others are gone that we fully comprehend that.

Brad Pitt is perfect, absolutely perfect as Joe Black. He conveys the innocent wonder and pure joy of discovering human elements like the aforementioned peanut butter and more serious issues like falling in love.

Meet Joe Black has been criticized for its length but like all movies that are three hours plus, there is a reason for that. And that is because it has something to say. Something important to say. Meet Joe Black wants us to look at this film and then look at our lives and realize that there is a lot to live for. You just have to get through all the mist and cloudiness and you'll find it again. There is an innocence about how this movie feels and it is such a wonderful picture. It makes you feel good. Good to be in love ( if you are ) good to want to be in love ( if you are not already) and good to be alive.

See this film. It will make you glad that you did. I know I was and my life doesn't seem so bad right now even though there are many things that I could complain about like...... Ah hell, what's the point. Life can only get better. Meet Joe Black helped me see that.
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Surprisingly FANTASTIC!
rooboy8419 June 2002
I didn't think I'd like this movie, but once i watched it I was hooked! Brad Pitt really made it feel like he was death - not acting as death. And this film also for the time being made me not afraid of dying. I love the acting, the storyline, everything!

My rating 10/10 just excellent!
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A Minimalist Masterpiece
BrandtSponseller25 April 2005
Somewhere in the netherworld between being a "remake" and merely "inspired by" Mitchell Leisen's 1934 film Death Takes a Holiday, Meet Joe Black is the story of Death personified. Death takes over the body of Brad Pitt's unnamed character, later donned "Joe Black" by William Parrish (Anthony Hopkins). Although the motivation isn't specified but implied in this film, Death wishes to experience the life he normally takes away--he wants to see what it's like to be human. He chooses Parrish to be his guide because Parrish is a hugely successful media mogul who has conviction, strong "moral fiber" and insight on life. Compounding the situation, Parrish's daughter, Susan (Claire Forlani), is a woman whom Brad Pitt's unnamed character met in a coffee shop that morning and had an instant mutual attraction with. Black sticks close by William's side through much of the film, creating difficult situations at a time when Parrish's company is trying to deal with a financially attractive but ethically unsavory takeover bid, and he also puts the boil to somewhat strained familial relationships.

First, a word of warning. This is a very long film (3 hours), and it tends to be very slowly paced. If you are averse to either, or if you do not like any of the three principals—Pitt, Hopkins and Forlani--I'd advise you to avoid the film.

For me, I never think that a film's length is a problem in itself. As long as the film works, I'd be happy with it lasting 4, 5, even 12 hours or more--heck, I even gladly sat through Gettysburg (1993) in the theater. There have been films I've thought were too long (such as Whatever Happened to Baby Jane, 1962), but it's contextual, not related to actual running time.

Helmer Martin Brest directs with a lot of deliberation. Lines of dialogue and responses are stretched out to "infinity and taken to the depth of forever". The camera gives us lots of lingering gazes. There is little to no "action" in the film. Much of it is similar to David Lynch's famed pregnant pauses. Some people hate that style. I love it (although I love other styles, too--I like variety), and for me, the pacing makes this film seem much shorter than its actual running time. It's the complete opposite of the pacing of, say, Medallion (2003), which is interesting given that both films feature Forlani. It's also interesting to note that Brest's career seems to match the pacing of Meet Joe Black. He's taken 2, 4, 5 and 6 years between films. Obviously, Brest is not in a rush.

If you watch Meet Joe Black immediately after watching Death Takes a Holiday, as I did this time around, a few things might strike you as odd and slightly negative at first. The principal difference that had this initial effect on me was the change in the primary romantic relationship--between Joe and Susan (and between Prince Sirki (Frederic March) and Grazia (Evelyn Venable) in the original). In the original, it's ambiguous whether Grazia doesn't recognize Sirki for what he really is all along. She at least never meets him as Sirki rather than Death-as-Sirki. It creates interesting philosophical scenarios about humankind's conception and fear of death; Grazia, who is a bit aloof all along, may be embracing death rather than fearing it, not as something negative, but more metaphysically, as inherent in the idea of life.

