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An interesting, original and engaging retelling of a classic story!
The_Void12 January 2005
Guillermo Del Toro's stylish and original take on the vampire legend is one of the most strangely overlooked and underrated films of the 1990's. It's films like this that make me want to watch films - films that are fresh, unpredictable and so rich in symbolism that it has leaves lots of room for discussion. Del Toro was little more than an amateur director at the time this made, but in spite of that he's more than given the professionals a run for their money. Every scene is adeptly filmed, and the way that Del Toro makes contrasts between locations and the two central families is a pleasure to observe. The way that the film switches language from English to Spanish and back again is indicative of the fact that this is a rich tapestry of contradictions and one that makes intelligent comments on many subjects, from obvious ones such as addiction, to more concealed ones, such as a commentary on family; stemming from the way that the roles of child and parent become reversed when our hero becomes afflicted with the vampire-like curse.

For the story, Del Toro has taken the classic vampire theme and mixed it with essences of mechanics and the human lust of being able to live forever. The story follows Jesús Gris, an antique dealer that lives with his granddaughter Aurora and wife Mercedes. One day, our hero happens upon a mechanical scarab that latches itself onto his palm, causing him to bleed. Jesús slowly gets addicted to the mystical scarab, but there's someone else that wants it and will stop at nothing to get it. The mythology of the scarab is told in a great opening sequence that sets the viewer up for an intriguing and original horror story. The film retains the intrigue that it sets up in it's intro for the duration, and Del Toro ensures that his audience is always left guessing and wanting to see what comes next. The film works due to interesting characters that the audience is able to feel for, and is constantly interesting by the way that Del Toro handles the contrasts that the story presents.

On the whole, this is a fabulous horror story that takes an existing legend and makes it it's own. This is exactly the sort of film that cinema needs more of; and it's not one that film fans will want to miss. Highly recommended viewing.
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A Film That Harbours The Essence Of Horror
benjamin_lappin27 June 2007
Severely underrated on this website, Cronos is an engaging tale that captivates the viewer for the entirety of its duration. Guillermo Del Toro's first ever film is a thoughtful, heart-wrenching story which above all manages to be fresh, intriguing and unique while managing to captivate the feel of horror films in the same mould as The Shining, whereby it is a film about family first, and a horror film second.

Cronos is most definitely not associated with the slasher end of the horror market and nor is it anywhere near the filthy attack on the sense provided by goreography. What Cronos manages to achieve is an attack on the mind and the soul, the essence of what a horror film must succeed in doing if it wishes to leave a lasting impression. Given this I can, to an extent, see where the mediocre rating has derived from, it's not a blood fest it doesn't provide a scare a second and nor does it have gratuitous scenes of eyes being gauged out by rusty pick axes, but as every true horror fan knows is these are merely sideshow attractions to the superior horror films like The Shining, like The Fog, and Cronos if not completely at the top, is very close indeed.

There are three things which notably stand out about this film and make it undoubtedly worth watching. The most subtle is the commentary on US-Mexico relations that Guillermo Del Toro has littered throughout his film. It provides an interesting portrayal into how he, and undoubtedly many Mexicans, feel about their encounters with the US, that they are always trying to be dominated and they must stand up on their own, to strive to succeed. The most obvious is that of the highly notable Christian references and intentional name play. Our protagonist, the antique dealer, is named Jesus for simple reincarnate issues, but there a great deal of "my God", "my Lord" and more comments of that ilk in the film, there is undoubtedly a side plot on the directors behalf of pointing out the good that still emanates from our protagonist. Jesus' granddaughter and wife are named Aurora and Mercedes respectively, and by knowing the meanings of their names which are "the dawn or first light" and "mercy" provides the films finale with a sense of completion. Lastly of note is the acting on the part of Federico Lupi and Tamara Shanath, who provide the necessary gravitas even in motion if not through vocals to convey the deep emotional tie between grandfather and granddaughter which when all else is removed is the main driving force of this story, and the one that will have you coming back for more. It's innocence is soul-wrenching, yet Aurora's ability to see what is happening with unclouded eyes, provides the cornerstone for the emotional drama to take hold.

One critic in 'The Daily Telegraph' claimed this to be as "scary as hell", and to be honest he is wrong. This film isn't scary in the 'popping out from behind the bushes with a meat cleaver' manner, this film is an attack of that which makes us, and indeed Jesus, human. It is a cerebral assault which plucks at your heart strings and confuses the soul, and for it is severely likable and very watchable while occasionally disconcerning. Cronos is human drama at its most wonderful, emotional and chilling and more importantly a wonderful debut by a director who will build in stature and promise greater things, but this is a debut with bite to it, and once it grabs hold of you, it's very difficult to get it off.
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Well, it certainly is different!
planktonrules19 April 2011
This is apparently Guillermo del Toro's first full-length film and while it's a bit rough, it also is highly creative and different. However, because it is so visceral, bloody and violent, it is NOT a film for everyone.

