Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo (1937) Poster

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Gambling with Death...
binapiraeus8 March 2014
When Charlie and son Lee stay at Monte Carlo for an art exhibition (Lee's become a painter now), naturally they also visit the famous casino; where we soon get to know two exchange sharks, Gordon Karnoff and Paul Savarin, 'fighting' grimly even at a game of Baccara, while at the same time, Karnoff's wife Joan is in a tight spot: she took some of his metallurgic bonds out of his safe and for some strange reason gave them to bartender Al Rogers - and Karnoff intends to send those bonds to the stock market that same night to be sold, which would mean enormous losses for Savarin. She manages to recover the bonds, and her brother Gordon, Karnoff's secretary, places them back in the safe with the others, and so, after being checked, they're all sent by car to France. But when Charlie and Lee happen to come along that same road, they find the car stopped, the courier murdered, and the chauffeur missing...

So, eagerly, Monsieur Joubert from the Monaco police takes on the case - but very soon, he's in despair: the chauffeur is also found murdered, and literally everybody involved in the whole affair could be guilty: Savarin of course, who on top of it all was seen with pretty young Evelyn (who over the past few months suddenly became a rich socialite from the humble model she was before) near the scene of the crime, Joan and the mysterious bartender, her brother Gordon who had access to all of Karnoff's papers - and even Karnoff himself, because very soon the fact is revealed that those bonds were of course insured. A VERY hard nut to crack for Joubert! But Lee has got an even bigger difficulty to cope with: the French language, which he's supposed to have learned at college... Once his desperate tries to express himself correctly even get him and his father into jail on a murder charge! So there are Lee and Joubert to provide the comical elements, while Charlie's calm reasoning finally leads to the capture of the murderer; not the most ingenious of plots, but some very fine performances, and of course some VERY wise philosophical remarks of our Chinese master sleuth...

This is the last 'Charlie Chan' movie starring Warner Oland, because unfortunately he died just a few months later. But we shall never forget that he left to the world 16 MAGNIFICENT performances, which would forever shape the character of our favorite Asian detective - and which will live on for generations and generations to enjoy.
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I liked this one more than most of the other reviewers
planktonrules6 July 2008
As usual, Charlie and Number One Son are visiting when coincidentally there are murders. This time they seem to have something to do with stolen securities which seem to vanish and re-appear like magic. Unlike many of the films, though, Chan and Son seem to be caught up more in the action instead of passively investigating after the fact.

Many of the reviews seem to feel this is one of the weakest of the Warner Oland Charlie Chan films, though I liked it quite a bit and felt it stacked up well with the earlier films from the series. Why did I like it? Well, the stolen bonds angle seemed pretty interesting, Harold Huber (who had just played a New York police inspector in CHARLIE CHAN ON Broadway) was pretty good as a French cop and the film certainly kept my attention. It's not great, but still is a very competent part of a series of excellent and enjoyable detective films and a cut above similar series.
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"Fortunately assassination of French language not serious crime."
utgard1421 February 2014
Charlie Chan and "Number One Son" Lee are visiting Monte Carlo when a bank messenger is murdered and some bonds stolen. Sadly, this was Warner Oland's last Charlie Chan film. He's good in this, though he does seem a little 'off.' Whether this is my imagining things because I know about his problems offscreen, I don't know. He just doesn't seem as happy in this one as earlier films. Keye Luke is great, as always. Harold Huber, who appeared in Charlie Chan on Broadway as a different character, is fun here as a French police chief. It's not the best of the series, but still enjoyable. All of the Fox Chan films were at least watchable, whether Warner Oland or Sidney Toler were Chan. After the series moved to Monogram, quality declined greatly. The worst moments of Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo are better than anything in the Monogram series.
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"Can assist in negotiating one order of waffles without danger of arrest?"
classicsoncall13 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo" would be Warner Oland's final turn as the Oriental Detective, as he died during filming of what would have been "Charlie Chan at Ringside" later in the year 1938. Interestingly, Keye Luke remained in the "Ringside" film portraying Number #1 Son Lee Chan, as it was hastily rewritten into "Mr. Moto's Gamble" with Peter Lorre in the title role.