In Meet Joe Black, Susan falls for Pitt as another character first. It removes all of the philosophical points about one's attitude towards death (with the exception of William, who is the only one who knows the truth, even in the end, and who implicitly goes through vacillating feelings about death). However, despite my initial hesitation on the change, I tried to remember my commitment to judge each film on its own terms rather than its relation to other works, and I realized that the relationship set up here is interesting for another reason--it explores public identity in relationships and the tensions that arise through dynamicism of that public identity. That's a theme throughout the film, not just in its romantic relationships.

Pitt has often been criticized for his performance here, but in my opinion, it's perfect for the character(s)--just as good in its own way as March's turn as Sirki in the original. Once Pitt as Death takes over "Joe Black's" body, he _must_ change his persona in the way he does. He's supposed to be a supernatural being who normally relates to the world in a completely different way, but now he's suddenly made corporeal. He doesn't know what to do as a human. As an entity, he's not daft, lacking power or unknowledgeable about many things, but he's incredibly naïve and awkward as a thing of flesh. He's not used to relating to the world in that way. He's not used to making facial expressions. He's never tasted food, and so on. The change he undergoes in the beginning and end of the film is amazing and shows just how skilled Pitt is.

Hopkins and Forlani are of course no slouches, either. Hopkins' ability to go from understated and elegant to manic is put to good use; the role seems tailor-made for him. Forlani, who has a very unusual but intriguingly beautiful face that always looks a bit pouty, gets to pout even more, creating a bizarrely complex but effective character. The rest of the primary cast is just as good. The end result is a strangely dysfunctional family with a lot of depth.

While I can see people preferring Death Takes a Holiday to this film, for me, Meet Joe Black is slightly better. It's much more epic, of course, and that scope, plus the incredible score by Thomas Newman, pushes its emotional effectiveness up a notch. But make sure you do not miss either film. Both are excellent and unusual.
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Pitt & Hopkins Make This Confusing Movie Enjoyable
treeskier8022 July 2007
Meet Joe Black is confusing. If you are the kind of person who enjoys a movie where you have to try to determine what you believe the meaning of the story is, then you will like this film. If you would rather watch a movie that has a straightforward story, then avoid this completely.

I am personally not a huge fan of films like this. Generally, I see them as a gimmick to lovers of old literature who enjoy acting like a sleuth in figuring out what the story means. I used to enjoy doing that in my literature classes in college, but don't enjoy that with films.

Brad Pitt plays Death, who comes to visit Anthony Hopkins for a week or so before Hopkins is to die. Somewhere along the way, Hopkins is supposed to have a revelation about what life means, and I suppose the audience is supposed to as well. It is all rather confusing as to what we are supposed to learn. This film is definitely trying to convey a message, but you have to decipher what it is and quite frankly, it is not that awe inspiring of a message.

With this said, Pitt really is incredible in this film. It is one of his best all-time performances and he has great chemistry on screen with Hopkins. Hopkins, as usual, is also excellent. If it wasn't for the great acting and chemistry of these to performers, I would have stopped watching the movie. As it turned out, I enjoyed watching the film in its entirety just to see these two work. Rating 7 of 10 stars.
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Susan doesn't make sense
SnoopyStyle30 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Media mogul Bill Parrish (Anthony Hopkins) is close to his 65th birthday. He has two daughters Susan (Claire Forlani) and Allison (Marcia Gay Harden). Allison is busy planning the celebration. Susan is a medical resident who is in a passionless relationship with Drew (Jake Weber). William tells Susan that he likes Drew as a business underling but he doesn't sense that she truly loves him. He urges her to find true love. In a diner, she meets a young flirtatious man (Brad Pitt). He seems to melt her heart but unbeknownst to her, he is killed crossing a street. Bill keeps hearing a voice which is Death who comes to visit and learn from Bill. He takes on the name Joe Black.