"Cronos" begins with an odd prologue. It seems that centuries ago an alchemist came up with some strange device--and it was able to bestow eternal life.

The film now switches to the present. An old man and his granddaughter have found a weird metal device--the same one created by this alchemist. However, they have no idea what its purpose is and how to make it work. By accident, the old man is able to activate it-and it pierces him--causing a lot of pain and blood. Oddly, however, he soon begins to feel better and look younger--and feels a strong need to try the device again.

In the meantime, a rich and nasty old sick guy has somehow found out about the device the old man's discovery--and he's sent his sociopathic nephew (Ron Perlman) to get that device.

There is LOTS more to the story than this---and it gets really weird, violent and bloody. However, I saw it described as a 'vampire' movie and this really is a MAJOR over-simplification. There's a lot more to it than this--and you just have to see it to understand. I won't say more--you'll have to see it...really.

The film is wildly creative and cool, but as I said, it's not for everyone. It's not exactly a horror film in the traditional sense and it is excellent.

By the way, what's with Ron Perlman? He's carved out an interesting niche appearing in the oddest assortment of international films. Now I am NOT complaining--just marveling at his film projects as they are so incredibly varied. Here, he's in a Mexican film but he's also done French films ("City of Lost Children"), films about the Russo-German conflict in WWII ("Enemy at the Gates")...and the Hellboy films! Talk about a man of multi-talents!
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Fresh, original horror film
Eviljomr21 December 1999
I can't think of many 90's films that will be remembered as classics of the horror genre, this film is an exception.

When you think of Mexican horror, you no doubt think of the El Santo Vs. the Aztec Mummy type films made in the 60s, don't get me wrong, I like them too. In interviews, director Guillermo Del Toro has said that his influences come more from American and British horror (such as the classic Universal and Hammer horror films) than from Mexico's horror tradition. Still, the film does have a distinctly Mexican sensibility, especially with it's abundance of Catholic imagery.

First time director Del Toro, cinematographer Guillermo Navarro (who would go on to do great work for Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino, among oth ers), and production designer Tolita Figuero create a very unique, interesting look for the film.

All of the actors are great, especially veteran Argentinian actor Federico Luppi, who plays the main character Jesus Gris, and Luis Bunuel's favorite Mexican actor Claudio Brook, who plays Dieter De La Guardia. What really makes the film for me is it's quirky sense of humor and odd characterizations, I found scenes toward the middle of the film to be hilarious. The effective, subtle, score by Javier Alvarez also adds to the mood of the film.

The film also manages to be a very different kind of vampire story than usual, It makes me think a little bit of the "Wurdulak" segment of the great Mario Bava's film Black Sabbath. Vampire films of late have become very tiresome, it's nice to see someone take a different approach.

I think Guillermo Del Toro is a talent to watch for.
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Gruesome, Violent, Weird and Bizarre
claudio_carvalho9 May 2015
In 1536, in Veracruz, Mexico, during the Inquisition, an alchemist builds a mysterious and sophisticated device named Cronos to provide eternal life to the owner. In the present days, the antiques dealer Jesus Gris (Federico Luppi) finds Cronos hidden inside an ancient statue while cleaning it with his granddaughter Aurora (Tamara Shanath). He accidentally triggers the device and soon his wife Mercedes (Margarita Isabel) and he note that he has a younger appearance.

Out of the blue, the stranger Angel de la Guardia (Ron Perlman) visits Gris's shop and buys the old statue. On the next day, Gris finds his shop trashed and Angel's card on the floor. He pays a visit to Angel that introduces him to the eccentric millionaire De la Guardia (Claudio Brook) that explains the healing power and the eternal life given by Cronos. Angel is sent by De la Guardia to hunt down Gris to get Cronos no matter the costs.

"Cronos" is a horror movie by Guillermo del Toro with a gruesome, violent, weird and bizarre story. The lead character becomes a vampire after accidentally triggering an ancient device. The obsession of a dying man for the Cronos leaves a path of violence trying to hunt down the owner of the device. The great expectations for a movie by Guillermo del Toro and released by Criterion is a little disappointing, despite the originality, performances and cinematography. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Cronos"
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Unique take on the vampire myth
Prof-Hieronymos-Grost26 November 2008
Mexican antique dealer Jesus Gris, finds an ornate mechanical beetle hidden in an old statuette, that once belonged to a 16th century alchemist. Unbeknownst to him, inside it there is an ancient parasite that gives the gift of immortal life. Also on trail of this device is an American millionaire who has spent his life researching the writings of this alchemist and has been searching for this mythical device, he will stop at nothing to get it. Gris stumbles onto the device and after using it, soon finds his features becoming more youthful, unfortunately the price for this is a raging bloodlust. Unique and at times surreal take of the Vampirism myth. Its also a very stylish and visually accomplished debut.
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Pretty impressive debut
Vartiainen9 July 2015
Cronos is director Guillermo del Toro's first feature length film, and remembered fondly as a horror classic that's a bit rough around the edges, but still contains a lot of atmosphere, creepy imagery and del Toro's signature touches. Personally I've always liked del Toro's non-horror movies better, but I cannot deny that he has a unique flair for them.