As the Oland films progressed, so did the body count of victims who met their demise in the course of the story. In the first half dozen or so Charlie Chan films with Warner Oland, there was only one murder to be solved; in the next four films (Racetrack, Opera, Olympics, Broadway) there were two. More was not necessarily better, as "Monte Carlo" is not as highly regarded as many of the other Oland Chan's.

Harold Huber appeared in "Charlie Chan on Broadway" as an ineffective New York City police inspector; in "Monte Carlo", his character is an ineffective French police officer, although his accent passes reasonably well. His presence treads the line between serious noir drama and comedy relief.

The story itself involves the repeated theft and reappearance of a series of metallurgic bonds worth twenty five thousand dollars. At the center of the mystery are two wealthy but antagonistic businessmen, Victor Karnoff (Sidney Blackmer) and Paul Savarin (Edward Raquello), seen early in the film at a gaming table - "They play only to visit insult to each other." As commonly seen in Charlie Chan mysteries, there is a host of additional characters to keep track of before the final resolution is worked out by the Oriental Detective, with information not readily made available to the viewer.

To keep a light hearted touch in the film, there are a couple of running gags that include a backfiring taxi and Lee Chan's fractured attempt at the French language. When 'Pop' tries to order a breakfast plate of waffles using a hand drawn picture, the waiter brings him a crossword puzzle book. Earlier, Lee's description of a dead body found in an abandoned car resulted in a confession to the murder!

Lee's all around legend as a jack of all trades is added to here, as we learn that he has a painting to be shown at a Paris exhibition, adding to his reputation as college student, businessman, and gold medal swimmer. It would be another ten years before Keye Luke shows up again in a Charlie Chan film, co-starring with Roland Winters in the role of Charlie, along with Victor Sen Yung as Number #2 Son Tommy, the only time Luke and Sen Yung would appear together in a Chan film as brothers. Oddly, Luke never appeared in a Chan film with Sidney Toler, who replaced Warner Oland in the next twenty two Charlie Chan mysteries!
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mystery and fun on the Riviera
blanche-217 February 2013
Murder at Monte Carlo from 1937 is a very enjoyable Charlie Chan mystery, with Warner Oland as Chan, Keye Luke as Lee Chan, and Sidney Blackmer, Virginia Field, and Harold Huber.

Charlie and Lee are en route to an exhibition in Paris, in which Lee has a painting, when they stop in Monaco. The police inspector there is thrilled to meet Charlie and brings him to the casino. There Charlie sees two high-powered businessmen, Paul Savarin and Victor Karnoff (Blackmer) playing ruthlessly against one another.

The Chans are trying to get to their train when their taxi breaks down, so they set out on foot. They find a body, that of Karnoff's messenger, in a car. He had been carrying bonds that were to be sold. The sale supposedly would have wiped out his enemy, Savarin. Charlie and Lee return to Monte Carlo and work with the inspector to solve the murder.

There are some strange situations. First of all, Mrs. Karnoff (Kay Linaker) is being blackmailed by the hotel barman, Al Rogers (George Lynn) and has paid him with bonds - bonds which are expected to be sold that evening. She needs them back, but Rogers refuses to hand them over.

The second strange thing is a woman at the hotel, a former model (Field) who seems to have no money yet dresses beautifully and lives in luxury. Where is she getting her money? There are plenty of suspects, but also more than one body as time goes on.

This is lots of fun, with Lee Chan getting into all sorts of trouble -- even with his lousy French, he manages to get himself and his father in trouble. Part of this film is in French but the situations are easy to read. Oland, Luke, and Huber as the inspector are delightful, and Sidney Blackmer is very good. The woman that plays his wife, Kay Linaker, is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen. To be fair, these films were shot very quickly, and often the director wasn't as focused as he should have been. It's one of those performances where someone asks her what's wrong and she says no in a terrified voice, with her eyes widening as she turns away.