Throughout the entire movie, I kept trying to work out what Susan thinks about Joe Black. The best that I can come up with is that he's really pretty. The problem is that I completely bought into their first encounter. Brad Pitt is quite charming as well as being pretty. I don't understand her thinking after seeing him acting like a completely different person. He's either faking the first encounter or he's faking later. At the very least, he's up to no good. The movie seems to use Pitt's pretty face as a patch-all for any deficiencies. Basically she falls for two different personalities. The only thing that stays the same is the pretty pretty Brad Pitt.

The second half has a bit better chemistry between Pitt and Hopkins. At least, their story gets a bit interesting. However it doesn't solve the original problem or make it bearable to sit for 3 hours through this. The best way to solve some of these problems is just to cut out the diner scene. It wouldn't change much in the plot and the story would make more sense.
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In short, an excellent and not too long film
lmoore52013 October 2004
Whenever this film is aired, I'm drawn to watch it. The pace, like life, is slow. Some people find this to be a problem. I feel sorry for those people; maybe they've been so saturated by "fast food" films and reality TV that they think that's the way life is supposed to be. Unlike life, the film has no "wasted space". So, while it may seem too long for theatre viewing, it's plenty short for sitting back in an easy chair for three hours and just letting it draw you in--with the excellent dialogue (including the Patois), excellent performances by truly talented actors, and above all the [again] excellent score by Mr. Newman. If you're a romantic not just about love, but also about life, then treat yourself and watch it.
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Celebrates living
shreyashukla127 March 2020
A great film that is very ordinary and what I mean by that is, it celebrates normality unlike most movies these days. I felt it was slow-paced, given that we expect movies to show and make us feel things we will never have and make us forget our own reality and the truth of how limited time we have, which this flick is good 3-hour reminder of. Enjoy the small things like peanut butter ;) and live everyday like it's your last.
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Purely Captivating!
jwebond21 November 2004
I first saw this film many years after its first release and let me tell you I have never since or will I ever see such a moving and purely captivating movie.

Anthony Hopkins is already my idol and I have admired him for many years. There's something about the unique persona he brings upon any character he plays in a movie, as if he leaves part of himself behind on the film reel each time. From psychological thrillers like The Silence of the Lambs to emotional dramas, he also strikes me as a modest man and is, in my eyes a true genius!

Meet Joe Black is a strange tale that challenges our preconceptions of death. You come out of the film not so much enlightened but convinced that Bill Parrish is happy with the fate that comes upon him and that everyone else is too. It's immensely sad yet happy at the same time and thought-provoking. It is also a very long movie, which I believe strengthens it as you feel you have a bond with the main characters having known them for a long time and thus share the highs and the lows emotionally throughout the plot.

Providing you can stick to the 3hour film length it will truly be one of the most memorable films you'll ever watch. Excellent!
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When death comes to dinner
timothyhilditch15 January 2022
An aging businessman chances death and has to define his legacy. Don't be tricked Anthony Hopkins is the protagonist like a Christmas carol has look death in the face. While his daughter confronts the death of love. Pretty good writing throughout and jokes thrown in intelligently and strangely. The problem with this movie is that it's long drawn out, during the long dialogues my brain switches off and thinks about something else, this movie is over 2 and half hours. Also the sound mixing needs tweaking in a lot of the scenes the characters are mumbling meaning you have to really concentrate to understand them over the rather really good soundtrack. If you can stand strange comedy and a looong build this ones for you.
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For the Romantics Out There
ilovedavii6 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is spectacular. It's 3 hours long, and without any "action." It is simply a study of life and relationships (familial, friendly, romantic, etc.). These relationships are studied by Death, who is taking a vacation. He wants to see what all the fuss is about life. This is an entity who constantly witnesses the end of life, but wants to understand what comes before that end; why do people get so emotional when lit's their time?