Likewise here. We have disturbing fetish pictures about bugs, we have golden clockwork machines, we have a slow descent into madness, we have masterful use of dark and shadow to create a closed, claustrophobic atmosphere and we have that distinct Latin American lean.

So what's the story? An old antique dealer, Jesús Gris (Federico Luppi), has found an ancient alchemical device that promises to give life eternal to anyone that uses its power and provides the proper sacrifices. Unfortunately other parties are also looking for the device and thus Gris has to deal with the side effects of his newly found immortality as well as trying to keep himself and his relatives safe.

Classic imagery, but del Toro's take on these old myths and ideas is refreshing and done well. You can see that the limitations of the budget are keeping him from telling the story he wants to tell, but as a whole it's not a bad tale. The various actors are also talented and really help to sell the mood to you. Luppi and Ron Perlman are the two shining stars and they'd later on go to star in many other films directed by del Toro.

Cronos is not the best horror movie I've seen, but if you've liked del Toro's later movies, it can be a rewarding experience to check out the very first one.
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under written but shows signs of del Toro's brilliance
SnoopyStyle14 December 2013
Antiques dealer Jesus Gris (Federico Luppi) buys an interesting angel statue. After some cockroaches climb out, he takes it apart and find a golden device. The device opens up and stabs him. It turns out to be a device that gives eternal life. And wealthy De la Guardia (Claudio Brook) and his nephew Ángel (Ron Perlman) will do anything to get their hands on it.

This is written/directed by Guillermo del Toro. You can see many of his styles and touches. The golden heart is pure del Toro. But the story lacks tension, pacing, or excitement. It's too simple and under written. Maybe it's too much to hope for. For his first full length movie, Guillermo del Toro shows that he has the skills and a vision.
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Genuinely Original.
unakaczynski1 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers

During Bravo's "Top 100 Scariest Moments" (should've been "Movies" instead) countdown, I happened to catch the sequence about this particular film. It looked pretty damn good, so I set myself out to see it. It's directed by the man best known now for "Hellboy" and "Blade." Rather than being action-packed, violent, and bloody, it's actually simply a dark and unusual horror film. And, one of the more refreshingly original plots I've seen in some time.

The film centers around an old man who owns an antique shop in Mexico who stumbles upon a small, gold, mechanical object. The object was created 400 years prior by an alchemist seeking immortality--and as such, the device grants that most sought-after of gifts. By violently piercing the flesh of whoever activates it and delivering immense pain. Well, there is someone else--a very rich and very dying man who has sought the device for a large portion of his life. His nephew is played by human gorilla, Ron "Hellboy" Perlman--and he is simply the old man's caretaker and go-to guy. Well, as it turns out, the antique store owner, named Jesus, finds out in the most unpleasant of ways that the Cronos device has a set of rules meant for its use--and only the rich old dying bastard knows them--and he will only trade the rules for the device.

Here's the breakdown:

The Good:

--The more I see Ron Perlman in movies, the more I like him--he's a very versatile actor. Especially if you take into account that he's made films in France, Mexico, and America, has spoken French, English, and some Spanish; and went from this to "City of Lost Children" to "Enemy At the Gates" (as a Russian soldier) to "Hellboy." His role is plenty entertaining here.

--The acting is quite good.

--The story is really unique, fresh, and original.

--The special effects are very nice--not a drop of CG anywhere in the film. The mechanical workings of the Cronos device and the insect inside are really cool.

--Good music.

--Good atmosphere and some excellent bizarre and creepy scenes that really hold attention.

Didn't Hurt It, Didn't Help:

--Unfortunately, the film never states what those rules are for successful use of the Cronos device--only a little bit is hinted at or discovered and it felt like there were actually a lot of guidelines to the device.

--Somewhat slower pace--but it's used as a tension builder.

--Pretty good sets.

The Bad:

--Not enough scares--but then, this is a slower movie made to build up a creepy story. Not a scare-a-minute-shocker.

The Ugly:

--Somewhat clumsy opening scene that has some unanswered questions about it. I was a little confused about exactly how the old man came to know or believe that Jesus had the device.

--It also would've been nice to have a little more background story on the Cronos gadget, it's maker, and exactly how the sickly old man that Perlman watches over came to know about it as well as what started his search for it.

Memorable Scene:

--Jesus (the character, not the Bible-guy) licking blood off the floor of a men's room.