Very enjoyable.
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Satisfying Last Case for Warner Oland
Hitchcoc6 January 2016
Charlie and Lee once again find themselves in foreign territory (he doesn't seem to spend much time with the rest of his family). The get a look at one of the gambling hot spots of the world. Soon they are wrapped up in the intrigue between two very rich men who hate each other. There is a murder on a country road as they walk to their hotel (the taxi they have take breaks down). A woman in a fancy car is seen driving away. The two men and two women, along with a bartender, become embroiled in the transfer of a million dollars in metallurgical bonds. As is usually the case in these episodes, there are multiple efforts at coverups by the principles. It would seem that the more playing with the facts these guys attempt, the more Chan becomes suspicious. There are also the scenes where loudmouthed number one son is always a half step behind his honorable father. There is also some great stuff as Junior tries to speak French. At one point he confesses to murder with his poor use of the language. Charlie asks him at breakfast if he can order something without getting them thrown in jail. It is my understanding that Oland died shortly after the completion of this movie. That is why Sidney Toler took over the role. I saw all the Chan movies as a boy and am rediscovering them now. I hope that the remainder of the canon is as entertaining.
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Charlie Chan In Monte Carlo
Spuzzlightyear22 March 2012
Another fun Charlie Chan Movie! This time, he's in Monte Carlo, and yes, another poor soul is murdered. He's assisted by the great Harold Huber as Monte Carlo's chief of police while they try to solve the murder. I liked this one more than others, because at least they TRIED for my authenticity this time, a lot of people speak French, which IS what they do in French- Language speaking countries right? Not like his adventure in Shanghai, where everyone Chan encountered spoke perfect English. So there was a bit of fun language barrier comedy. The mystery is pretty easy to guess, all in all, a great addition to the Orland Chan series.
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Good movie
mmhicks4 November 2011
Contrary to many of the reviews, I think this is one of the best Charlie Chan movies and one of my my personal favorites. It's wonderfully escapist, taking place as it does, in a fabled location over 70 years ago.

The plot is a bit more sophisticated than many of the Chan films - no cigarettes that cause one to drop dead after one puff or poison gasses fabricated by Hollywood writers. The plot remains true to reality as valuable bonds pass from one set of slippery hands to another causing the murder of two people.

The production is stylish and most of the actors do a great job. The hyperactive, super energetic #1 son is only minimally so in this film, however Harold Huber as the chief of police overdoes himself in his brash and noisy performance. He is on camera almost as much as Chan and quickly becomes an irritant. His French accented English is almost as bad as his Brooklyn accented French.

Interestingly, all of the French characters speak French in the film - something one might expect in an art house film, but hardly in a B-movie. It certainly lends an air of authenticity but might be detracting to those who have not studied French.

Automobiles of the era play a big part in the film, the star vehicle being the gorgeous Rolls convertible that is featured in several scenes. There are many scenes of various cars - from beat-up taxis to limos fit for a king. (Watch the limo that pulls up to Karnoff's villa to pick up the bank messenger.) Also it seems that the police ride around in convertibles in Monaco!
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Tongue Can Hang Man Quicker Than Rope.
rmax3048231 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie and Enumerated Son Number One visit Monte Carlo in this one. There is a complicated scheme of murder and theft that follows and Charlie solves same with help of the Chief of Police. It's difficult to say much that's new about the movie because the series was so much the same from one episode to another. Any differences were accidents, not due to any change in essence. Warner Oland, as Charlie, doesn't really seem to have much to do here except observe the goings on. And Number One son contributes some humor, as when, for example, the seat of his pants catch fire. Ha ha. Anyway, the series being as repetitive as it was, any comments have to be either discursive or trivial.

The Chief of Police in this instance is Harold Huber. He may have a fancy French name -- Jules Etienne Joubert -- but this guy was born in New York. You can tell from his marked American accent when he speaks French. It's even worse than mine, and that's saying a lot. He and the uvular "r" are strangers to one another. And his enactment of the role is out of vaudeville but he does resemble Fernandel a little.

Two performances stand out. Edward Raquello is magnetic as the continentally unflappable, self-possessed, untrustworthy gambler. Man, has he got arrogant politesse down pat. His name notwithstanding, he was born in Poland. Can't imagine what happened to his career.

Virginia Field is memorable too. Well, not so much for her performance as for her attractiveness -- not quite beautiful but more than just ordinary features. When it's disclosed that she is a former model, it's believable.