In the beginning, he's seemingly emotionless. He's completely uncomfortable with being human, oblivious to all emotion and facial expressions. The character goes through a beautiful transformation from the beginning of the movie to the end, and Brad Pitt does a wonderful job portraying that transformation.

Pitt also does an excellent job of portraying a person who is experiencing everything for the first time. Through his performance, the viewer is reminded how beautiful simple things in life are. Peanut butter, a father enjoying dinner with his family, a friend offering a handshake, falling in love; all of these are the types of things that humans tend to take for granted so often.

There is one particular scene that comes to mind, when Bill Parish is faced with cake- tasting, and says something that hurts his daughter's feelings. Joe Black watches in fascination as Bill fixes the situation, and he (Joe) laughs along with the family. Pitt perfectly shows how Joe is gradually connecting with humanity, thanks to Bill and the way he brings his family together.

Hopkins also deserves praise of the highest regard. His character is charismatic, empathetic, and has a love for his family that shines. It's blatantly obvious why Death chose Bill to be his guide; because he is a stellar person. Hopkins does an excellent job, as always.

Another performance that I loved was the old Jamaican woman, played by Lois-Kelly Miller. In a touching scene, Death reveals to her that his existence is a lonely one. She tells him, in one of my favorite lines of the movie:

"It nice it happen to you. Like you come to the island and had a holiday. Sun didn't burn you red-red, just brown. You sleep and no mosquito eat you. But the truth is, it bound to happen if you stay long enough. So take that nice picture you got in your head home with you, but don't be fooled. We lonely here mostly too. If we lucky, maybe, we got some nice pictures to take with us."

It's a beautiful monologue, and ever since watching this movie for the first time, I now think of moments in my life as "pictures" to take with me when it's my time to leave this earth.

This movie also has, by far, one of the most beautiful soundtracks I have ever heard. Two of the stand-out tracks to me are "Cold Lamb Sandwich" and "That Next Place," both of which are breathtakingly emotional.

***Spoiler Territory****

The ending of this movie is one of the most beautiful endings I have ever seen. It's heartbreaking to watch Death realize that he has to return to his lonely existence, after falling in love with humanity. He tells Bill that he is taking Susan with him, and we understand that he wants to do so because he desperately doesn't want to be lonely. It's heartbreaking to watch him realize that Susan needs and deserves the man she met in the coffee shop, not him. He has to let her go, fully understanding that he has to put her needs above his own. He's experienced the beauty of life, and now he's forced to experience the pain in life.

The scene when he watches the firework show and sheds tears fully cements his transformation, from an emotionless entity to a human being who is overcome by the tragic beauty of life. Bill's words, "It's hard to let go, isn't it?...Well, that's life. What can I tell you." perfectly capture the message of this movie. Life is beautiful, even when it's coming to an end.

***End of Spoilers***

This is a movie for romantics. It is slow-paced, and requires the viewer to pay attention in order to follow the story and really understand the movie. But if you are willing to give this movie your attention, fully submerse yourself in it, and allow yourself to emotionally connect to it, then you will not be disappointed. Do yourself a favor and watch it.
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The movie is good though it's two movies, superb drama with the likes of Anthony Hopkins and sentimental rom com with fireworks and sizzling , protracted lovey eye scenes.
PHOENIX444424 January 2023
Was bothered by the failure to update from the 1930's "Death takes a Holiday" when Heart troubles/ Attacks were then a forgone guaranteed death sentence to 65 years olds when in 1998 that is not the case, especially when involving a rich 65 year old.

The movie is good though it's two movies, superb drama with the likes of Anthony Hopkins and sentimental rom com with fireworks and sizzling , protracted lovey eye scenes.