--Also, Ron Perlman's character obsessing about getting a nose job--and he gets punched in the nose twice.

A Note About The DVD:

--For some reason, getting the proper sound/subtitles mix was a real hassle--it didn't like to be set up ahead of time for some reason. Maybe I just had a DVD with some errors or something, but I selected Spanish with English Subtitles and ended up with an Audio Commentary--in Spanish! I eventually had to restart the film and just change everything as it played. I went through the opening sequence about five times and I think I still ended up with subtitles for the deaf or hard-of-hearing--because even Ron Perlman was subtitled and he spoke English through most of the film!

Acting: 8/10 Story: 10/10 Atmosphere: 8/10 Cinematography: 8/10 Character Development: 7/10 Special Effects/Make-up: 9/10 Nudity/Sexuality: 0/10 Violence/Gore: 6/10 (Very little gore, and only mild violence--all decent quality) Sets/Backgrounds: 7/10 Dialogue: 9/10 Music: 8/10 Writing: 8/10 Direction: 9/10

Cheesiness: 1/10 Crappiness: 0/10

Overall: 8/10

Overall, I think this deserves an 8, maybe a 7, but I settled with what I thought it deserved. It's not the best horror film out there, but it's quite good and very original. Recommended to all Horror fans. People with a passing interest in horror should check it out, too. Not too dark, violent, or gory for the squeamish. A Mexican gem.
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Just about worth the time of day.
BA_Harrison5 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In a bid to cheat death, terminally ill millionaire De la Guardia (Claudio Brook) instructs his ruthless nephew Angel (Ron Perlman) to locate The Cronos, a mystical clockwork contraption with the power to bestow immortality on its user. Angel eventually locates the device in the possession of kindly antiques dealer Jesus (Federico Luppi), and resorts to murder to get his hands on the prize; however, having already activated the device, the old man doesn't stay dead for long. With a hunger for blood, an aversion to sunlight, and a rather manky complexion, Jesus breaks into the la Guardia home looking for answers to his bizarre condition.

Cronos, the debut movie from Guillermo del Toro, is listed on IMDb as a horror, but it would be much better described as a dark fairytale: although a form of vampirism is at the heart of his script, the writer/director's focus is on Jesus's gradually evolving relationship with his young granddaughter Aurora (Tamara Shanath) and the realisation of a surreal/Gothic fantasy aesthetic. While I don't particularly mind the movie's considered pacing—a slow-burn narrative does not faze me one bit—and the rich shadowy cinematography is often impressive, I do tend to struggle with the self-consciously quirky, quasi-art-house approach of the type favoured by film-makers such as Jeunet et Caro and Terry Gilliam, finding it all too affected and ostentatious for my taste.

Del Toro's style isn't anywhere near as excessive as those particular film-makers can be when they really put their minds to it, but it does result in just enough awkward moments, over-sentimentality and irritating calculated whimsicality to prevent it from being a wholly digestible affair (the dreadfully inappropriate score and the 'comical' mortician being perhaps the film's most notable weaknesses).

5.5/10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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Good idea, poor (and I mean ***POOR***) execution
evilmatt-330 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*spoilers herein; ignore them and watch this film at your own risk*

I am very sorry, Mr. Del Toro, but after sitting through yet another tepid horror film of yours, I am completely at a loss as to why so many genre fans refer to you as a "master of horror." Along the _The Devil's Backbone_, I have never seen such flagrant incompetence with the genre and its elements.

However, I gave this film a 4/10 because, if nothing else, we have a really neat concept here. I give Del Toro the credit he deserves for finally de-sexing the vampire and actually making it as disgusting in practice as it is in concept. The scene at the very beginning involving the fate of the alchemist is fantastic. Further, the idea of a (sort of alchemic/cybernetic) vampirism device is even brilliant and lends itself to all sorts of fun possibilities.

Unfortunately, beyond the excellent beginning sequence, ZERO of those possibilities are explored. Rather than focus on Jesús' descent into vampirism (despite his still real love for his wife and granddaughter), the film instead makes this a sappy treatise on silent intergenerational love, conveniently ignoring any real-world implications of anything Jesús says or does. Is the point that, if you love someone, you let them destroy themselves, as Aurora does in allowing Jesús to continue using the Cronos device? Or maybe if you love them, you bring them into incredibly dangerous, life threatening situations, as when Jesús brings Aurora into the jaws of La Guardia for no apparent reason.

Besides the thematic concerns, the script is just terrible. The last 20 minutes make absolutely no sense whatsoever if we are to believe that the characters can think at all. I couldn't help yelling at my television, "Will everybody please stop arguing for a second and just THINK about this?!?!"