Sidney Blackmer, as a wealthy suspect, does right by the role. He's pretty unpleasant. He had a long career and, when he tried being affable, as in "Rosemary's Baby", you could hear the agonized creak of joints long unused. In "The High and the Mighty" he was the angry passenger named Humphrey Agnew. That was in 1954 and came to be pretty funny later on. Kids, in the 1960s, Vice President Humphrey was succeeded by Vice President Agnew.

One can lose a good deal of money without trying in the casinos of Monte Carlo. The roulette wheels don't have the double zero of American casinos but that's no help. When I was there I squandered almost one fifth of my entire travel budget. Okay. Sneer if you like, but ten dollars was a lot of money in those days.

There's some comic bit that Keye Luke does that succeeds. It's not slapstick and it's not some dumb thing like his wearing disguises. I can't remember what it is now. I should have taken notes. But it's there, and worth a smile.
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A weak, but still enjoyable Chan film
bensonmum218 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Traveling from Monte Carlo to Nice, Charlie Chan and No.1 son Lee discover and abandoned car. Inside the car, they find the dead body of a bank messenger who was transporting $1 million in bonds belonging to a wealthy industrialist named Victor Karnoff. There is no shortage of suspects: Paul Savarin – Karnoff's business rival; Joan Karnoff – Victor's wife who was being blackmailed; Al Rogers – a shady bartender; Evelyn Gray – a woman living above her means; or Karnoff himself for the insurance money. It's up to Charlie Chan to discover the truth.

Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo would be Warner Oland's last performance as the venerable detective. Unfortunately, it's one of the weakest Chan films Oland would make. It's not his fault – instead the blame can be placed on a weak script and a couple of other factors. Chan films notoriously cheat the viewer in that the solution to the mystery too often relies on facts not available to the audience. Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo is especially guilty of this. Key clues that help trap the killer are known only to Chan and the French Police Inspector. As for the other factors I mentioned, one of these would be Harold Huber. Huber, who appeared in two other Chan films, really lays it on thick here with his over-the-top acting and ridiculous French accent. It gets annoying rather quickly.

Still, this is Charlie Chan I'm talking about so it's not all bad. In fact, even a weak Chan film is still an enjoyable experience. It's just a shame that Oland couldn't have gone out on a higher note.
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Numerology on the Riviera?
Jim Tritten19 May 2002
Charlie Chan (Warner Oland) and Chief of Police Jules Joubert (Harold Huber) track down theft of metallurgic bonds and murder in Monaco. Huber has a great deal of time on screen and he plays his character with the comedy that mars his department. Supporting character actor Louise Mercier does a great job as a taxi driver whose conveyance gets the best of him and son Lee Chan's misuse of French gets him into trouble.

Early theme in movie is repeated use of number `25.' Lee points out that their hotel room is 125, he is 25 years old, this is the 25th of August, this is the Chinese Year 9325 - and therefore the number 25 will be lucky at the roulette wheel. Chan point out that Lee had borrowed $25 the week before. Later we learn that the value of the missing bonds is $25,000, one of the suspects borrows an amount equal to $25,000, and heretofore there had not been a murder in Monaco for 25 years. Poor writing fails to capitalize on this theme and the storyline sounds better in movie reviews than as portrayed on the screen.

Lots of misdirection and suspicion but in the end, Chan and the police trap (`Questions are keys to door of truth') the guilty party using knowledge that was known only to police and not the viewer. One clue might have been picked up on by an observant viewer, but the other part of the explanation at the end goes beyond what we could have known. When confronted, the guilty party makes a final error in revealing yet another fact known only to police and murderer (again not to viewer). Not one the best of the Chan series.

This is the final appearance of Oland live in a produced film - he died the following year. In this movie, as Chan, he says: `Humble presence of no more importance than one drop of rain in cloudburst.' On the contrary - although the Chan series is not high art, this viewer thinks that we are better for Oland having played the role.
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No vacation for Charlie Chan.
michaelRokeefe23 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
No matter where he goes or what his main plans are...somebody ends up murdered. Oriental detective Charlie Chan(Warner Oland)and son Lee(Keye Luke)are vacationing in Monte Carlo where a casino messenger carrying a million bucks in bonds is murdered on his way to France. Who is the prime suspect, a known gangster from Chicago working as a bartender; or a beautiful woman with a not-so-clean past. Maybe it is just a minion caught up in a blackmail scheme. Murder and robbery are usually an apt combination for mayhem. It is so convenient to have a mastermind like Chan to clear things up. This is by far not one of the better Chan flicks, but will hold your attention. Other players: Virginia Field, Sid Blackmer, Harold Huber, Kay Linaker and Georges Renavent.
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Breakfast in French
bkoganbing22 May 2013
The famous Chinese detective is in Monte Carlo with eldest son Keye Luke in Charlie Chan At Monte Carlo for a little relaxation before going on to Paris. Of course Warner Oland was already there several pictures ago.