Brad Pit played dual roles very believable, and subplot of parental favorites was interesting. Strong cast and even silent Board Members stayed deep in character with their facials and body lanquage.
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Hard to let go isn't it? What can I tell you...that's life.
redroominparis15 August 2023
The bottom line, having seen this film over a dozen times and watching it again, experiencing it for the first time. This film is so utterly moving. It has near perfect cinematography and even better lighting. Every shot has so much depth and they took such care in the composition.

The score is absolutely flawless. It informs the characters emotions and causes an inner reflection in the viewer that rivals several John Barry scores.

Claire Forlani is absolutely perfect in this role. Her eyes grab you and allow you to see such vulnerability that few performances have matched. Some of the best scenes involve supporting roles. Marcia Gay Harden is a pro and some of the most touching moments she grabs a hold of. It all comes from a very real place, and is exciting to watch.

I've read some pretty brutal reviews. I just don't think they come from a place where the person wants to sit down and watch a 3 hour love story with fantasy elements. Moreover, the reviews are so tome deaf, and reek of jealousy. You have to let yourself into these characters lives to fully appreciate it.

If Euphoria is your taste this is definitely not for you,

This is a story about a man who loved his wife, adores his daughters and has had a very successful existence. It's about being able to hold on, and have the courage and gratitude to let go.
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Meet Joe Black For Three Long Hours
myronlearn16 May 2021
With rare ex exceptions, no movie should be over 2 hours long. This one is three and should have been cut way down. Bad editing. The film itself is pretty good, but slow moving at times. There were points when I was losing interest. Anthony Hopkins steals the show as he usually does. However, it could have been so much better if it's length was properly cut.
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A wonderful celebration of life and love that is no less than Oscar-worthy
Verbal-175 December 1998
Warning: Spoilers
I went to this movie not expecting all that much. However, I was amazed by the way it slowly creeps up on you, and delivers such an emotional wallop that when it was over I decided that Saving Private Ryan was the only movie that has come out this year that was more powerful than this movie. Anthony Hopkins again astounds the movie-going world with one of his best performances, and he deserves an Oscar. One of the reasons that I think this movie has not gotten the attention it deserves is due to timing: it came out soon after What Dreams May Come, a movie with similar themes. However, while that movie mostly depended on special effects, this movie has very little special effects, but has easily twice the emotional power. I highly recommend it to anyone who may have overlooked it- you will not be disappointed.
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better than I expected
thekhan2312 December 2005
I have just seen the movie on TV. It is telling the story in a little bit slow way, but still it is worth seeing. The movie is much better than I expected... Love will always have a place in every heart, even if we know what it takes. I agree with the idea "Every one has secrets and we have to find a way to face our secrets"... I liked the relation of Joe Black with the old woman the most. She was the one that knows the real life. May be that's why she understood that he is the angel of death... The time for every one comes, whether we like it or not... It is amazing to realise what we have before it is too late for us and in Joe Black we see the relation of love, life and death in a very logical way...
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I only finished because so many of you think it's great
shoobe01-14 June 2021
Let's be clear. I am an old boring married guy. I watched all three films of The Human Condition with rapt attention. I can do long, slow, subtle. I am not to the best of my knowledge bereft of spirit as many reviews accuse others of.

But this? Maudlin. Boring. Hamhanded. Too long by a factor of ten. I mean, so badly paced I was bored after 20 minutes, then noticed it's Three Hours Long.

Once I was about 45 minutes in and started getting the gist of the characters, I could figure out a better way to write about half the lines. The "death and taxes" callback in a movie that respected our intelligence should have been "only two things in life are inevitable, Drew."

Oh, except for Death. He was... conveniently written. Unaware AND all knowing. Sometimes in the same sentence. Things this contrived do not work to make me get absorbed into a film.

Well acted by pretty much everyone (Brad Pitt was... not well characterized so I didn't like him one bit in either role, but that's probably not his fault). Even the supporting characters did a great job. But terrible script, terribly edited, and I don't care what anyone says: quite pedestrian cinematography.
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