WTF: Jesús has the Cronos device, and La Guardia wants it. La Guardia explains that he will share the device with Jesús, who refuses, saying that he just wants to die. La Guardia is delighted and says he will tell Jesús how to die if Jesús just hands over the device. Jesús refuses (?), saying that La Guardia must fulfill his end of the bargain and kill Jesús before the device is handed over (????). There is an ensuing struggle, in which Jesús kills La Guardia (?????????????????????) and attempts to escape with it (even though he wants to be rid of it). Angél (who never understood what any of this was about in the first place), seeing his uncle dead, is ecstatic because he is now rich. Upon seeing Jesús escape, he suddenly decides he wants to stop Jesús (although "why" is never explored; to my knowledge Angél does not know Jesús even has the device, nor would he be interested in it anyway). The only apparent purpose of this is so that Angél can die "the Disney villain death" by falling a great distance. Jesús is also killed, but Aurora, even though she knows of his wish for death, inexplicably uses the device to bring him back to life, albeit as a bed-ridden invalid. Exeunt.

What's dumber: that I actually sat through this garbage or that I will go see _Hellboy_? Oy.
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A Different Vampire Movie
mbauer-21 September 2005
Cronos (1993) Rated R

To be honest, I have never been much of a horror fan. However, easy access to almost any movie ever made (through NetFlix) has led me to watching stuff that I never would have paid any attention to in the past. While it is a horror movie (a vampire movie to be exact), Cronos caught me off guard. It was NOT what I thought it would be and may be worth consideration.

The movie is a Mexican production, though there is a good bit of English dialog as well (and of course the DVD offers English subtitles). The story starts with an alchemist in the early 16th century who fled persecution in Europe to begin anew in Mexico. He became the official watchmaker to the Viceroy, but continued his work to achieve immortality. His success (or failure, depending on how you look at it) will eventually lead to the story of a kindly old grandfather and his relationship with his grand daughter and how that relationship is affected with the introduction of a vampire.

You will not find lavish production sets or Oscar winning performances (my wife hated the film) but you will find a fascinating take on an old story and frankly I could not stop watching. The interactions of the characters were rarely what I expected and they kept me glued to the screen right up to the end. I would not recommend it for families with young children, but it is suitable for teens (the movie does have an R rating, but that is because there are a few places where the language is a bit colorful and blood is a bit plentiful). If you have the time and like horror that keeps you thinking a little bit, give this one a try.
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junkmanjumble13 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I could not believe that this film was directed by the same man who made "The Devil's Backbone". It is shot like a daytime TV series, ineptly scripted, has virtually no suspense and suffers even further by slow pacing and lame dialogue.

On the plus side, I will give the movie credit for an original meshing of the two old myths of the fountain of youth (or in this case, the golden mechanical insect of youth) and vampirism. The second springs from the first in a clever reversal (usually vampirism leads to immortality, not the other way around).

But a somewhat neat twist can't cover up its flaws. The wild changes in tone are meant to be interesting and maybe even 'innovative', but when the film is meant to be lightly humorous, it achieves merely 'quirky'; when it tries to be scary, it only goes so far as 'eerie'. Ron Perlman is not worthy of all the raves (his performance is just plain wooden, and rarely funny), and the rest of the acting simply gets the job done. The most fatal flaw in this movie (from which most of its problems stem) is a lack of authenticity, in the characters, the plotting, and the overall emotional heft of the film. Characters do things only because by doing them the plot will advance from point A to point B, and when the seams show this badly, it's hard to become emotionally invested in the characters and their situations.

Cronos does still manage to be interesting, though, both as a bizarre mistake and a strange stepping-stone in the history of a now-accomplished director. But if you want good Mexican comedy or horror , look elsewhere (Y Tu Mama Tambien and Del Toro's own Devil's Backbone are good examples).

p.s. to tommyross88: if you're angry with another reviewer, maybe you should channel that into writing your own review and joining in on the conversation, instead of just making a fool of yourself. That seems to work fine for everyone else here.
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Interesting and imaginative
raymond-156 August 2000
Some of the most imaginative films originate in Mexico. This one is no exception. When Jesus Gris, an old antique dealer opens the base of an ancient statue, a golden object in the shape of a large beetle drops out. This mechanically activated object can clutch a human arm and inject a magical fluid which can prolong life. The early scenes, when the camera moves about the treasures in the antique shop, set the atmosphere and draw us into the story. Each piece seems to hold a special secret. When the mechanical beetle suddenly grabs at the old man's forearm, we can feel the excruciating pain as he screams out and we see the pointed legs piercing his skin. Then follows the injection by the scorpion-like tail. Terror reigns until he dislodges the device. (What a relief!). Now wait for the miracle to happen! Excellent make-up on the main character as this horror story unfolds makes it almost believable at times. The sincerity of the acting between the old man and little granddaughter who plays about the shop makes for a really warm and loving relationship. (Where do they find such wonderful child actors?). Evil is portrayed by the cruel Dieter de la Guardia and his henchmen who set out to steal this ancient invention of the alchemists. Much of the excitement of the film is provided by a chase through upper rooms and rooftops (real edge of the seat viewing!). One of the most unforgettable scenes is the close-up view of the whirring golden cogwheels inside the device. They make a cruelly fascinating and threatening sound as they wind up to do their mysterious work. Movie-goers who have a horror of hypodermic needles should perhaps give the film a miss but you brave ones will enjoy the age-old theme of searching for the secret to eternal life.
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Thoughtful, interesting, one-of-a-kind vampire flick
Leofwine_draca20 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This vampire yarn is successful because of its unusualness - it has a certain kind of style which stops it becoming boring, even though it's a case of seen-it-all-before. This similar artistry from foreign directors in recent years has also stopped THE FIFTH ELEMENT, LEON, and even ALIEN RESURRECTION from being totally irredeemable. Unfortunately, while CRONOS was made out to be this big, original splash from a previously unheard-of director, it's not as brilliant as you might think, as a lack of originality and thoroughness of ideas make it become fairly average (I found the same to be true with the same director's MIMIC), but still a breath of fresh air for a dead genre.