The murder of bank manager Georges Renavent and later of chauffeur John Bleifer and the theft of bank bonds of Sidney Blackmer is the case that Oland gets involved in. Later on an American gangster George Lynn is also murdered. Lynn's got his own little racket going concerning Blackmer's wife Kay Linnaker.

Blackmer's rival in another competing banking house also has much to gain. He's got a mistress played by Virginia Field who sends out her come hither glances and those are ultimately responsible for all three of the murders.

Not one of the better Charlie Chans from Warner Oland. There is however a funny scene with Charlie and number one son trying to order breakfast in French and see what Charlie gets. This was also the last film for Warner Oland.

Nice, but not as good as other Chan features.
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weak Charlie Chan
pbalos27 May 2000
I must agree with the previous comment concerning how weak this movie is compared to some of the other earlier Chan movies.The plot stumbles along and seems to move in aimless directions. There are one or two good moments such as the breakfast scene, the waffles, and crossword puzzle book.Overall, however it's the only Warner Oland dud I've seen thus far.
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Average Chan Movie
mbmnow8 September 2012
First I am a Chan junkie. I am currently attempting to fill my library with every movie I can find. I received this one with a set of 5 2 weeks ago. I am currently watching the movie for the third time. As current holder of 27 of these movies(on DVD, VHS and internet ) I am a little bias when reviewing as I like to watch these movies on a weekly bases. As for this specific title I rated 6 out of 10 as it is reviewed as a Chan film. The story is a normal one, actors range from good to average. Some of the actors are very well known both in Chan films and other movies. Personnaly I found the movie interesting and very enjoyable to watch. Since this is a early Chan with Warner Oland it was produced by a very well known studio. Production values are considerably better than those from the ones made at the send of the series at Monogram. The script was not bad and the actors were able to make it enjoyable. I have always felt that you are either a Chan fan or not, if you are you will enjoy this movie. If not, you may find it a little slower that some others in the series.
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modest Chan movie but worth watching
r-c-s14 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie offers a lot of 'comic' distraction that is not always welcome (the 'son n.1' bit is annoying, with the character being hyper and befuddled like he had drunk five liters of black coffee spiked with crack ), but in the end turns out better than other Chan movies in this respect. The plot follows the usual path of rounding up several suspects...but this time the real murderer isn't among the suspects. The general plot contrivance is good and provides good entertainment. Not the best Chan movie but not the worst by far; of course one has to love the cliché these movies follow. This one really offers interesting plot twists.
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Weakest of the Oland Chans.
admjtk170119 April 2000
This was the last time Warner Oland played the great Charlie Chan. Sadly, his final bow is not a very good one. Chan is not in it enough for me. A lot of the screen time is devoted to Harold Huber. And, the plot is forgettable along with the script. Mr. Oland deserved a better exit.
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Needed more Kay Linaker and less Harold Huber
gridoon202421 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Monte Carlo Casino is a promising location for a murder mystery, but apart from the opening sequence, this film is not set there. It's one of the most tiresome chapters of the series I've seen so far: there is too much "The French, they are a funny race"-type of comedy, and too much of Harold Huber, whose French accent is like nails on a chalkboard. On the other hand, there is not enough of Kay Linaker. I've noticed her in a couple of other Chan films as well, but this time she gets the full glamour treatment, and she looks absolutely stunning. As for the mystery itself, I didn't know who did it until Chan pointed at the guilty person. But it doesn't seem to matter much, because there are practically no clues given to the viewer, and the motivation is more than a bit shaky. My favorite Chan line: "Unfortunately, Mr. Rogers already depart on long journey". ** out of 4.
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Works well
Leofwine_draca29 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Warner Oland's last outing as Charlie Chan before his death and he ends his tenure on a high. This one's a fast-paced little comic mystery in which Chan and sons get involved in the world of high-stakes gambling. The fish out of water comedy is the best thing about this and the comedy scenes surrounding the language barrier are decent. The plot itself is quite perfunctory and finishes with a lengthy Agatha Christie-style explanation, perhaps a little tiresome, but otherwise it works well.
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Bonds Away
kapelusznik1813 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS***A dead beat and not all that hot looking Warner Olan as Charlie Chan died some six months after the film, his last, "Charlie Chan in Monte Carlo" was released does his best to put some life into the movie that ends up with four of the characters in it dead by the time it's finally over. This has to do with Charlie getting involved in a complicated murder & blackmail scheme that you'll need a slide rule and calculator to figure out. Ther's also Charlie's bumbling #1 son Lee, Key Luke, in it trying to show that he's as good as his famous dad in solving crimes messing things up even more then they already are.

This all has to do with some $25,000.00 of missing bonds from the safe of Victor Karnoff,Sidney Blackman, who's a part owner of the Monte Carlo Casino that his wife Joan, Kay Linaker, used to pay off her gambling debt. As things soon turned out that lead to some three murders that in fact had nothing to do with Joan's actions who used the bonds to really pay off a blackmailer who threatens to reveal her not being largely married to her husband Victor. There's also the gold digger Evelyn Fields, Virginia Fields, who's using with her blond bombshell charms and good looks to get a number of suiters to rip off over another $1,000,000.00 from Karnoff's safe to keep her living the high life that she thinks she so rightfully deserves.

***SPOILERS***With the bodies piling up and time running out, before the movie audience falls completely asleep,Charlie gathers all the people, or murder suspects, together to exposes the killer among them who, no surprise at all, turned out to be one of the hot as a pistol Evelyn's rejected lovers! Not at all brothering to prove his innocence, how the heck could he, the killer makes a run for it,jumping out of a second floor window, and thus saves the state the trouble of trying him by getting himself run over and killed by a speeding automobile. This to the total shock of Victor Karnoff to whom he was not only a good friend but the person who testified for him in not having stolen the some one million dollars in untraceable bonds!
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Murder, Mystery and Deceit in Monte Carlo!
bsmith555227 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie Chan (Warner Oland) and son Lee (Keye Luke)are in Monte Carlo for an art show but of course you know that somehow they are going to get mixed up in a murder or two. An oddity of this film is the extensive use of French without benefit of sub-titles.

Victor Karnoff (Sidney Blackmer) and Paul Savarin (Edward Raquello) are rival financiers who are out to destroy each other. When Karnoff sends his courier to Paris with one million in metallurgy bonds, both the courier and Karnoff's chauffeur are murdered. After a harrowing ride with Louis Mercer and his taxi, Charlie and No. 1 son discover the crime and see Evelyn Grey's car driving away from the scene. Prefect of Police Joubert (Harold Huber, who could speak French fluently) leans on Charlie for his advice and assistance.

We learn along the way that Evelyn although seemingly in love with Karnoff's secretary (Gordon Chase) she really is using the relationship to convey valuable information to Karnoff's rival Savarin. Meanwhile Karnoff's wife Joan is being blackmailed by sleazy bartender Al Rogers (George Lynn) over their previous relationship. Then Rogers is murdered and .............................................

This film marked Warner Oland's final appearance as Chan. He had had a serious drinking problem that had become worse. His wife had divorced him in 1937 and he developed severe emotional problems. He walked off of the set of what was to be the next Chan feature and disappeared. He returned to his native Sweden where he appeared to have regained his health but developed pneumonia and died in early 1938.

Although the series would continue with Sidney Toler as Chan, the Chans were never quite the same without Warner Oland.
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The tables turn on the killer in this farewell to the first great Chan.
mark.waltz15 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
While the Charlie Chan series would persevere with decent, if not as effective, entries for a few more years before they descended into lower budget mediocrity, they were never as smart and sophisticated as they were with Warner Oland in the part. This is a complex and sophisticated entry that starts off perfectly (Chan and son Lee checking into their hotel in Monte Carlo seemingly hoping for a crime free holiday), but like Jessica Fletcher of "Murder She Wrote", they are jinxed simply because crime seems to love to follow them.