Guillermo del Toro brings something special to this film, there's no denying that. There's a warmth to the central characters involved which acts like a breath of fresh air, when we see the human spirit shining through the darkness. The idea of the Cronos device is clever, and it's a brilliantly designed little creation, a bit like HELLRAISER's puzzle box but more sophisticated and stylish. Other concepts such as a vampire shedding his skin add to the bizarreness of this film, but ultimately it is the human players who dominate the proceedings.

Luppi is wonderful as the old man who has to struggle with the strange urges filling his body as he becomes addicted to the device. He portrays a mixture of disgust and lust at his actions (the scene where he licks blood off the floor in desperation springs to mind) in a skilled manner. Ron Perlman enjoys himself in a wowzer role as a heavy, making his character funny, human and difficult to dislike. Indeed the other actors involved - Brook as the desperate old man, Isabel as the daughter - do their best to bring their own idiosyncrasies to the proceedings, giving this film an odd and very real edge.

The only flaw is in the climax, which drags things out into an old goodie vs. baddie battle to the death, the likes of which are hardly original. Also I disliked the inconclusive ending which manages to be arty and anti-climatic at the same time. As a recent horror film that doesn't rely on gore (there is little) and captures some of the old magic that Mario Bava and Dario Argento used to fill their films with, this proves to be both thoughtful and interesting - providing you're in the right mood, that is. Ever see a curate's egg? This is the one for you.
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creative and inventive,but not quite what i expected
disdressed1223 July 2007
i'll try not to give too much away,plot wise with this movie.but it basically involves the possibility of eternal life,(sort of) and there are some biblical parallels as well.there's a lesson in here that contains the old cliché,"be careful what you wish for"you may get what you want(or thought you wanted) but nothing is for free,and there are sacrifices.the movie is low budget and i don't mean that as a some scenes,the movie actually works better as a result.overall,though i didn't like the movie as much as i thought i would.i'd had heard of it before,and had high expectations.i guess i though it would be more profound than it has its moments,to be's not boring by any means,but it just has less of an impact than i's directed and written by Guillermo del Toro,who also directed Hell Boy,Blade 2 and Pan's for "Cronos" it certainly is unique with a different twist on an old genre.for me,Cronos is a 6/10
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Beautiful, dark atmosphere
kneiss115 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I loved watching the movie, despite the odd and simply story. The story is a mixture of a vampire story, and "The Fly". Not much happens during the movie, everything is told very slowly, without much conversations. Sometimes the conversations are bit odd, and badly played (especially when it comes to the uncle). I am glad to say though, that it's not bad enough to destroy the movie. The movie is shot beautifully, with unusual but greatly fitting, atmospheric music. For me, the atmosphere has been the best of the movie. There are very few movies that are this "dark" and yet so beautiful at the same time. - This movie is barely scary, does have no shock effects, and not a lot of gore. This is no usual, cheap horror flick. It's a dark drama with a fantasy theme.
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In Time, Will Cronos Eat His Progeny?
boblipton21 December 2021
Uillermo del Toro's first feature as a director is a vampire movie with a difference. After spending five minutes explaining the mechanics bind his plot, we witness Federico Luppi purchase the Cronos, a golden, egg-shaped piece of craftsmanship. Suddenly, it moves, becoming a golden spider that pierces his skin. Leaving a gaping wound.... and a taste for blood. A thoroughly disagreeable Ron Perlman is his link to reclusive Claudio Brook, who talks of alchemists and immortality and demands the Cronos. When Luppi refuses, Perlman kills him..... but Luppi doesn't stay dead.