The plot surrounds the theft of bonds and several murders surrounding that, with many twists along the way and several darkly written characters who could easily be the thief and/or the murderer. Virginia Field, Sidney Blackmer and Harold Huber are fine in support, and Keye Luke is written to be more low key than normal although he gets to show subtle comedy skills attempting to speak French. Even though he was in poor health, you'd never know it from Oland's performance. Maybe not as good as some of the most recent entries, but a good looking film with an intriguing story and great setting.
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He Certainly Gets Around
boblipton4 November 2023
In his sixteenth and final appearance as Chan, Warner Oland and Number One Son Keye Luke are passing through Monte Carlo, when they discover a murdered man on the road to Nice. He was the bank messenger carrying financier Sidney Blackmer's bonds back to Paris. Various suspects crop up, all doing suspicious things, like Blackmer's wife, Kaye Linaker, his rival, Edward Raquello, and unaccountably rich Virginia Field. Monte Carlo's head cop, Harold Huber, enlists Chan in the investigations, but as two more murders occur, Chan's keen eye and quick deduction cover everything, despite the lies, confusion, and help of Luke.

Once again we are caught with the accusation that Charlie Chan is a stereotype, which always strikes me as odd. He is always the smartest man in the room, admired by Huber, who recognizes him instantly, and the reason they are not staying in Monaco is that they have to get to an art show in Paris where one of Luke's paintings is up for a prize. This strikes me as more akin to the American emigrant story, a bit idealized but clearly recognizable and celebratory.

Harold Huber was an example of this. Born in New York to emigrant parents, he attended New York University at the age of 16, and went to Columbia to study law, but left to pursue acting. He was an expert in foreign accents, and was the first Hercule Poirot on the radio. Although he mostly played hoodlums -- his face was scarred in a fencing accident - he worked steadily through his death in 1959 at the age of 49.
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Charlie Chan at Monte Carlo
Prismark1027 June 2021
This was Warner Oland's final Chan movie before his death.

Charlie Chan is in Monte Carlo. His number one son Lee who has difficulties with both gambling and tackling the French language.

Soon Charlie Chan is caught up in several murders that are linked to stolen metallurgic bonds and a blackmail plot.

Everyone is a suspect in this incoherent story.

Lee provides the comedy losing everything as he bets on 25 being his lucky number in the roulette table. Later ordering waffle and getting a crossword puzzle.

Charlie does the sleuthing in this dated and weak entry.
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Not a good Introduction to the series
verbusen12 February 2018
I realize that there are many Charlie Chan fans who will rate this higher then my low rating (generous) 5 of 10. However, I was not a fan of this film. I like the distinctive detective character format and have watched it up until the 1970's shows with the various detectives like Cannon and Barnaby Jones, going back to the 30's to 50's I enjoy series like The Falcon, The Lone Wolf, Bulldog Drummond, Boston Blackie, Charlie Chan, Sherlock Holmes, and have watched some CC before but this was probably the first time I watched one with my wife. We had just watched "Shanghai Express" which has Oland in it and I thought this would be a neat double feature since Oland was pretty awesome in that 1932 action pic with Marlene Dietrich, a fairly ruthless half breed white/Chinese rebel military leader who also acts as a spy. I did not know this was his last entry in the series, I was drawn to the Monte Carlo aspect as I always joked with my wife about how we went to Monte Carlo (as part of a 2 hour cruise tour, lol), and we had binged watched some films set in 1930's French Riviera (Travels With My Aunt, awesome film), so Monte Carlo sounded like fun! Unfortunately I could tell right away that there would be zero Monte Carlo in the film when the title credits of Monte Carlo were a matte painting. Being in a "European" location also meant that there were a lot of American actors faking French accents, along with Oland doing Chan's accent! My hearing isn't the best so that detracted from it a bit, plus imagine playing this for someone who's not a die hard fan already, it wasn't much fun. The plot was gruesome as well, I was happy to see it end, and actually got a good laugh from it the way they did it, possibly from relief, but it wasn't something I expected to happen so it was humorous. Do not watch this as your first entry to the series, or to see Oland at his best, 5 of 10. Do watch Shanghai Express, I gave that a 10!
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