Del Toro's movie is full of stylish touches, like the design of the Cronos, and shots that move through its mechanisms, but it's not just a horror movie of jump scares. FOr all the talk of immortality, Luppi doesn't want to live forever. He's tied to his time and place, his wife and his grand daughter. He's human. It's not the thirst for blood that makes a vampire, even though Luppi possesses it; it's the desire to be more than human.
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a simply beautiful movie
clementtuffreau15 May 2006
Cronos is the first Guillermo Del Toro movie, and it is a great achievement. There's not much to say : it is a beautiful movie, a classical, beautiful and simple movie. There's some fantastic in it, but that's not all : the greatness of this movie is based on the characters : Ron Perlman and the man at the morgue are specially brilliant. It is dark, full of suspense, tensed, and extremely funny in the same time. With low budget and simple frames, Del Toro has managed to picture the true essence of cinema : a good story, good characters, and lots of blood, humor and cruelty. What else could we add ? Just watch this. This movie has been badly underrated. It is intelligent and honest. Far superior to lots of over intellectual or too much precious horror movies with over beautiful aesthetics. CRONOS is simply brilliant. Long life to Guillermo Del Toro !
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Fantasy and horror movie about a weird device, compellingly directed by Guillermo Del Toro
ma-cortes13 November 2021
This is a stylish and enjoyable Mexican variation of the vampiro tale. It starts in 1536 Veracruz, where an alchimist builds a bizarre artifact designed to provide whom owns an eternal life. Centuries later, and while leaving a trail of destruction on its way , the rare artifact suddeny shows up . Present day, an aged antiques dealer called Jesus Gris : Federico Luppi comes across the mysterious title objects, as he discovers the strange device hidden in an sculpture, subsequently he learns it provides eternal life, it is called Cronos, resulting in fateful consequences. Another problem is Jesus Gris isn't the only one to know about the device . As a mean elderly man : Claudio Brook hires a contract killer : Ron Perlman to take it. They will stop at nothing to get it and at whatever cost. Can its possessor stand the consequences which include a developing taste for blood ?. The Search is over. The blessing, the curse, Cronos. A mystery six hundred years old.

This is a surprising and eerie film about a 16th century golden egg possessing magical powers to grant eternal life , including weird events, thrills, chills , violence, twists ad turns. Dealing with an obsession of everlasting life with the secret of immortality living inside a sophisticated and rare device : Cronos . Excellent trio of protagonists giving over-the-top acting : Federico Luppi, Ron Perlman and Claudio Brook. They are well accompanied by Margarita Isabel as the faithful wife and Tamara Shanath as the granddaughter .

The motion picture was competently directed by Guillermo Del Toro , being first feature for this great writer/director and in Spanish language with subtitles . This notable writer, producer, director has a long career, being this Cronos his film debut, following a long string of successes as ¨Mimic¨, ¨The Devil's backbone¨, ¨Blade II¨, ¨Hellboy¨, ¨Pan' Labyrinth¨, ¨Hellboy II¨, ¨Pacific Rim¨, ¨Crimson Peak¨ and the Oscarized ¨The Shape of Water¨. Rating Cronos : 7/10. Well worth watching. Better than average , essential and indispensable seeing . The flick will appeal to Guillermo del Toro fans.
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Apparently a classic... but one I didn't car for at all.
poolandrews4 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cronos is set in the Mexican town of Vera Cruz where an elderly antiques dealer named Jesus Gris (Federico Luppi) has his own shop, one day while inspecting an antique statuette of an Angel he finds a small golden mechanical object that he winds up only to find it digs metal claws into his hand & wrist. Later that night Jesus places the small device on his chest & it digs into that, the next day & Jesus looks & feels much younger with much more vitality & energy. Jesus realises that the small golden device has regenerative powers but a dying industrialist Dieter de la Guardia (Claudio Brook) also wants it & explains to Jesus that the device is called a Cronos & was made in 1535 by an alchemist intent on prolonging his life, Dieter also warns Jesus that if strict instructions are not followed the consequences will be dire. Addicted to the regenerative capabilities of the Cronos things change for Jesus as he finds himself drawn to drinking human blood, has a strong aversion to sunlight & his skin starts to peel off...

This Mexican production was the feature film writing & directing debut of Guillermo del Toro who subsequently went to Hollywood to make notable fantasy films such as Mimic (1997), Blade II (2002), Hellboy (2004) & Pan's Labyrinth (2006) & while often hailed as some sort of masterpiece I must admit that ultimately I was pretty disappointed with Cronos & I can't say I particularly liked it. The script lays the emotion on thick, while Cronos has fantasy & horror aspects there is perhaps a greater story trying to be told here. A heartwarming, tear jerking story of age, death, disease, society & the horrors of life itself but I found the whole affair rather plodding, rather dull, rather boring & lacking in anything to really capture my imagination & compliment the drama. I just found myself bored & unable to get involved in the story & the character's at all. Cronos is a sort of dark fairy tale about Vampirism but as you would expect from del Toro his sympathies lie with the Vampire antiques dealer & makes him the hero, the character we should pity & feel sorry for while making the real villains ordinary people with their desires, brutality & cold bloodidness. At just under an hour & a half Cronos moves along at a reasonable pace, certainly has a few moments worth watching & is generally well written & produced even if none of it particularly resonated with or captivated me.

Although not strictly a Vampire film as such the side-effects that Jesus suffers from using the Cronos are definitely Vampire-ish with the blood drinking, body rejuvenating, sunlight burning properties he develops. As one would expect Cronos looks very stylish, the screen is packed full of detail & I am sure a lot of time & effort went into the look of Cronos. There are a few neat shots like the internal clockwork mechanism of the Cronos clicking away in close-up. Unusually Cronos is a multi lingual film that switches between Mexican & English spoken dialogue for no apparent reason & sometimes even within the same scene & same conversation.

Apparently Cronos had an original budget of about $1,500,000 but it went over & ended up costing more like $2,000,000. Filmed in Mexico. The acting was alright, I can't say I thought anyone was great but then maybe that's because I couldn't get into the story. Apparently the character of Jesus Gris was written specifically for Max von Sydow.

Cronos is a film that most people seem to love for being a dark fairytale fantasy horror with great style & substance, personally I totally disagree with that statement as Cronos did nothing for me other than just about pass an hour & a half with one or two nice visuals. Disappointing.
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A new bite on an old mythology.
ragana26 April 2005
A new vision of the vampire myth involving an insect trapped in a device that grants immortality, an innocent grandfather, his all but silent granddaughter, a human monster and his victimized nephew.

An elderly antiques shop owner, Jesus Gris, and his granddaughter, Aurora, discover an unusually device in a four hundred year old Archangel statue. Gris inadvertently triggers the device which begins a change in him that not only slowly makes him more youthful in look and energy but infects him with an addict's consuming fixation for blood. Unfortunately for Gris, he is not the only one with knowledge of the device's existence and power, and he becomes the target of the dying businessman De La Guardia's desire for immortality at any cost and his violent nephew Angel.

Loved this film! Loved it! I've always had a thing for vampires and I really enjoyed this new view of the vampire mythology. This isn't just a new story of vampirism though, it is also a tale of family. The love, devotion, and acceptance of family is beautifully shown through the grandfather Jesus and granddaughter Aurora, as is the dark side of family, with it's violence, abuse and victimization, as shown through the obsessed De La Guardia and his nephew Angel.

Frederico Luppi is excellent as Gris. He brings a depth and "every-man" dignity to Jesus not often seen. A subtle, detailed performance.

Claudio Brooks is terrifying as the obsessed De La Guardia. A "Dorian Gray" portrait of a monster whose humanity lays in a tank with his diseased organs.

Ron Perlman is absolutely superb as Angel. He takes what could have been the average brute/thug character and gives him humor, depth, and the ability to evoke sympathy and, almost, forgiveness, from the audience.

Favorite line (narration describing the death of the Cronos device creator): "His skin was the color of marble in moonlight."

Definitely worth buying.
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Nicely done body-horror
jamesrupert201414 December 2021
Jesus Gris, an elderly antique dealer stung by a ancient mechanical scarab finds himself revivified but obsessed with blood. Guillermo del Toro's directorship debut is a well done 'body-horror' with with striking imagery, an interesting story, and excellent acting by Federico Luppi in the lead role. Ron Perlman is quite good as Angel, a hoodlum sent to retrieve the 'life-extending' scarab for his dying uncle (Claudio Brook) as is Tamara Shanath as Gris' tenacious young granddaughter. Despite not breaking much new ground in the 'undead' canon, Cronos is well worth watching by genre fans.
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Nope. No Gold Star For Cronos
strong-122-4788857 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
You know, what I found to be the most disturbing and repulsive aspect of Cronos' modern-day fantasy story wasn't its moments of intentional horror, at all - No - What I found to be the most distressing and repugnant here was the emotionally devoid child, Aurora, and her willing and unquestioning involvement with her dead grandfather and his ghastly transformation into a blood-lusting vampire.

I mean, Aurora even went so far as to actually empty out her huge toy-box as a makeshift coffin for good, old grand-dad to retreat to and be safe during the daylight hours.

And the fact that Aurora's vampire grandfather used his own grand-daughter as his accomplice (and set her up as a target to all sorts of deadly danger) really left a very unfavourable impression on me about Cronos' story as a whole. It convinced me that this film's story (in its desperate attempt to be original) was made in the poorest taste imaginable.

This very minor and ineffective horror film also lost itself some significant points for the miscasting of Ron Perlman as the "Angel" character. As far as I'm concerned, this self-adoring, Neanderthal, jug-head was completely incapable of playing the nasty villain with any believable conviction, whatsoever.
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